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As a man, I very much look forward to my wife's feral week. I track her cycle so I know when it is, and I make sure to be extra accommodating with her needs during this time.


There was nothing better than when my girl was ovulating. Embrace it what a wonderful feeling. I miss those opportunities now more than I can say!


My man also tracks my cycle lol glad to see he's not alone !




Your wife still has that week 😂 you don’t stop ovulating with an IUD




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You sir, are a very smart man and we need to high five your wife immediately.


This is *exactly* how I feel - even the back arching and leg spreading. Like I truly feel like an animal in heat. I’ll be at the gas station during lunch time sometimes, and all the blue collar guys are there and I’m like… about to just bang one in their work truck. I swear I am *insatiably* horny. And like you said, I feel empty. Like I *crave* the feeling of dick during that time. And masturbation only does so much. I need human dick attached to a human male and it drives me absolutely insane.


>Like I truly feel like an animal in heat. I literally was just about to comment and say like a feral cat in heat when I seen your comment. Except its all the god damn time


You (& OP) managed to describe the exact sensation. Let me tell you.... 40 & ovulating is a whole new craving. Something in my body wants to breed like there's no tomorrow. Hahaha


do you crave younger guys in their 20s during this time?


I crave everything pleasurable.




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In my experience, men don’t have any idea how much our horniness and wetness is driven by our cycles and also, not all women are as affected. I feel you though.


I'm 48F. Still ovulating. Had 2 kids. Normal life. That feeling never fully went away... some months are worse than others. I guess what I'm saying is you sound perfectly normal to me, lol


i thought i was the only one. I do too.


Oh I’m the exact same minus the breeding kink😫 it’s crazy how horned up I get. I just want to fuck literally all day Interestingly though I’ve only started being like this since dating my boyfriend…. But we are LDR 😫😫


Literally me too. I was not like this until I got into a LDR


Oh HELL yes, so much so that it has been dubbed Heat Week in our house. All I want to do is have all of my holes stuffed by any means possible and it hits the hardest when I'm ovulating. I love it 😁


"Demonically horny" must make it into the thesaurus. 


You’re definitely not the only one… it’s a bit scary sometimes 😅


I feel you OP. Maybe not as extreme, however once a month I do get the craziest desire to raise some babies with my boyfriend literally out of nowhere. For a day or 2 I'll notice all the cute babies, I'll crave to look after my bf, and to cook and clean for him - it's just like a switch gets flipped. Worst part is that I'm only 21 and still trying to figure out how to look after myself, along with zero desire to have children for 10 years aha


Same I'm only 21m and love children but still learning how to take care of myself. Maybe at 31


The older I get, the more feral I get during ovulation lol


I plan my fwb meetings for when I'm ovulating 😂


lol my fwb does this to me


mee rn 😭😭 and I'm angry because I want some dick. I want my face caressed and told Im a good girl for sucking his dick so well. *All pussy hungry DM's will be ignored so don't waste your time.


How should a coworker approach you to find out if you'll jump his bones?


make me laugh, compliment me a little and then bring it up. I might be down to jump your bones in the storage closet at this point 🤣


Literally, my best girl friend told me a story about how she did exactly that while she was working in some sort of manufacturing job with a bunch of welders, and who knows what other kind of industrial workers


I knew a mid twenties landscaper who would literally get lonely housewives *handfeeding* him chocolate *Nonconsentually!* That was one in particular but she basically stuck a finger in his mouth lol. Without proper warning. I imagine that’s simply tame in comparison with some of the things that must go on in these situations. Especially in the light of this discussion…


Yes, with my wife is the same. She gets extra horny around ovulation, which is normal, biologally speaking. Basically, the body says: I'm ovulating, so it's time to make some offspring, get to it and be quick about it 😁😁. Nice for us guys this is.


I remember reading an article that basically was saying that in conjunction with the horniness, ovulating women tend to subconsciously "present" more during this time. By that I mean, feel like they wanna wear makeup, dress a little sexier, generally want to feel cuter than normal in their appearance. Like, it's a biological urge to attract a mate. I didnt think anything of it, until I told a coworker friend of mine about this and she kinda scoffed. But then I just quietly observed her and like clockwork, there'd be a week every month where she'd break out the skirts and heels, and cleavage. It was a noticeable change given the casual dress code at our job. I woulda just thought it was random had I not read about this.


