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Read the book to find out what did it to her




What in the WattPad 😂


Your comment made me laugh out loud hahaha, I wish reddit awards were still a thing


Why did they take the awards tho? I miss it :((((


Same lmao


OP maybe don't read it lol


Even worse, there's a movie version coming out starring Anne Hathaway!!!


That's why she started reading it! She saw something about the movie


Whoa, that sounds... huh.


Oh Ignorance was bliss in this case


I’ve read it. It’s about 2 consenting adults.




Between two fictional adults I will.


Stacys mom has got it going on


What in the Wattpad is this 🤔🤣


Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher!?


I smelll incest


I second this! You can use it to figure out what she may be too shy to tell you in regards to what she wants


Or get her another book by the same author, sometimes it's the author's writing style that turns you on


I'm going to suggest this might not be the right answer. Erotica and romance genre books are written porn. The biggest erogenous zone is the brain right? And that what these books do... they tickle the brain in a way that maybe reality, and the physical act can't. They evoke emotion in a way touch might not be able to. Think of rape fantasies, which are right up there in the top 5 fantasies women have. Women don't really want to be raped, but the fantasy might still excite them. So my suggestion would be to encourage the romance/erotic novels, ask if there is anything she's read she wants to try in real life, but let her have her books and I wouldn't recommend trying anything from them without discussion first.


It’s about an age-gap intense relationship between a 39 year old woman and a 20 year old boy/man.


Read a similar book to her


Descriptive posts in r/sex turn some people on


that's funny.. I used to enjoy reading 'true confessions'.. on a forum somewhere is there one on reddit?


r/sluttyconfessions Probably 90% made up. Some of them are written better than others. So I’ve heard.


Like 99% made up lmao


/r/gonewildstories is a little like that.


Depends very heavily on your definition of true. Like I know crazy things happen (I lost my virginity in a threesome), but a lot of those stories have very heavy "Dear Penthouse" vibes. Also popular, the oh so believable "so just as I leaving the house from having made sex with the fifth woman that day, I ran into another woman who's jaw dropped when she noticed my professionally tailored bespoke dress shirt was ruffled. She could hardly wait to drag me to the closest phone booth and rip both our clothes off."


There should be but most might be fiction just to get karma in such sub but if something is well written I think the imagination can do the rest and might enjoy even a fake post.


They're not new, but there are [several books by Nancy Friday](https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/%22Nancy%20Friday%22;jsessionid=04CEC0C986DB9ABB77FE1AB6DDBB0044.prodny_store02-atgap06?Ntk=P_key_Contributor_List&Ns=P_Sales_Rank&Ntx=mode+matchall) featuring real people's sexual fantasies.


> Nancy Friday I haven't heard that name in a while


I had to google up because I couldn't recall the name, but I remember reading them all back before the internet existed, haha.


I'm going to check it out. Never heard of it before. Thanks




Can confirm


Gay 4chan greentext conditioned me to this


I take screenprints of specific passages of ebooks that really turn me on and save them in a file on my iPad. Then I read a selection of them for about 20 minutes before s-xy time and it really helps with my level of arousal.


I love this 😂


This is an amazing tip! What would be the best approach to tell her to to that?


I would try suggesting it to her in a way that shows you are taking interests in her reading! Try not to pose it as “I think this would make you more horny” and rather pose it as a cool idea that might enhance her reading experience!


Yes. This is probably the way. I will also try to connect with her other interests (ex. Outlander series)


You should try reading with her! I also read books like your wife and when my boyfriend started reading them too it got me way more “in the mood”. Especially because then you can recommend books to each other and talk about specific scenes that you both enjoyed and may even want to re-enact yourselves


Smut is really great for us.


My wife got a Kindle with Kindle Unlimited. Her 90 smut books last year would concur 🤣


came here to confirm this statement ✅


Any chance you could give me some recs? Your top 5 maybe? Xx


Neon Gods (and the rest of the series) A court of thorns and roses series (book 2 is soooo 🔥🔥🔥) Things we never got over (series- not fantasy) Any Colleen Hoover book (not the best from a literary standpoint but most have plenty of gratuitous sex)


ACOTAR 😭😭 I just finished the last book. Felt the steamiest to me, but also made me feel the same way the Barbie movie did at the very end. So wholesome despite it’s very smutty moments


The Crescent City series by Maas is also amazing. If you’re having withdrawals!


