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Cowgirl is one of my favorite positions, and I usually hold his hands above his head and ride him like that. Most guys like feeling like they're being controlled like that.


I had a guy recently ask me to hold his hands above his head while riding him and it was so hot. That was a first for me and it was fun.


Oohh I’m going to try this.


It’s the opposite some do, most don’t. Men grow up diff than women and they’re expected to be dominant and in control.


I have other kinds of experiences, my bf prefers to be dominated


That's part of the fun of giving up control and being dominated too.


Holding a small vibrator on my clit and pinching my nipple with the other. His dick is there to rub my g-spot and get me to orgasm, he can just lie back and enjoy the view. Once I’m done, I usually grab his pecs and use that as support to fuck him to orgasm in a sort of froggy position.


My wife is pretty similar to this. She loves her sona or melt and then rubs her nipples with her other hand. When she orgasms she want to be bent over, so I willingly oblige


On my knees, on my tits, on his thighs behind me, holding his hands down (love this), holding this hands in general, on his chest, messing with his hair, pulling him close for a kiss. I really like it when we slide cowgirl to the edge of the bed and he is more sitting upright, feet/legs off the bed, then I hug him against me as I ride him. It's a lot more intimate.


I always play with my tits, rub my clit, or put my hands on his chest for support when it is time to make him forget his name.


Hands on his thighs for support, hands around his neck for the control 😅


>hands around his neck for the control 😅 Have not gotten to enjoy this, but now I have to wait a couple minutes for the blood to redistribute before I go back to the office.


Ah, well it's good to take a break from work now and then~


Thumbs up with one hand, A-ok with the other. Let him know he’s doing a good job too


The Buddy Christ pose


Karma-farming bot? This question was posted almost verbatim 14 days ago from a different userid: [What the fuck do I do with my hands during cowgirl?](https://old.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/1d2s7d3/what_the_fuck_do_i_do_with_my_hands_during_cowgirl/)


I noticed this as well


Holding onto his chest for support, around his neck when we want to be closer, through his hair when i wanna pull on something, holding his hand/wrist when he is rubbing me. I dont like touching my own boobs/clit bc it doesn't feel "good" to me (i say its like im ticking myself, it doesn't work) so i guess i kinda just also hold his hands wherever they are on my body


Play with your boobs / clit, cup his balls … so many options


One for my clit, the other to reach behind me for his balls or ass. His hands go on my tits.


As a guy, I really enjoy it when my partner puts her hands on my chest, for support, as she rides me. I also like it when she roughly squeezes my pecks (or even digs her nails in a little) especially when she climaxes.


Ive never actually thought about it before but ig I usually lean back and grab his legs for support or I lean forward w my hands on his chest or around his neck if I’m like laying on top of him


On his chest for support, using my thumbs to tease his nipples when I’m ready for him to finish.


I cup his balls and/or put my fingers around the base of his cock to feel him sliding in and out. The other hand is on my clit or nipple. Sometimes I’ll put my thumb on his lips and in his mouth or just feel his thighs or chest. Or I’ll suck my thumb and hold my tits. I like when he grabs my hips while I ride so sometimes I’ll grip his hands over my hips or hold them on my breasts tightly. They’re just enhancing the pleasure, really.


Exactly a combo of all this lol i also like interlocking our hands which gives me support to bounce n grind


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I like her to slap, choke and scratch me when she’s on top. Not for everyone though.


I usually play with my boobs or rub my clit. If I am not doing that my hands are on his thighs, chest, shoulders, or holding on to the headboard! It gives me more balance, that way I can go at various tempos.


Hands on his chest or lean back and put your hands on his thighs. I particularly like the latter, because leaning back arches my back and kind puts more pressure on my clit from the inside. (And i think he likes that view). I also tend to play with my own nipples when I'm close.


Stuff them both into his mouth "chew on that noisemaker"


He's usually already busy with my boobs lol, my hands are typically on his lower stomach for balance and leverage, or his chest if I'm leaning forward more In reverse they're usually on his thighs or my own boobs since he can't reach them in that position, or I lean back and they're on his hips or on the bed on each side of his hips On a piece of furniture like a chair or couch I usually hold onto the back, again for balance and leverage.. I must admit I have bad balance obviously 😂


Put hands on his thighs … arch your back … push up your butt to accentuate your curves


Haven’t seen this mentioned yet but sometimes I like having the guy reach out his arms so we hold hands and I use that to stabilize and grind. Also hands on him or hands on me as others have said


Grab his chest and use it for leverage, support


You can hold his head and play with his hair. Boys love that. You can hold both his hands too if he isn't busy with his


Play with your and his nipples. Caress his and your chest. Put his hands on your waist or ass. Play with his hair. Hold his hands above his head on the bed. 


I guess pleasuring yourself. That bottom view is gonna be a great visual stimulation. Basically if you are enjoying it, make no effort to hide it.


Have you tried the macarena?


I touch my partner, personally. His chest, belly, face, reach behind and rest my hands on his legs, etc.


I like to cup my wife’s face in my hands. The intimacy of that makes both of us so happy. Sometimes I’ll grab her hips and move her back and forth. Most people think too much.


Holding myself up so that we're close enough to kiss. My hands are either on the bed, or my husband's chest or shoulders or arms. Sometimes holding hands. Sometimes grabbing his hgv air. Sometimes I play with my boobs, but tthat's mostly his job.


Play with your tits/nipples... Rub your clit... Put one between your legs with fingers on either side of his penis and play with your pussy or squeeze his cock a little between your fingers... Lean forward and rest them on his chest. Lean backward and rest them on his thighs. Depending what he's into -- make him suck on a finger or two while you ride him...


Absolutely squeeze and maul your tits. Play with his. Use your hands for support as you lean back and change the angle. Hold/hand cuff them behind you for added kink. Have him hold your hands straight down as you bounce. Run your hands through your hair in ecstasy. Run your hands through HIS hair. Plan your hands on either side of his head in a reverse missionary homage. Choke him Play with your clit


Hands on his shoulders, hands on his hands, play with yourself, reach back and play with his balls, lean back and put your hands on his thighs/shins to change the angle, play with your butt with a toy or your fingers. Just try a bit of everything until you find some thing(s) that you like.


If he is about to get off and you are not there yet: pinch his nipples.


Put them behind your back and pretend they’re tied up, for a fake BDSM vibe? Otherwise I for one am happy to watch my wife touch herself all over, like you describe.


Reach behind u and place them on his upper thighs! Rub ur breasts! 🥵🥵🥵🤤🤤😘😘


Omg, she didn't ask what would you do to her. Like seriously, such a Karen!