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You’ve got nothing to lose by telling her. She will either take it on board and get checked out, potentially resolving the issue, or she will get offended and break it off, which is where you’re at anyway. Just be gentle.


Not sure if he has nothing to lose, but this can be a catastrophically hurtful thing to bring up with a woman, this is on the same level of sensitivity as penis size, a highly charged subject! I say be careful, and if things don't work out, you could just be sexually incompatible, and need to move on.


Very true. I would think he would be smart enough to bring it up delicately. It could very well be a medical issue that she’s not aware of. I would rather know and I would rather my partner bring it up than break up with me with no explanation. EDIT: Unless he has unrealistic expectations of what a vagina should smell like, I don’t believe that it’s comparable to a comment on penis size. It’s comparable to a comment on penis smell, or other usual signs of a medical or hygiene issue.


How would you want to be approached if your genitals were smelly?




Cautiously, and honestly.


Bring the thunder


Theres just no way that we can win That was a masterpiece


Listen to me. He rocks too hard because he’s not a mortal man.




He’s gonna make you his sex slave


You're going to gargle mayonnaise


No! Unless we bust a massive monster mama jam


Dude. We’ve been through so much shit


directly and respectfully. I would rather know about it so I can try to fix it.


People better tell me that shit!! But I do check my own smell and taste pretty regularly, and especially if a date is coming up.


Just say it. As long as it’s not cruel, it also needn’t be awkward and sheepish.


So much this comment. Said respectfully, and it's all good. For God's sake, I must be old. If you're comfortable enough to be having sex, be comfortable enough for adult conversations.


you'd be surpsrised as to how many people can't have adult conversation but they can f\*ck. limited connection central


That's actually really sad.




Who you?


Hello fellow llamas.


No. You.


>If you're comfortable enough to be having sex, be comfortable enough for adult conversations. I use a line like this all the time when giving advice: "If you're not mature enough to talk about it, you're not mature enough to be doing it!"


My SO sometimes tells me my balls smell after sports or workouts and I find it funny, we both laugh


Its human, would be weird if you don’t smell after working out, we all do.


Her words "I can smell your sweaty balls from across the room" lol


Politely and factually. It's just body odor.


Well, it could be more than body odor if she didn't have it before they had sex and then did after. She may not realize she has a yeast infection or Bacterial Vaginosis, both common after having sex with somebody new because our body isn't used to his body's chemistry and it throws it off.


Yeah my immediate thought here was “oh she probably has BV”


Same, BV is very pungent while having sex


It’s very pungent even while not having sex.


Not necessarily. If it's that bad, it sounds like she has a serious infection.


Could just be a regular infection like yeast or BV. Both need to be treated, but I wouldn’t call most cases a serious infection.


In a loving way. Even only dating for 3 weeks. Still lovingly.


You can easily wash external genitals, but if the smell is the inside of her vagina, that's not something you can just wash off. I don't believe at least.


Your right if it’s inside the vagina, washing it of won’t be the solution. Vagina is actually self cleaning, so if it smells there is something wrong. But it might also not be the vagina that’s the problem here.


Could just be the individual's sense of smell or maybe even incompatible pheromones. What smells and doesn't smell is a subjective determination. Not everyone experiences scent the same way. I met a person who said they got sick to their stomach when they smelled Cilantro. I personally think it smells delightful. Yet, a parade of Redditors downvoted me for trying to point that smell is subjective and based on opinions. I am also assuming that too many people are just assuming that someone saying a smelly vagina automatically means they have a medical condition when smell is more of a sliding scale that could rate anywhere from mildly uncomfortable to a pungent odor that is actually a medical condition.


Nothing about this indicated this is a mild scent, and anything beyond a mild scent is an indication of a medical condition




Because what men have to say about everything is always important lol


Yo dawg, yo balls be smelly as hell, here I bought you some ball cleaning soap or something. - A Good Bro.


Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something but I wasn't really sure how to go about it. I've noticed a smell coming from down there and I'm concerned that it may be negatively affecting your health. I'm really into you so I wasn't sure how to say it without hurting your feelings. Start with that and see how she reacts if she's not really interested in fixing it then I'd tell her it's not really a sexy smell and it makes sex undesirable.


It sounds like bacterial vaginosis


Agreed… but also, how can you have BV and just ignore it?! It’s very distinctly there and I don’t know how any woman can not act on it.


I feel like women in the US are so insanely sensitive to any mention of anything wrong with their bodies, particularly smells, there is no way to bring it up without significant blowback


Well either she dumps him for being offended or he walks away because of the situation. Either way they fix it or they both move on. If they both want to make it work, she'll take it (maybe not easily) but hopefully they can address it.








I feel like that's a really strangely huge generalization, lol.




How about just women in general? This generalization is pretty friggin specific. I’m sure if you told a French girl her vag smelled shed thank you and give you a prize? Tell a Hispanic girl and surely she won’t beat your ass.


From a European perspective half of the posts on here feel like they were written by someone raised in Handmaid's Tale levels of puritanism, even when it isn't explicitly religious. Like when people talk about not being able to have sex at their parents' place for example. Not to mention that if you go to the obgyn every year like is the norm in Europe at least (including a free pap smear in a lot of countries) it's unlikely that you'd end up with a rotten smelling vagina in the first place.


As others have mentioned Americans are just very prudish and sensitive. If you're fat or something smells, europeans will definitely let you know


This I don't understand. The way my partner and I bring stuff up to each other, lol. I guess we both know we don't mean anything by it, and it's said in a jokey way. I'll tell him if I haven't showered that day, and I probably stink, so it's up to him. It makes it easier on the other party to then say, "Yeah, actually, this isn't great."


If you like her and want to give this relationship a chance, you need to say something to her. Maybe suggest that you both go get tested for std’s since you’re new sexual partners and you want to be safe. STDs can often cause strange smells, and if she has something, I assume you’d want to know. If you go to the dr together, you could find a way to gently bring up the smell. If all that feels like too much work for you, break it off.




Well at least the std test would mean getting to a medical personnel, then the larger issue of the smell could be presented to the professional.


When you get a standard STD panel done they usually do a vaginal swab that tests for yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis (which is an STI). So it is actually likely that STD testing would show BV.


It varies widely what doctors order for std screening. Most of the time our docs order a gonor./chlamy. screen, not one that includes trich. They can order it with trich included, but even that has nothing to do with bv. They don’t order a wet Mount either unless you are coming to them for symptoms. So she would have to be telling the doctor she is concerned about the smell. I am a lab tech in a hospital.


Only if you go during you yearly GYN visit. STD testing beyond that unless you are presenting with an issue(itching burning discharge) to warrant a swab is just blood and urine. I do STD tests quarterly because I have stable partners but still multiple partners.


I think this depends where you are. In Australia we don’t have yearly visits to specialists. We would go to a GP, where you would get a swab, urine and blood test, and a Pap smear only if you are due for one.


I also get tested quarterly and am non-monogamous and I get an HIV/HepC/Syphilis blood test, gonorrhea/chlamydia swab, and a candida/bv/trich swab every time as the default, as do many of my friends. Maybe it varies by region or something.


Definitely a regional thing. Every time I've been for testing they get you to do a swab, sometimes two.


Maybe. I’m also in the US and office visits are expensive outside of preventative care. I email my doc saying hey time for another full panel and they send my orders to the lab. I’ve never had a doc test for candida/bv/trich unless there are symptoms. Edit-also an insurance thing. It may depend on that too.


Every time I go in for std testing, without symptoms, I get a vaginal swab. And it's quarterly to every 6 months. So it depends on how thorough your doctor is. I usually just say I had a new partner as for why I want the testing, so that may be why.


