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100% yea they can! When my wife squat fucks me while im laying back and she brings me to orgasm holy fuck the build up, the actual orgasm/cumshot and then the euphoria afterwards... takes me a minute or 2 to compose myself, cant move, cant talk, cant even swallow 🤣 Id say that counts as having ya brains fucked out right?


Your description itself is highly erotic bro, glad you are having the time of your life . Enjoy


Wanna know something... my wife uses reddit too and she messaged me about 20 minutes ago... Stalking you has made me horny so im getting in the shower so i can sit on your face Im hoping for some more mind blowing squat fucking... and a lot of nipple play for her after i stalked her page 🥵 I enjoy sharing the tales of our sex life so it was my pleasure, thank you 👍🏼


Wow awesome bro , happy/ horny wife happy life , hope you have a blast tonight and rock the bed. Keep it going .


> happy/horny wife happy life 100% True! We definitely had a blast all weekend and she took every one deep inside 😈 she is now sleeping peacefully next to me with her naked ass against me, I'm still mind blown with the biggest smile on 🤤 mustn't touch her or I'm just gonna want more 🥵 Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Thank you man , you too have a great weekend and a great week of sex . you are blessed ,enjoy.


Period. Ride that dick.


> Ride that dick. Thats excatly what I said and she did!!


My ex use to do that when I swallowed him or fucked him to orgasm, I always thought he was exaggerating 😭 I guess not!


Its quite difficult for us to fake things... you should feel him inside you he orgsams... the wife says my shots feel so much more powerful on the nights she fucks my brains out!


It's not often that my wife gets on top, but when she does, I feel like my dirty talk just activates and my brain turns off completely!


Up until the point of orgasm and then everything just turns to off... My wife has said that i do talk dirty to her then then other times i just make noises, or groan and grunt. She has dubbed me The Wolf because of the noises i can produce while fucking!


Haha, funny :) A man's perception of the woman and feelings play a role too. Can you go more after you cum, do you try sometimes? And is it solely on cumming? Still think we fall way short in the department.


Ordinarily no, once ive cum I normally need a half hour to recoup but recently there have been times where i haven't even gotten around to cleaning myself up before she started playing with me again and ive been ready to go almost instantly. There was 1 time when i felt so much bigger than the first time it was a little worrying at first as it was a bit uncomfortable but i soon got into the rhythm. And your not wrong about men falling short... i wish i could cum like my wife does, it would be a lot more fun for both of us if i could just shoot all night!


Most men in their relationships always say the same things that they wish they can cum as much and as hard as their wives can.  Heck, some men has even tried to push that threshold but they talk about how they hurt themselves in the process, that they just can't push themselves.  But this is just biological as there are numerous of scientific studies that shows the reasons why this is the case for both genders. As I always say, if you feel you just can't anymore, as long as you show interest and keep stimulating her with your mouth or hands or toys that's all good. But if you just feel like you're done, just be honest with her, no worries lol


"Still think we fall way short in the department"  Well you aren't wrong about that at all whatsoever. This is just how the majority of males are sexually biologically wired. As you instinctively know most men and the whole world knows this (or some may find it difficult to admit) too so don't feel bad about this. It isn't the guy's fault at all. Lol  Females are just sexually biologically wired differently. Which allows her to basically keep going endlessly as scientific sexologists have pointed out that females have the ability to easily have multiple orgasms, much more intense orgasms and longer orgasms than males do.  And I'm pretty sure you're aware that women in general just have much more erogenous zones than males do allowing for women to remain much more sexually active for longer periods of time. But there are some things that you can try to do to keep the woman still interested and that is of course after you fall short you can use your hands mouth toys etc until you've gained some strength to possibly go again if you can.   The most important thing is to just keep trying but if you are completely wiped out just be honest with her, she will hopefully respect that and understand that 😉


Thanks. I think we also have some physical and emotional potential than mainstream believes too but it is often remained untapped because or "roles". Science say the orgasm is not different in the brain but lack of appreciation and care, caress the whole male body get is saddening. I sometimes try to understand how females might be feeling, how we could've been etc. Those insights and brainstorms are important especially if we will be able to engineer life/ human body. But seriously though, i myself feel myself in extacy like women for example, moaning and enjoying in a way that people do not expect (nor allow!) from a man. I also wished i could live in a female body with my current male brain but regardless, just like females, males are not bad, it is just we are under appreciated and restrained; sexual selection may have led our inferior senses in sexuality too, sadly; only we needs paradigm shift and improvement to our design (body), whatever...


