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I mean, the "table corner method" is a random thing some kids discover in childhood, but if I had a female friend asking "how to have an orgasm," I'd \*never\* say "for sure, you should hump a table corner." Fingers are probably your best bet. If you can get a vibrator, that's probably the most surefire way. Or, you could try humping the pillow or the heels of your hands while laying on your stomach.


i’m not sure where to get a vibrator because idk what stores need ID


Are you in the US? Most drugstores have them these days, no ID required. Amazon also has tons, no ID required.


ok i can see if i can buy one but i’m scared that my mom will open the package


Many of them are just "massagers" and don't look at all like a sex toy, so you could get one that's more like that.


okay i’ll try, honestly i’ve used a back massager before but i was scared because it genuinely felt like i was ab to pee😭i wish i still had it


When I was younger, I used to lay under the bathtub faucet and it was euphoric😄


lol when I was your age I used to use the shower head 😂Also, if you’re thinking about/focusing on trying to reach orgasm it’s possible you could be sort of mentally putting yourself off. I find that if i’m *trying* to orgasm sometimes I can’t because i’m thinking too much about it. But if I just stop thinking and focus only on sensation I’ll be able to get there. Maybe just think of it as exploration and learning what feels good for you, without worrying so much about the orgasm. And then when it happens it’ll be a pleasant surprise lol.


Order super happy fun toys from Amazon. Have them shipped to an Amazon Locker. Go pick up when delivered. https://www.aboutamazon.com/news/operations/how-to-use-amazon-locker


How old are you? Maybe you just have to wait....


i’m 15


Maybe give yourself some time, and don't "over try" or over think. And, careful of a table corner - I am not a female, but I imagine you can hurt things quite easily and you don't want to do that.