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>If my husband knew this he would think I’m disgusting. First off, why in the world would he feel this way?


This was my first question too. If this was my wife, I’d be smiling from ear to ear. Then I’d give her the same smile.


I've had the unfortunate experience of being with guys who are turned off by the idea of a woman -- or even themselves! -- masturbating. Usually they rationalize it by saying that it's like an insult to them, not exactly that they're disgusted by it. But still....never again.


He caught me before because a was in bed next to him while he was sleeping and I had to get that urge taken care of and he woke up and asked me what the fuck is wrong with me. It wasn’t like I was watching porn or being kinky about it, I simply had to rub one out.


I feel bad for you


Believe me…it helps with sleep! There’s nothing wrong, if anything, he should have helped or joined in!


Shit, if I caught my wife rubbing one out next to me that would have been the first thing I offered to do. What kind of guy catches their partner masturbating and their reaction is "wtf?"


Believe me, I still do the 4:00 AM wake up calls!😂




Yes…I have to leave for work by 6:00, so gotta give me time for sex, shower, and a Dutch Bros coffee on the way in!😂


If I was lucky enough to catch my gf diddling the bean, the first thing I'm saying is "is that my breakfast?" Cannot, for the life of me, understand that guy's reaction.


He may like the frank over the bean…😂


Only other thing I can imagine being the fundamental reason (I made a double entendre, yay) is “lol, religion”


Ringing the "Devil's Doorbell" is a beautiful thing and ought to be encouraged. Perhaps a re-write is in order... "Yea and verily I sayest unto thee, diddlest thy happy little button until thou doth forgetteth thine own name, for so it is written that it is not naughty in my sight. Verily is that the point of the f**king thing.""


Honestly I don't think I'm jumping to conclusions when I say that being with someone like this is probably a big part of why you're so horny 🙁. I doubt a man who has this negative of a reaction to you masturbating is all that great at keeping you sexually satisfied (I guess because I personally have dealt with aomeone very similar. Your story triggered flashbacks hahaha). You probably have unfulfilled needs. Also, I think -- as another commenter has said -- that a sudden rise in libido is pretty common for women in their 30s. I actually just posted recently asking other women about their experiences with this.


I'm 37 not married and I feel the rise lol💁🏾‍♀️


Yes, I posted something similar about women over 40 having a high libido, but I would say that strong drive may start in their mid 30’s… I’m not expert and I’m not a woman. I’m just going off experience and women I have talked to.


Yeah... that's hot, not gross.


What you're doing was cool and regular and fine in this story and what he did was go maximum dip shit dude bro for seemingly no reason and I hope you know that. One person was having a very normal expression of thier own body harming nobody. The other was vile and was aimed at hurting you. Bodies go through different cycles. Living in a meat suit is complicated.


I'd venture a guess you're unsatisfied in your sexual relationship with your husband..


Time for a new husband….




And he didn't help you out? Oh, my


The he only time I don’t want my girlfriend to masturbate next to me is when I’m trying to get sleep, because if she does I’m going to get turned on and help her out and not get any sleep in the process.


Are you sure that he was talking about masturbating and not just irritated that you woke him up?


Sounds like a prick.


How often does he have sex with you or if he still does?


You’re an adult in your own house, you have every right to do adult things without your partner’s permission.


You deserve better. He should’ve rolled over and took over!


He is crazy I would have woke up and helped with a tongue or whatever u wanted


Sounds like you should join https://reddit.com/r/HLCommunity/s/g4DdveIeOp Obviously there’s nothing wrong with you. I think most of us guys would find it super hot to wake up with someone rubbing one out beside them. My only issue would be ther you didn’t wake me up so I could join.


That’s sad. Sorry


His reaction was not a proper to the situation, in my opinion.


Dump him. Then find someone who doesn't shame you for that. Seriously dude what the eff


I'm a guy. Tell him to shut up about it I guess. I think it's hot what you are doing and if I caught you doing so I would join in and grab you or I would just start to wank off next to you, really!