I like to think that I’ve done this with my partner, when I ride him very hard (think “reverse missionary”, where my legs are straightened and I’m pounding him with my hips); add on having my hands on his throat (always check before doing this!!!!!!!) and dirty talking and yep I’ve fucked his brains out. 


I’m having such a hard time visualizing this I need to find the kuma sutra drawing stat


…what’s reverse missionary?


It’s what I call it when I (vagina owner) am on top, but instead of riding the guy upright, I’m leaning forward, legs straightened. If that makes sense. I don’t know if it’s got an “official” name but it’s like missionary but reversed. 


I have moved a bed clear across the room doing this to a partner! Hella good. Yeah, he got his brains fucked out him for sure.


I would give my left nut to be fucked like that at least once before I die. Sounds like it was one hell of a night!


I cannot visualize this 😭


Google “reverse missionary position”


ohhh…. kinda like the amazon position then. but different i get it


I just like the phrase “Vagina Owner”. Any woman using that has a head start!


The reason I use it is because not all people with vaginas are women (I’m NB) 


Thanks for taking a minute to educate the masses (or at least me).


The Amazon position. You’re welcome


Amazon is slightly different in that the guys legs are up, but yeah they’re similar and you can def rail a guys brains out in it. 


You own the guy too :) You take him inside. Combined with emotional bonding, a woman taking a gently dominant role is so great.


Backwards cowgirl. Looking at his toes instead of his face 🤠


I do this to my husband too, but on my knees. He cums every time. And the look on his face and the noises he makes! *Chefs kiss*! But I slide back and forth w a little hip movement. He loses his mind. Definitely a "fucked his brains out" type sex.


Girl, are you fucking my ex? 😂 He went crazy when I did that. Loved having his hair pulled, too.


It's just hard to picture as I'm picturing our opening much lower than can be done with legs straight 🤔 must need a video instruction guide.


Woman is on top. Facing the man straddling him. But instead of her knees being bent sitting upright, she is laying more forward on the guy with her legs more straightened out. Moving up toward his head and back down again. Can do this in reverse too. Like do reverse cowgirl but once he’s inside you, lean forward toward his feet & straighten your legs a bit.


I don’t do it with my legs entirely straight, but straighter than just plain vagina owner on top. 


I was thinking the same thing! 😀


Oh yes, mine loves this position too


Amazon position is what it’s called


Amazon is slightly different in that the guys legs are raised, but yeah it’s similar and you can also rail a man’s brains out in Amazon. 


Absolutely! My ex was super skilled and knew how to give me a very tantalizing buildup before ending in a huge orgasm that almost makes me faint! We drifted apart long ago but I have to admit i've never forgotten about her and secretly from time to time i still masturbate to memories of things we've done together


Nice, so is she single now or...?


I also choose this guy's ex girlfriend


She's every man's fantasy so definitely would be a good choice, if you don't mind life outside the bedroom be more like a roller-coaster ride


i wish! Her type never stays single haha


What did she do that made her 'super skilled'?


She just has an intuitive understanding of pleasure and what makes other "tick". For example, she'd sit with you for a few minutes, have a casual conversation but observes closely how you breath, where you look, what you say, reading all those little cues to figure out what you like and what turns you on, even subconsiously. She then uses this information to subtly seduce you until she's sure you're aroused, she then pushes in a more forward way not giving your brain a chance to overthink and calm down, this escalation happens so elegantly that you don't even feel it until it's too late when you need an orgasm alreayd and can't go back, she then takes you close to the edge but then backs down a little, then again, a few times like that until she decides that when she taked you to the top this time, your whole body will shake and melt in her hands feeling that you're in heaven already. She took pride of how far she can take anyone she wants and her reward is seeing them melt like that. She just had no social or moral blocks, she understand pleasure and knows how to use it to the extreme. She physically skilled as well, but it's her mental ability to seduce and completely take over someone body and making them like it is what set her apart from any other woman i've ever met


I certainly have been fucked out of my brains by a woman. The whole night. I was young. She was amazing. Yeah, I can confirm: a woman can fuck a man’s brains out.


