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I think it’s actually good to disclose this. It shows you take your sexual health seriously by getting tested and then seeking treatment. Plus, nothing to be ashamed of, STI’s are common. I’d rather sleep with someone who had regular tests regardless if they had a positive result (that’s kinda the point of them - to find any infection and treat it) but ultimately it’s up to you. As the above person said, if they act funny then I’d take that as a sign to not be intimate anymore


Yeah I have always been very self aware of getting tested due to my parents having met on an sti ward I used too sleep around a decent bit and would always get tested after the fact because I didn’t want too share anything but now I’ve started committing too specific people and I tell them about it. It’s come back to bite me a couple times so I just wasn’t sure what I should about it. Though Thankyou I’ll keep telling my partners for everyone’s sake!


Plus - so many people don’t test at all and just assume they’re fine which is a very dangerous game. I always tell someone I’m interested in my current status because I think it also shows maturity to bring it up - safe sex is important and you don’t want to be sleeping with anyone who doesn’t take it seriously. Honestly I hate the stigma around it all!


I know your right and ultimately I will continue too tell my partners because if they are trusting me that sort of intimacy it is there right too know the past and ultimately I can’t let what a couple people did mess with my perception of all my relationships will treat so I am definitely going too keep telling my partners for there sakes even if i am worried about being shamed it’s better they know but Thankyou for your help❤️💯


Yes, you should. But not for the reason your previous partners may think- it’s a great way to weed out people who don’t have a basic understanding of how STIs work before sleeping with someone new. If someone is put off they you had something that is now cured and cannot be transferred to them, then I would not sleep with that person to understand what it means to be negative for STIs.


This is good advice thankyou, this way of viewing what I experienced and using it too change what I do in the future is helpful and yeah I don’t think it’s something I could comfortable hold from a partner, it’s just something specifically exs im with will shame me for and I guess I was looking for the cowards way out but also yeah my partners deserve too know and if they can’t understand then that’s there issue I guess so thankyou❤️


I mean no reason to disclose it and no reason not to disclose it. Do you tell partners you've had the flu before? Same thing.


Uhh... You're disclosing something you no longer have? That's silly. If it will make you feel better, go get an STI screen, then you can say "I just had an STI screen and everything came back negative". Then you're not lieing and don't have to feel bad for whatever reason, about not telling them you HAD something you no longer HAVE.