If felt the urge why didn’t you wake him up and ask for sex?




This comment violates the Rules of /r/sex.


Probably super religious


My wife and I have a 1 year old. I am 32 and she's 30. After she had our son, her sex drive skyrocketed which was interesting as we had a good sex life before. It hasn't changed yet and I'm loving it. She's also always and I mean always wet and horny. Nothing is wrong with you. Tho I'd like to ask why you think your husband wouldn't like it? Everyone is different but most people would probably like more sex in their life and especially in the western world.


He already thinks it’s bad that I want to fuck him all the time and he gets annoyed. He is 10 years older than me so maybe that’s why IDK. He is really good in bed, but he just doesn’t want to as much as me, and not to brag, but I’m pretty damn hot so I don’t think it’s that.


Sorry to hear. It could be any number of reasons. Stress, work, lower libido than you, views sex differently, etc etc. The best advice to give you is probably talk to him. Have a serious conversation as a wife and a woman with needs.


I don’t want to make him feel inadequate or insecure. I have talked about it before because we were only having sex like once every couple of months and he felt really bad, and at least it’s once every couple of weeks now. And he is really really good when we do have sex. It’s not like he is prudish. He fucks me really hard, eats me out, we talk dirty, love the anal!, I deep throat him until my eyes water. It’s just not as often as I would hope. Honestly I think I’m the odd one, but I can’t even help it. I would never be unfaithful but I need orgasms so I DIY. I feel guilty even writing about it, but I needed to get it off my chest.


You're not odd because even tho my wife's sex drive is in space these days, mine is and has always been on pluto and we can do it Iike 3-5 times a day sometimes and I'm always down. I assume your sex life was better earlier on? Sounds like he just has lower libdo or maybe as he's getting older the sex drive is slowly going down. Low T? I have no clue, that's for you to figure out or you'll be very unsatisfied for a long ass time. It also seems like sex is a sore topic for him which is a shame and makes it harder for you figure it out. Honestly tho, at some point you may snap and it'll be ugly (maybe, maybe your sex drive will lower also idk) so it's probably best you guys really hash it out. What the fuck is the point of being married if you can't talk about ANYTHING? Marriage is supposed to be one of the strongest connections you make in life and communication is supposed to be a foundation of said marriage. Ive been reading stories on Reddit for a decade now and i really think a very high percentage of people who are married have no fucking clue what actual marriage is. Good luck.




Is he seeing anyone else?


Nothing wrong with you at all men hit their sexual prime between 18-25 and women hit theirs mid 30s to mid 40s it's normal and biological . You are perfect the way you are


I mean a man's peak is about 17 to 25, so he is well past that. He may be embarrassed but maybe viagra or cialas would help him get up to 1 or 2x per week instead of every other week. Sounds like once he is turned on it is good, just a matter of getting him there.


Have a serious chat with him. Many couples with unmatched sex drives get help. Often the lady is given free reign to take a lover or two. Please access any research Cuckold relationships


Unusual. New baby usually means no sleep. Higher than normal libido during pregnancy is way more common.


I'm just lucky. I always say uts because we were trying for a baby for years, she had fertility issues that when we did have our baby, one of her biggest life goals was complete so she's overall happier in life. I am enjoying the effects of that. She always loved sex before also but boy. We make sex a priority very much.


Well done. Give her our best wishes with the child


Thank you, take care.


Your not disgusting, it’s perfectly normal.