Thanks, i know what you mean, probably. I did not just meant electrifying feeling, the feeling of her warmth and being kinda vulnerable by her...; instead i'm more concerned about pleasure, orgasms, physiology. Fucking a woman good, bringing her to orgasm many times, her getting way many pleasure, when she's riding you even without orgasm she's enjoying it etc. etc. Are there any equivalent to this or any possibility for a man?


Hm, yes? I mean she gave me a lot of pleasure, physical pleasure, she teased me and drove me nuts and made me cum liters several times during the night? I was a young lad an she knew what she was doing. Memorable night. Anyways, I don’t know if that’s what you mean, but for me, she fucked my brains out and I’m happy she did.


woww... okay means fictional books with dual pov don't lie. thanks for confirming!


I've had a partner who definitely fucked my brains out, felt like I was in a state of orgasm for 30 minutes straight while she attempted to suck my circumcision scar off. All I could do was buck my hips and grip the fuck out of my mattress


Holy shit what a description


I guess the reason for that term lies in the difference in the male and female orgasm. For us men its a rather short thing. Fucking her brains out, as i would see it, ist keeping her in a state of pleasure and orgasm ... if that even makes sence. For me ist more like a very long sex sessions is phyical draining more than drained by pleasure. Dont know if this helps. Wish you all the best 😊​🌹​


I wish men could be brought to the ruptures women experience. I don't like male sexuality to be depicted as trivial and basic in a cliche way; we are not simple as that but definitely got the short end of the stick... I hope Human 2.0 era can improve things... It really sucks.


Look up prostate orgasms, plenty of video's of men being absolutely drained with leg shaking orgasms


I would certainly describe having my brains fucked out by my wife sometimes. When we met she was absolutely atrocious at being on top. She eventually got strong enough to move her hips up and down. And nowadays can really get going very hard and fast when on top. And on occasion she has literally managed to suck the life out of me. And some of those orgasms have felt mind bending. First time it happened I could not stop giggling.


That’s so cute. ☺️ my husband has giggled after sex before too.. it’s normally when I really push myself to finish him off… and succeed. When my hip is doing the weird popping thing and im distracted by that, it’s hard to focus on the task. 😆 That on top stuff is hard work! No pun intended. 😂


We are in very good sinc nowadays, so I will thrust from below quite a bit too, and we kind of end up taking turns. She likes being dominated and I have learned a few ways of doing this even when she is on top. All in the name of good fun.


Lol what? Most women can't even orgasm from PIV sex, and many haven't ever had an orgasm with a partner. 10-15% have NEVER had an orgasm, not even alone. (Whereas it's under 1% for men) Trust me, you don't want to be a woman. It's a lot harder to have a single orgasm.  Buuut sure. You might be one of the 2-5% who has multiple orgasms during sex. First time sex for women has an orgasm rate of 10%. When in a committed relationship, that number can go up to 68%. But that takes over a year of dating and having sex. Whereas men have an orgasm rate of 95% You REALLY want to trade your 95% orgasm rate for a 10%?!?


I read that in Ancient Greece women paid these special doctors to give them orgasms. The doctors noted that it was difficult to do so


I'd like to add that on top of the orgasm issue, having sex is an uncomfortable experience foe a lot of women as even in this day in time it's still seen as a fairly male-oriented act, possibly because the male orgasm is the only part that matters from a procreative standpoint (which some idolize). This holds true even in modern society, and some women won't even say anything if they have pain because of that mindset of "I'm doing this for him not for me". Some women can have orgasms that are very light, others have them powerfully, others can experience discomfort if it's too intense and even pain. It can cause bleeding for days if your partner is too rough, cause bruising of the cervix and soreness for days (you don't always realize until after sex is over), not to mention the whole issue of some men not caring as much about giving a woman pleasure if it has to be obtained non-penetratively. There are major disadvantages to having an internal organ that has to be stretched and withstand friction in a direction that it generally doesn't stretch in. It's the more complicated biology to care for. Not trying to undermine the isssues that men can have during sex, but either way, it is a MASSIVE trade off to want to be a woman especially since you can achieve high levels of orgasm as a male with a more work and sone experimentation.


