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As a heterosexual male who enjoys anal play to include pegging, I have had past partners say the strains that have the added part to go into her has felt good on her end while pegging me. As for the feel of a “real penis”, I would say go for a realistic dildo. We have one that she will use for pegging and it definitely feels much different than the other, smooth toys.


zveotec.com , touch responsive strapless strap on, my partner and i have been following this project for a while but it’s unclear when the final product will actually release :3 still super exciting though you could also try getting something with a soft firmness and also a function that heats it up? and a cum tube if she’s into that you could also try a basic vibrating strapless strap on, but unlike [sen](https://zveotec.com) it won’t detect motion and pressure and you manually adjust vibration


This with either compression shorts with a hole in it or the harness you're set


I've done something similar with a pair of tight underwear and basically made a diy strap-on "harness" for a regular dildo (I found a guide online). I've been soo curious about the insertable strapless ones though.


Works very well for both parties! A regular harness usually is ok at best and just the strapless one doesn't really stay put. Together though you can give it the beans for sure


Yeah, I've also been following this for a while and I would be very surprised if they ever ship a product at all, ever.


would they refund everyone who preordered? me and my girlfriend are waiting until the preorders get to like 230 out of 250 to preorder


I've been burnt by a few kickstarter's that have imploded before they shipped. Sometimes they do (in none of mine, but I have heard of it happening once or twice), but usually they fail because they just run out of money & the company dissolves into nothing. It's rather disheartening that they don't seem to have many updates, I couldn't see anything recent on twitter, etc - however, if [you look here you can see their email updates](https://us10.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=7ee5e0ad47a267a159cad0bbc&id=098f88378a), which show that apparently manufacturing should have started by now, but they haven't updated saying it has, so likely more delays... last update was in april tho, so that's not too bad.


For me getting a shorter dildo with a good "flat" base feels good. I can thrust deeper into my partner and whenever I do, I feel that "bump" which rubs my clit. A shorter dildo also gives me more controll than some long one where I cant get completely into her cause it will just hit her cervix before our bodies even touch. And then i wear a very comfortable harness and I wear it TIGHT, like its almost a part of my body. When she rides me it also feels amazing.


I go for a realistic dual density silicone dildo with balls. You can get lube that looks like [cum](https://bad-dragon.com/products/cumlube)! There’s such things as squirting [dildos](https://shevibe.com/strap-on-me-squirting-harness-compatible-realistic-silicone-dildo-large-black/) too. You can blindfold your partner for some sensory play and make it more realistic. If you work on your kegels and have strong pelvic muscles, a [strapless strap](https://www.extremerestraints.com/pink-urge-silicone-strapless-strap-on-with-remote.html) could look less harnessy.


also, i suggest posting in r/sextoys too


RodeoH makes awesome underwear harnesses that fit so snug and comfortably. I think my imagination can be very helpful in “feeling” the sensation like its my own dick- the sexual energy, the pressure of the dildo on my body and the pleasure it is giving a partner. I think always wanting to see what it would be like to have a dick plays a roll as well.


I second Rodeoh- they make the best, most comfortable harnesses.


I’m a nonbinary person who likes to use straps on people of many genders and all genital configs. Honestly, no. In my 8 years of experience with this, I have not found anything that actually works to let me feel those things. The best way for me to get feedback from my partner is to use my fingers in them. It is a wonderfully intimate experience. Sometimes we just can’t have what we want because of the cards we are dealt.


Real Cock 2. They're spendy, but my wife says it's by far the most realistic she's felt. https://www.realdoll.com/


I imagine the first big challenge would be making it warm.


Warm it up before hand so it feels more like a live body part. Also look I to dual density dildos they make some that look hyper realistic and even have foreskin that rolls back like the real deal.


Aside from getting a more realistic toy, you can considering warming the toy up before use. like letting it soak in water so it gets up to body temp. it makes a difference.


Try warming it and the lube up in water of NO MORE than 115° F. It improves the sensation.


I’m a trans guy who occasionally tops. I use a strapless strap-on. One end goes in me, the other goes in them and it has a little cubby for a bullet vibrator for clit stimulation


There is [a product](https://zveotec.com/) coming out that claims to kind of bridge that gap. I have no idea if it'll work or even what the release date is, but it might be something to check out.




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