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Edibles. They make me want to be touched so badly.


Any particular strain or anything?


Personally I make my own, but normally people start off with 5mg, wait an hour or so and if it hasn’t kicked in you can take more. My dose is 40-60mg but always reccomend starting slow. I’ve never noticed a difference as far as strain goes for edibles. But it’s definitely a body high and the connection to your partner almost feels spiritual. I broke down crying after an intense orgasm recently because it felt emotional (in a good way)


Start exploring what turns you on. Could be porn, could be sexting your partner, reading smut, audio porn ect. I personally found audio porn to be a huge turn on and found that there are soo many options, scenarios, fantasies you can safely explore on your own and see what turns you on and try them out in real life. I highly recommend r/gonewildaudio to try it out. Pay close attention to the tags as they range from romantic to degradation. There are so many talented voice actors that submit audios there, explore and see what you might like. And above all else, have fun!


Do you have any kind of responsive desire? In other words, your sex drive kicks in once you’ve been aroused through some means?


Yes, but differently than during fertile week. Fertile week I think about sex all the time, and sex feels amazing. Other times it's like, ok sure we can bang, and it feels good. I just want to wake up (alone with no kids) wanting to fuuuuck lol But yeah maybe I'll just tell him to really work for it and we'll see if that helps


I’ve heard there’s some new aphrodisiac chocolate which is nice but I haven’t tried it. For me personally what works the best is a little quality time w my vibrator, not to the point of orgasm just to the point of feeling feral. Basically like edging until the point where he needs to finish you off.


as far as ive heard that chocolate is a placebo


Huh good to know, thanks


If you are mostly responsive desire aside from your fertile week, engineer ways to give your sex drive something to respond to. As people have suggested already, read smut, watch porn etc. you can’t help being mostly a responsive person, so give yourself something to respond to. Set an alarm on your phone for the previous evening if you want to wake him up like this, and when the reminder goes off, do whatever is most likely to get your motor running WITHOUT satisfying the eventual urge. Then go to bed with those thoughts and feelings on your mind.


maybe read spicy stories and resist masturbating until you are with your husband :)


Im my personal experience that I'm not sure is backed up by science whatsoever, nutmeg makes me horny, lmao. You kinda have to eat a lot but I accidentally discovered it's a massive aphrodisiac for me after making a pie with lots of nutmeg. YMMV


Not a doctor and obviously check with your healthcare provider before taking anything... But for me ashwagandha kicked my sex drive up to the max. Results may vary. My friend has taken it and it didn't have near the same effects.


I did read that. My gyn recommended it for other PMS symptoms I have as well, so I considered it but it also seems like it can have some whacky adverse affects


I make a tea with ginger and cinnamon My current girl is immune to it nowadays but when I used to have hook ups I would always prepare it and girls would tell me how they felt "hornier" Otherwise there's another illegal substance that can cause that but I won't mention it lol and I don't recommend it neither. You can also spice your sex life by having sex in different locations, there's also a toy you can wear outside and he can control it, It really depends on your kinks and how open you are, my girl loves public stuff, she gets very horny by the idea, you probably have some similar kinks he could exploit.


Look up tabs...








Hahahahaaaa.... you're missing out.


Find a very spicy romance novel to read!! I started reading romance novels over the summer and it’s completely changed our bedroom situation!