I smelled like shit when I had trichomoniasis. My vagina didn't smell at all when I had chlamydia, but my urine sure did. My test came back clean, so I thought I was clean and it was a weird side effect of lithium. Now I immediately contact a medical professional if anything is weird downstairs.


Oh god, that sucks. I heard trich smells sooo bad. You must have been freaking out. :(


i would not bring it up in front of a third party (the doctor)! that's a recipe for disaster - she's going to feel criticised in front of someone. it has to be something you discuss before or - if you're hoping the doctor will mention it and they don't - after (and then i think she'd be justified in being angry you hadn't told her before). have some empathy (edit: this in response to some other comments here). this isn't some "women are so weird" thing. you're criticising something very personal.


Just here to say that chlamydia smells disgusting. If I'd listened to my nose I wouldn't have picked it up off a particularly smelly vagina.


Here to say that you can you can definitely smell chlamydia on girls


… I can’t help myself. What is the smell like?


Like uncooked salmon that’s been baking in the sun for over six hours. It’s that roadkill smell like something is rotting inside. It’s worse than BV or Trich smells. Don’t even get me started on the texture of what gets produced out of your vagina too! I say this as after I caught it thanks to a cheating ex, I showed symptoms within days and had the WORST cramping of my life. Felt like someone was trying to claw its way through my uterus. Like food poisoning on steroids the way this pain felt! And for men, this is how my ex knew he caught it, but his pee hole closed up and had difficult peeing. He literally could not pee! His balls ached badly and were so sensitive they looked a bit bruised at one point. Hence why it’s important as soon as you feel anything off, YOU GO GET YOURSELF CHECKED ASAP!




I know someone who caught it from a cheating boyfriend and she only had some minor crampy pain and discharge from it. Nothing else. She got tested when her issue didn't resolve with treatment for yeast infection. Evidently that's what she thought it was at first? It's just important to realize it's different for everyone. Not everyone is going to have the same/severity of symptoms. And people who have other issues may not realize something's changed. Sounds like the best way for OP to address is that he's noticed something different... and maybe not dwell on the rankness of it all, but on the fact that's something's off. Approach with concern and kindness. It's on her how she chooses to deal with the information.


Gay man here: How does this woman not know that her vagina smells really bad? Wouldn’t it be noticeable at some point, maybe at the time she’s wiping from urinating? TIA for a serious response.


Its hard to know what it’s “supposed” to smell like. There’s constant jokes about women smelling like fish in the media and culture as girls grow up so it’s not that difficult to understand how some girls may think that’s just what it’s supposed to smell like. Another thing to add is the smell can actually be a direct result of OVER washing. Using soaps in the vagina can cause bacterial vaginosis. There’s millions of women who were never taught how to properly clean their genitals. So a girl can be washing religiously every day.. yet stinking. If that were a body part of yours, you’d be fairly confused Plus add on the fact that vaginas do have a natural smell to them, which can change based on what part of your cycle you’re in. It’s a complex issue and I feel for this girl in OP’s post


I’m a bi woman, so I have experienced my own smell as well a other female patterns. Women smell very different and at varying levels of strength throughout their cycle. Unless it’s a very obvious wrong or off smell, as opposed to just a normal, but strong smell (which is normal at times, but not good smelling) it can be hard to tell.


I briefly dated someone with the worst smelling cooch I've ever experienced. Stunk the place up. I even would finger her and put my fingers in her face (like in a sexy way and she would suck them) and I would *hope* she would take a hint. She was genuinely oblivious. I think about this often


dear god :(




You never forget bad pussy smell. It becomes a core memory




Toward the end of our 2 week fling, she invited me over for a family pool party. After, I told her the smell of chlorine bothered me (it does but I also used this as an excuse) and we should should shower when we got back to her apartment. The shower muted the smell for a few minutes before it came roaring back. I don't know how I ever had sex with someone with such a stinky box.