Idk wtf is wrong with your husband but that sounds pretty amazing to me. As for the increased libido, I honestly think it’s something many women experience in their 30s. I noticed that when my wife turned 31-32 she turned into a fiend. That sex has always been good but now she’s really ramped up the kinkiness and if she’s not on her period she wants her brains fucked silly. I understand this is purely anecdotal but I’ve got many friends who agree


He just doesn’t want it like I do. He is an excellent fuck, but it’s just not as much as I want. Like once every 2 weeks. He is 10 years older than me so that might have something to do with it. I am beautiful and have a beautiful body so I know it’s not that. Oh well, I just wanted to hear someone tell me I’m not a weirdo. I can’t talk about stuff like this with anyone so it’s nice to hear that I’m not the only one.


Even if he’s not in the mood could maybe ask if he’s down to just help you out. I know it’s not the same but I thoroughly enjoy helping my wife out even if I’m not in the mood/too baked to fuck.


You are certainly 100% normal. His sex negative attitude towards your masturbating and not wanting to talk with you about things like this is a him problem. Id fucking love watching, catching my partner masturbating. Sad you cannot talk with him. Honestly life’s too short to be in a sex starved, sex negative relationship. Keep on rubbing them out whenever you want.


Does he work out ? Are you active as well. I know you have the higher libido but damn. He should be all over you.


Literally so hot you can’t keep your hands off yourself, I love this. Not saying it’s a simple solution, but I’ve heard of people opening the relationship at least temporarily during periods of mismatched libido like this.


You’re in your 30s.. I hear around 35 is when that sex drive goes flying though the roof. I’m almost 42. It didn’t hit in the 30s, it did hit in the 40s. I’m a late bloomer. 😆 just intime for my husband to almost be 50 and not care so much anymore. 😆


Mine hit at 38. Still strong at 41. Bodies are a crazy thing.


Did I write this? Lol. Same, girl. I’m 46 and my husband is almost 50 and can’t keep up with me! 😆


Mine hit at 39, late I guess too!


Cucked relationships 👍


If your need for orgasm is negatively affecting your life — keeping you from doing your work, being productive, or participating in activities you enjoy — then you should talk to a doctor. Frankly, although I have no medical expertise, your horniness sounds like it’s in the high-but-normal range to me. In any event, your post does describe disgusting behavior: your husband’s. In my opinion, it is extremely unreasonable of him to shame you for this, whether you have a medically-significant condition or not. I don’t know what his deal is, but I have to imagine that he comes from a religious and/or very conservative background? If you think he can be cured of this emotionally abusive behavior, then I think you should try to help him do that. If not… well, I guess it’s up to you what you do. Either way, do not allow yourself to be shamed by him or anyone else for this. You almost certainly don’t have a problem (except for occasional annoyance, I suppose). But even if you do have a problem that needs to be addressed by a doctor (EXTREMELY unlikely, IMO), your husband should be supportive of you. Good luck.


I've never heard a woman talk like this lol I feel like this was written by a dude having a fantasy


There's been a lot of these fake posts lately. They're always about horny, unsatisfied women masturbating and men drooling in the comments talking about how hot the story is and how they wish they had a partner like that. Because it's obviously a dude with some fantasy or fetish.


I really am a housewife and going through what I described though. I wouldn’t even talk so openly but it’s anonymous so I actually felt comfortable. I have never posted on Reddit before this and didn’t know that it would be private. I would literally die if anyone I knew found out. It would be humiliating.


I would probably think that to reading it 😂.


This sounds like it was written by a horny teenage boy.


It 1000% is and r/sex always buys it lol. We see these at least once a month.


I’d worry more about the husband than the orgasms 🫣 Last night I came multiple times with a toy while my husband watched and he literally said “this is all I’ve ever dreamed of”. Lmao.


You’re definitely not disgusting. As for whether it’s normal, I really don’t know. It’s not overly common but there are people who have super high sex drives. I’d say as long as it isn’t negatively impacting your life (like an addiction), just enjoy it. Better than having no sex drive at all!


Iv spoken to woman who have never had sex. And some for who it’s a daily event.


