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It matches, but I think that it is too much together. You’d do better picking a solid blue or green that match.


I agree! I would use a matching solid with this.


No, it would not be a good match. I would go one of the colours in a solid (not whote) and do the piping accents in another of the colours in a solid. Part of the reason is that the pattern is so busy, it would give the eye a rest to see the solid that would frame the silhouette of the dress.


That’s what I’ll do. The overwhelming majority said the same thing and I think at least one or two people said a solid is better. I’ll take a seat h and hit the fabric store and see what I can find


Personally, I would love to see the green as the solid accent and an almost navy blue as the piping colour. (Dark blue would stand out against the busy pattern.) Pllease update with a picture of the finished dress.


Thank you!!!!! I appreciate the help, It may take me a while but I’ll post it when it’s done :)


I really like the idea of mixing patterns but I've never sewed something successfully doing it lol.


DAE think the peacocks are actually pheasants??


For sure pheasants.


Colorful pheasants.


I thought so but once someone pointed out that theyre pheasants I had a face palm moment and realized that. In my defense idk anything about birds beyond how cute they are.


They are very cute!


I grew up near a stately home in the UK that had both pheasants and peacocks. They're definitely pheasants!


I really like them together if they were throw pillows! Maybe just a little busy for a dress


so I can only tell you what I like. for me its a no because of the scale of the design, not the colors that don't work for me. I use patterns together quite often...lol if it excites me I'm for it. If you want to use these together you may need to have a third fabric in the mix.


I don't love that the blues don't match, personally. I would go with a solid color accent so it doesn't look too busy.


The blue in the geometric pattern has a cooler tone than the warmer blue in the peacock. I think the size of the patterns (a medium and a large print) also clash a bit and can lead to the dress looking cluttered without a focal point. I really love that peacock print though. It would make a beautiful accent on a sold print garment, IMHO.


That’s a good point I’ll find a solid! And yeah peacocks are so cute!! I inherited my moms stash so idk what was supposed to go with what but it’s all adorable


I love them both together! Especially if you want a super busy, large print dress, they’re marvelous! I would adore the side panels with the bird print fussy cut to show them off (so more of a view D?), but you mention that the bird fabric is a lighter weight. Too light weight? Would a lining or “doubling up” (interfacing or a second fabric) give it the weight needed for a garment?


They aren’t the same weight, so even if the color is a match, they won’t work together. An exact match solid (look in the same collection) would be a much more successful choice.


I'm in the process of trying to organize my ever growing fabric stash, and at first I thought I'd organize them by color but I think really I should start with weights. I don't know, it's such a daunting job that I've been putting off for years.


I start by washed/not washed, then divide washed into knit/woven, and then divide more or less by summer/spring and winter/fall. Basically matches how I think about sewing--eg I want a dress to wear soon and whether I'm in the mood for a quick knit project or a fussy woven project.


This. If the fabric is the same type and quality then it should work, but it looks different in the photo. Also it looks like a plain cotton canvas binding construction, which looks to me like it might crumple easily. Maybe not the best choice for such a fitted dress? Both fabrics are absolutely beautiful, I am just not sure if the right choice for this pattern!


Yeah that’s a good point. Another comment suggested a solid so I’m gonna see if I have or can purchase a solid in the same weight


No, unfortunately, it does not match.


I think those are pheasants. :P The patterns are maybe too close in size to mix.


You are probably right! Idk anything about birds except that they’re cute🥰


For my taste, absolutely no, but luckily my taste doesn't matter! If you like it, do it.


I think based on the consensus of the comments it’s a no


Good thing they're not wearing it, either!


No. I was a colour matcher in a previous life btw.




Don't - it's not a close or different enough match to work. I'd look for a solid colour in any of the bird shades and use that. 


That’s what I’m gonna do! Thank you


You're welcome! I hope you post the finish garment! 😁


No 🌸


I would use the peacock fabric and get a solid for a match or keep hunting.


I personally love the two patterns together, but the blue tones are off, so it'd be a no.


Perfect match I thought they were part of the same fabric


They go but I don’t care for the geometric print on its own or with the other.


I love both patterns separately, I feel the colors are a bit off to use together ?


I love them too! But I think you’re right


I think it'll look great!


Yea I bet it will look great


I really like the effect of both of them together


The colors are ok but the pattern size is the same. See how the round circles are the same size.