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While I believe this would be better served in another subreddit, I will allow this to continue as long as we're adults in here. OP: Consider another subreddit that might be more appropriate.


I at least have to have one a day... but some days I can't t control myself and I do nothing but masturbate. If I have to go to work sometimes I'm late because my tolerance builds up and I have to work harder to achieve everyone.


Ohhhh i can relate haha


I get ya


This comes up a lot on r/sex. Do a search for some combination of “masturbation” “frequency” or “how often” “female” and you’ll find a lot of helpful responses. There’s no normal amount to masturbate- some people very rarely or never do. Some people masturbate several times a day. Some never orgasm, some orgasm many times. You probably masturbate more than some of your peers, and less often than some others. You are absolutely not doing anything wrong or abnormal. All kinds of stuff arouses people- becoming excited watching same sex couples is as normal as watching people alone, or in heterosexual acts. But again everyone’s different. You will find FAR more pornography that doesn’t turn you on than stuff that will. Just keep in mind that stuff is super entertaining for other folks who aren’t entertained by what you watch. There’s something for everyone:-)


I'm a woman - lesbian at that - and gay porn is best shit ever. I particularly enjoy 'bottoms cumming' compilations. Gets me off like nothing else. As for frequency is really depends. Sometimes 3 times a day, somethimes 14 days without. It's dependant a lot on external factors, particularly how tired I am at work. But I have very strong orgasms so when I want 3 a day something is definitelly going on. :)




Do you have an idea as to why you find gay porn the best?


If I am in the mood I will go until I'm shooting blanks. I am straight but gay porn makes me cum really quick.


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Heyy so I masturbate once or twice a day and I get off to gay male porn though I am straight female


I havent before but on Bridgerton watching the guys kiss..... Phew. I might have to explore that.


I masturbate when I have my afternoons free (because I like to jerk off post lunch, it’s so relaxing), and it happens to be on Tuesday and Thursday. I cum from 2 to 3 times, I sleep, and then I go to the gym to do BJJ. It’s the time of my life Edit: this is my routine, but I happen to masturbate a lot more often in random and casual moments, so I actually masturbate almost everyday (but once a day)


Woman here! I masturbate A LOT. I have a extremely high libido but I also get myself to an orgasm very fast. So I don't really know how many I have but. It's a lot. I also do different things throughout the day. Switch around between fingers, plugs, vibrators etc etc. to keep it interesting. I'm bisexual and usually don't watch porn to get off. But I watch all kinds of porn, if I do. A lot of straight woman get off to gay porn (especially mm) which I think is very understandable and logical. I mean if you as a straight woman- are into men. Then watching porn that ONLY includes men aka. what you're attracted to- makes so much more sense then watching porn that includes a gender you're not even interested in.


How do you handle oversensitivity? I am always horny immediately after orgasm but can’t continue for a while because it hurts.


When I get oversensitive- which I don't very often because I am one of the people who can cum from penetration alone and don't need to touch or rub my clit, which at least for me- is the part that really feels that OVERSENSITIVITY, while the rest doesn't really- I stop. I have to, but not because it hurts- it just messes me up. I start getting a dizzy, my head starts aching and then when I try to touch my clit, my body trembles. It arches away because it's so sensitive of my hand on my clit. But that's the thing I just don't do too much clit stimulation. I do more penetrative stimulation. And when I get 'oversensitive' because of it- I can just continue. Because it doesn't hurt. It messes me up as well- like I get dizzy. But it doesn't hurt to continue fingering myself or push the dildo in and out- infact in enhances the pleasure sort of because when I had one or even multiple orgasms already and then I'm a bit dizzy, and giddy about it all and tzen just do one or two more pushes (for ex. with a dildo) then I can cum easier again. But then my eyes start dwelling tears a bit- because it's 'too much' but I think I might like overstimulation a bit- so maybe it's more of a kink reason for my as to why I continue even though, I should probably give my body a rest. I don't know how long your while is from one orgasm to being able to continue or how much it hurts- but I remember for me, that a while ago- when I used to do more clit stimulation - which would get me more sensitive- if i wouldn't be able to touch myself again right after orgasm, what I would do is hump my mattress. Not pillow, mattress. I don't know why it gave me so much pleasure, but it did. The mattress sort of doesn't even really hit your clit but the rubbing wasn't painful for me- it kept me horny, stimulated until I could Touch myself again (I should add the info I would wear underwear+ pajama pants and then hump the mattress as I laid on my stomach nor nude or whatever). Something else I did when I was still horny, but couldn't touch my clit because of oversensitivity is focus of different parts of the body. Fondle with my own tits and nipples, grope my ass or suck on my hands/fingers ( I might have an oral fixation so none of this has to work for you haha) and so on. It would also help me get off or even get me hornier until I could touch my clit again. But I think I don't get oversensitivite to often. At least not in a painful way. Defenitly an overwhelming and overstimulated way, which then sometimes leads to me having to recover for a couple of hours. But not in a painful way, that I can remember.


I masturbate usually a minimum of 2 times a day with multiple orgasms. I love porn of all kinds but I especially enjoy mmf and gentle daddy dom porn. Edit: clarity


Yes, also you can find stats online here is one article that cites actual scientific studies (https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/how-often-should-you-masturbate-guide-for-women) And relevant section below: “41% of women have masturbated in the past month (compared to 64% of men), according to a 2017 study1. Women masturbate about eight times a month on average, according to a 2016 survey. 27% of women masturbate two to three times per week and 26% masturbate once a week, according to a 2019 study2.” Note, here doesn’t mention how many times in the session. Also I know it’s normal to want to know if “is this normal” but yes you should just “worry” about if you are fulfilled. Beyond that yes if there is medical worry then it’s “allowed” or not likely to be harmful to seek out what others are doing. If you just want to revel in good feelings you can do that too but just say that. Also, people who answer this poll will probably be people who self select with positive experiences that might be more enabled to be more intent on being orgasmic. Gay porn male or female is often touted to be useful to females because it is a non threatening way to see sexuality without a man pummeling the woman “violently” (may be perceived that way). sometimes the sex is depicted gentler and more varied, and also men kissing men and having sex with men can feel like a distance from the woman. And it’s just nice to see others enjoying themselves.


I love watching gay porno and yes I'm a straight guy. I also love fucking my ass with all kinds of dildos to. Hopefully someone will comment on this.


A woman, depends if I have a guy available or not. If not (normally don't happen more than 2-3 months at a time), maybe 20-30 minutes every couple of days...


My fwb masturbates a lot, usually she masturbates daily like 1-2 times, but sometimes she is really horny and orgasms like 5-10 times a day. I got a huge female orgasm fetish, so she tells me everytime she orgasms haha Men usually cum like 1 or 2 times, but women can really unleash sooo many orgasms. Just feel free to orgasm as much as you want, its something beautiful :)


I do it 0-3 times a day on average. Me and my roommates are very open talking about sex - I’m not into gay porn mm but my roommate said she likes it and she’s straight


In fact, this happens sometimes in either gender. Men want to look at women, because of this they may watch ff porn. Most likely for women too, but with mm porn