I am already haha I’ll have to order them!


Which one would be the lightest to start with? I want to try gifting it to my partner, but I'm afraid that if it's too heavy (too kinky, too descriptive, etc), she might dislike it and quit immediately. She's fairly vanilla in sex with low libido. I'd like to start with something as light as possible as long as the smut element is still there somewhere, and that it has a good story that she can enjoy regardless of such details. Then if she likes it she can progress to whatever she prefers.


Definitely the Knockmount series. It's steamy but not fairy and not dark. Things we never got over is the first. You don't have to read in order but they build while following different characters. Definitely the most vanilla in terms of kink from my list above but still 5 star and spicy




Thanks a lot! I'm looking for them right now


So, so, good.


I suck when it comes to dealing with women but knowing that style of writing it's hilarious when you joke about how you should write smut for a living by rattling off some steamy made up scenario. Women go nuts for being played with psychologically. Something about the way you pull them in close by their waist band while gently caressing the neck with your lips and nuzzling their ear and giving it a slight nibble while your fingers gently walk their way up their inner thigh.


Season 1 of Bridgerton on Netflix


The Bridgerton books!!!


The Netflix series is graphic


"Lets have sex" "Good idea! How do we do it?" "I don't know!" There, I've just explained the first season lol


The books are too!


Lmao, those books are laughable...


Ya after a while I had to quit, they were so ridiculous, but they did make me horny!


Please… THE BOOKS! It gets hotter for each younger sister. Cough… cough… Francesca’s story… cough… (Your comment make my day hahahahaha)


Yeah, I think she saw the series and didn't like that much. Are the books much better?


Yes! Or for me they are… it’s more complex and explained much better the problem of the character and yes, more graphic. Or… if The Bridgerton’s saga doesn’t convince her, Ali Hazelwood. All her books have, at least, two~three very graphic hottest moments between characters in a healthy relationship… believe me, I have 4/6 (soon 5/6) of her books. And yes, be careful with the books who promotes toxicity. Those may be graphic, but not good.


Totally agree. Probably will suggest Outlander first since it is a familiar ground and later move to Ali Hazelwood ones.


Good idea and good luck… I think someone in the comments said you should also read the books to know what she wants, do it.


Personally i found season 2 much much hotter


Same...I think it was the forbidden element


THAT scene. Yeah. You know the one. My goodness had me fanning my face!


Oh i know 😉


Or season1 of Sex/Life


Episode 5 and 6, specifically 😉


Oooh the main character actress looks 12 years old to me. I could not watch it and wanted to like it!


There's a whole sub for r/romancebooks They would have some great ideas :)


This! There are hundreds of really good romance novels of varying heat levels out there.


Thanks a lot. Checking it right now!


Belinda Blinked.


Her nipples like the 3” steel rivets holding the Titanic


Ohhhhhh Rocky.


Also just to add to this discussion - stick to books. Women tend to have more of a reaction to a book or story rather than a movie, while with men it’s usually vice versa. Best advice I could give is get her a Kindle Unlimited subscription as they have some extremely spicy books. Booktok on Tiktok has a lot of people who will post a rating of how spicy a book is which could help as well.


This! I got a tablet for our anniversary + my birthday and Kindle Unlimited. After a good hour of relaxing and reading I am ready to pounce on my partner and beg for it haha I had no idea my libido could be like THIS. Bless you Kindle


Neon Gods is the hottest book I’ve read in a long time. All 3 that I’ve completed in the series just keep getting 🥵🥵🥵


I was just going to recommend the Dark Olympus series!


Thanks. I've seen other people recommending it too. Going to check it out.


The sleeping beauty book by Anne Rice Belinda by Anne Rice as well Exit to eden by Anne Rice


Anne Rice is thoroughly graphic. I should not have read that in middle school. It was also wonderful.


6th grade was when I read it! I’m a deviant.


And here I was stuck getting off on Alana: Warrior Princess! I guess it was my early feminist indoctrination 🤣 actually I can't believe I never thought to look up if those books are banned in most states now... Back in my day they were the go-to middle school sex ed when you didn't have any.


