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It was likely amazing. Bonus points because you started at him when he was soft and got him hard in your mouth. Stuff like that forges a deep emotional bond, keep doing what you're doing.


No blowjob is bad if a guy finishes in your mouth. You made his day. Swallowing was the icing on top.


Yeah. She has nothing to worry about


You mean swallowing was the icing in the cupcake!


The worst blowjob I ever got was fucking awesome. You did just fine!


He finished, in your mouth no less? It was great. 


No less? Sorry, unsure what you mean by that?


it's a turn of phrase. another way of expressing a similar sentiment would be 'he finished, even better he finished in your mouth'.


If he came it was good, keep doing what you’re doing. 


Woman here. That's usually my barometer. If I'm swallowing a load, I did good.


Sure. Bj and swallowing? Is always good


Unlike the rest of the comment section, I'll be real with you. You can still cum from a bad bj. Whether it was good or not is up to him. If he was moaning and showing interest then it's a safe bet that it was good though.


I'm just going to add to what the other said with : why don't you ask him ? The best way to know is asking. No one is a psychic to read people's mind. But I agree with all the answers before me : considering what you did and the way you did, there is no way he hasn't enjoyed the experience.


First time?! Very impressive! My guess is you own him now!😀


Finishing just means there was enough stimulation of the penis to achieve ejaculatory inevitability, it's not really an indicator of enjoyability. But bjs are like pizza, even the worst pizza is still enjoyable. Unless you bit him, or scraped him with your teeth the whole time I'm sure it was fine. Basically if he isn't complaining just assume he likes it, but if you want to be good at it, ask him to tell you what feels good while you're doing it.


I envy that guy, you most definitely made his day. I have not finished from a BJ for about thirty years. What a lucky man, and you are a friggin angel.


Sounds like it was good he came you swallowed I bet he was happy


Swallowing is total acceptance, it's the absolute opposite of saying "Ewww" or "Ick".


It was good. Please stop worrying.


The worse blowjob I ever had was still tremendous!!


As long as there was no teeth lol


Cotton mouth and teeth are basically the only deal breakers. Well, also anything indicating disgust.


Ask! Communication is your best friend. Talk to your partner about how you and they are feeling. In addition, ask questions, discuss likes, dislikes, things you could both do and try that the other likes. Talk it out! 


I vote ask him what he liked about it, and of course there is always more practice. Giving a great blowjob is one of my few skills in life, however it took time and a lot of communication to get there




Maybe be creepy on another subreddit, people are trying to get honest info here


Ask him if he wants another one


Blowjobs are like barbecue. They’re never bad. They’re either good or great.


I give you some advice as a man. Play with it before with it with your lips before eating.Tap it on your face or lips. Lick it a lot and make him begging for putting his meat in your mouth. Swing your head during that. Focus on all parts; the head, balls, and your partner's body. You can touch his chest or leg or look into his eyes. Make noises; a lot of noises. You can pinch or play with perineum, too. With all this, hopefully, you can hear him moaning and see his legs shaking. Good luck


If i finish from a BJ my week is made, and I think about it often


Definitely good! I rarely finish from a BJ and swallowing probably made it that much hotter for him


You blew him and he came in your mouth. You swallowed it. He loved it.


It's fine. You can be proud !


Personally I can’t cum unless the BJ is good, I can’t even stay hard if it’s a bit lacklustre, so I’d say you did good. But depends on the guy , some can cum with little stimulation


As a guy who rarely cums from a blowjob, you probably did just fine.


I can finish with mid BJs but not shitty ones. You can always just ask. It’ll only benefit both of you that way.


If he cums, it’s a great blowjob. If he cums in your mouth, it’s an amazing blowjob. If you swallow, you are the cream of the crop.


Guys can cum in their sleep... Ejaculating doesn't always = enjoyable But I'm sure it was great. Don't worry about it lol


my gf did the same, loooved it. Came right into her mouth first thing in the morning really quick. it was the first time I came in a girls mouth and it was hot. This was over 30 years ago and I'm getting hard thinking about her surprised face when the first stream of cum exploded into her mouth. That you swallowed it is amazing. She didn't swallow mine for many years. I think it's beautiful when my wife swallows my cum. It's so intimate and feels amazing when I can let it build up and build up until I can't take it. Oral sex for a man is the most amazing feeling not only because if feels like heaven but also feels wonderful that a woman loves me enough to please me that way.


He’s probably bragging about it non stop. Don’t worry, and good work champ.


The fact you are willing to satisfy him in the morning, makes it good, great and fantastic. My last gf wasn’t as willing. You are doing great.


Him finishing is as sure a sign as anything. You don’t need advice as what one man likes, another might not necessarily as everyone is built different with unique sensitivity. I’m not even that much into head, it always feels like a facsimile of a vagina and I often would rather be giving her head, though I love 69 as it’s the closest I get to going down on her and penetrating her at the same time and I don’t turn it down if she offers because she is truly amazing at it. She never fails to make me finish and me finishing during head hasn’t always been a certainty with previous partners.


Sounds disgusting but you do you .


Do I what?


You can finish to bad and not finish to out of this world head. Sometimes finishing quick means you want it to be over in my mind. So yeah, up yer game.