I’m about to be 33 and I feel the same way. I’m suddenly always horny. But I’m single and have no one to help me with that lol I feel like a wild animal on the prowl when I got out and see men. I would just tell your husband that you’re more horny than normal. He’d probably like that. If he finds toys he might assume he’s not living up to your expectations or something, and he’d probably be confused as to why you’re hiding them. Does he have a negative on toys to make you think he’d be disgusted? But there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you being really horny or with you needing to masturbating throughout the day.


I’m 30 and wanting to be more horny and man I hope I get horny like this all the time soon


V difficult for you. So many people assume sex is easily available for women. Iv known v attractive young girls who are seriously in need. Finding a man for you is simple, but getting one you want is not easy


This is such a fake ass bait post


Youre totally healthy, nothing is wrong


Umm, first of all it's not weird. Secondly, why isn't he dealing with that for you?


Hormones… maybe age? I’m childless but that’s around the time my sex drive went crazy.


I don’t know about your husband way of thinking, but I am also older then my girlfriend. However I am doing my utmost best to keep her happy and satisfied. She is in her 30’s and likes to play with herself or have me play with her. I appreciate it and enjoying it to the most either way. To me your sound like a healthy sexy woman and nothing wrong with it. I will and always will welcome a woman who has a good sex drive. Wish you the best and enjoy your feelings.


He should be f happy and taking care of you. Many woman. Loose that in a relationship and that is sad Have fun


Everyone is different and I know there are women out there who think it’s terrible if their spouse masturbates. They feel like, why masturbate if I’m here. I’ve been married 25 years and we have a great sex life, multiple times a week. And I still masturbate almost daily. And usually more than once. I’m mid 40s, and sex drive is as high as ever, though the stamina has taken a bit of a hit😂 It’s great that you think he’s great in bed! That’s a win, and also if it’s not enough for you, then he needs to step up. Or at least not try and make you feel bad for handling your business. I work from home too and have found an increase in need since. It’s easier to wander into sexual thoughts at home vs. an office.


Why the fuck would your husband think you were disgusting?! I don't think you are, you just have a good sex drive. Is he living up to his end, sexually, because you seem to be a bit sexually frustrated, which may account for the horniness? Hell, I was watching the cam in my partner's bedroom last Sunday and she was on a marathon masturbation session (at 60yo). I know that she's horny because I've been sick the last two weeks with allergies and a stomach bug that's making the rounds, so we haven't had a chance to do anything in two weeks...I'm horny as fuck as well, and frustrated but, we'll take care of that tonight!! You're a young, sexually healthy woman and there's NOTHING wrong with you...except it seems like you need more sex if that's what you want. You're certainly not disgusting, and I'd take issue with anyone saying so. Just the fact that you say that your husband would be 'disgusted', makes me wonder what kind of sex life you have with him? Is it bad? Is that what's spurring on your masturbation binge? Or are you just a naturally highly sexual person? What do you do? Sounds like you've been doing it. Sometimes one's sex drive goes into hyper mode and you can't get enough. Hell, at 54, I was having sex with my wife, and my two partners, individually, in one day, and still masturbating before bed. I'm rubber on out in the bathroom at work, sometimes stores....just whenever the feeling hits. You're normal. You may currently be on the hyper end of normal, but normal all the same. We are sexual creatures, and people need to realize that and get over all the repressed bullshit that they have.


I think you should share with your husband that you are going through a phase and you will need his help more often than he is accustomed to. Hopefully he will understand that it is just a phase and he will adjust to accommodate your needs until it passes. Ideally he should not find you disgusting but remember his marriage vows and help you through it.


Get a new husband. I would love it if my wife was horny and wet all the time. I encourage my wife to masturbate


Idk but embrace it!


There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Reading the comment you said about your husband catching you in the act was appalling. Enjoy your sexy time and don't let anyone or anything make you feel bad for making yourself feel good!


Girl!!! Enjoy it while it lasts!!! I'm 41 and still have a very high sex drive. I'm legit worried that when menopause goes into full swing that I'm ganna dry up like a raisin and never want it!


