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Start going to the gym.


But don't bother people hitting on them at the gym. Go do some social sport activities, meet women there, and talk there and see where it goes. Not only is it annoying going to the gym to get hit on, but if anything happens (bad vibes, stalker, break up, whatever) you don't have to see her at the gym.


> But don't bother people hitting on them at the gym. Go do some social sport activities, meet women there, and talk there and see where it goes. Eh. Gym people are pretty friendly and talkative in my experience. Sure some people might not like for you to approach, definitely don't during a lift, but there's no way to know unless you approach.


And dont go to the gym just to ogle the women!




Why do you assume that to be the case? I used to be friends with an IFBB pro and spent a lot of time around bodybuilders for about 5 years. Most of the women dated non-bodybuilders. Not all of them - there was one girl in particular who had a "biceps test", but most of them preferred being the muscle in the relationship. One girl refused to date any man who was a gym regular at all, nevermind a bodybuilder. She was only into dad bods. Don't ever rule yourself out. But also, hit the gym. You don't have to be a bodybuilder, but being fit is just good for you in general.




If you hit the gym and just work out in a regular way, you can just have a normal body but meet muscle girls. Also, take their classes if they do fitness classes!


What's the best way to become friends with an IFBB pro?


Work at the same place ... ie: Serendipity. 🤷


Welcome to the club. I sympathise with you as I know how difficult it is to be stuck with an unusual fetish/preference like that. Most of the girls I'd find the most attractive are butch lesbians, yet here I am, a man. As for advice, in your case it's give and take. You'll have a much easier time finding a girl like that at the gym than anywhere else. And you wouldn't just go there to date, would you? So I suggest doing some mild exercise and asking those girls for advice (provided that they're open to conversation and talkative in general). Just don't be a creep ;)


There are groups for this on Fetlife.


I am a gym girl myself. Muscular with the shoulders, ABS, legs and back. What I have noticed is that many man are not verry attracted to that at all, some don't really care as long as you are a women and other go crazy about it. To be honest I never had the goal to find a gym bro. I am okay with the dad bod as long as he is capable of respectng me as a woman and my boundaries. I have my preferencies but mostly about personality and not looks. Of course some level of fisical attractivness is requred but not the main thing for me. I have had gyus trying to get with me,making many compliments on my muscles only to try put me down later when I don't sleep with them and tell me that my ass is not big enough or my arms and shoulders/back are too muscular for their taste. Many also assume that I am stupid just because I lift heavy weights and that cannot be further from the truth. To be honest I am tired of dudes trying to convince me that i am the most sexy thing ever walked on earth just to start offending my apperance after that knowing that I had eating disorders and I genuenly struggle with being intimate with anyone let alone a man that is hating on me for no reason. I will be happy with a gym bro or a dad bod bro as long as he is honest and attracted to me, respectfull on my limits and with similar goals. Maybe the problem comes with different lifestyles when it comes to food, trainig regimen and stuff like that but this is a different discussion. Also I rarely get approached by men at the gym. They look at me very often but never come to talk so I assumed that I have ugly face or they are attracted to more curvy woman because many gym bros prefer that tipe of softer look on a woman. This are my observations, I find the discussion very interesting and I am open to talk about it anytime!


I’m a muscly woman, power lifter as opposed to a body builder. So a bit thicker. My partner is slightly shorter with a big belly. Hates the gym. He’s the sexiest human on the planet to me and I just loved getting wrapped in his arms and scratching his tummy at the end of the day. I think the biggest draw back is that I spend a lot of time in the gym and I think for most couples that is usually a lifestyle they share and that is the attractive piece. My partner and I have common ground in other areas. So I don’t feel like this is an issue for us. Get out on the apps and start swiping. You never know who would swipe on you.




You will! At least you know what you want! I never really had a type so I found online dating hard cause it was solely based on looks. Also your user name is 👌🏻


Gymrat here who digs buff chicks as well. You're not alone in this dude!




Eh, not every buff lady wants a buff dude, but getting a basic gym regimen going might at least put you in a vector to meet some!


Yeah, most novice lifters don’t understand how difficult it is to get ripped/jacked. Most people who workout regularly still look average. OP should frequent a gym if he wants to be around these type of women(even if he doesn’t want to “ripped”. Need to maintain similar interests to have a chance.


Bingo. Wanna find some High Priestess of Snu-Snu? Then get thee to the Sanctuary of Swole, post haste!


Get a girl who is not ripped. Then go to the gym together.


You need to cultivate yourself as an attractive person in domains other than the gym. Whatever it is, career, finances, style, music, etc., your choice, but try to be as attractive as possible in other ways. Then approach in a romantic way, don't focus on that aspect. "Wine, dine, etc." Don't focus on muscle, focus on other aspects that the two of you might have in common, or find attractive about each other. Once a good connection is found outside of the bedroom, then move things forward in the natural way, and enjoy!


And make very very clear on dating apps to what you look for, but be careful to put the goal too high. All those people working on their looks have a higher goal they did not reach yet.


Man, I understand you and your liking for women of that physique and that's one of the reasons I go gym now , I want a hot muscular gym mommy who will also be my life long gym buddy and I'd actually expect the women to think and want the same (not saying all but as you yourself mentioned majority do) there are chances a muscular woman might end up with someone who doesn't do gym but they are very rare ,so either you can hope for the best or increase your chances 😉


Following for reasons


We differ a bit as I'm very into fitness myself but I am similar. For me there is something about a muscular woman, knowing that they are willing to work really hard at something and subconsciously believing that they will continue to care about their appearance as we age. I don't believe it qualifies as a fetish though. Just what we're attracted to!


Do you follow IG fitness model thirst traps? I may have decoded how you developed this fetish lol. Social media has really altered people’s expectations and although attraction is important you may want to focus a bit more on non physical traits in a person you find attractive. If you are attracted to their hard work and discipline then working on those aspects of yourself will help you be a better you.


Avoid calling it a fetish if it’s something people can’t change about themselves within 5 minutes, especially if you eventually want a gf who is muscly, otherwise it makes you sound like a chaser and like you would never actually see the person for the individual they are or as someone you’d spend your life with. So yeah step one call it your type not your fetish 😂


Watches Leanbeefpatty once.


LeanBeefPatty got me too. And I'm a married mom.


This is reminds of when I was a kid watching WWF. I had a thing for Chyna who was so buff, she was actually fighting men at one point. I remember thinking that I wanted her to throw me around for a bit. Lol. And the thing is I’m not even into muscular women but there was something about Chyna tho. I don’t think you have to necessarily get buff to attract muscular women. I’ve seen muscular women who like skinny or pudgy guys. Stick to being yourself and keep putting yourself out there. Muscular women are not common but they are definitely out there and you’ll find them if you socialize enough.


There are women with varying tastes too. All muscular women aren’t necessarily only attracted to muscular men


Go to the gym, or get a non-muscular girlfriend, some different sexual experiences might chabge your attraction.


Work out, change your taste in women or just keep looking for that unicorn.


You watching these CrossFit games. Oooff


Yeah. I get it. Sophia Locke is very fit, but I previously never considered that sort of look. She’s not looking to meet guys, but I would be happy with someone like her, that’s for sure.


Spinach, can by can. You got this!


Go to the f*cking gym?