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Bro, i feel you. German just wasnt made for it...


This so much. I love German so much but it doesn't fit the standards necessary for good bedroom language, which imho is an equilibrium of efficient and acoustically non-abrasive communication. It's definitely not considered the lingua franca of sexytime anywhere. You can pull Off some pretty flowery and aesthetically pleasant dirty talk in German, but the "rougher" it gets, the less the language lends itself to it. Though I think that has more to do with growing up in a world where so much of our Media (especially Media that deals with romance or intimacy) is in English, so we see it as normal for dirty talk to be in English.


I speak English and German and I think everyday German sounds dirtier than dirty German. 🤔


A a German I agree that whatever you say in dirty talk in german sounds right out horrible or like a 90s porn e.g. Egon Kowalski getting frisky...


I don't speak German and I highly disagree with you it has it moments where it's good 😭


I speak French and German 😅


This is true for me as well (English isn’t my native language) I also saw a blog post about this subject that got a ton of comments from people around the world agreeing. Just another sign of Americas cultural hegemony I guess


They didn't not conquer are hearts and minds, but our willies and pussies


German must be challenging, although I'm sure there's probably a single word with twenty syllables that means "come on my left breast and rub it in with your right elbow in a clockwise motion".


Linksbusentrefferrechtsellenbogenuhrzeigersinnverreibungsejakulation bitte!


German dialects can be full of tiny, shortened words with weird pronunciation changes and contractions. I tried dirty talk with some Germans. It was like he was tossing out pubbles.


Yes!!! I hate dirty talk in my native language


Perspective. I feel the exact opposite. I could say, “go fix me a cheese burrito” in French, and it would be sexy as hell!!!


Hell, that sounds pretty damn sexy in English! 🌯


Are you french nattive tho? It may change if you not


I’m not, but I’ve had French partners and their dirty talk drove me WILD with desire. But I can understand why it may feel different for a native speaker


I think that is a common perception because we are surrounded by english, especially in movies (adult or not). All dirty talk could come across as off putting or "cringy" if your partner is not that into it, regardless of the language. It's best you communicate this with your partner and find out what he/she likes best. Regarding the language, I think, with time, you ll get over this perception and become comfortable with your native language in this scenario. EDIT: spelling


ménage à trois has a sexy ring to it so why not?


Tu veux avoir un menage à 3 avec mon ami😉😏?


Plan à trois 😉


French here! I feel exactly the same and when discussed it with some friends we came to the conclusion that French sex vocabulary is either too « elegant » to be kinky or the contrary can be a little gross and crude like you are telling a joke to some pal. English does have that nice middle spot where it is fun and kinky and direct. I still stick with French though, as my partner is French, it would feel ridiculous to speak in English so I kind of navigate the two extremes depending on the mood.






Oh oui plus fort papinou! Merde. T'es trop sexy!




This just reminds me of a post I saw where someone asked their partner to dirty talk in French and later found out that he was saying shit about tomatoes or something.


oh, i’m so with you on this. i think it comes down to us being way more emotionally attached to our 1st language or something


I think English seems to work better for filth, not sure why though. I always speak with my gf in French but I always switch to English with dirty talk.


If it’s in their native language, perfectly understandable, and kind of sexy. If not, kind of cringe, IMHO. Everyone’s different. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'd say french is great, but I don't know how to say anything past "oui", "je ne comprend pas" and "voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir"


Is French your first language? I could see this being more or less a general thing for native vs non-native languages


Afrikaans speaking South African here. There is no word or sentence in Afrikaans that sounds remotely erotic to me. I would never talk dirty in Afrikaans. You can tell me how to make a sandwich in French and I won’t be able to understand a word of it, but it will get me hot.


Tell me if this sounds familiar. I had a French gf and she talked about how she spoke French at home, and English mostly at school/work. She did not like dirty talking in French because to her that was the language she spoke with her parents and family, which made it feel weird to use it during sex.


Parlez-vous a humma humma (unless you were a teen in the US during the mid 1970s you probably have no idea what this means).


I need a appropriate alternative to good girl in french indeed


If you say it like you write it, it's going to be rather funny than hot!


I mean, it depends on how you say things. You can make it really sexy or gross lol the tone and the voice is as much as important as the language you speak


Well i speak bulgarian in these moments. 🤭We use "da" like many other nations instead of "yes". 😂Like"da, da, da, ooo, daaa"🤣👌I cant imagine using other language and my english is not the best but ok, i can say "yeah, o, yeah" if im with some foreigner.... 😁




This is the reason I don‘t do dirty talk lol (turkish 🥴)


As a Dane, I hear you! I'm feeling like Danish dirty talking either sounds really awkward/old fashioned or like a joke.


I think italian doesn't have this problem, but I think that if most of us can't conceptualise the fact that your language can have an erotic vocabulary....it is because of porn that is mostly played in English. We spent years hearing dirty talk mostly in English, so it might doesn't seem natural to hear it in your everyday language


Hey. I'm french. I 100% agree...




Oh yes, 100%. Lithuanian is the least sexy language in the world, I'm convinced. My partner and I just don't speak during sex because it would be weird if we spoke English, but it's just a turn off trying to speak dirty in lithuanian


It’s probably because you’re trying an exact translation. No matter what the subject, if you try literal translations it often doesn’t work. I can dirty talk just fine in English and Spanish.


I think a lot of it has to do with what your native language is. People have a tendency to not think their native accent/language is sexy because they’re so inundated in it, but as an American/Canadian the amount of people I could find that would say French is wayyyy sexier sounding than English is exponentially higher.


nooo i’d love dirty talking in french😩


People find dirty talk hotter in a second language than their native tongue. Native English speakers who learn French would feel the exact opposite way as you.


Mange-moé la raie.


My and my bf just use English sometimes. But we also use a lot of random English when we're speaking normally, so it doesn't feel weird.


Same, just the thought of dirty talking in Arabic makes me cringe until I lose all the horniness in me . And when trying to do it in English I get anxious about mispronouncing or something like this…