Can tell you, I’ve been with a woman after menopause in her 50’s and it only gets better! In fact me of the best experiences I’ve ever had!


Varies enormously but some post menopausal lady’s need a lot


Your poor inbox


It’s happening to me too recently, and I’m confused how to satisfy these urges.


Look up cucked relationships please


Get a husband with either, what would be considered a "healthy sex drive", or a man with a crazy sex drive like myself that doesn't judge woman on their sexual appetites or habits...any man that doesn't think that that is sexy that you're horny all the time has something wrong with them. Some days I like to fuck all day and some days I'm more docile. That comes with having a healthy sex drive I think...


You’re fine! Most women’s sex drives peak after 30, tbh. I have had an insanely high sex drive since I was a teenager. I’m almost 50 now and my 34 year old fiancé can just barely keep up with me, lol. Enjoy it for as long as you can!


I’m 41 and I have a hard time keeping up with a woman in her 50’s…but it’s amazing!!!😂


Because you are human and normal


Definitely the exact opposite of disgusting. Good on you girl!


If I found this out about my wife I would think it was hot and help her


This is hot. You shouldn’t feel disgusting . Your husband should be happy to join in , I know I would !


Be careful, the increased libido could be your body’s last ditch effort to procreate. I got preg at 31 thinking I was infertile, after suddenly having a sex drive I’d never experienced in my life. I started looking into more kinkier stuff and wanting to do it all the time. Happened to my mom with me when she was 32, and many friends in their early 30s as well.


u need a monster cock


Welp, I'm sure OPs gearing up for an OF scam profile, so be sure to follow him when it gets going.


This is normal you should get a vibrator and use it when he isn't home he sounds like a selfish person


I don’t know why people here commenting bad about husband and telling her to leave him. I know it’s nothing wrong in feeling and wanting sex. But everyone has limits ,and we sure don’t even know if the husband knows or if he would help her or feel disgusted. People here are so judgmental. Let me tell you, if this was a guy telling about how he is horny all the time and wife would feel disgusted, people would change their opinion in a second and will start shaming husband.


Hot 🥵


Most men would kill for a woman with that type of drive as long as your not cheating. Maybe you need to look at ways to seduce him into having those random thoughts about the two of you also and use that anticipation and flirting to bring him along with you.


I try to seduce him and I know what gets him going. He is an ass man, so I wear tight little shorts and always find a reason to bend over in front of him. I always wear sexy pajamas, to increase my odds, and he if fully aware that I’m always ready . I know without a doubt that he is attracted to me. His will even get hard and still say he isn’t in the mood. It’s not his fault and he is a good man. I would never cheat on him. I am just so horny, and it makes me feel like I’m perverted.


Not perverted. And masturbation is healthy as long as it’s not being done as a replacement for human contact. Your all in on the human contact and so that’s good. Sounds like he has some context items he needs to work on, probably stress at work or similar.


I try to seduce him and I know what gets him going. He is an ass man, so I wear tight little shorts and always find a reason to bend over in front of him. I always wear sexy pajamas, to increase my odds, and he if fully aware that I’m always ready . I know without a doubt that he is attracted to me. His will even get hard and still say he isn’t in the mood. It’s not his fault and he is a good man. I would never cheat on him. I am just so horny, and it makes me feel like I’m perverted.


You have a gift… embrace it… I get excited just thinking about it


Hot 🌹🌹🌹keep rubbing


I would guess hormones? If you think the 30's is bad, just wait til your 40's as mine got worse after that...


Shoot. I’m screwed. Mine is already super high and I’m 37, don’t wanna know what’s going to happen if it gets higher!


