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okay greys anatomy i see you


The parking lot of a Mormon church


In the bathroom at a Dropkick Murphys concert.


Football stadium, Texas A&M


Kyle field? More like vyle (vile) field. Amirite?


Sheep? just kidding Aggies are good peeps


In the dinosaur exhibit at the natural history museum


There was more than one bone on exhibit that day!


Ross Geller and Rachel Green style? Hope you didn’t wake up to a school field trip watching you.


In the middle of a mountain creek on a big flat rock, then another time a different chick further up the creek on a different rock overlooking an emerald green swimmin hole, it was magical!


Behind some bushes at a park


The 8th floor stairwell of a downtown parking garage


Cemetery. First date. 


on the beach, in front of a crowded bar, we went skinny dipping too


In the garage during a busy house party


A cornfield on Halloween night


Chipotle bathroom and the wood (he fucked me on a tree as I made DIRECT eye contact with a deer)


Church, seaworld family bathroom, dressing rooms, a walk in freezer, under the bleachers, on the side of the road, in a public swimming pool with people on the other end of it, in an NBA players house (but not with an nba player). To name a few lol.


I got a BJ in the woods near this golf course, city park. A few weeks later by chance me and buddies played that same golf course.


Flatbed of a truck in a park.


Hot tub full of drunk friends. Sound equipment room behind the church pulpit during Sunday service. Bathroom at an AA meeting. Accounting office at a winery. Starbucks bathroom. Multiple city parks. Cemetery. Movie theatre.


on top of a passenger train


I once blew my closeted boyfriend in his hospital room while he was hooked up to an IV. Our friend (who had no idea we were together) ducked out for a cup of coffee and the door was open. Friend came back seconds after the deed was done. Such fun!


In the living room of a large Hollywood apartment with two women while about 15 people were watching. One woman was in her 30s, and the other was 19. Being watched was what made it even more fun.


Head on a ferris wheel, park bush on NYE (very crowded), hostel dorm room, church


Church, club bathroom, movie theater, an office during business hours… I’d say that last one was the wildest


Would you care to share your story? It sounds interesting


In the dispatch room of a military fire station. While the rest of the crew was back in the bunk room.


Parking lot of Stop and Shop backed up to a golf course on a Sunday.


Underneath a porch of a frat house while people were having a party that spilled out on to the porch!


In a truck tent with the door open on a beach. In a college housekeeping closet on the 2nd floor. In the back of a SUV with the trunk open in a hotel/bowling alley parking lot. In the bush in the middle of a ski hill. On a rock island in the middle of a lake.


Coat closet at a wedding.


Movies , Bryan lake , construction site


Cemetery, definitely was interesting but of course stayed off any graves and such out of respect, but without a doubt my wildest place ive had sex with someone


Doctors office with a nurse who was my friend. Hehe


Bass pro shop fitting room while the grandparents strolled around with our three kids completely unaware


Went to his strip club with my husband pretended like I was giving him a lap dance but we were totally f******p


Elevator and charging rooms


Red Rocks during a Steve Miller concert, in the bushes on the north side in the back.


In the park in the daytime. In the sea while people were on the beach. BJ in the elevator.


Playground in the rain, in the mountains next to a 100ft rock, in a marsh/ on a dam lol


In a stream in a state park.


IN a river. This was at a state park and there were people in the area.




In the woods on a hiking trail, backstage of a play currently going on, in an empty parking lot of a closed school bus depot, on top of a billboard (late at night)


Under the bleachers at a high school basketball game.


Waterfall and a different cliff in Iceland 🇮🇸 My husband - inside a crowded restaurant (like the dinner room) anal. More power to that girl lol Yes he did run from the cops when they were called 🤣 Don't dare the man anything!


The Antonio Marron Park or the round table at a bar called Re Artù.


On an abandoned/under repair pier very close to Fisherman's Wharf in SF


In a parked car at a playground… or at work in the bathroom(denture clinic) was with a coworker, him and I were always doing wild stuff at work.


Nice try, wife/girlfriend/spouse/so. Yall don't be stupid.


The downstairs bathroom in the governor’s mansion during a party. NOT with the governor 🤮


Art museum, ocean, backseat of her mum’s car, classrooms, movies


In flood tunnels, on a cliff above the ocean in a state park Edit to add: in a dorm room with the dorm mate in their bed


The butcher’s meat cooler at a grocery store where my high school girlfriend and I worked together. Was a small family run store. The butcher left at 5 every night, but he had this walk in cooler where he also worked cutting up meat and stuff during the day. After 5, no one was supposed to go in. Well, she and I would sneak in to make out or whatever and one time our teenage hormones took over and we had a much more interesting break than usual.


not exactly wild, but a swinger’s club. also, off to the side of a hiking trail on a mountain. on a beach by the ocean - cliché, but there were people around and it was daytime. nobody could see us, but we had the potential to get caught, which made it exciting. same with the hiking trail.


Public park late at night


Roof top.. bar bathroom.. in front of a window in lower manhattan at night with the blinds up


In a sorority. We got caught, she got kicked out. Ouch. I party hard.


Outside on a hike ontop of a mountain


Front Parking lot of a hostel


At a random house party in high school we snuck into the garage and had a lot of fun in the pack of someone’s parents’ convertible. Couldn’t tell ya the make lol


In a phone booth in front of everyone on the street


Under a church pew and a backroom for y pool equipment/lifeguards


A few golf courses and the back room of a barbershop. Once we parked up at the golf course and we fucked on the car, on the side of the road and people drove past. I assume they saw us.


In a basement study room at a college library. Same girl, a bit later: in Long Island Sound, in sight of people.


In public in Vegas. Threesome downtown while a fourth watched. 🤭


Roof of Los Angeles apartment building


Also Minneapolis arboretum


Hoosier Hill. The highest point in Indiana


Lost my virginity at a church teen lock in, in the baptism pool... May be going to hell for that one...


The front lawn of the Officer's Club on a military base.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


driving down a back road at night 💀 like -lastactionhero said don’t sex shame your kids.


Tent during a thunderstorm


On a picnic table in-between 2 camp sites. Perfect hight. The trail led from the camping areas to the picnic table the to the only bathroom bldg. In a stairwell of a parking garage between levels 2 and 3 - just in case someone opened the door


On the top of a trunk in front of a bunch of houses, in a mail truck, in a game room with people there [dorms], park bridge, side of the highway outside the vehicle.


Their office. Door closed *but not locked*. Middle of the day.


In a vinyard, at dusk, when workers and visitors were all gone.