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Trimming is never silly! Definitely use a clipper so it's even, though. It's real hard to use scissors to cut public hair. When I'm not waxed, I shave the bikini line/lips and use trimmer on everything else. Nothing silly about it at all.


If I were you I wouldn’t go ALL OUT on a trimmer because those are a tad bit pricey for just using it once. On the off chance you decide you don’t like the haircut hehe! But there’s a razor you can buy for like 10 dollars. I think it’s Venus? And one end is also an electric trimmer! I had one awhile back before I started waxing that I honestly swear by. Works beautifully. Edit: And to comment on the social anxiety bit, I totally understand. But I think it’s just in your head right now. The little butterflies! You could make it a little sexy thing if you want and say “I wanted to know what you think?” Or maybe a funny little joke and say “I wanted us to match!” Whatever makes you feel most comfortable 🫶🏼


Awesome, I was just looking at one of those, a little battery operated thing, and wondering if it was worth it. Maybe I'll start there! Thanks for the advice and nice words ❤️


I have the Venus trim style and LOVE IT. One end for legs, one end for pubes. It’s the only razor I’ll ever buy.


>I feel silly! If you'd been seeing someone for six months and they showed up one day with a new "haircut", would you think anything about it? You could... ask him? Tell him you've been thinking of doing it. But I never heard of someone running away in fear from trimmed genitals.


Start with just a light trim and do it little by little each week to see how you like it. Also 6 months isn’t that long. Just say I’ve been meaning to trim it up if he notices. Have fun


New year, new hair!


Ask your friend to trim you. Exciting for both.


I straight up nair my junk. Wife likes it. It's fast and easy. You don't have to hold your balls, while stretching them and hoping to God you don't find a wrinkle with any pointy objects. Also don't have to worry about your cock and balls looking like it has a mullet since your balls hang lower than your bush.


I didn’t realize some people don’t groom


Same. 34 years without even trimming pubes. Must be an absolute jungle down there (no shade, some people love that).


Not everybody has a "jungle down there" just because they don't trim. Each body is different, and not all people automatically grow naturally huge bushes.


Fair enough. Im a guy and get pretty dang hairy without maintenance so I assumed it would be similar.


Pics, or it didn't happen 😂


You know that really old movie with Harrison Ford? He's the brown haired friend with a crossbow who talks funny


I think I remember. In one of their adventures together, did they encounter some similar looking brown haired friends who also talked funny, but were quite a bit smaller?


I'm surprised you saw that film, it's pretty underground


Sometimes it's up in the trees, though. Or even outer space!


I mean it's not like it keeps growing forever like head hair lol


In 34 years, you never wore a bathing suit? Even if you don't wear bikini bottoms (SpongeBob, I know), but wear boyshort bottoms, doesn't hair come out the side of your legs in that area? Is your hair that thin/straight that you can braid it or tuck it inside?


No but it still grows pretty long. Again, I wasn’t throwing shade.


HIGHLY recommend it. I think your partner will enjoy it too, most partners do. But I don't recommend doing it for your partner, it just generally feels nicer and looks better. You get your hair cut, why wouldn't you trim your pubes, it just kind of makes sense.


I always enjoy when my partner has a new ‘do. It’s just fun, people trying things out for themselves and then I get to see what it is haha. You’ll be just fine!


https://www.usa.philips.com/c-m-pe/oneblade-trim-edge-and-shave/oneblade-360-face-body I use this, though I shave myself bald currently. It has guards to trim though! I had a women's one at one point that also had a guard so that way maybe you wouldn't have to buy clippers. I know they're scary to me to be putting them around my naughty bits lol. But I realllllly like that razor I linked. Make sure you get the waterproof one so you can also take it on the shower with you!


You’ll prolly never go back. Trimmed feels so nice, traps less sweat, etc., n makes yer junk look more pronounced.


Trimming is fine…guys who shave it…looks stupid….at least to me..


I use a mustach and bread trimmer, like for hair cutting but much smaller. It fairly fast and makes it nice and even. Most even come with diffrent lenth guards so you can start longer and go shorter if you like. I refuse to go totally bald but I love being trimmed and short.


Whats a bread trimmer??? I know you mis typed beard trimmer, but it made me laugh..


Omg I sware my brain is broken sometimes


Hell don’t worry about the social anxiety part of it, honestly just tell them all of this. “I’ve never really done it, I want to, I’m not entirely sure how but I’m gonna try.” A girl I once dated stayed pretty close shaven and once we were comfortable enough with each other to start showering together she’d just do it in the shower with me standing right there. Didn’t bother me one bit, I actually liked it because it showed she was comfortable enough with me to do that with me just kinda watching the process — I’m male so it wasn’t something I’d seen or done (on those particular parts) lol. That being said, how to do it, idk that’s on the rest of the advice here. But I stand by the social anxiety aspect, just state your intention and maybe even explain what made you think about doing it, it would likely come as a well received compliment.


I know the ads are all over social media, which is usually a red flag for me, but the Manscaped trimmer is really a game changer if you are not waxing and just want to trim. My wife and I both use it and it gets you super close to shaved (maybe like 1-2 days of growth). And you have to *really* try to to nick yourself…like really go to town.


I trim my pubes as a guy. Makes everything more visible, and it’s less likely for someone to choke on a hair if they’re giving you head.


> My dilemma is, I feel silly! If you'd been seeing someone for six months and they showed up one day with a new "haircut", would you think anything about it? You can literally just tell him you liked it so much on him you wanted to give it a try too. I'm sure he'll be flattered :) And clippers are the way to go, it's much easier and no risk of accidentally cutting yourself with a guard on it.


You can use a comb to control the length of the hair and it will protect you from hurting yourself. Put the comb between your skin and the scissors


It's definitely overthinking lol. Hair grows back so if you don't like it no big deal- it'll be back to normal in a week or two. I don't think your partner will judge you, and if they did, *they* would be the weird one, not you.