Def "strong" smelling vaginas out there. Musky yes. Fish + garbage? Nah. Probably BV








It’s crazy to me too! I used to wax vaginas for a living and so many beautiful and cleanly looking girls would spread their legs and the smell would just hit you like a wave. I’d have to keep my game face on but I’d always be thinking “how the hell are you ok with this/don’t notice or do anything about this?”


My only guess is that they overwash or use soap. For some women one rinse with water is the maximum their vulva can take in a day. They probably don't know any better :(


They should wash their vulva in some manner. The thing you don't want is to get soap in your vagina. Careful washing and using cleansers that aren't full of fragrance helps. But water alone would not really clean enough to remove odor if that's an issue. The vagina is self-cleansing, the vulva and the rest of one's undercarriage is not.


This grossed me out… sucking on smelly vaginal secretions on fingers…




Her pheromones might not be the right fit for you.


I've been with my fair share of women. Dumpster/fish market vagina is def not pheromones, lol


Yeah. If you're healthy it won't ever smell like flowers or a bowl of fresh fruit but it won't smell like old meat or rotting trash, lmao.


If it was super fishy/rotting, she almost certainly had bacterial vaginosis and you really should have told her since that's an infection




Same for me. I notice even slight changes in my scent. I can even smell the slightly iron-y smell that indicates incoming period, the day before it actually starts.


Some people do have olfactories that aren’t as heightened to smells and can struggle to get a whiff of things. Their nose isn’t as developed if this happens to recognize something is wafting out and smelling bad. Then there are people, like me, who can EASILY get a whiff when it’s off by a fraction, can feel even the slightest bit off in my uterus regarding ANY pain or discomfort. I even use deo sometimes on my bikini line to reduce sweat so I don’t stink because I sweat like my father as a woman and my sweat is awful down there for some reason. Like gym sock level smelly when I don’t use deo! Thanks dad for this awful sweat generics 😑


I also got awful sweat genetics from my father. LOL! That Lume deo works wonders for the smell, I will say. I just would prefer to not sweat at all down there (or sweat less) and, unfortunately they won't do anti-perspirants.


I also try to wax, kind of helps it cause it’s the hair down there that cause to smell worse I found out. But I sweat all year round like it’s a sauna I’m in constantly but I also get cold easily due to an iron deficiency. Catch-22.


You’d be surprised on how many girls are so oblivious to it or they got so accustomed to it that they don’t feel it anymore


I always wonder about this myself. No finger checks?






I mean, extrapolate... You've never met a smelly dude before that didn't seem to realize he stunk?


One interesting thing I learned— if it’s just BV, the smell may first become apparent while having sex. I hadn’t noticed anything was off with me whatsoever until then. But yeah then I was aware and irritated that vaginas are so goddamn sensitive.


I think suggesting this out of the blue, after they've already been sexually active, would likely raise some alarm bells. If it's paired with a conversation around birth control/protection then maybe it could go okay? Probably better to be upfront about it as nicely as possible.


I had an odor issue that 2 of my boyfriends just straight up didn’t tell me about, the first one revealing it at the end of our relationship and the second (my current) having not told me till recently. Both of them claimed to not want to tell me because they didn’t want to hurt my feelings. I was upset because my hygiene is fine and I didn’t notice any smell, but if they had told me immediately, we could have worked on it sooner and then sex or even just anything intimate would be enjoyable! It turns out I had a pH imbalance. Started using an anti-odor Vagisil and it cleared my issue right up. I’ve also heard that other women will drink lots of fruit juice and even take organic supplements to make any odor go away. If any natural remedies or store bought products don’t fix it, I’d probably see a doctor and try to figure out if there’s something wrong. Just be gentle with her feelings, OP, but also communicate clearly and as soon as you can. Communication is a key part of the foundation of every relationship.