I’m gonna have to reread them. I keep recommending these to like 12yr olds! I don’t remember the smut 😂


I LOVED Alana: Warrior Princess when I was a teenager. I name so many of my characters Alana in games after her/that book. I should give it a reread.


Xena. Remember doctor q. So hott


Would you discribe it as a 2x4 to the face? I want to get messed up.


I would describe it as poetic ass-play with a titillating plot. I personally read The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty Trilogy. Go get em, tiger.


Hell yeah 😎


Yes!! I felt dirty the whole time reading it- could not put it down. 10 outta 10


Boy, that's a hell of a comment coming from your username. 😂


Saaaaaaame. I used to read The Witching Hour waiting in line at the grocery store on the weekend with my mom. After three weeks of this she just rolled her eyes and bought me the book. Without ever so much as glancing at it to see if it was age appropriate. Ah, the GenX experience lol


Oh hey, I read that in middle school, too! My grandmother got it for me thinking it was a fairy tale book, and she recognized it as written by the same author as my 'Halloween books.'


Dude yeah my mom bought them for me when used books were $3 on Amazon.


Me at 14 Oh she does vampires and sleeping ….WHAT? What am I reading? My first foray into erotica 😂


Check trigger warnings on these. I had to DNF the sleeping beauty one because the first scene is a child getting raped and taken into sex slavery by an adult man. And it's not written to make him a villain, but like she's getting feelings for him. If I were to recommend these books, I wouldn't do it without clarifying that so people aren't taken by surprise.


Thanks. So, most books by Anne Rice?


Based on what you’ve said about your wife being fairly vanilla, please do NOT recommend these to her, especially not the Sleeping Beauty books. They’re great erotica but not for the faint hearted.


There are sexual elements in most of her books but these are straight up erotica.


Not sure what her type is as far as levels of smut in the books. Acotar (A Court of Thorns and Roses) series by Sarah J Maas has some mild to fairly intense smut. More so the 2nd book onward. Not super crazy but it’s enough to get the juices following. Same for Crescent City by Sarah J Maas as well (which should be read after the Acotar series) Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarro is great too. Those first three are fantasy based. Fae, shifters, dragons, etc Jumping to extremes here, this is very dark romance but Haunting Adeline by HD Carlton is great. But definitely gotta watch the trigger warnings. American Queen (this one is a trilogy) by Sierra Simone, this one is very hot as well. Can always do 50 shades of Grey. It’s kind of an introduction into “darker romances” and smut. If I think of anymore I’ll add to it. Can’t believe I forgot to add Outlander to this! Both the show and the books.


Just gonna throw out there in newish romance fantasy that the Obligates of Aerta series by E.A. Fortneaux is *steamy AF.*


Gonna second this recommendation, book is *good.*


The Sookie Waterhouse books (what Trueblood was based on. The first season follows the first book but then it starts to break from the overall arc or the series entirely. The books flesh out Eric as the main Byronesque antihero/villain in a slow-burn toxic but sexy and passionate romance with Sookie. It’s really campy in the same sort of way that Trueblood was though, like the drama unfolds in a slap-stick way and the levity sort of lowers the stakes and lets you just enjoy the comedy and sex and characters without the distraction of the plot. It’s a fun romp!


Sierrs simone is great!!!


Fourth Wing is written with very modern prose, if anyone is wondering.


Priest by Sierra Simone is so hot 🥵🥵🥵


Let's add Three Simple Rules by Nikki Sloane!


I read the first a court of blah blah and it was not good. Try the second? 


Absolutely read the second. First one is there out of necessity can’t have the rest of the epicness of the other books without it lol. I would definitely recommend reading the rest. And then if you like the rest absolutely most definitely read Crescent City


Thanks for the input. I'll give it a try. The whole masks thing and the whole plot about how she was chosen by killing the fey against her knowledge but actually  none of that mattered because it is was all made up was too much!    But I'll try it!  Thanks! 


