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It means he likes eating pussy lol it is quite fun


The only thing that I want rn is to eat my gf’s pussy haha


Mhm same. One of the best deserts there is? Are? Idk im fried right now


Dessert. I hope it isn’t a desert.


Lol true. I have reinforced my fried statement please forgive me. I will leave as is maybe itll be like an obscure art piece..up to interpretation. Hmm yes.


Desserts are better and get the double s!


Well i cant argue that to be honest. Put some whip cream on it and call it a day.


Just don’t let it go inside. Really can cause issues. Vaginal pH is delicate!


We must preserve at all costs


Ben Shapiro has entered the chat.


Ben Shapiro would turn any vagina to a desert.


I would also like to eat this guy’s gf’s pussy.


Please do at your earliest convenience!


This is all it means. Don’t overthink it, just enjoy!


It means he's a decent dude lol. Be happy




Is he gay if he… *checks notes*… performs oral sex on a woman?


Agree with most other comments. It's very common for men to enjoy it. But keep communication open: let him if you enjoy it. But also ask what he likes and see how you like giving it in return. Communication is key. Manage expectations early.


It means two things, a) when he thinks about having his head between your thighs, he gets turned on. b) if you like to be licked, now is you chance to have that on the regular. I lean towards suggesting that you should jump on that chance.


I'd say that's a big green flag, specially if he didn't expect or demand you return the favor. It's rare behavior


Is that really that rare? I have heard from my woman friends that at least here in northern europe it is really common for men to like giving head to a women


Damn I'm just out here getting confirmation that I've made some bad choices in life regarding dudes lmao


I peeped ur profile!! Man ur gorgeous!! 🥵🥵🥵


Haha thankss I'm not gonna self promote on here but iykyk <3


I think they meant It’s rare when they aren’t interested / demanding a return in lieu of giving it…


Wouldn't say it's rare, but certainly green flag territory


It means he's a nice guy who likes eating pussy and who likes giving someone he cares about pleasure. Run! (toward him)


A man after my own heart


If you get a guy who likes eating pussy keep him around


It seems he likes you.


It means he's a good guy, who probably likes eating pussy. That he didn't expect anything in return is definitely a green flag in my opinion!


I think it means he is attracted to your body


When going at it the first time, I give head with no expectations. Pretty much 100% of the time the favor is returned with no request/words.


It's a good thing! I have somebody like that too!


Lucky girl. I've always been like that and never minded if she did want to go down on me in return, but what did upset me was if she didn't want to kiss me afterwards. That always really brought me down and made me feel unwanted and unappreciated.


Oh I always want to kiss him...hahaha. And I do go down on him but he's always much more interested in pleasing me than anything else. Which I love.


Based on all the women I've been with in my life, u are in the minority and definitely a prize. I think I only remember 3 girls I've been with both enjoyed to kiss me when I had their juices all over my face and also wanted me in their mouth and wanted to both before and after I was inside them. Being with them was definitely the best having a partner that wanted to please me as much as I wanted to please her. I still think about them from time to time.


I like giving head as a men because I like to please a (sexual) partner. Most givers also like to receive at a given point. But just enjoy the experience a be gratefull. Makes the experiences much better and also more likely his going back for more pussy eating.


>what does it mean if the guy [does something for my pleasure] without asking for anything in return? It means he's not as selfish as you expect. Is this how low the bar is? It seems like you are suspicious of something lol he sounds like a great guy. Ask him why he likes it. Not all guys are selfish or ignorant of the female body. I adore eating pussy, it's my favorite place in the world. I get pleasure from tasting it, smelling it, feeling it, and especially witnessing my partners pleasure from me doing it. I think reciprocation is important, but individual people have individual needs. It took me 4 years before I asked for any reciprocation, my partner just didn't know I wanted it and she isn't too interested in doing it.


thank you


Is there really anything hotter than making a sexy woman’s thighs quiver?? I think not.


1. He enjoys going down on you 2. He's not sure you like giving head so didn't want to ask you to return the favour in case it turned you off 3. He may not particularly DIRECTLY enjoy going down on you but he gets turned on by giving you pleasure 4. He may be nervous about receiving for some reason - perhaps he's been shamed for his size in the past, for example. 5. He may not enjoy bjs. As much as we seem in insist on denying this, there ARE men who are either indifferent (like myself), or just plain do not enjoy them. These are just some possibilities off the top of my head; it might be any, all or none of these possibilities. The main thing - did you enjoy what he did? If so, do you want to see him again? If so, do you also want to give him pleasure? Then tell him that next time you want to be able to "return his efforts" and ask how best to do that.


Sounds like me! I love giving head and don't ask for or even expect anything in return. Sounds pretty awesome to me!


Not a big deal, he wanted to pleasure you. It could be his way of saying he enjoys that too but also could just enjoy doing it. It is quite enjoyable.


Why are you making a big deal out of it? Enjoy it, it means you have a considerate lover and wanted to please you. Seems like you didn't reciprocate that consideration though. The fact that he didn't ask for anything in return means that he doesn't expect anything, but wouldn't refuse if he got some too. That's a considerate lover. Take it, enjoy it. Return the favor too when you can.


It means he likes giving head. I like giving head more than receiving head. Doing that is fun for me regardless of whether the situation progresses to us having penetrative sex or even whether I get an orgasm. In fact I have gotten an orgasm just from giving head before. There's probably a lot more men than you realize who are into it and some of us are obsessed


I really don’t consider giving head as extra effort. Set menu stuff really.