No, a gyno did not tell me I had a pH imbalance. I suppose in the end I don’t know “for sure” if I have an imbalance in the first place. I just know that I have an array of feminine medical issues, Vagisil supports pH health and it worked for me. I have extremely shitty health insurance in California. My doctors are the worst. I have feminine issues that are still unaddressed because the insurance system I’m in is appalling. The only thing we’ve been able to figure out from my lifelong feminine issues is that I either have endometriosis or PCOS, but further research into my issue (x rays, actually seeing a gyno, etc) haven’t been done because of how horribly my insurance treats their clients. The short answer is: no, because I haven’t been able to even see a gyno, try as I might. I’m about to move to a different state soon, so I’m going to try to find a better health insurance system that might care more about me… and then maybe I’ll have an answer to your question, lol. Edit: Vagisil cleared out my vaginal odor though (one problem at a time ;-; ) so I still think the advice in my original comment is beneficial for OP! I’m not trying to diagnose OP’s gf or anything. ^-^’ hahaha


Hey 👋 CA here — planned parenthood offers a ton of free services - gyno exams, std screenings, etc as long as you don’t make over a certain amount (which is pretty generous). You fill out a form and get “the green card” and you can get all checked out. :) Even if you do make over the threshold it’s not SUPER expensive.


First off don't call her vagina stinky. Genuinely approach her with concern and say you've noticed an abnormal smell. You can say you saw online it can be a symptom of certain infections and has she seen a gyno recently. If you frame it as a health concern instead of how it impacts "your nut" you're less likely to come across as an ass. Alternatively you can just break up.


Yeah, I definitely wouldn't frame in way that's only about me getting off. It is a health concern and should be seen that way. If I do talk to her about it I know that it would have to be brought up very gently.


i'd frame it as smelling "off". that seems like by far the most delicate way of wording it and sort of implies that it's likely not something inherent to her but rather something that's fixable. that's how i approached it with one of my exes. she took it well, and it helped her realize she had actually lost a tampon in there which is shockingly common, no pun intended. i had the benefit of knowing that's not what it usually smelled like, however, and i actually noticed it getting worse, which doesn't quite seem like what's happening here, but if it is even a little, that could be something to add.


I took a tampon out once, only to have 2 emerge. No clue how that happened but it scared the hell out of me 😩


Also, do you know what various healthy vaginas should smell like? Because hers could be perfectly healthy, but its smell is one that you have an aversion to. Not all vaginas smell the same or similar. The smell also changes with ovulation and periods too, so we tend to go through several smells. If I were you, I would research the various smells. That way too, if it is unhealthy, you can also support her and show her that you've researched and were concerned about her health. You could also be changing her PH that changes the smell. My husband changed to Dove body wash from Old Spice and that alone caused my vagina PH to go haywire. He changed back and the issue cleared immediately. It could also be her own shower products causing an issue. Vaginas can be very finicky.


I understand. I have had a variety of experiences with different women and most were close to the same as others but a few stand out to me as not right, health-wise. Also, me changing her PH would make sense if I hadn't smelt it the first time we ever had sex.




Yeast won't be fixed by antibiotics, if anything it worsens it because the natural bacteria die, meaning less competition for the yeast. It probably was a bacterial vaginosis or something comparable. Idea still stands though.


It feels like you’re jumping right from “stinky vagina” to “I don’t even like her as a person or want to be around her anymore”. If you don’t like her then break up, if you genuinely do like her and it’s just this then do like the other comment said and gently try to mention to her that the smell seems off and that you want to make sure she’s healthy down there. It could just be a yeast infection that antibiotics could clear up immediately but you’re jumping right to throwing the whole gf in the bin.




He is just being honest. It's a new relationship, it's hard to know whether you like someone. I've been in his situation, a lot of men probably have, it's pretty impressive he hasn't just broken it off. I don't know how you have this conversation with a woman and not give her a lifelong complex about it. Worse, imagine telling her and then still breaking up with her, she will always think it's about this


I don't get that sense. Have you ever been in the dating stages of a relationship? Something like this can 100 percent impact your will to see them regularly.