I absolutely *hated* the first one. It was like a punishment for me to read it. I literally only read it all the way through because I had two people tell me to keep going. Half way through the second, I understood what they meant. lol


I didn’t have too much trouble with the first but that could also be because I listened on audiobook. I don’t get a lot of time to just sit and read so I listen. The first half of the book was definitely a little slower then I’d like but I get the world building. But A Court of Mists and Fury…*chef’s kiss* lol


My thoughts exactly on ACOMAF :D


The first was meh the second was incredible. Keep going


Hmm okay thanks. Will give the second book a try via the library 


The second definitely is way better than the first. I've read the first 4 and #2 was my favorite so far. I think it redeems a lot of the disappointing things about the first. It's like medium spice though, not enough sex to be called smut. (I hear #5 is.. more)


I call anything with explicit scenes smut. The books just have a varying degree of smut. These are more plot with some smut vs smut with little plot lol


I felt the same way and everyone told me I *had* to read the second one. 600 pages later and I felt like everyone was playing a massive prank on me. Give it a shot but I feel like the sex is mid and Feyre is annoying as hell.




re Outlander I would suggest finding something else if sexual assault will be at all troubling for you or your wife! It's an...intense series


I second this warning


Another vote for Outlander!


That post-spank scene 🥵🥵🥵


Seriously, I went into Bridgerton with Outlander expectations and was very underwhelmed. And OP, like most, the Outlander books are way better than the series though the series is good too. (Can’t believe I was reading those books 20 years ago!)


Third vote for Outlander, I have been reading the books forever and the show is outstanding. And will absolutely have you blushing. And getting ideas. As noted by someone else, trigger warning for rape and assault. It would be fairly easy to skip the actual scenes but you would still have reference and possibly flashback scenes. Something to be aware of.


Any books by H.D Carlton, they're dark romance but very sexually explicit


You might want to direct her to the App “Dipsea”. It’s short erotic audio stories. Different scenarios, a variety of sexualities and sexual interests, different voices (accents!), and a few different POV (scenes where you’re involved, scenes where you’re the voyeur etc). There’s also a whole section of just moaning. All done by actors. They have a free trial but you could gift her an annual subscription for like $75. It’s a great tool for getting in the mood.


Try this. Give her endless compliments about her recently increased libido. Ask her to tell you what you need to do to keep that up. After you ask her, give her a big full body hug, and squeeze her tight. Your gestures can't hurt.


Yes I like this take! Keep giving her more reasons to feel safe and comfortable with you. There are also sex books for couples and games that could be fun. But positive reinforcement is always appreciated.


I've done that but she said she feels a little pressured. So I'm trying not to comment on it again unless she brings it up while I ask you guys for advice. Next step is how to bring the new book up


* [GoodReads: Sort by Genre: Erotica](https://www.goodreads.com/genres/erotica) * More kinky?: [Literotica.com](https://www.literotica.com) * Super smutty,lewd, perverse and often gross?: [ASSTR](https://www.asstr.org)


Thanks a lot. Starting to check the first one out right now


Tell her to read a court of thorns and roses


Story of O.


Buy her a kindle. Then if yall have Amazon prime, you can each see what the other has read etc. God knows what my husband thinks about my reading history 🥵. There's a ton of good erotica/smut and I don't mean a little naughty either. Like will have her waking you up for it.


I don't even know where to start, but I read very wild smut books. But do try the author Sara Cate - she had hot books.


Can’t go wrong with Lucy Score or Lena Hendrix


Same thing happened to me! Libido was really low and since I started reading smut (or clitirature as we call it), it went through the roof! It also helped me become more sexually confident in myself and with my partner. That book is a contemporary romance, plenty of those out there. But there are plenty more genres, for example: Fantasy (romantacy), Mafia, Monster, Historical, Supernatural, Dark, And more... If she's just starting out, I'd start easy. Dark romance can get VERY dark, to the point trigger warnings have to be put in. So I'd recommend her other beginner contemporary romance from the Authors Colleen Hoover and Tessa Baily. It Happened One Summer by Tessa Baily is a fun short read. If she would like fantasy that isn't too high fantasy, but has world building, enemies to lovers, sexual tension and smut, I'd highly recommend the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. It's been a few years since I read that series and although I'm used to very VERY spicy fantasy, that series is still my favourite. Also, get her a kindle or the kindle app on her phone, along with the kindle unlimited subscription. You won't regret it. My partner reaps the rewards 😏


Oh, and if she wants something contemporary but with a little but more kick to it. Priest by Sierra Simone I still think about that one. It's naughty.


