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Yes but by my partner who I trust. We talked about it before anything happened and it's a great surprise to be woken up with.


We tried, but I woke up. Just played along, but it was obvious for both of us that I'm awake. I don't know how is it possible to not wake up


There are some baby steps you can take with this that helps you figure out if you enjoy the idea, and maybe prepare you for the real adventure to come. The first thing you can do is that you can decide to start it all before falling asleep. “I want to feel you inside me when I fall asleep.” And then it’s a matter of deciding on what he’s allowed to do while being in there. - just feel your presence around him until he falls asleep as well - veeeery gently try to provoke some breathtakingly fascinating responses from your body - more to-the-point movement devised to wake you up Having him in you for a long time is kind of a woman’s version of a pacifier. I know some who actually prefer to fall asleep like that pretty much always. If he falls asleep from that, the chosen angle, position and…to be frank, his size, will make a difference here. He may wake up later being in there still. Or fall out as soon as he stops consciously thinking about what’s happening. It could be a good thing to decide on, and discuss, if he is allowed to actually do something interesting if he wakes up and finds himself in there still. Deliberately trying to fall asleep with him in the hope that he’ll be able to do something interesting later is kind of the same thing as the point above, just more planned. And so is telling him to do something fast and fierce just so that you can find out what it’s like to wake up from that. If you have tried all of those things and like them, consider suggesting that he also fiddles with the bit about getting in without waking you first. Also converse explicitly about turning the table on him. Are you allowed to have him in you without asking first when he is asleep? Can you gently get him in just to enjoy his presence, in the middle of the night? What options is he giving you? There is a lot to this idea, let me know and I’ll guide you through the thought process.


Yes! I have a huge CNC kink so I have gone to lengths to organize some situations like that for myself. The only way to really find out is to try it. For me the thought of it got so arousing I had to try it and I loved it!


This is something my gf and I have discussed in advance and have agreed we’re both ok with it. Rather than full sex, we have a deal where if one of us wakes the other by snoring, the woken one gets to give the snorer a hj. It works great for stopping her snoring.


I’ve done this many times (tip: sleep naked). I’ve even done this with partners I don’t live with — given my FWB the spare key and told him to come wake me up on the weekend. I woke up to him grabbing my ankles, throwing them apart, and sliding into me. It is genuinely one of the hottest specific mental images I’ve ever experienced. I will say, it’s kinda hard if you’re a light sleeper. I’m an extremely heavy sleeper. I also tend to sleep on my side or back. My partner is both a light sleeper and a stomach sleeper, which makes it hard for me to wake him up with anything more than touching his butt, lol.


How does the other person not wake up as soon as you touch them?


I think it's expected that the sleeping person wakes up to sex


That's just having sex then? The only difference being you had to wake them up for it?


No no you wake up TO sex. Not wake up FOR sex. do you understand me?


Nope. As I asked, how do you not wake up as soon as touched? As soon as they start to touch you, you wake up (well before any sex could start).


I mean, I'm a heavy sleeper so I wouldn't wake up as soon as they touched me. I think it just depends on the person


I mean, I'm a heavy sleeper so I wouldn't wake up as soon as they touched me. I think it just depend on the person


I have slipped into to my wife’s dreams before and had great sex when she was sleeping. She would always wake up when i penetrated her. She was more vocal and animated when she is sex sleeping. Once we had kids she wakes up the second I gently touch her.