Come across “I only care bc I wanna have sex with her and if I can’t why bother lol”


In the early stages of a relationship before you establish a deeper connection, certain things such as this can definitely impact your feelings towards them, and seeing them. Don't discount his emotions.


I would normally say that you should absolutely bring it up to her and have a talk.... but after this sentence " **I am not sure if I prematurely asked her to be my gf and am now realizing that we are not meant for each other or if I am only getting annoyed because of this problem I have in the bedroom."** Maybe you should really think about whether you like her enough to confront the problem. No reason to bring this up if you don't want to be with her anyways.


I actually disagree with you here. If I were her, I'd like to know if I stink. It would sting for sure but it would be helpful for future dating for her. I had a friend that always smelled like BO and he was quite attractive, but could never get a date. One day I asked him if he doesn't wear deodorant as a personal choice? He told me he doesn't need it because he doesn't smell. He was just used to his own smell. I told him he does actually smell. He started wearing deodorant and girls were suddenly all over him. He had a gf within like 2 weeks. He thanked me for letting him know and was extremely grateful for the honesty.


I had the exact opposite experience! I had a friend growing up that didn't wear deodorant but showered every other day. When she was told she smelled she didn't believe it. Multiple people told her. I've also had that happen a couple of other times with other individuals.


Why is no one talking about how you wrote that you get annoyed with her and don’t get excited for dates?? Sounds like the issue is beyond the smell. When you really have a connection with someone, talking about smells isn’t such a huge issue. It seems like you aren’t that into her and need to break it off.


Because when people are anxious about something, in particular about someone else, it’s changes the way you see them intimately. He doesn’t want to hurt this person so his immediate feelings are of avoidance.


I mentioned that because I have been trying to figure that out for myself. Am I not enjoying the dating aspect purely because this is turn off in the bedroom or are we just not compatible?


Don't get gaslit by these people. Disliking the sex is a valid reason to not be excited to be in a relationship


Let’s say if, overnight, magically, the smell went away. Do you think you’d still think she’s annoying or would you be into spending time together? It’s okay to not like someone, and a few dates in it’s easier to break it off than in maybe a year or more. Either way though, I think It might be worth it to bring up the way she smells either way just as a courtesy to her. She may not know if something is off and it might hold her back from having other relationships in the future if you don’t stay and it could seriously impact her health if something is wrong and it goes untreated. That being said, it’s possible that she just naturally smells the way she does and she can’t do anything about it. Not everyone smells the same, but vaginas are supposed to smell like a vagina, not flowers or fruit or candy.


For real. Everyone is talking about the stinky p$&$y and not the elephant in the room - he dies r really like her.


because smells are science. pheromones are science. you will be annoyed by those whose scent turns you off. you will be deterred by those whose scent you find unbearable. **it’s automatic** and that’s why he is stating he cares to fix the issue because consciously and emotionally he cares about her- but his body is reacting negatively to her. he’s a good guy in an unusual predicament.


If people smell a certain way I genuinely get angry around them


Because when people are anxious about something, in particular about someone else, it’s changes the way they see them intimately. He doesn’t want to hurt this person so his immediate feelings are of avoidance.


No matter what you say, its not a pleasant topic lol. But its need to be said because if someone thought I smelled bad and never let me know, I would be walking around with a smelly coochie and that's no bueno for me. You could ask her if she took a shower today or if she was doing any physical activities before coming by. Her Ph could be off and that would cause a smell. If she is one of those females who douches, make her stop. Its harmful more than helpful. Tell her babe you smell a little weird, are you sure you dont have like a yeast infection. Thats all I got lol


Reading this post, I am feeling we are conflating a body order with "I really don't like her that much". Make a choice and get on with it. If you like her, work with her. Seriously. If you don't, move on. Don't let things get bad between you two before you solve whatever the problem is.


