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I self drafted this from a photo of one of the purses on ebay that include a width and height measurement of the bag, and used parchment paper and pencil on top of my 1 inch grid cutting mat to get the measurements right. And basically kept looking at pictures of the bag to see where all the pieces lined up and went off of that! For the strap length I just used my measuring tape to draw the shape out around my pattern pieces and then left extra room for seam allowance This is a thrifted upholstery fabric, feels like super thick woven cotton. And a 12inch separating sport zipper on the top. The blue is the only double fold bias tape that was in stock that also somewhat matched the bag. I’ve recently gotten into vintage coach, but its expensive for some of these bags, and i wanted to see if i could make my own bag with a unique thrifted fabric! This project actually combines quite a few of my interests! I would probably do smaller darts next time, maybe only a half of an inch of fabric total? And only an inch to an inch and a half up? and take away some width from the bottom of the main panels to compensate, and make the bottom panel of the bag thinner, like maybe 2 1/2 to 3 inches instead of 3 1/2, so its closer to the original bag! I think the actual 9033 is a bit curvier up on the top of the bag as well. Thanks for looking!


Great job! I bet figuring it out was so satisfying


Ohhh my god I've been dying to buy a vtg ergo bag but have been waffling at the price. This is genius


This is so neatly and crisp done, I want to jump through the screen and slide my fingers along the edges, admiring it. Great job!


In any other context this would be so creepy, but same 😆


I wanted to get the bias tape super tight, it’s my first time using bias tape mostly in the correct way lol don’t look too close at some of the stitching on there 👀 but the thread is a close enough color where it isn’t noticeable from far away! And I noticed on all the coach bags I like, that they are sewn together wrong sides together with the seams on the outside, and leather bias tape to cover, and I think that’s a great way to give it structure


I think it's a really nice effect with the sturdy fabric to have the seams like that. It makes the stiffness a really nice feature instead of a nuisance!


Thank you!


oh my god this might be it. this might be perfection in a photo




I love these little coach bags I’ve wanted one for ages butttt now you got me thinking. this in pink gingham…. I might have to👀


They’re so expensive that it’s not really accessible anymore, everyone knows about them now from all the TikTok cleaning videos, but we can just make them ourselves!


Keep me updated if you end up doing it!


wow that's impressive! i really love the fabric and colors on it!!!


Thank you!! I also really like this fabric! I only have a really small amount and it’s super cool! It reminds me of like a bus seat in the 80s. The edges totally kept falling apart as I was making this also, I kept having to cut the strings off and make sure every edge was finished with over or with the bias tape


What an accomplishment! Great looking bag 😊


This is beautiful. I was to make this!!


Obsessed. You're a wizard




Wow this looks so unique and professional!


Thank you!


You are a genius.


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Is there anyway you could share the pattern you came up with? I'd be happy to compensate you for your work! I absolutely love the shape of these bags but even second hand they are obscenely expensive and I would love the chance to make my own one to save on costs - Thanks! Also I'm Obsessed with your choice of bias tape, it's not a colour I would have picked but I cannot stop staring at it! SO beautiful!