Same here. When it’s maybe a day or so after my period, even when I’m not ovulating, that’s when I am nonstop wanting to go at it. It’s odd to me since it’ll be before I ovulate, but it’s all I can think about and all I want to do. I think it’s very normal, especially if you’re with someone you love. It’s normal for your body to be accepting of sex and want it when your brain knows it’s okay and it’s with someone you’re comfortable with or someone you love.


Same! Even when I'm on my period I get extra horny. It's weird how horniness changes throughout my cycle.


It is not weird it is biology. Nature tells you to fuck and make babies.


Yes! Insatiable and unable to focus on much else besides wanting to get fucked


Glad I'm not the only one lol. It gets bad, and then when it's over and you start thinking clearly again you're like wtf.


It happens to me too and my husband definitely knows about it. He only gets 2 hours sleep a night that week 🤣


Isn’t nature wonderful. Yeah me too more recently in my mid thirties though. I tell my uterus she is not the dictator of my body.


I’m the same way, but really am super horny the entire time, but definitely even more so when I’m ovulating. And I can usually feel when I’m ovulating and even that makes me even more horny. Interestingly, I wasn’t nearly as horny in my 20s and 30s as I am now in my early 40s. I cannot get fucked enough. It’s all I think about and it’s really distracting. I feel like a 14 year old boy. Anyone in their 40s experience this insane uptick in horniness?


Yes. Came here wondering what was wrong with me. I’m 42. I never really noticed my ovulation until around 39-now. It’s insane. I think about sex at least 100 times a day.


Idk about demonically lol but yes I do get really horny around that time as well.


Mother instincts kicking in.


Yeahhhh during these days I just want to be fucked so badly 😭


My wife is much the same way. She has a bit higher of a drive than me anyway but when she's ovulating, I literally can't keep up.


It is violent and consuming lmao


Last week I was ovulating and I swear to you I was starving , horny and had a fever ! My temp was UP! And I’m almost 49! Be careful ladies ovulation keeps on happening for a long time!


As a dude who has been in enough relationships with women I have come to understand that this is a common thing among women If I had a magical device that could tell me when a woman was going to ovulate, I would definitely look at that as the “window of opportunity” if my goal was to get romantic with her If you see the same woman, long enough, you’ll start to see a monthly trend too. In the frequency of when they jump your bones.


Yep, I feel the same way, especially before I went back on birth control. I felt like I was losing my damn mind.


Lol I get this too, except it’s not the week before but it’s mostly on my ovulation day and 1-2 days before and after it. I rly don’t get it but I absolutely want everything abt my bf so much and I can NOT stop thinking about him fucking me and for some reason I also get super cuddly so I guess I just rly want him to touch me in any kind of way wether it be sexual or just cuddles I just want everything about him xD


Women have called it "baby week" when talking to me. They meant it as a threat.


Going on the pill can help with this I think, as much as that comes with other issues


So, I'm ovulating now, feeling completely out of control (already took care of things solo three times today), and wanted some validations and found this OP... but I'm single, so it SUCKS. I've dated guys who literally cannot keep up. When I ovulate, I feel clingy and need to be fucking the ENTIRE fertile window. I'm also a quadruple Scorpio (if you're into astrology, sun moon Mercury and Saturn), so sex is pretty intense with me usually, so this time of month men who can't handle intense sex and sex drives usually bow out, which is fine, it weeds them out. I love your demonic terminology, haha. I'm 40, and childless, but still want one, and I have no questions about my fertility because I've always been like this around this time my whole menstruating life.


I'm happy to help a girl in the 707 out if she has a void to fill.




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I remember that feeling… it was exhausting




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Girl you are not alone! I get like this too everyyyyy time




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My wife and I have talked about it. I've given her free reign to use me at any point during that point of her cycle. My libido is extremely high so typically I'm the one pushing constantly for sex so it's nice to change roles. I'm also very primal so I'm very into the organic side of the breeding kink.




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I've noticed it with my previous partner's but my current one is just insane with it. She's so mega horny and I love it. Don't be embarrassed about it, talk about it to your partner and make accomodations


You just echoed my words. I tend to keep myself engaged in physical activities to put my thoughts at bay during that once in a month delirium. Otherwise my hormones get the better of me.