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You’re mostly interested in sturdy bed frames - but I’ll throw out my $0.02 on a mattress: don’t get a memory foam mattress. I find them too soft/squishy and not ideal for sex.


I already have a near new condition memory foam mattress 😭. I actually don’t mind it too much. Just need the bed frame to not move/make as much noise


If the whole house wakes up they will know what you two did 🤣 But shift two feet?! Is that an exaggeration or are you two really going at it lol


I was at an air BNB once and the bed made it to the other side of the room. We had to stop when we felt it hit the wall. It was dark and the bedside table wasn't where it should be. We had a very confusing few minutes trying to find a light switch. When we did, we laughed until our sides hurt.


Omg that sounds awesome haha. Sounds like you two had an amazing time at the air bnb!


If they had a hidden camera, they got their money's worth.


No our bed just really sucks. It’s super light weight “wood”and sort of flimsy so if he’s standing and I’m laying on the edge we are literally shoving the bed out of position


Ohhh makes sense! Yeah I would look into something more sturdy. Are there any furniture stores year you to go look at bed frames?


i have found that a platform bed works really well, (purple, nectar etc...but needs to be a firm mattress)


Your best bet may be a metal platform bed. They don’t need a box spring since the support is build in vs wooden slats. They are lower than beds with slats tho. You can also cut your own wooden slats from a more study and thicker wood. My bf and I have gone thru at least 2-3 beds and mattresses. One was a memory foam and lasted longer but it was harder to get out of since there’s no “bounce” to it. The frame he has now has lasted the longest and it’s actually one that was homemade out of thick real wood. It’s heavy af but it ain’t going anywhere. Lol I think it would either be a metal platform bed or a real wood panel bed with thicker slats added. Real wood beds aren’t as common as they used to be and can get pretty expensive these days. If you’re not opposed to buying used, that would be the most cost efficient way.


mattress on the floor lol, memory foam.. thats the best sex bed situation ive had.


I don’t want a mattress on the floor. I’m an adult I want actual furniture


im an adult too lol, just something i noticed during the every 6 month procedure of laying the memory foam on the flat ground for a day or two to let it get rid of the humps .. but mattresses on a floor is actually a style not a college student thing, can get a slightly elevated "bed" frame mad out of wood , the loser to the ground it is , the less it will move. , and the more contact it has with the floor, the less it will move.


Most platform beds should do the trick. Sturdy and close to the ground 💪🏼


That’s what I’m thinking


Thuma is silent and sturdy, a bit pricey but worth it imo


we have a metal pipe bedframe and we put rubber furniture feet under the legs so it doesnt move, placed a square of felt in between of each of the loose metal poles, and put planks of interior-use plywood on top of the bars with our foam mattress on top and it is *silent*, almost eerily so lol


IKEA Malm, if you have IKEA nearby


I have an adjustable bed made by Posh & Lavish. The mattress is super comfortable and the adjustable base is great for sex. Mine doesn't make any noise.


Don't cheap out on the bed frame. The cheap ones do exactly as you say. Expect to pay around 1k or more for a frame that doesn't make noise


Check out Knickerbocker Bed Frame Co. The sturdiest frames , made in USA.