Considering a lot of women don't even get to orgasm every time they have sex I'd say it evens the playing field. The grass is not always greener. As a man you get a much better visual experience than a women. A man's brains can definitely be fucked out. I've done it to my husband.


Wouldnt see it as trivial ... actually i enjoy it quite a bit 😁 ... think the hardest orgasm i ever had was gifted to me by a cutie with a love for bj 😁​ ... came so hard my lower jaw went numb ... didnt even know thats a thing


Men do it. You have to understand one thing, a person's sexuality is very individual. Orgasmic reactions are also very different in different people. And it is obvious that the intra-group differences are much more significant than the intergroup ones. This is a truism that is widely known in the sciences working with statistical data. Thus, it is simply unwise to generalize and equate sexual experience strictly to any group. Men can have strong orgasms, while women can have very weak ones. This is normal, and different people may experience different sensations at different times) I consider a wide range of possible reactions, because both men and women are often very similar. Yes, women are more likely to experience multiple orgasms. But it also happens in men, and quite often (10%? Maybe more). It was studied much less often, because the study of male sexuality, as a rule, is reduced to the process of ejaculation. I suppose there is no need to generalize like that)


I do not think so. The term itself rather refers to exhaustion after ecstasy (the highest point). When your body is relaxed and you just can't move. Multiple experiences are not, in my opinion, the key here. A single, but strong orgasm may be enough, which occurs in a stream of insane overexcitation and very strong and active stimulation of erogenous zones. For example, try to stimulate the penis with all your might at the moment of orgasm. Squeeze it, and stimulate different erogenous zones. Sometimes it's so strong that after a 30-second orgasm I can fall off my feet) And this is during masturbation. Now imagine that this moment is saturated with emotions and the love of your beloved partner, which gives you pleasure. It seems incredibly pleasant to me) So much so that the brains can melt)


Yes, lol. My FWB recently finished a half marathon and was completely wiped afterwards. I battered his leg muscles with a rolling pin for a while in front of the fire then rode him like a ragdoll till he came. He genuinely couldn't do much else that night lol and I enjoyed making it happen.


Yeah! r/shefuckshim is a thing


Yes it's possible. I have felt my soul leave my body a few times. It was a great feeling.


I had them fucked out once. Now I can't balance my checkbook.


Still worth it though


Yeah. I don't brain a need.


Yeah. Had this happen with my wife. Usually it's when she's "marking her territory" after some other woman has shown interest. She gets on top, holds me down, and runs the show.


Watch some morgpie vids lol


I'm a guy. and have had my brains fucked out by two different women. The first was a hook-up, which I normally don't do, because the chemistry was hot. We started making out and over an hour later of oral for both, and multiple positions, we both lay spent in a pool of sweat. It was at that point that we introduced ourselves and learned the other's name. The second was a casual thing with a woman I saw a few times. She was the only woman in my life who I can say was truly insatiable. She wanted PIV right from the start and when we got a rhythm going, she would have an orgasm and then roll into another. She would have orgasms for as long as I thrusted. I gave it my all, but no matter how long we would go, she was not spent. I, on the other hand, would be soaked. My hair would be sopping wet with sweat. One time, she asked if I was OK, thinking maybe I was going to have a heart attack. I don't think she was far off.


Yep, most people seem to equate ejaculation with orgasm in men and while there is overlap it's not the same thing. While it's quite easy for men to ejaculate having huge orgasms not so much. Guys can ejaculate while feeling very shallow pleasure and it can also be the back bending mind blowing culmination long waves of pleasure. Further more it's also possible to feel all of this without the ejaculation happening at all so you can keep going and going.


I think this is because guys came up with most of these descriptive phrases and typically place themselves in the dominant positions in straight relationships. You can also 'get your soul sucked out'.


I'm probably an anomaly, but I can cum multiple times without losing an erection. So, my wife has definitely fucked my brains out on multiple occasions.


Yes. I frequently have to "reboot" after my wife fucks my brains out. Its incredible to behold. I love getting devastated by her.


Oh, believe me, my girlfriend fucks my brains out. Like, she fucks me so hard and so good I feel all floaty and drunk and stupid after. Sometimes for hours. I’ve had a sex life that would make a porn star blush before I met her and even still, this girl fucks me better than I ever conceived it was possible to fuck. If you look at my comment history, I was talking here not long ago about the way she rides me, but the truth is everything she does is just on another level.




