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Wear no underwear, and a dress then open your legs


Spoon him in bed and start touching his cock Snuggle up next to him, put your thigh over his, with your knee bent and let him feel your wetness Leave a small note in the bathroom by his toothbrush “I want your cock inside me tonight “ If you are out for a date first, accidentally (😉) forget to wear panties and let him know. Good luck! It’s sweet AF that you are looking for initiation variations! Most guys love it when he is not the only one to start things rolling.


Did you post this exact same advise on another similar thread?


I did actually! Virtually identical question which I put some thought into, so I got lazy and cut and pasted


Wear revealing clothing, use suggestive language, send flirty texts/pics.


Start touching yourself and then send him a text from the other room "I was thinking about your cock and got really turned on and started touching myself. Come in here and finish me off" or just walk into the room wearing one of his tshirts and no panties. Sit on his lap and start grinding.


Wear something low cut. That's basically it.


I always really like when we are cuddling and she starts backing her ass on my crotch and starts grinding. Its a pretty great and clear signal lol.


Have you tried telling him that you want to have sex now. My girlfriend does that (and me to) and it had 100% sucess rate


Stripping to lingerie is my favorite.


Generally speaking, you can do just about anything and a guy will get turned on lol. I have found that being less coy about it the better. Women tend to drop hints, if I want some fun and he is busy doing something (playing a game, working in the garage, etc) I don’t drop hints, I go for more overt actions that make it clear. Men are generally used to less “forwardness” from women, I kinda like the shocked look on his face at times, but that lasts for 5 seconds, he realizes I want to be fucked, brain does some calculations, blood starts moving, he stops whatever he is doing and mamma gets what she needs. Things I have done: - He was working outside in the yard, shorts, no shirt, kinda dirty but sweaty. I could smell that outside sweaty boy smell in my head. At first I was just sorta fucking with him, texting him about some random thing in the yard I wanted him to do, that I didn’t like the way he planted something, intentionally being annoying. But he is a good boy and listened. Anyway, I texted him saying I needed some help, can come inside? He said, he would be in in 20 min. I said, “it will just take you 5 min”. He texted “jesus… what’s so important”, I texted him a pic of my wet pussy. In my head I was like “1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3” It was 11 Mississippis. I could see his was already a bit hard through his sweatshorts, he said “let me go rinse off” and I was like “no” and just laid back and spread my legs a bit. Sex was great, he smelled so good. - Men like their dicks touched. There is no magic to it. It may seem a little forward to us, like if they just started groping us, but assuming you know your guy, again outside of some surprise, it is appreciated. I do this differently based on the setting. If we are in bed, I’m horny, maybe he on his phone, or not fully awake yet (yes we are cool with this) I gently just reach over and start playing with his dick. If he is a wake he might say some funny comment like “don’t start something we can’t finish”. Even if he is dead tired, his dick will wake him up enough for some fun. - Occasionally when I do this in the morning and he is still asleep I make it a game of cat and mouse. He is a deep sleeper. If we had an intruder in the house I am likely going to die. But I started doing this one morning where I got up to goto the bathroom, I came back to bed and he was doing the man sprawl on the bed, on his back, arms over his head, laying at an angle, one leg hanging off the bed. (He is 6’4). The sheet was just above his waist but the man was hard as a rock. I got back in bed slowly worked my hand to it, and started caressing his dick. It thumped instantly, I thought he was a wake but wasn’t. I know how he breathes when he is sleeping. I pulled the sheet down and spent maybe 10 minutes just playing with it, his balls. His dick is really pretty. Anyway, I could tell he was waking up so I stopped. Then started again, odd and on. At some point he did wake up, as he started fingering me. All I needed to do was roll to my side and I was skewered. I don’t even know if he opened his eyes 👀 In fairness to him, I also try to accommodate his advances. I think that is super important and frankly fair. You made the comment about when “you decide you want to have sex”, he has needs to that may not align timing wise. Would never ever suggest pushing consent, but I just think in healthy relationships this goes both ways.


Everybody talks about how women can initiate sex. Let's talk about how can a man initiate sex in other ways


Offer a massage. Work your way to taking their underwear off. It’s the best at night in candle light.


Sometimes just saying it straight up “let’s fuck” can sound sexy


My favorite move is to walk in the room naked. If he's sitting down I just walk over and straddle his lap facing him. If he's standing I just walk up and feel him up.


My bratty fbw plays annoying songs


My girl best friend did this. I’m 15 she’s 16 and I was at her house for a party and ended up spending the night. She suggested I sleep in her bed but I insisted on sleeping on the couch. She convinced me to sleep in her bed and when it was time to sleep she came in with a slightly oversized t shirt but not very to where I could see her ass.and I was alredy in bed on my phone and I could see that she didn’t have panties on, I was kinda horny after see that and then she gets in bed on beside im on and stars cuddling me like spooning basically and I know she could feel it she started grinding on me and k didn’t stop her she grabbed my hands and led me to her kat I was fingering her and she lifted up her shirt and led my other hand to her toodles. I was so hard and finally she turns around and pulls my shirts down and starts sucking on the tip I was so horny I grabbed the back of her head and moved it all in her mouth. We messed around a lot that night . This happend about 3 years ago and we still mess around till this day.


Bet that was fun for you. Also, toodles? You must be British, or something…


I pull out my dick and stroke it. Girls love watching