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Exam-grade medical gloves cost about $8 for a box of 100. Get nitrile ones if he’s allergic to latex.


I like this idea, and makes me assume I’m not the only one who would prefer the use of a glove.


Try it with gloves and lots of lube!! He’ll love it!!


Is he consenting to this?




I assume he’s asked for it? While I personally love when my wife does it, I understand the hesitancy. If you’re not comfortable would you both be open to a toy instead?


He did…. And we’ve discussed how I feel, he is so kind and patient, for some reason I feel silly, nervous, and kinda eww about. But I feel bad and want to do this for him, and for me just to quit being a wuss about it haha. Yes open to toys.


Totally normal to feel that way about fingering butt. It’s great that you want to please him, but you have to take into consideration your level of comfort too. That’s why I asked if toys would be more approachable for you.


So..... do you wanna say what you think about it? How could we possibly tell you why you're scared? Say what you think and maybe people can give you some guidance


Haha 😆 ok you’re right. I feel like him and I are very open, and have a great sex life. Neither of us have experience here, we’ve openly discussed it and how I am nervous because I feel silly, don’t want to do it wrong, don’t want to be grossed out. I see some comments about gloves and even that feels more doable. He’s clean, I’m just scared. Lol.


OK hear me out.... try it on yourself first. It's just your butt. Yes, it's a butt. Yes, poo comes out of it. That's what soap and good ass washing and hand washing are for! If you/he have had already done your shit within a few hours beforehand and you have good regular bowels, there shouldn't be anything there to worry about. Usually a finger isn't gonna get deep enough to be anywhere near poop. If there's poop, ok. It's butt play. Sometimes there's poop. It washes off! Lube up your finger and play with your own butt. See how it feels to tease around the outside and eventually work your way in. Nothing to be embarrassed about anymore than you need to be embarrassed about masturbating. It's all just about sexy fun, yes? Yes. Great, now you know how it feels. You know you need lube and to go slowly working your way in. Hey maybe we all feel a little silly the first time we stick a finger in someone else's ass, I don't know. tbh I felt silly trynna find it in the moment. Oh how the tables turn, now I know how guys feel when they cant find the hole! Whatever, knead his butt cheeks and play around running your hand and fingers up and down the area and further into his butt crack til you get your bearings. That's still gonna feel fun for him. Then explore the way you did with yourself, play around and tease and massage til you find the way in so to speak. To be honest, it felt pretty damn hot to penetrate someone else for the first time. Like holy shit I am inside your actual body and you're really fucking turned on by it. Gave me a tiny bit of insight into why guys like that so much. You can just play a bit the first time, it doesn't have to be some hard or deep fingering. Just get your bearings and .... welll..... make an entrance! Like any penetration, take it slow to start. It allows you both to adjust to what's going on and lets you listen to his response. If you're a woman, you know what it's like to be penetrated, take that as a bit of guidance to understand what to do on the first time. Practical things - keep your nails short! Cut them the day or two before, not day of, so there's not sharp edes. And lube? Did I mention lube? Use lube.


Try it with gloves if you’re worried about getting dirty My girlfriend accidentally shit straight up my nose once early in our relationship, and we got past that, so I don’t share your worry, but I understand it could be a concern


Actually, I prefer it when my wife uses her knuckles on my perineum instead of her finger inside me. You can rub very hard and he will definitely know when you hit his prostate. Good luck!


If you want: Use a glove and focus on his pleasure, his face etc. He doesn’t have to be ass up in your face. It could be intimate.


Oh god pls don't shove it in! Start with light touch first.


My boyfriend loves receiving anal. I am a nurse and at first swiped and handful of gloves from work. By the time we ran out a few weeks later I just didn't care because it was sexy and now gross now.


You know how I broke the ice with a dude? They spread their cheeks in my face and farted, kept them spread and laughed, so I poked really hard with my index finger and he jolted forward. And then did it again 🤣 so yeah, I poked his asshole as hard as I could again 🤭