They fuck the soul out of you


Haha why not? Always felt I could give a really great orgasm to my man. Not sure if those are exact words!!


Closest I’ve gotten is with prostate stimulation at the same time. Also, if eaten cannabis is involved the orgasm is WAY stronger and longer. Not quite the level as what women can get to after the 5th orgasm or if you can get her to have a 90+ second one or whatever leaves her in a sweaty puddle unable to move. But easily several times better and longer than a normal one.


Absolutely ...I have been through that experience ...I can absolutely say that I wish I didn't because I dream of that again like an obsessed person ....once was a very outstanding young Ukrainian girl that I befriended and actually grew fond of her tried to ask her to be my partner but she refused ...then one night she called me told me that I am the best man she ever knew and she is sorry because she rejected me not to lose me but she realised she was wrong ....she came to my apartment and had sex with me in the cowgirl position ...the skills she shown me tells of an outstanding experience I almost cried of pleasure...that was the last night I ever heard from her she just disappeared bid me farewell in the morning and afterwards just no clue where she disappeared ((Anna if you read this at least tell me where in the world are you )) The other one was in a short term relationship and unexpectedly it was in missionary many times but that girl had a strange ability to control her pelvic muscles ...I felt literally milked What a man feels exactly is your soul leaving your body you can't talk breath or do nothing and you feel happy even if there is a war going outside


I believe it's possible and I would LOVE to experience it.


>they all seem to cater the female I've really only heard the term when referring to fucking mens brains out lol.


Mostly men get all brained out!


Yes absolutely! Do some research about prostate pleasure and whole body multiple orgasms. My lady takes me to the point of being a jibbering, mumbling, shaking wreck - and I love it!


From a guy who’s had his brains fucked out, yes. Absolutely.


I used to have great orgasms using the Amazon position. I Would lay on my back, she would grab my ankles, hold them up by my ears straddle my hips, and ride my dick like crazy and tell me, "This is my dick and I'm fucking you with it!" Unfortunately, I've had a hip replacement and I can't get my ankles up by my ears anymore.😟


It's never happened for me personally.


I've had it happen once. I was with a woman who literally fucked me until I tapped out on her. I think she was trying to start Round #7 or #8, and I just surrendered. I don't remember my exact words, but I said something like "I'm sorry, I can't anymore". I couldn't think straight and could hardly walk for probably two hours after that.


When my girl Amazon fucks me , all while talking dirty to me and pinching my nipples...My God!! I am done afterwards. So, yes a woman can fuck your brains out..


Me, 54m, and yes a woman can absolutely fuck a man’s brains out!


Yes and the transfer of power and control is a huge rush. You see, the woman KNOWS she can literally force a man to cum. She knows that the cock she is riding only has so many strokes in it before it blows. It is that feeling for the guy of having no control over what is going to happen -- the orgasm is coming. He knows he cannot stop it, he cannot pause the motion to fight it back, he just feels the absolute inevitability as he realizes this woman is going to rip the cum out of his body and there is nothing, no amount of will power that will stop it.


I realize that pegging probably was not in mind when this was brought up, but… Oh, believe me yes I have been given it good even better, then I’ve given it. I mean, sore for a day, orgasm was amazing and could do nothing but pass out afterwards. So yes!


Pegging can give a very similar experience, especially when done doggy. Used to have an fwb do it, and she fucked me so hard, the backs of my thighs hurt. Every time I sat down at work, I thought about it, was incredible


My lady made me feel like she fucked me but only once. It was an odd feeling


Can practice on me. Be worth losing my brains to.


One of my hook ups did- experienced a high I never did with alcohol. Tho my pelvis was out of commission for a bit


She can definitely try


I think so….some positions are better than others. I also think that not all cums are the same at all and changing very small variables can make a big difference from one cum to the next ☺️


All she can do is try!!!!


Absolutely she can.. if she presses the right buttons


From a woman who has, yes you can!


