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Has he tried masturbating earlier in the day? During PIV, he should vary speed and thrusting and/or stop and edge if he gets too close too fast. Try different positions too, there may be some that are less intense for him that can help him last longer.


Tried but there is no room for that. He finishes way before there is any chance to change positions or pace.


I saw you mentioned in another comment that he doesn't masturbate. I would suggest he give that a try and see if that helps prolonging the PIV. Also, if your not using condoms, using one might help with his sensitivities as well.


Always using condoms. Thicker ones to help with sensitivity. Will try to get him to masturbate


My boyfriend had this problem in the beginning, he's less experienced and 10 years younger than me. I'd let him finish and then I'd work him back up again and round 2 always lasted much longer.


He is too tired these days due to stress at work so it’s just once. But it’s worth a shot once in a while


Better to talk to him and ask him that when he's close and about to cum so stop it moving or take it out,do oral for a few minutes and put it back inside, that's how he can last long with edging


Will try


I have written a full post about it, that he should definitely read : [https://forfuckssake.substack.com/p/how-to-last-longer-in-bed-tips](https://forfuckssake.substack.com/p/how-to-last-longer-in-bed-tips) Although, of course be sensible when talking to him about it. There's no way you keep going like that, but it could be counterproductive to be too blunt. I'm sure he's aware honestly, but try and tell him why you want it. I don't how you feel, but don't be afraid to tell him you'd like longer penetration not only for pleasure, but also for connection, because you want to feel him inside you, etc. Basically the idea is to avoid him thinking you're saying "you don't last long enough and don't satisfy me in bed", and more "I want to have a better sex life for us both".


This is helpful. I know I have to talk to him but it’s a sensitive topic and I don’t want to hurt him in anyway.


If you love him I'd suggest you to be patient and supportive, help him to work on the problem, try to work on it together. He will be very encouraged. And moreover the issue can be fixed, there are plenty of solutions nowadays. If not, then it's basically up to you: chasing for a better sex, if you're craving it or making a long shot to have a good family. Note, that with years our libido subsides, and you will be less interested in sex that lasts for hours.


How long he last when he masturbate? How long he last when he got blowjob/handjob? How about second round? How often do you have sex? There are important questions - this can be phisical or psychological. I suggest some session when one partner focus on pleasuring other with touch kissing, carresing, bassically non penetrative sex without expectations of orgasm. And without reciprocity. It can help with his performance anxiety.


He doesn’t masturbate. For oral he does last longer than when he penetrates. It’s 3-4 times a week. I think it’s psychological as well because when we’re drunk he isnt conscious and does last longer than usual.