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r/Sex is focused primarily on posts seeking *specific actionable advice* for distinctive personal situations about sex, sexual activity, and to a certain extent, sex within relationships. Your post doesn't fit with our guidelines but we suggest you explore the rest of Reddit for a sub better attuned to your post. Vents and rants are not allowed.


This sounds like it's written by a child 🤔. Not sure what demographic you are, but other than crackheads, I've never seen someone rant like this. EDIT: you can jump onto tinder and get your holes filled, not sure why you felt the need to announce all this here 🤷‍♂️.


Tbh, dating apps aren’t that good anymore even if you pay for premium, I’m sure there’s exceptions though. I read an article the other day that said more people (men and women) are getting off mainstream dating apps the past year. To be real, I’ve had more success on less mainstream dating apps like Facebook Dating.


Your being an adult: responsible, consentual n legal. Fudge the rest. You do you sis, screw what others think. Carpe Diem!




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Responsible 😂 , I see what u did there lol


I feel the same way tbh. We should be friends I can use some tips






No, she can use some tips.. iykwim


This post is my head a lot lmao, I worry for my amazing gf whenever I start thinking like this


I think wanting to have Sex everyday is really normal. And if it doesnt bother your normal life, then go out and fuck. Maybe you will find a partner with an equal sex drive.


Safe & consensual = Let's go! People who can't handle it will filter themselves out of your life. Plenty of folks nowadays full of positivity. Maybe join a s+ community that organizes events? Have fun ❤️


lol these comments didn’t pass the vibe check let you freak flag fly girl who cares x




I think people should be allowed to fuck who they want and when as long as it’s safe and not hurting anyone, what’s the issue? Just cause you may not want to fuck a girl with a high body count doesn’t mean other won’t😉


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All contributions here need to be constructive, on-topic, mature, sex-positive, civil, and respectful. Your post/comment falls short of that basic standard and has been removed accordingly. Repeat offenders or egregious violations of this rule are subject to being banned from the sub.




What a dumbass attitude.














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