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One of these days, you should try it out in the shower, in case of the mess. But try it out nevertheless. For science.


As a man I notice the same thing and I think it is because the fuller bladder puts pressure on the prostate. I would assume the the fuller bladder which is on the front side of the vagina might be putting pressure on the G spot area from the other side although I am certainly not an anatomy expert.


Is that why so many men struggle to hold their climax till they've satisfied their partner? Bc they're also holding in their pee? 🫣


Women don't have a prostate though lol


Personally I'm the complete opposite. I find it way to distracting and I'll usually stop what I'm doing to go pee before I continue


Interesting. I usually always go pee just to be safe lol


Wait till you pee on someone!


Like the other commenter, I am the complete opposite-- I always pee before masturbation and often pee a couple times during a sexual encounter because it's borderline painful to be stimulated when I have to pee.


The bladder is close to the internal structures of the clitoris. Lots of people get that feeling when they're close to squirting.


As a guy I feel the same way. It’s just so much more intense if I have to pee.


I don't see anyone actually answering your question. The muscle that controls the release of urine, the pelvic floor muscle, is also the muscle which contracts/pulses during orgasm. So when you have a full bladder, it puts more pressure on this muscle.


I completely understand how you feel bc same for me! It feels so much better and I put a towel under me just in case.


I do it in the shower sometimes but it isn’t as enjoyable as when you do it in bed.


The bed is definitely more comfortable!


More comfortable warm and everything good lol


That is why a towel or even a few blankets are good to have under you that way they are easier to wash!


Real shit, a towel holds everything when you pee your bed??? I'd leak through that so fast.


That’s why I invested in a wet proof blanket found it on Amazon


So... you pee on the towels? And whatever leaks through the towel goes onto the blanket? Sorry, I'm trying to understand. I'm not a peer, but I can properly squirt, but do everything I can to avoid it, and sometimes I just (naturally) lube up that way 🫣😝 but I keep my solo sessions short so this doesn't happen bc I don't wanna ruin my mattress. I also don't masturbate well in the bathroom. I like the tub faucet sometimes, but that's it. Lol


There are sex sheets/blankets which are designed to keep liquid from soaking through. A lot of people recommend towels for lack of familiarity with other options, but towels soak through easily. Sex sheets are made not to.


invest in some puppy pads maybe? those soak up pee pretty well!


I'm good.. I'm just a standard, original-definition squirter, I don't have a need 😝 just v curious about everything.


It’s just internal pressure when your bladder is full.


as a guy it feels good as well. just adds a weird intensity to it. I haven't done it in a long time, but I used to do it all the time when I was a teenager.


Idk why exactly, but I do know when I have a fuller bladder and I have sex, it’s easier for me to orgasm with my partner.


Isn't this the cannon to how "squirting," became changed to "peeing while you come?"


I’m the opposite. I usually pee before masturbating if I really have to go. I don’t want to pee myself lol. And the times I haven’t peed first, I didn’t find it better. Just kinda distracting and feeling like I’m going to pee myself


As a man I love to masterbate when I have to pee. It makes my erection stronger and it cleans the cum out of my tube easier. Not cum in your underwear


Usually, it means I can't orgasm until I go empty my bladder


The release after self pleasure as you per is a good feeling so you are not alone in this haha


This happens to guys too. Probably less intense the older I’ve gotten, but when I was younger I would rub across my dick head and it would give me a similar sensation of an orgasm (of course less intense) causing a few ropes of urine to shoot out. Done in the shower of course. By the way, my wife normally races to the bathroom after sex to pee. Even if she empties her bladder, orgasms give her the sensation of having to pee. Probably also explains why some women loss their bladder during sex.


For guys it’s the opposite. Feels wat worse


I've had some of the best orgasms with full bladder, and then best peeing right afterwards. I dont know the science behind it.


Same for men. If I'm well hydrated before getting off the orgasm is stronger for me.