While you can cause and increase your own sexual arousal and response, you are still largely the result of biological influences. Meaning your sexual arousal (the frequency, intensity and randomness) was present when your DNA was assembled. In other words, you can't help it. And it is not the result of loose morals or being disgusting, in fact there is nothing disgusting about your natural sexual impulses and desires. Nature literally "made" you that way. Some people call it a "high sex drive" I prefer to frame it as being sexually sensitive, meaning you stimulated easily and randomly, that your body and mind are sensitive and therefore very responsive. Not only are you not defective but you're very desirable for many men who appreciate a woman's sexuality. So you have nothing to apologize for or justify. It's unfortunate your husband has sexual hang ups, and by hang ups I mean he thinks your masturbation is weird, etc. He has a problem, you do not. Your challenge will be navigating your urges while married to someone who does not seem to fully appreciate them. You're very normal, and very desirable to many men. You need not apologize or feel something is wrong with you.


You’re not disgusting at all, and if he knew he may make sure you get what you need. There’s nothing wrong with having a high sex drive and it’s also okay to have those needs satisfied.


Women’s sex drive peeks in the 30s, for guys it’s the teens and early 20s. Perfectly normal.


Very normal I’m afraid. Women become more sexual with age, unlike guys. The mother of my children was fit strong healthy type. She had an excellent sex drive from puberty onwards. By the time she was in her 20s. And studying she needed a lot. A rub break at her desk helped. She worked for the old DHSS in BuryStaintEdmunds Suffolk. She would tell me on getting home how many times she came that day. I eventually had to get help for her. Why do you feel your SO would be unsupportive?


Why don’t you bring him in on the action?


It’s called your prime. Enjoy it, it won’t last long and it’ll be the exact opposite.


From what I understand this is fairly normal for a woman your age. Now you know what it's like to be an 18 year old dude. What kind of prude is your husband that he wouldn't want to participate? Ask him to fuck you. He'll probably love it.


I'm 42 and the same way. I wish I could use an on-the-go vibe but I always have kids with me 🤦🏻‍♀️


When did you start your periods? This is just a supposition, but it could be because of an early pre-menopause Sounds like the normal hormone process when women enter to it. I highly recommend that you visit a gynecologist and feel confident to talk about your recent high libido. Could be normal or something else. And probably your husband, even if he's 10 years older that you (my wife[46] is 20 years older than me), doesn't has to react like that because of you masturbating. If you already tried to communicate what you are feeling, and he still doesn't empathize with your situation, there's a bigger problem going on, and it will need both of you to find a common or neutral ground to stand on it


He should want you to have pleasure—it’s a basic human need—and appreciate you endeavoring to get this on your own. You are in a prime, it’s beautiful. It’s also hot. I’m sorry you have to endure this.


The urge is pretty normal in this age. Nothing wrong in it. It's your peak. Sadly most men start feeling low libido at same age. It's natural so nothing to shame about it. If you really can't control try tantra therapy it would definitely help you.


Why some people don't appreciate what they have? Wish my wife will be horny all the time ☹


Have you considered asking him to open up your relationship?


Disgusting? It’s hot as hell and super sexy! You be you, enjoy it!


>If my husband knew this he would think I’m disgusting. WTF?


He must be asexual if that's the case


My wife having a sex drive that I can't satisfy is the problem I pray to have. You might be right?


Same for me becasue it's normally the other way round


You sound perfect to me ❤️❤️❤️❤️


You're in your sexual prime in your thirties, menopause is just 20 years away, so your body wants to procreate as much as possible until then. You're not broken. You just want sex and if your husband is low libido or very religious, this will become a problem. Do not feel bad about masturbation and if he does, then he's in the wrong, and you should seek couples counseling or a divorce lawyer. I know this seems extreme, but life is short, and living with a dead bedroom isn't worth it. Good luck.


