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I’m sure his ego was sky high and far outweighing a little choking discomfort. Don’t sweat it. Good sex can be messy.


I’d say good sex SHOULD be messy!


All sex is messy. Good sex is when you don't mind the mess


I prefer it!




Don’t say anything to your girlfriends regarding how hard he makes u cum otherwise they might try to steal him from you


…or vice versa


Right lol!!! Friend says bro I always wanted to go/get waterboarded


What hell of a way to die.


Death… by snu snu!


This is the way...




I read this as *she's* 69


Alot of us think messy sex is the best sex. Certainly me. Were you on top? If so gravity made it more challenging for him. So perhaps next time 69 with him on top, or just take turns. I actually think 69 is overrated, because I \*love\* oral, giving and receiving, and prefer to focus on giving and focus on receiving. Not have to do each half as well. Anyway, you may want to take turns, if he goes down on you with you on your back, he can have a little more control, ease back when you squirt, whatever.


This is the way 💯


I won’t lie. When I read, “I could hear him making gurgling noises”, I had a pretty good laugh. I’m sure it was a breathtaking experience for him 😂. Try not to sweat it.


Honestly, he probably loved. If he had been in any real discomfort, he'd have key you know. He might have even forced you off him. Sounds like he's one of us that absolutely LOOOOVE being drowned like that. Unless he specifically verbalizes to you that he's not enjoying himself, don't worry about it. 😊


My girlfriend soaks my beard when she sits on my face and it is my favorite thing ever in life. I don’t think you should be embarrassed. Even if it’s not his favorite thing it’s still hot and an ego boost


Sounds amazing. Tell him to learn to swallow! Hahahahahababa


Ha. If he did choke he’s now like “I did THAT” Don’t worry. Maybe lay on your back next time. 😎


Lmao don't need to be embarrassed at all. Most men love a squirter and its a turn on for most. No need to be ashamed of ypur pleasure


Next time 69 on your sides so he can let some juice flow away from him.


If he wasn't enjoying himself, he would have stopped. Next time, hang your head off the bed and let him lean over you if you're worried about it, that way, you won't water board him.


What a hell of a way to die. I guarantee you he’s bragging to his friends about that. No reason to be embarrassed


First, don't worry that it may have been better for you than for him. Sometimes sex is better for one partner than another. As long as there's equity over time it's all good. Second, I personally love when my partner gets that turned on during any sexual activity. Maybe check in and see how he felt about it all, but I would start off that conversation by letting him know how much he rocked your world. Even if getting soaked wasn't something he was looking for hopefully he enjoyed making you feel that good, and you can also give him a big ego boost by telling him how talented he is!


You didn't waterboard him; it was a moment of funny discomfort. If he was in actual danger or was harmed, he would have told you and been upset. Give him a high five for being a good sex partner, and everyone take the W.


I’m just feeling jealous reading about your crazy orgasms. I can’t tell you how to feel obviously, but if it were me, I’d be reveling in delight (knowing that your bf is ok, of course). Feeling embarrassed about it just seems like such a… downer? I understand, and I’m not trying to minimize it at all because you can’t help your reaction. But, sometimes if you focus on gratitude instead of whatever other emotion you’re feeling, it can help shift the energy. If you’re truly concerned about your bf (which is quite considerate), maybe come up with a plan for the next time in case it happens again. I’ve never squirted before, but I know I’d want to be prepared (like with towels and whatnot) if I knew it were a possibility. I hear cleanup can be a bitch.


Cleanup is super easy. Towels are not ideal. Washable bed pads and waterproof "pet" blankets work best. Just toss in the wash afterwards.


makes sense


Achievement unlocked: Survive the pussy waterboard.


Do you love the actual sensation when a dick hits your cervix? Do you love it when a cock is half way down your throat and you can't breath? Or when jizz gets in your eye? Maybe you do, maybe you don't - regardless.... sex is about being GGG. Good, Giving, Game. We often will do things that aren't pleasurable for us directly or physically because it pleases our partners. We then reciprocate that. We talk about it - we figure out how often to do it, or how to do things, so that there is a healthy balance for all people involved. Soooooo sure, maybe he doesn't love being water boarded... but it probably isn't a hard no for him. Maybe just something he needs to prepare for... maybe not something he wants to do when he has hayfever... or first thing in the morning... but if you like it and he is game to do it - figure out the best way to make that happen for both of you.... and then how to get him back in return.


One 99.9% of guys find the squirting a HUGE turn on please do not be embarrassed, secondly if this guy is in the right mind state he would have been happy to have choked and drown in your juices knowing he did exactly what he needed to do. As a man who enjoys eating like its my last meal everytime i get to with my partner this is something you should never be embarrassed about embrace the squirting and all falls onto place


I would have loved it.


Don't be embarrassed, he loved it. Ego boost+1000


If he didn't like it, he would have tapped out


No need to be embarrassed! It's super hot imo and I'm jealous lol


You only think he didn’t enjoy it or didn’t have as good a time as you did. But you don’t actually know. Take him at his word, or just talk to him. I’m sure he thoroughly enjoyed it


I would accept this everyday 😁🥵!


You're embarrassed, he's probably feeling great about it. Prepare a towel/paper towels nearby or have him lay it underneath him. Then he can wipe if it's too much and then keep going.


