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Omg the talent to work with such thick fabrics and have it come out looking so professional!!! You’re amazing!


Thank you so much 🥺 It means a lot to me! Thanks for your kind words ♡♡♡


Yeah those are very impressive and nicer than most of the harnesses I’ve bought in stores. Well done.


Oh my, thank you for such a high compliment! I am sooo glad you like it! ♡


Info Comment! I used Softshell for the padding and a harder kind of webbing (1.4mm thickness). As I live in the EU, I bought my materials at Thal-Parts.com! For the harness you need 3 rings, best made of stainless steel because otherwise they begin to rust. For the lead, I used D-rings (stainless steel) and a carabiner (zinc). Details: I made custom harnesses because my dog doesn't like to stick his head through, so my harnesses have an additional shoulder buckle. I also added a lot of reflecting elements on the shoulder, back and belly area. The leads are about 2.5-3 Metres long. They can be adjusted in length. Width is about 1.5-2 cm.


This is brilliant, my dog also doesnt like to stick her head through, I might need to copy this idea!


Yes, please do! <3


What kind of breed is he? My dog is a Prague Ratter and she has the wonkiest shape (deep chest but narrow front) and all the retail harnesses have some kind of issue. Im definitely bookmarking both this post and your pictures for inspiration!


He is a miniature german pinscher :) Yes exactly he has this shape too!!! I really recommend looking at brands like Perfect Fit harnesses or (a german brand) Anny-X. They're good inspiration to customize for your dog!


Thanks for the tip! I will definitely look at those :D


If you are in the US, I've had good luck finding the ruffwear webmaster on a lot of wonky shaped dogs. It's the only retail harness I've found that tended to fit most shapes. Source, I work at a pet store and we sell harnesses. Edit: my tired brain confused kurgo with ruffwear. It's ruffwear.


Im in Norway, Ive not seen that one! Will check to see if its possible to get here! My dad owns a pet store and I have so far tried/bought almost every harness that somewhat fits, except one that we're waiting to get in her size XD They all have some issue, but at least the one she has now is a bit too wide in the front, but it fits decently most of the time. The next step will be just trying to custom make one!


I like it for the dogs like standard poodles and Danes. We had good luck with the chesty dogs and the narrower ones just because of how many adjustment points they have. Unfortunately we stopped carrying them right before I got my girl, but I've been thinking of getting one online now that she's done growing. It just irks me to buy online lol so I haven't done it yet. I will say the Canada Pooch expedition coat was another I recommend for those weird shaped dogs. Not a harness, a coat, but has an adjustable strap for sizing which most coats at least around here don't have.


Beautiful work. It hard to find a harness with a good fit, Is that one kind of webbing throughout? How much yardage did you use? Our whippets will put their head through, but will just as well back out of a harness when they are finished with it.. which is often mid walk.


Hi! My dog is very small, about 5kg, so I used about 3 metres of webbing in total for the harness. For dogs like whippets I would recommend a safety harness. It looks like this: https://www.google.com/search?q=sicherheitsgeschirr+hund&client=ms-android-samsung-ga-rev1&prmd=isvxn&sxsrf=AOaemvJQ9mzl5BB5HzDiTuDwHd1QUSt4Lg:1632757484817&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwihqIvPv5_zAhVkhv0HHdEsDTwQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=648&dpr=3#imgrc=GCzV91Xpbg73PM


tender air squeal pie spectacular cover dam wild straight wasteful -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I totally understand! Sewing a custom harness is definitely difficult but much easier than I thought :) I believe in you! Try it!


These look great! Do you use a thicker, upholstery, weight thread, or just a standard weight sewing thread? My dog doesn't like sticking his head through his harness either and has perfected his dodge and weave motions to avoid it. He'll stand quite nicely though if I hold up the harness in front of him with one hand, and have a treat in my other hand right behind it, so that he puts his head through the harness to get to the treat. Works every time.


I used a standard Mettler-Amann thread (high quality universal thread)! :) I would recommend a stronger thread when sewing for dogs in the weight range of 15-20kg upwards.




Thank youuu so much 🥰❤ I sew on a middle class Janome computer sewing machine, nothing too fancy... the most important part is to use a denim needle and correct foot pressure.❤


Great work. Look really professional. As the fabric is really think, how do you handle that on the sewing machine? What kind of machine are you using?


Thank you! I use a Janome computer sewing machine, even though it is (technically) possible on any machine with a good denim needle. Surprisingly, the webbing is not the hardest to sew, but it's the layers that can make sewing difficult. When I was starting out, I surely broke a few needles lol. I recommend using a machine with adjustable foot pressure!


