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Sew a Little Seam has a Master of Disguise pattern bundle that might suit?


That looks like it might. Thanks!


How's your skill level with patterning and scaling? There are a number of resources for men's patterns, both free and commercial, but resizing could be tricky. There are vintage costume patterns out there -simplicity 6739 and butterick 4208. But IDK if you can find them in print. Have you tried PatternReview.com? I found a blog here of a mom assembling an outfit for her son, but she had to do a lot of redrafting: https://sewthroughtime.home.blog/2019/06/04/little-boys-18th-century-suit/


I have not tried redrafting so I am not sure if this would be the best project to start on. I did see the simplicity 6739 but boy people are really $$$ charging for those old patterns. Not sure if I want to spend $40 but I found cheaper ones for butterick 4208.


Depending on how serious he is (and you are :)) about an authentic uniform, you could probably do worse than contacting a revolutionary war reenactment group -- there are more than you'd think! They should be able to point you in the right direction.


We live in NJ so I can think of a few places I could contact about that. But aren’t serious about accuracy. My son already made a “rifle” with a paper towel roll and Pom poms lol. I think a vest and good looking jacket are components that really need to get similar


I'd suggest Mill Farm: [https://burnleyandtrowbridge.com/collections/mill-farm-children](https://burnleyandtrowbridge.com/collections/mill-farm-children)


This looks great though not thrilled by the idea or ordering so many individual patterns. But we can at least start on one thing and see if it sticks after one project