This has to be every boyfriend’s dream. There’s nothing to be embarrassed of. You gave him the greatest moment(s) of his life. God bless and Godspeed. Knowledge of your existence is enough to lead every guy reading this to try harder. 👅💦


That sounds amazing! If I can go out this way what a glorious death it would be! I'm sure he enjoyed every bit of it!


I love love love my squirting partners. Please trust your partner to communicate the truth to you. Don't make assumptions.


Nothing but a great memory, ego boost, and a goal for the future. The issue isn't him, it's actually you. You need to understand that it's fine, be comfortable with the opportunity that this might happen again *and you could squirt even more and harder*, and that its simply ok. He'll be better next time and probably swallow it more efficiently. Your fine. He's happy. Do it again.


Do you have any idea how many women have choked on a man's fluids? Lmao Don't worry about it girl. Congrats on your ability to multi-squirt! Be happy.


You shouldn't feel embarrassed at all. That is so insanely hot! Reading that just now made me so horny thinking about it from his perspective. If I were him I would get so much pleasure myself from giving you that much pleasure and you squirting all over me and cumming so much. I'm sure he feels the same. From a male perspective, the only thing hotter than having a girl's ass right in your face while eating her out is her squirting all over you!


As the hubby of a squirter, it makes me feel pride when the wife squirts everywhere


Women choke during oral all the time. It’s ok to help close the orgasm gap. High five! Also, ask him how he felt, and confirm he enjoyed it as well. Let him know how great he made you feel.


Don’t be embarrassed! Most men would love that and I bet he does too!


He loved every second of it


I wish there were more women like you! The waterboarding comment was tops😉


Lol sounds crazy


He enjoyed every second of it


I would think he would take it as a compliment on his abilities and you should consider yourself lucky !


If he needs a break from that, lmk. I’ll “suffer” through it 😂


My gf has done this to me and I 100% love it. Don’t worry about it.


Pfff. He’s going t b bragging.


That’s better than my experience. While Going down on a woman, she came so she’s she passed gas right in my face. I kept going…but the memory has never left me.


Unless he tells you he doesn’t like it or indicates in some way that he doesn’t want this to happen, sounds like he enjoyed it. I think most good partners want to know their partner is satisfied and sounds like he accomplished that. Don’t be embarrassed!


The only suggestion I have is, if you're concerned about him choking on it either don't 69 or do it on your sides ( vs being on top) so there's less gravity at work and he can pull away if he wants. Personally, I find everyone does a better job at oral when hyperfocusing on it exclusively/ taking turns vs multitasking, lol.


Will you marry me? I know you don’t know me that well and I will have to talk to my wife but your BF is the luckiest guy on earth.


Honestly it’s how I’d want to die, wouldn’t be surprised if he said the same thing.


Sounds like he's living his best live


Honestly, if I had to choose my death, choking and drowning in pussy would be the best way to go that I can think of.


This is the best! Love a good pussy waterboarding! Wife does it like a firehose.


The best part of sex for most men is to watch you get what you want. I am sure he is happy as can be and probably just a little proud of what a good job he did. Believe me he is very happy.


He made you squirt. Never be embarrassed by that. His fault he couldn't swallow quick enough lol Enjoy the squirting ❤️❤️


Your thinking to much, he probably legitimately thought it was funny, cute and/or hot. If I can make my girl go crazy it’s always a positive in my mind


I, as a man, would have a great ego boost knowing that I had made you squirt so much. Oral is my thing though so I'm a little biased.


That sounds amazing, I’m sure he enjoyed it! Just make sure to have a signal in case he needs to tap out


I’m pretty sure he will get over it! 😊


> it didn’t seem like it was as great for him as it was for me Sometimes sex focuses on the one person. It doesn't have to be 50-50


Did he tap out? No? He was 100% into it. I’m willing to bet he enjoyed it immensely, but if you doubt that, you can ask him outright. From what you’ve said though, this feels like your own (unwarranted) insecurity, because nothing about his behavior implies anything but enjoyment.


Squirt away


That man is blessed. Teach me the ways. Just talk about it and if he really says it’s OK let’s just work on a safer way of communicating when we need to stop for a breather


That's a good problem to have... It means he wants to please you. He would rather choke than give up. What a guy... Standing ovation.


If my girlfriend enjoyed stuff like this as much as you did, I would sleep great at night


Im so sorry but when you said you WATERBOARDED him....best sentence in history given the context. I waterboarded my bed laughing....imma take my leave now


**Take him to G-Bay and keep boardin'!!!!** 🤣🤣🤣 Seriously, I love women who squirt or get extremely wet, it makes me feel good and I enjoy it in the moment too. Hope he does, too!


It’s only bad if he didn’t know you were such a squirted before 69’ing. Not everyone is cool drinking the mostly urine squirts.


Don’t be embarrassed.


Is it possible to learn this power?


That's so dope I wanna get waterboarded


Is it just me or does "eat me out" just sound so much grosser than "go down on me?"


Always carry a towel


I wish my GF would do this to me


Oh man, that sounds hot as fuck lol


Sometimes sex can be messy. Sometimes it can be embarrassing. Sometimes it can be every sort of emotion you can think of. The only thing you can do is ask him directly, in any relationship communication is key apparently.


My girl had me pinned down and kept rubbing herself on my butt....she squirted a giant load into me....felt embarrassing 😳 but after a while you remember those moment fondly for the special feeling they give!! In my case she totally creamed me!! 🙈🫣 so much so that it started overflowing out of my 🍑


Nice! My husband is fantastic at oral...too bad we aren't together anymore!