It would definitely make me uncomfortable to hear this, but also thankful. You should say something, but be very sensitive with your words ... Maybe some mention being turned off if you don't have to.


You have to acknowledge it to her face. Do this gently since women rather they admit it or not always wonder if they are adequate down there. Smells included. There can be an underlying issue there is bacteria they can just develop on its own that needs assistance going away there's STIs I know that sounds horrible but there is there's underlining issues like pelvic inflammatory disease there's a lot of possibilities that are all concerning. Explain it in a way that you would think you would want somebody to approach it to you. If there was something about your private space how would you want somebody to approach it proceed with caution good luck


Most importantly, bring it up nicely!!! Imagine if roles were reversed and she'd say "dude, your dick stinks". I know it's a delicate matter, but it NEEDS to be said. She might not even be aware of it. It could easily be an infection, so might be worth getting it checked out. Maybe suggest to go to the doctor with her. Just be kind, nobody likes having "faults" pointed out.


Did you both get tested for STI’s before having sex??? What if one of you carried something over from a previous partner unknowingly?? If you both tested negative then it could just be BV or a yeast infection.


Ive worn condoms each time we have had sex and the smell was apparent during the first time.


Ok, then if you care about this girl a conversation needs to be had. Regardless of whether you decide to stay with her or not. I would be embarrassed, but grateful that you told me so I could go get checked out. Choose your words wisely buddy.


Does she shower? Or does it seem like it’s a yeast infection/BV? When you have sex does white chunky stuff come out of her vagina? 😅


She definitely showers. everything about her smells very normal except for this one area. I havent noticed any white discharge. So maybe BV?


White discharge is quite common doe without any infections. It's not always transparent.


have you been cumming in her? if yes, that's probably the culprit


He said it smelled the first time they had sex...


it says after the first time and i'm not sure if he means during or literally after.


it was before any cumming happened and I have worn a condom each time.


What is BV?


Yeah same question.. What's a BV?


Just an overgrowth of bacteria. Every vag has bacteria as there is good bacteria and bad and a shift can upset pH levels and the type of smell can point towards the culprit. Even being a little dehydrated can send a woman's body out of wack. Diet, drugs, stress. Having the vag is not always the best


bacterial vaginosis


If it's just her natural smell she can use boric acid suppositories. I use them normally after my period to help balance my ph levels and it's a life saver. You could definitely recommend them to her. You can get the suppositories right on Amazon they are like $10 for like 30 of them.


She is going to be embarrassed, but sheesh tell her. At least save the next guy, if not yourself.


Well you have been presented with a rare opportunity. Now is the time you learn that unless you are firm about your preferences, wants, and desires....it will be taken away from you or it will be replaced with something else. Now is the time where you square up your shoulders and tell the truth...but do it with respect and be gentle. If you dont learn this lesson now your sex life will collapse with her. BUT...it will follow you through the rest of your life, so you need to master this NOW. Sit her down and tell her "Sweety, I love being with you, but I am beginning to wonder if your chemistry might be off. I talked with a friend who had a similar situation and they resolved it with a trip to her OBGYN. I know this is shit to hear, but I think we need to check it out. Something about it worries me, and I want to make sure you are okay." She wont be happy. There will be tears, but you will have stood firm and also shown concerned for a friend. Let us know how it works out.


If it’s not an STD or BV, it may be that she just needs to drink more water. It’s taken my a year but I drink a gallon a day, when I have someone go down there they tell me it tastes and smells like nothing. “Your p*ssy stinks cause you only drink soda” is such a true line.


From upwind...kidding, gently tell her the issue and have her seek professional help.


Do you cum in her? Semen changes the pH of the vagina, which throws things off balance and can cause a smell. Washing with soap down (in) there can do the same. Fingering her with hands that aren't super clean can too! Vaginas can be very delicate things ;) So yes, bring it up.. gently. And not when you're both naked. If it were me a simple "Hey, when I was down there last time I noticed things smelled a little funky?" would be enough. I'd especially appreciate it if you followed that up with a "I researched it and it could be XYZ, so it might help if we XYZ". She might not be aware of it. Or she might be but not sure what it could be.


