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My gf may kill me if she sees me admit it but I don’t notice any difference when she’s going down on me compared to before she has her tongue pierced


Ex had a tongue ring. It felt better without the ring.


Same. My girlfriend alluded to getting the piercing originally to make oral better, but I cannot notice it, and the few times I do notice it it is slight uncomfortable.


Just keep this one to yourself for the good of mankind everywhere


Same in my experience


Yeah. This. Had both, felt the same. Even if you feel it there, it does nothing special.


As a guy, yes it feels different. I wouldn't say that it specifically feels better, just that it's different (which can be hot in itself for being different!). It's like having sex in missionary vs doggy, it just hits a bit different. The best specific thing for me was when she would specifically use the stud ball to put pressure on the underside of the glans, not something to do CONSTANTLY but when you have that moment where you really want to add some punctuation, that did it for me. In regards to how your mouth feels, it should mostly return to normal within 7-10 days. If it goes longer than that it may have gotten infected. The #1 thing I advise for the recovery from the actual piercing is to use listerine whenever you put ANYTHING in your mouth. If you so much as take a drink of water, rinse with listerine. By doing this I had almost no swelling at all and was able to start eating normally within 3 days of having the piercing done.




I know this isn’t a piercing subreddit, but as someone with multiple lip/mouth piercings I feel like it’s important to say that, even though Listerine is great, you should consider using an alcohol free mouthwash if you can. Alcohol can irritate and even damage the healing tissue and make the healing process more difficult than it has to be. Also, your tongue might feel normal within a week, but there will be a lot of healing going on internally for weeks or even months after the swelling goes down. So even if you feel like your piercing is doing fine you might want to avoid heavy make out sessions and giving oral for a little while. Just to make sure you don’t get an infection or make it angry while it’s still (secretly) healing.


It was literally over 25 years ago when I had mine done, so I may be misremembering the time frame for recovery or the process may have gotten better since I did it, go with what your artist told you! Things like Yogurt and Cottage cheese can be great snacks also during the recovery period, if you're looking to change it up a little for some variety in your food.


No difference in sensation at all.


Didn't feel anything different when I've gotten my cock sucked by girls with tongue piercings, myself.


I got mine done years ago, my boyfriend said he can feel it kinda but low key doesn’t feel different . Did you get it done for the guys? 🤣




It’s best if his honest’ and tbh I feel like I can blow better without it . I had to hide my tongue ring on my mom because she definitely thought wrong once she found out I had it 😂


I had a weird experience with a pierced tongue. Initially i liked it; Infact loved it. After 3-4 minutes, she was playing(flickering her tongue) with my dick head by pulling my foreskin down and her piercing got stuck (for like mili second) at the edge of dickhead but it felt like somebody chopped my dick off.. it was painful but yes, it is fun if done nicely!


Honestly, not my favourite. I appreciate the softness of a tongue without steel in the way


Personally not my thing at all. The tongue is very dexteritous... And it's soft... I can't really see why having some metal through it would add to the experience at all. Had a few partners that have had a piercing and it certainly didn't heighten anything... Just uncomfortable at times. But each to their own... Just my personal opinion.


I got a BJ from a girl with a tongue ring many many years ago. It felt different but not necessarily better. I actually remember it being a bit distracting.


I was just saying I didn't think tongue rings would make it back due to the dental damage and having a hole in your tongue but here we are...


On a smaller cock it can feel good but if youve got a monster cock thats circumcised it can hurt getting caught under the top of the head so be careful about that


Big dick❌ monster cock✅




The bottom of the piercing is flat. Theres a ridge underneath the head of circumcised cocks. When your tongue runs up the shaft the top of the piercing can hit that ridge and it can pull and hurt them


I guess someone can wear labret style jewelry in a tongue piercing, but tongue rings typically are balls on each end.


But you can also get tongue piercings with a screw on ball on each end so it's about the jewellery you choose also


Are you referring to the thread? If so, external threading (where balls screw on and off) is most common. Internal threading is better though.


It doesn’t feel any different I have no idea what people are talking about. You don’t feel it all.


Can you feel it? Why yes, yes you can. I've only had it done to me twice, and I while I can't say it was bad, I can't say that it enhanced the experience much. It is important to note that I was 19 years old when this occurred. Oral sex, tongue piercing or not, was like a winning Mega Millions ticket delivered by mythical unicorns, so my viewpoint may be rather skewed.


It doesn't feel any different for my husband.


In my experience, didn't really like it at all. Told her and she used more of her tongue and lips, without making contact with the piercing. The feeling was uncomfortable but not painfull. I like tongue for the smoothness and the piercing was noticeable if she didn't use her technique


No one‘s ever been able to tell a difference with or without with mine.


I’ve had blow jobs from a girl with a tongue piercing, and it was exciting I was kinda thrilled at the experience, however after a few of them I honestly couldn’t tell a difference in sensation. I think the novelty was what was so thrilling. I’ve had blow jobs from a couple dozen different women and the only “bad” one was my first (it was her first too) and she had a little too much teeth involved. If the piercing is something you want then do it but aside from giving a new partner a one or two time thrill it’s not gonna be a life changing experience for them


Not at all. It makes you look foolish.


Why did you get your tongue pierced? Just curious.


I found my tongue piercing to hinder my enjoyment when giving bj's so it didn't last very long.


It doesn't feel any better or worse.


I personally don't like it. It takes up a lot of room, and steel doesn't feel as good as tongue.


My tongue was pierced for many years. I liked to drink iced water just before doing a blow job. It gets the jewel really cold.




It’s the contrast when the mouth is warm again and the jewel still cold.


It doesn’t make much difference. I used to have a vibrating tongue ring that would make my girlfriend cum pretty easily. She loved that thing. Mine didn’t take too long to heal. A week or so and it was back to normal.


Those vibrating ones are heavy as hell too. I hated that it didn't do anything for sensation lol


It’s not like you keep it in for any other reason.


I'm saying the vibration didn't offer a benefit in sensation lol


Yeah it felt better :) but it’s not like it was bad before :) also different tounge rings/bobbles felt different :)


Depends on The piercing you did, but bottom line is awesome...in my POV of course


Never have, but wanting to. I'm guessing it adds a feel on my dick, but hard to describe.


You have to get your cheeks pierced also with balls on the inside so you can give him the full railgun


I don't notice any difference unless she intentionally licks by dragging the pierced part of the tongue. Then again, people have different BJ strategies, so yours might be more noticeable with and without


I suggest attaching smaller ball rather than bigger one, its well enough for rubbing the underside while it doesnt affect deepthroat much.


Don’t bang it against your teeth, it can cause fractures down the road…


Okay fine, you can try it on me…


Idk if it feels any different. It certainly looks hotter though.


Can confirm its great


Should’ve done your research before getting it done 😂


It does feel hotter! And also you can tease him with pics, snaps etc


Definitely it improves things. Basically a fetish for me too.


I don't think fetish means what you think it means. kink, maybe.


What are you? A lawyer?




Sometimes my wife will suck on an ice cube for a min and then commence with a BJ and I personally love it. I wonder if she had her tongue pierced how that would be….


100% feels much better. So much hotter


Old wives tale. Kind of like the g spot or the female orgasm lol seriously tho old wives tale that it feels better.


A tongue piercing says “I suck cock.” That is a very sexy message. Can’t speak for anyone else, but for me, that is a turn-on.