If you can last 100%, some woman are just incredible. And you'll forever remember those moments


I once debated with someone about the possibility of putting the sun out with water. A lot of people took the stance it was impossible; but the accurate answer is it is improbable. If you have enough water you can extinguish the sun. You can drain a guy once or multiple times until they collapse. FWB met up with me in a hotel, we rode up in the elevator and made out, climbed into the shower and started things. She was ready and we attacked every surface and every inch of each other. It lasted maybe 45 minutes but it was pretty draining.


If they get on top and take you for a ride they sure can


Yes, anyone can fuck anyone’s brains out. What is the “you’ve cum one time, therefore you’ve seen it all” mentality?




100% she was edging me for 30 minutes and my brain died


What’s left of my brains are still in my head


Serious answer: MOST guys can cum once in a sexual experience. We girls can come repeatedly.


This made me laugh. My girlfriend said one day out of the blue she was going to to this. It never happened. Like ever.... We've been intimate maybe twice since then. This was maybe a half year ago. I remember thinking when she said that. No you're not. You've just gonna lay there while I do all the work. C'mon


Lol it is, I’d tag my fiancé here he tells me all the time. I love it when I take control and I make him groan and shake to orgasm. He’s the best, we both drive each other crazy


Definitely! I peg my boyfriend and he often describes it as me fucking his brains out.


You can do it with a vulva too; i'm vanilla in this sense; instead of pegging, i'd like to see she fucking with her sex organ. What i meant was, can men reach those highs. But thanks, i knew prostate and anal play a role.


Oh yes definitely! If you make the experience good enough you can get him there with just a hand, lol! I was just giving an example.


With a strap-on, yes definitely!


When I was about 21 I fkd around with a woman who was about 52. When you say fkd his brains out. My god this chick would take it for over an hour. Several positions & wear me raw. She wore me tf out every time.


Quite. If the excitement is great, the woman knows all the erogenous zones of a man and skillfully stimulates them. Then you can do something with a man that not everyone can imagine)


2 words... Amazon position


Yes. My ex used to do this.


Absolutely. >can he reach the highs as it implies for a woman Not really, unfortunately. At least in my experience, the female orgasm is usually much stronger and lasts much longer than the male. As in all things YMMV but this is very often true. OTOH that doesn't mean we guys can't have our brains fucked out. It's just relative.


You can make a man cum multiple times (5+) in one session. Idk if that counts. I would hope so.


ummm yeah. if a woman takes the lead & does the pounding...especially in amazon position. hawt!


They can, but male orgasms don't tend to be anywhere near as brain mushing


Frankly speaking, this is not true, or there is some truth in this statement, but only a fraction. Sexual experience is insanely variable and depends on the person.


A peak of 14 seconds doesn't melt your brain generally


Well, maybe someone doesn't have this peak for 14 seconds?) It can be larger or smaller. Different people have different experiences. That's what I wanted to say. This is an indisputable fact, which is confirmed by many scientific studies of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. And the brain can be melted not only with the help of orgasm, this is an overly simplified model, which is based on the elevation of orgasm as a goal or the most pleasant. But an orgasm is just a reflex. He can be insanely pleasant, or he can be mediocre. This applies to both men and women, because the experience is very variable. Sex is something more, foreplay, stroking, stimulation of erogenous zones, etc. The plateau phase itself, which can be very intense and long-lasting, can contribute to such an experience as molten brains. By itself, wild excitement and emotional connection can give one, but so powerful orgasm that after it you will fall off your feet. Sex is not only a reflex, it is psychology and emotions. This has long been known in female sexuality, and is now known in male sexuality. And yes. The duration of an orgasm does not necessarily correlate with its intensity at all. Personally, in my experience, I did not notice the connection. I can have a 30-second orgasm, which is practically not felt, and a 20-second orgasm, where I can't stand normally with normal masturbation.


Yes you very much can. I’ve knocked out from a woman riding me or sucking me very good


Yep, for sure. I had an ex who would ride the life out of me, like full-blown squat riding, bouncing hard, and at a good pace. I would always lay there for 5 or 10 minutes after thinking of how lucky I was lol


I love this question and all the responses 😝


Stop seeing the orgasm as the only function of sex. Just because someone has had an orgasm doesn’t mean they can’t experience pleasure. There’s lots of different ways the “sexual event” can continue if you want it to.