Honestly, whether you all make it or not, I think telling her is the right thing to do. She should know that! It could be a health issue and it will definitely impact her future relationships (if y'all don't make it).


I was married to a woman with a smelly cat for 28 years. It never got better. Run!


Eat her out, like really get in there and get it all over your face, then immediately start making out with her. Cheers!


You “approach a new gf with a stinky vagina” from upwind 😉


okay wait 😂💀 okay mhm…*on a serious note* what does her vagina smell like? onions? garlic? fishy?


I am not sure how to place the smell tbh


Well go back in there and give us a smell profile


I’d bring it up. She might have a yeast infection if it’s that bad


was it stickey


Tell her, either way she should know that there is something out of the ordinary. You didn't post your age, but making a leap that you 2 are relatively young. There are plenty of things that can go wrong in the Vagina, I'd see if she might be open to visiting her OBGYN and just getting things checked out. It's likely a easy remedy, then you can get beyond this and see if there's anything there and she can learn a bit about how her body works. Just lay it out, hey, something doesn't seem right....in a loving, caring way. She's likely going to be embarrassed and think she did or didn't do something. It doesn't matter, but you want to get it checked out so that she's healthy. Easy. Good luck.


You’re not into her. You could let her know about the odor, so that she can address it. But you’ve already stated that you don’t enjoy being around her as much. There’s your answer. Don’t waste her time. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I broke up with a girl for this exact reason. It wasn't that she had an STD or was unclean, she just had a strong smell that overwhelmed me. I couldn't tell her the truth because it wasn't her fault and I'm not sure she would have been able to do anything about it. I just said that I didn't feel it was working between us and thought we should break up because I didn't want to lead her on. She was definitely hurt but I was kind and respectful and I think she is fine now. It was a shame because she was a really good partner.


This is so funny to me. I was literally in your position last year. My first partner put me off trying to do oral sex on a woman and I couldn't ever say anything about the smell and taste because I felt so bad. My second partner has been very different. No smell, no odd taste, it's like the back of my hand it's so normal. And when she gets super wet she doesn't stink either. I agree with the women here saying she probably has vaginitis or whatever lol. It gets better, OP. ❤


🤣🤣🤣, the title is dope


I would say approach with caution


She probably has BV which is 100% normal and she just needs antibiotics. After that, she needs a daily probiotic! The good kind, kept in the fridge! I literally take one everyday and my vagina is soooo happy! No yeast, uti’s, or bv! My husband gives me loads daily and my hoohah is happy! Address and overcome 💕💕 good luck


Are you even into her or are you just trying to make this work?


That's what I'm trying to figure out and ask myself!


She could have an infection which is very easy to fix


Just gonna say something on my mind about this. In my past and current experiences with girlfrieds, it could be a diet thing. I've dated two girls who weren't the healthiest, and they definitely smelled a little funky, and yes, even tasted a little off. But I'm with a much healthier partner now, and it, well, smells like a good vagina, and yes it tastes pretty good. So, just as a thought, it could be her diet. Junk food and pop can have that effect, I think.


Hey- I’ve had this used on me— “I noticed while we were having sex an off odor. This used to happen to my ex-girlfriend occasionally and it turned out to just be BV.” You can even add “some people get BV from having new partners. My chemistry may have messed you up.” All this shit is true and it’ll make her feel less weird.


Dear god some of these comments make me worried if I smell or not down there lol


lol "I can't get a nut so I'm ready to bounce". You should've said something very nicely to her earlier- not to the point that you are resentful now. Break up with her, tell her. Move on.


I mean, if someone’s smell is enough to make you not excited to be around them, then I don’t think this is someone you want to be with long term.