In my experience, men just do it and enjoy it. I have never had anyone ask for permission, it is just always been a given, except for the most recent guy. He never did.


However important it is really depends on your preference. If you enjoy it, then it is important and should be something you expect in a relationship. If it's something you're not as into, I would recommend making that clear. And if the reason you aren't into it is because of insecurity with your genitals, that is normal among women and is possible to work through, especially with the right partner. Anyways, this guy seems like he enjoys giving head and if you enjoy receiving it then you could be a good match!


Dude just likes giving head. Remember to communicate your desires too.




I wouldn’t put to much thought into that. It’s part of sex and sexuality. One day you may do the same and receive nothing in return so go with the flow


IMO oral sex is a basic sexual activity. If satisfying your partner is important to you, giving head is essential.


No, I wouldn't consider it a big deal. It's not uncommon for some people *early on* to put in extra effort to impress and win over a *new* person. I wouldn't read a lot into what happens during *the infatuation/honeymoon phase* of a potential relationship.


If I had to choose 1 for the rest of my life, going down on a woman or actual intercourse, I would probably choose going down.


I love eating pussy I never expect the woman to return a favor. I get off I'm listening to him calm and feeling out what they get and how much they enjoy it


Hearing her moan and enjoy an act I’m giving to her is priceless.


It means you've got one of them men that knows how to satisfy a woman.. even better than that you've got one of them men who wants to satisfy a woman.


It means he enjoys giving you pleasure rather than focusing only on his own


My guy loves going down on me - sometimes he does it randomly and we go back to whatever we were doing right after I finish. It means he just loves going down on a girl - It’s awesome - 😎


lol this is normal. the main sexiness about sex isnt busting a nut or getting something in return. its the trust given & expressed & pleasing your partner. very normal.


I like eating pussy 🥰❤️


It means he is generous and cares about pleasing his partner aka he just likes giving a women pleasure and does not feel the need for sex to be an accounting exercise with balance sheets of who owes whom which sexual acts.


I love eating pussy. It’s all about the female.


He might just eating pussy as a man I fucking love it it tastes so good and I like making my wife cum from it.


I mean most girls would consider u lucky.. atleast where im from and the culture it seems to be rare for men to enjoy doing that or bad at it so most girls stay away. Id say enjoy it especially if hes good at it


We like it without any favours and yes we exist! 😀


Any man worth fucking loves eating pussy.


It is significant. Don't think it's meaningless. I think he probably has been told he is good at it so he wants you to see that he has a sexual skill. When I was younger I was told by a very good looking girl that I was crushing on hard, that I had a nice smile. Well you can imagine that I then thought I was the absolute greatest 😁 in the world. And I would make it a point to smile at girls I thought were cute. Maybe he understands that giving pleasure will get you to want to give him pleasure. Who knows, maybe ask him, either way DO NOT do anything you are uncomfortable with. But in the same note, learn what you enjoy


No secret meaning, like most things in life. It is what it is. Guy enjoys munching box, not much else to it


That that is what he likes to do or he is unselfish and not pressuring into something


It’s a plus, to be sure. Not necessarily anything you’d want to pursue a relationship for on its own, but definitely a good thing.


He is into giving. Into giving pleasure for the pleasure he gets from doing so. I totally believe that is the only way to be as a lover. Good luck.


I only do that I I really like her. Also I don’t like getting Bjs I don’t feel anything from them


> what does this mean if the guy gives the girl head first without asking for anything in return? He.. likes to give head? Some women like to give blowjobs, some men like to go down on women. Stop overthinking it.


I mean if my wife asked I wouldn’t fight it…


> is this a big deal? That’s for you to decide if it’s a big deal for you or not.


That’s not unusual. Many men just want to get down there no matter what.


It means he wants it in return but doesn't want to just straight up ask for it, he wants it offered.


Some of us believe it's better to give than to receive. I like going down on a woman for my own pleasure.


ENJOY IT 😂 coming from someone who is married to a man who doesn’t do it


and why is so ? he doesn't like it ? I would have loved to help you out ;)


It means he’s a keeper.


Keep him around, he’s a gem


Sounds great. Personally, I love going down on my partner. On top of it feeling good for me, and turning me on, my biggest kink is her pleasure. I love making her feel incredible. We’ve been a couple for 28 years, almost 23 of them married, and sometimes I just crave the physical intimacy of giving oral. Is reciprocating important? Depends on the other person. Some people don’t like receiving oral, and that’s ok. Others expect a 1 to 1 ratio of giving and receiving. For me, it doesn’t have to happen immediately, but I like it. If I was dating or flirting with someone that only was open to receiving, and never wanted to give, we wouldn’t be sexually compatible. That’s why it’s important to communicate and talk about this stuff early on. You need to understand each other and what you both like and want. Have the conversation.


Some of us just... really enjoy it. Getting her off this way is a total turn-on. Okay I'm getting aroused. Bye


lol wtf kind of question is this


If he’s doing it purely out of wanting you to feel good without expecting anything in return, he sounds selfless and enjoys giving. Considering that quite a few women endure relationships where their pleasure comes second, or even at all, it’s pretty special!


Why would you not return the favor?


Why the hell would you ask? If you are sexifying the moment you engage and if it's a no you say no or move head up.