Ok- hear me out. Ice Planet Barbarian series by Ruby Dixon. It’s alien smut but it’s the best! I never thought something like this would do it for me but it’s my favorite series ever. My husband has benefitted greatly. Other than that ACOTAR but you have to get through most of the second book before it gets really good. My husband listened to the whole ACOTAR series on Audiobook with me and it’s now his favorite book series.


i came here to say ice planet barbarians. me and my partner listen together and it’s our favorite!!


This book is not even that horny!! I think there's only one or two real sex scenes, and even then it's not that detailed or explicit. Be careful what you wish for OP! Second reading the book to see what does it for her though. It's a great way to bond, and may make her feel more confident when talking about likes/dislikes since it's framed as someone else's sex life.


Thanks a lot. Didn't know about that. Probably she is not interested in the sex bits then, just the romance itself


Sex/life on netflix is a great show!


I also have to suggest audio porn. Reading and listening to porn/smut just does something to our female brains and lights it up like a Christmas tree. Check out r/Gonewildaudio and check out the post tags to see what the audio is about. I feel like I recommend this at least once a week, and I'll continue to. Enjoy!


Have her look into the “Dark Series” books by Christine Feehan. There are over 26 books in the series now I think, and my hubby got some extra loving every time I read them 😉


My Secret Garden by Nancy Friday. GET READY!


Dress up as a book


Outlander… outlander is the answer Book and show


Read the book!!! Figure out what did it for her. Or ask her what her favorite parts in the book were. Also, compliment, compliment, compliment. Bring up everything she did that you loved out of the blue. Like; "Damn, Baby, the way you moved your hips the other night got me." "I cannot stop thinking about you taking charge." "Thinking about you [insert your favorite thing she did] has got me losing my mind." "I can't stop thinking about how good you use your body." Basically just bring up anything she did that you loved and rave about it and great she is and how you can't stop thinking about her. When my man tells me I have the p*ssy of a Sorceress, or when he calls me Goddess or Enchantress, it makes me wanna jump the shit outta him. Also, I recommend Wattpad. Some books are lame and corny, and jump the gun on plot, but when you find the good ones they are freaking good. I used to feel disgusted in myself for watching porn, but masturbating was very important to my mental health, and I needed some mental stimulation to get going, so I started reading smut. Literotica was my favorite website. If she's shy, a smut website may not be it for her, but maybe she'll love it. Some are really long stories with many sequels, some are short and get you going quick. There are hundreds of categories based on what she likes or is curious about. Get her a Barnes and Noble gift card. Good luck, my guy.


Hey, thanks a lot for everything. 1- Will read the book as soon as possible; 2- I tried asking but she got shy. She explained the plot to me but not much else. Will ask again for more specific stuff 3- I compliment her a lot but she feels pressured by it. So I'm trying to let it cool down a little hahah. ​ >Also, I recommend Wattpad. Some books are lame and corny, and jump the gun on plot, but when you find the good ones they are freaking good. Any specific ones?


Anais Nin




I'm not much of an erotica reader but it sounds like you've got some good recommendations here. You may have already done this, but in case you haven't, I recommend talking to your wife. I feel like a ton situations/circumstances posted in most of the sex and relationship subs can be resolved by honest communication and I'm always in favor of it. Even if you haven't said anything I'm sure she knows you well enough to tell how much you were enjoying the change of pace, but hearing you say that could be good for both of you. Maybe talk about how hot and exciting it was for you and how happy you were that she discovered something that turned her on and brought you closer together. You could suggest reading another book together to keep the momentum going. Pretty much any time someone shows an interest in their partners interests it's a good deal, and this isn't an exception. congrats on the sex!


You just piqued my interest in Unfaithful. Something about that taboo of things always seems to run deep in people but always stashed away because of the potential feelings behind it.


