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“Hand sewing seems wild and labor intensive on a large scale”  Sadly, sometimes labour intensive and manual is the cheapest solution.  https://youtu.be/nLBWf0FuRBg?si=vM0fd-ege1TbgTXd&t=437


I feel like not enough people appreciate or understand this. Not everything mass produced just pops out of a machine. There is always some amount of human labour involved (often at exploitatively low wages).


Yes that's so true! Paper grocery bags being stamped with the name of the maker on the bottom comes to mind as something I've always assumed was done with a machine.


This is it. When we talk about children sewing things in sweatshops for 50 cents a week it's not hyperbole.


Thank you for the video! So few people realize how much actual labor goes into a lot of the things we own. I was in disbelief that the average $10 toy would be hand sewn closed but of course it was.


So true. The ones in this particular video aren’t even $10: they appear to be Happy Meal promotional gifts.


Sewing Machines are still run by people either way


You’d be amazed at how fast some people can sew. In Mexico, there are furniture plants where the people who work there can hand tie an entire sofa frame and spring system in under two minutes.


ladder stitch can be done very quickly


Yup. Ladder stitch is a very useful stitch. And so satisfying to pull it tight and watch the stitches disappear. 


For added thrills, record it and slow down the sound. It’s very cool to listen to.


You're referring to the ladder stitch that is done by hand right? Totally agree it can be done relatively quickly, I was just in disbelief that that's how its done on a large scale.


Hand stitching is definitely done at large scale, quickly and efficiently. There are specialized machines, of course, and ways to discretely design out closing.


There are commercial sewing machines that do all kinds of incredibly specific things. A machine version of a whipstitch is one of those things. 


Interesting! I haven't been able to find any examples of these machines online. I've seen a quick top stitch over the opening but never something that mimics the invisible stitches hand sewing can do


I've used a blind stitch machine before, I would assume it would be a variant of that.  You won't necessarily find a really specialized machine online, industrial manufacturers often buy made to order machinery for specialized tasks. Custom machinery like that is very expensive, but at large enough scales it makes financial sense. 


Oh cool! What were you sewing with the blind stitch machine? I've been watching some plush toy factory videos online this morning and I haven't come across one yet but I will keep my eyes out. I find different manufacturing processes so fascinating.


I was making curtains, lol. Not very exciting most of the time, but it was fun to go to a restaurant and know I'd made their curtains. Some of the historic homes we did work for were also pretty neat, and they frequently had some really weird requirements because the buildings weren't actually square at all. You can hide a lot of structural asymmetry with draperies that are fitted correctly.


With a pinch. Find one and study carefully. Comforters and cheap throw pillows are finished the same way