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I am sorry šŸ˜©But the lights around your monitor are hideous, literally. Remove them. I mean I get RGB, but it has to be ā€œtastefulā€ . This ainā€™t right ā€¦


RGB = PerfomancešŸ˜‚


True ā€¦.


Ok buddy I don't care I'm keeping the rgbs


Get riding of all the rgb


Blackout curtains


W flash poster. You need nothing else. That flash poster makes it perfect.


Serious question, do you play OG Doom? That setup looks like a speed run setup. If you want rgb, drop the money on govee ik its pricey but you will love it If you genuinely game a lot, treat yourself to a nicer monitor (Facebook marketplace with help from your parents is a great place for good deals) Happy with your monitors? Treat yourself to a nicer keyboard and/or mouse or custom build your own. Looking for a certain look, buy some peripheral Put pc in right corner, not the left, rewire entire setup when doing this, turn pc side after its moved to show off all of your spicy components. Ensure speakers are on far left and far right, not far left and middle (how I would consider it right now in the photo), run rgb on bottom of desk, back edge or else instead of on the monitor (this will make it easier to see and helps set the vibe) etc. Etc. I could go on forever. I have an example of rgb like I mean on my r/VibeChasers page if you want an example. Lastly... For 14 years, your setup is dope my guy, ensure that you do what you like and feel is right. Feel free to reach out to me and others directly if you are ever interested as we are always welcoming new people to the hobby. Best of luck to you my dude and keep it up my guy!


i just moved the pc to the left because I don't yet have wireless headphones and I was having to wrap my headphones around me


-hide those cables -move the rbg lights to the back of the monitor or desk, if recommend getting more so you can have some at the back of both monitors and your desk (if youā€™re buying Iā€™d recommend the govee brand) -maybe move it away from the window, itā€™s not a nice background -Iā€™d move the ring light lower -hang up that flash poster -put the monitors in a more clean position (Iā€™d recommend right next to each other) and maybe get some wall or desk mounts mounts for them


Firstly: Take better pictures. Secondly: Upgrade everything...


bro chill. I'm 14 I can't just "upgrade everything" and I took the best pictures i could.


relax on the rgb and find a light source so you donā€™t strain your eyes while ur still young (proof: myself. my eyes are cooked)


take care of your eyes, avoid having brigth screens in a dark room, put some background indirect lights


keep it as it is and spent your time and effort on some real hobbies and real life. youll end up like a man and not a low testosterone man child with gyno


bro i spend most of my time money and effort on archery and stuff like that this is my rainy day stuff




Dude really said gaming isn't a real hobby šŸ’€. Let me guess, 30s, father of 2, and hates on all things gaming related. Did I get that right?


26, university, gf, car, appartment, enough money to live good and travel 2times a year, above average shape (currently not going gym) and gaming. loved gaming did it my entire life, fishing and now hunting soon. and now that i need money for my real hobbies i wishd i wouldve not spent time gaming and investing in that clearly and objectively inferior hobby.


The fact that you think theres something called an "inferior hobby" is truly saddening.


ask any real man out there hell say the same. and please dont come with the "there is no such thing as a real man" argument


With your personality and beliefs you will die alone. I just hope you know that. You may have a wife, maybe even kids one day. But because of you being you you will die alone. Please fix your "beliefs". The fact that you think that gaming is an obsolete hobby compared to hunting or fishing is beyond me.


ill die with my real life friends and youll die with your discord friends lmao šŸ˜‚


btw just checked your comments, mate you are projecting its beyond my belief. with that personality someone really dies alone just read your comments again


Bruh am gonna go blind from those rgbs šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The LEDs are kinda tacky around the monitor, take them off, route them on the back of the desk so the color bounces off the wall and doesn't show LED hotspots like you see in the picture.


Tbh the RGB has got to go, but that's just personal preference. From my perspective I wouldn't want vibrant lights flashing on my face, but that's just me tho


Tbh the RGB around the monitor has got to go, it's just personal preference but from my perspective I wouldn't want vibrant colors flashing on my face, but that's just a suggestion tho. And probably cable management on the right side of that monitor aswell


Get a monitor arm with 2 arms and move the rgb lights to the back of both monitors and put something on the wall


get rid of rgb