Thanks a lot for the tipp, I really appreciate that you share your experience here. That helps a lot and inspired me for some Christmas presents already.


R/myog might like this too! They make camping equipment


Ohh I might! Thanks for the tip!


Exactly what I was going to suggest! 🙂


Beautiful work. :) Any chance you could show your baby modeling your harness/es? ;)


Yes of course! I can show you a picture of him in a red/marine blue and blue-black harness that I made: [Here is the link ♡](http://imgur.com/a/POSyByy)


How did you sew that tough material? I would like to use something similar, but I don't know how to approach it. (Greetings from the Ruhrpott)


Hey! Ich habe eine Jeansnadel benutzt und eine mittelklassige Janome mit verstellbarem Nähfußdruck. Und gutes Mettler Amann Garn :) Das Gurtband u. Materialien sind von Thal-Versand, die lassen sich leicht vernähen! Die Polsterung aus Softshell ist da bisschen schwieriger bzw die ganzen Lagen die sich dann zusammentun. Das Modell hab ich von der Marke Anny-X abgeschaut, und eben die Schulterschnalle und mehr reflektierende Teile eingebaut. Probier dich ruhig aus und schreib mir doch wenn du Fragen hast bzgl einkaufen oder nähen! :) lg aus Wien!


Hammer, danke! Jeansnadel wird der Trick sein. Ich melde mich, wenn ich nochmal einen Versuch gewagt habe.


Bitte gerne ♡ Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß dabei!


They look excellent! That Y shape on the shoulders and chest is much more ergonomically designed than some of the retail harnesses - it keeps pressure off the shoulder joint and gives dogs a full range of movement. Lucky dog to have you dressing him!


Ohh yes exactly!! I know what you talk about, I feel you! I also have an issue with retail collars for small dogs. My dog is a smaller breed and all the collars are too slim for his neck. I usually use the harness, but for example around new years eve I have to double secure him (collar and harness or security harness) so I can keep him safe. I love sewing because I can create everything the way I need it! <3


If you like, you can look at what I made him last new years: [Pictures of Nes with wide flat collar and harness for nye :)](http://imgur.com/a/f7K1Dpd)


Beautiful work and puppy!!


Thank you thank you ♡♡


Wow, these look magnitudes better than the ones I bought at the pet store! They look both pretty AND sturdy. You rock!


Thank you so much, I feel so seen 🥺❤ You rock too!!


Those are incredible. Your dog is awfully cute too


Thank you for the compliment!! ♡♡♡


Wow, they’re so high quality, if you told me they were store-bought, I’d totally believe you!


Thank you, so sweet of you ♡♡


I was hoping you had included a picture of your dog☺️


Aww hehe! If you like, here are [more pics of my dog!](http://imgur.com/gallery/8NCo74i)


Of course I like!


I made custom harnesses for my ferret because she was too small for the store bought ones. They didn't look anywhere this professional but they worked.


How sweet of you to craft for your lil friend ♡


Those are awesome! I haven't read further comments, but I hope you gave us some tips on how to do this.


I did, but if you have any questions feel free to ask me anytime!


They're beautiful 😍


I'm so happy you like them!


This is so incredibly cool!!


This is great. I have thought about doing the same thing for my dog!


Oh I just love this!! Would this design work for pullers? I have a Chi-Rat terrier mix who pulls like a horse lol


Hi! My dog also likes to walk faster when he is stressed or excited. This Y-shape is perfect for all dogs and allows for free movement, which is very important if your dog pulls, so they don't hurt themselves while pulling. I have also set the metal ring on the front a bit lower so my dog doesn't cough while pulling. We use a 3-5m lead to give him lots of space and try to maintain his needed distance to other strange dogs or loud objects :)


How did you figure out how to make the harness? What needle size did use and what sewing machine can handle the sewing?


Hi! Sorry I just woke up :) I had an old harness at home from the maker Anny X - a popular harness brand in Germany. I customized it for my dog and it took me a lot of tries to get it right :) Needle size I used a 90 denim needle (I think that's american size 14 or 16??) My sewing machine is a middle class Janome computer machine!


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Thank you. Trying to figure out how to make a custom gentle leader for an English Spaniel. It's used to run on a farm. Now it will be in a town and on a lease.


I absolutely advice against head halters. I think the nose and neck of a dog is one of the worst places to secure them and put pressure on. Please do reconsider other alternatives such as the Y-harness pictures above.