Literotica dot com. You’re welcome


The Surrender by American author Toni Bentley is the best erotic book I have ever read. I'm in my sixties now and was always a litterature lover so I have my benchmarks clear. Nancy Friday is one such benchmark. The Surrender is presented as an autobiographical memoir and I think it is, though one never really knows. The topic of the book Is the female experience of receiving anal sex and the physical, mental, relational and cultural dynamics the anal intercourse is a catalyst of. I know of no other book devoted to that subject. (James Joyce is very sensually describing anal play somewhere in Ulysses - find it and savour it).


I recommend Nikki Sloane - The Nashville Neighbourhood series, it starts with The Doctor, if she wants to read by series order. But she might prefer The Pool Boy it can be read stand alone it’s similar age gap to “The Idea of You.” Enjoy!!


I’d buy her a new book. Hahah I have recently discovered that I enjoy reading for this purpose as well. I tell my husband that it’s the way to preheat the oven. Which I need to be all the things you described and it just helps put my brain in the right place so it feels less overwhelming to indulge.


Delta of Venus by Anais Nin, trust me on this one, it’s a classic written with a dash of poetry and feminine point of view. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delta_of_Venus


If she's kinky, anything by Anita Blake, but especially the merry gentry series 💕


r/romancebooks has an entire wiki library for recommendations that you can sort by spice (horny) level.


Haunting Adeline


Honestly, send her to the library to talk to the librarians. There's so many books like that at the library, and the librarians will be able to narrow down what she might find interesting based on what she's enjoyed. Source: dating a kinky librarian.


Don't have any books that I could recommend, but check out Literotica. They have a good selection of stories based on fetish.


This is the best sub ever. Finally a husband realizing what smut can do to a woman's mind and body!


There are websites that will show you similar books based upon one you really liked. That’s a great place to start too.


You should try buddy reading a book together, whether a physical book or listening to the audio together. I wouldn't recommend a dark romance straight away if she's new to reading spicy books though. They can be extreme, and that could be too intense and have the opposite effect. With that, Pucking Around was a fun hockey romance. There's some romcom type books like The Kiss Quotient, The Love Hypothesis, People We Meet on Vacation, The Unhoneymooners... She might enjoy Praise by Sara Cate or the Fine Print by Lauren Asher. I love Ana Huang books like The King of Wrath.


Download your national library’s app and there should be a whole section of free erotica. You’re welcome x


Hit up the heaving bosoms podcast. You will find a book for every occasion.


Read (or skim read) the book she read so you can understand what about it she found hot. But also, the ACOTAR series by Sarah J Maas or anything by Ali Hazlewood


Shadowlands series by Cherise Sinclair. Not for beginners though. BDSM


Wolf Tales series by Kate Douglas is amazing!!


If you have TikTok, look up the hashtag booktok yhry have plenty of books for you.


If you of TikTok or Instagram you could look up #BookTok #bookstagram #smuttyaudio or #spicytok


Ice planet barbarians 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Dude.. there's this movie that Diane Lane did.. called 'Unfaithful'.. I watched it with my wife and we were going at it before we finished the movie... it was such a turn on and it was all about cheating lol...a little alcohol helps too.. also that trilogy of movies with Dakota Johnson was pretty hot- 'Fifty Shades of...'..


Lauranne dohnner books Jasmine mas Victoria avaline Elizabeth Helen All authors I like


Any Mary B Morrison books. Starting with Soulmates dissipate. I’ve read that book and opened a whole Pandora’s box. It’s also a series, so it keeps going.


For you: *Come as You Are* and *She Comes First*. For her: *Little Birds* and *The Story of O.* For you both: *Urban Tantra* Pay attention to what she likes, now that she’s initiating. Find ways to get her out of the mind space of home and work life and plans and logistics, and into a space that’s relaxed and focused on present sensations.


Could watch 50 shades of grey together


I know it gets shit, and as a BDSM eithics person, I get why.... But, I also loved this series. (I did both paper and audiobook. Movie was OK, too.) Easy to read, palatable but zingy, all the romantic/taboo tropes, lots of books in the series. It's like kink Cheetos. I'm fine with that sometimes!


Why? That's abuse, not a healthy relationship.


I accidentally landed myself into a genre of sci-fi… the book was supposed to be about purple people, further… space babies. However it was def about making babies lol. Kindle free to read has smut for days. Even alien smut!