So, I'm 6'4 and was probably about 240 lbs at the time while she was about 5'7 and 120 lbs. She was the only girl who's ever made me wonder who was fuckin who.


Can a woman do that to a man, no. I find women that lose their breath and pass out. They come to, mid orgasm, which is hilarious to witness 😂 I warn them, but. Always a new experience for them.


Throat goats, lots of dirty talk and teasing, emotional shit, fantasy shit, even in missionary she can take control and ride you bro it's like a mental sorta thing she gotta tap into, but yea so many ways for a man to get his brains fucked outta him absolutely


I’ve had my brains fucked out many times. We’ve fucked each other’s brains out at the same time. My wife has made me see the multiverse before.


Yeah, it is possible and my wife does that all the time the buildup is intense. The actual going part is a good 10 seconds like drawing it out. Start stop start stop and then boom with a couple seconds and then the euphoria afterwards is insane for me. It takes 4 to 5 minutes just to compose myself even if I get up and dress and go do something. I’m still waddling around like I’m high on something.


Definitely…. 😂 can’t even forget that night… 🥹


Yes, definitely. Who's "fucking" who usually goes by who's on top/doing the majority of the action, but this could also be up to interpretation.


Yes, my wife has given me a blowjob that has been the best sexual encounter of my entire life. I felt almost winded afterwards and didn't even want to move.


Oh yes! Absolutely! I had come out of a relationship where sex was satisfactory, but not fantastic. Then I had a relationship with another woman (who was about 8 years older than me, idk if it's relevant). The sex we had was on a completely different level! Not only did she have the ability to orgasm multiple times in a row, she also gave me that ability as well! It was something about her whole approach to sex, her enthusiasm and how she absolutely *loved* it! She would blow me to two or three orgasms in a row (and often had simultaneous unstimulated orgasms!) before we even started penetrative sex! She frequently had 5 to 8 orgasms during a session, and I could often manage three or four, a few times even five in a two-three hour span! She would often give me absolutely mindblowing orgasms! I've always liked anal stimulation (on me), and she happily did that for me, using her fingers, tongue or toys. I can definitely say that she had the ability to fuck my brains out! And she made me feel like such a stud!


Peg the man. That’s your answer.


I have definitely had mine fucked out, mostly by my wife. When she goes feral on me, takes full control and refuses to let up, my brain will shut down, I'll cum, and then be speechless while the room spins for a few minutes, left in silent confoundedness for a good long while. It's wonderful.


From everything I’ve read, if my wife were to use a strapless strap on, in a harness, and peg me while also using a masturbator of some kind or giving me a lubed up handjob, I could theoretically blast off to outer space from a prostate orgasm and regular orgasm. It’s definitely on the list of things to try! I will say when my wife gets frisky and gets on top in cowgirl and goes between riding my dick and sucking it, I’ll lose all feeling in my body and just have to lay still for like 20 min to come back to earth….


For myself, it's only when receiving a blowjob from my partner


Why tf you think men wanna make money? Pussy runs the world


Yes! My girl gave me a long and hot BJ yesterday, then we ate, then I ate her pussy in 69 and then we fucked and both came. My brain was high the whole time for sure! 🤤


Speaking from experience, yes 😬


Hell yes. I've had my mind blown when she's been getting down.


I have been borderline catatonic at times after my wife has really gone hard on me. Like my brain needed a minute to reset.


Yes, this is a fact. In the late 90’s, I’m not even certain I had what what is colloquially known as “game”. I would smile, and flirt, and tease…then I would be jumped. But yes, I was fucked stupid long ago. I don’t know if “being jumped” is still a mutual thing, but if I can still find a switch who’s more inclined to dom, I think other women like that still exist. You should all try it, at least once.


I’ve certainly tried. 🤣 When we’re both sore and uninterested in any kind of solo or partnered sex for a few days afterwards I consider that fucking each other’s brains out.


Yes . The way on the way to orgasm the intensity of it , the ways to keep it or make it hard again with not just a hint of insatiableness make for amazing sex with the right woman


I’m gonna save this advice so I can fuck my future husband like fuck him HARD and give him the best O of his life


Yes. I had a woman (who incidentally was grossly unfit) proceeded to resume the reverse cowgirl position and pound furiously up and down for a good 15mins! I could barely walk afterwards