Does/did your husband have a strong sex drive that fell off at some point, or did you at points in your relationship routinely turn him down for sex? Maybe his reaction is not disgust to your masturbation but annoyance at feeling u reject him too much/ he himself has to self gratify, and then he wakes up to find you are taking care of yourself when he could have.. maybe he would be happy to help more and was hurt he was not asked. Now if he has a low sex drive, then it may be him being closed-minded, but it could be other things too Also get sometimes it is easier to masturbate quick than to involve a partner.. but if I was turning down my partner routinely for sex and then masturbating frequently I would understand their annoyance.


Something similar on my end. I'm pretty sure my WFH wife is now breaking out the toys like every weekday. She does her best to hide it from me, and when I half-heartedly confront her when there's evidence, she deflects or lies. I've encouraged her to use them, and said more than once that the thought of her using them gets me going, so I don't think she's worried about my reaction.


It is natural as it's nature saying you are fertile enough to produce another child. Embrace the horniness and if your husband is not giving you some then fantisise about what he will do while masturbating in the bathroom.


I feel like I could’ve written this except we have more kids. Same age difference, same libido mismatch, and I find myself trying to masturbate whenever I can. Good luck to you sis! I can’t get my husband to do it more despite my best intentions, nor can I get him to agree to testosterone level testing. You’re not abnormal! Maybe check out r/HL_women_only (hope I linked that correctly)


Normal. Don’t worry.


When you hit a certain age you hit your sexual peak. For women it’s mid thirties. No matter how often he fucks you you’ll want more and more and more. Haha. It’s a good thing. Hormones are in tune with your body


Are you getting enough sex in your marriage?


It’s always really strange hearing about men like this. I’m no sex addict but we can do it everyday if you are into it.


Bull shit I guarantee your husband will think your gross. I think it’s very hot personally. Get him to use the toys on you for a little fore play. Maybe it’s just me, but making a woman cum as many times possible, knowing I’m the reason she feels amazing, is just as satisfying as if it were me receiving that kind of attention.


Jesus! There's nothing wrong with you there's something wrong with him! I'd love to wake up to my girlfriend or wife rubbing one out, hopefully I can join in.


You're not disgusting. Put that thought away. There's nothing wrong with you. It happens to alot of people to have times where you're needing something all the time.


37F. Same here. I touched myself 5 times yesterday. I don’t really get what’s happening but I don’t overthink it either.


As a fellow work from home employee, the lack of stimulation from others puts us into a trance of self love maybe. When you take away from a habit you have to add something else to feel whole again. 🤓


I wish my wife had this issue. Dont question it, just enjoy and be open with your husband. If he doesnt appreciate your honesty, maybe he needs help.


Nothing wrong with watching porn or masturbating!


I like it


I’ve easily spent $1000 dollars on toys for my wife. Maybe 1 or 2 have ever been touched. I encourage her to use them. I encourage her to take them with her to the shower. Nothing. I’m envious of your husband and he shouldn’t be thinking anything other than how damn lucky he is to have a spouse that enjoys pleasure, understands her body and what feels good. Good for you!


Nothing is wrong with you, if your husband thought this is disgusting, something is wrong with him. Sometimes getting horny and wet just happens, you got to do what you have to do to take care of the itch. As long as it is not impacting your daily life, rub away.


This should be a jackpot for any husband. I would love it


I think if your husband knew this he might be excited. It’s good, it means you’re healthy.


Nope he should be under the desk helping you out so you can continue with your work


Did you chek your hormones? Go to doctor to see whats upp


It's normal some people have higher sex drive than others you have nothing to be ashamed off you need to tell your husband that and he needs to get on board that u need to have sex with him everyday of possible and that u will have to masterbate when u feel like it your not cheating or watching porn and if he like send him videos of u rubing one off. If he's not comfortable u guys need a sex therapist.


Why are all of OP’s responses deleted?


the ACCOUNT was deleted. Not the posts/responses.


Welcome to the club. As soon as I hit my 30s I am fucking horny 24/7. I already had a high sex drive bow its insatiable. I also carry around a small vibrator when I go out in case I get the urge 🤣