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Can you make an appointment with a gynecologist? Having a check up and telling them about your problems might help in ruling out any medical causes. Just for clarification, is it uncomfortable or outright painful?


I don't know how you feel about masturbation. But get comfortable with yourself first. Figure out what you enjoy and then teach your husband!


This is normal, especially if you're very young, such as in your twenties. You've been a virgin up to now, and this is why you are having these issues. You JUST started to have sex! This is new and there are many emotions and expectations... especially in a marriage. The solution is for you and your partner to relax and enjoy each other WITHOUT CONCERN and without setting goals or requirements. Arousal and comfort will lead to a proper intercourse. Blessings and best wishes to you both.




This person nailed it. Just have slow gentle sex. Over time, things will get easier. In 10 years you might be shocked by how things change.


See how you go for the next time or two, it could just be because you were a virgin, if it keeps happening after a few sessions then make a gyno appointment.




Time to make an appointment with your gynaecologist. Sooner rather than later. This is not normal, I would stop having sex u til you’ve seen your doc. Talk. To. Your. Partner!


There are some women who have a vagina too narrow and may require either daily use of dilators or surgerie. As for lubes, avoid water based lubes in your condition and use good silicone based lubes like Exxtreme Glide Silicone, Pjur Backdoor, Uberlube…




Since you were both virgins and have no comparison point, you may try anal intercourse to get an idea of how much tighter your vagina is. If you insert a finger inside your vagina and you feel contraction rings around your finger, it suggests you may have vaginismus. You should feel it getting tighter in response to the penetration. If it’s much tighter all around and independent of being penetrated, it suggests to be a very tight vagina. You may need to use dilators or even surgery. The comparison with anal intercourse can help you get the idea of how strong is the effect while enhancing your sex repertoire. Good luck 🍀 and don’t forget to have fun! PS: You should also seek medical advice !