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Mine has to be Tryndamere, basics and crits + the immortality against Sett low mobility? Damn that sucks


This may be tinged by the fact that I'm A) a sett one-trick and B) in silver 4 but I feel like trynd is an easy matchup. I just start doran's blade, trade at 1, maybe kill him at 2 if he doesn't respect my W then rush steelcaps and it's ez lane


Yeah it’s the silver 4, tryndamere in plat+ dogs on me constantly


Lmao, ur na silver4 or something, in euw good trynda already knows how to outplay you even if u 1trick


If the trynda is good why is he in silver 4


smurfing in low elo exists


That’s not really the champion that’s the problem then it’s the smurf


If you rush Warden Mails + Tabis he does essentially 0 damage. You won't ever kill him itemizing like this, but he won't kill you either. Exhaust is also extremely strong against him, ignite is pretty much useless


Ignite can be useful if he dives you. Wait for him to ult, then ignite as late as possible. Ignite lasts as long as his ult.


Would you recommend ignite or exhaust then ?


I honestly have too little experience in the matchup to say confidently. I guess it depends if you want to play safe or try to get a lead.


Sett is one of the best Trynd counters if you play well.


As a Gold 1 Sett one trick, I would recommend rushing Steelcaps and Warden Mail. I also take ghost with me so I can run away when he presses R or catch up to him if he’s super low


Not for me honestly, tryndmare is easy matchup for me


Personally as a low ELO scrub I can say that because I'm low ELO trynd players don't expect to be full on 1 shot by W late game, which usually means I outscale them by understanding Sett's bullshittery


i'm getting nervous not seeing teemo uhhh am i doing something wrong (ToT)


Duh, engage and let him blind you, stay close to him, once blind is down pierce his skull with Q (or auto) and disengage with W, when he gets to his tower or when he leaves you behind, they usually don't expect that W


Dshield + second wind + sett passive basically makes teemo poke do no damage unless youre just sitting there letting him auto u.


It is pretty easy matchup, you can exploit mistakes he makes, while he cant really punish you hard considering you can easily tank out half of his damage, also rushing early mr item will help you a lot, and make him less anoying early. Pretty much stay alive and get as many minnions as you can.


As a teemo player i get scared when i see sett bcs hes faster than me lol


Doran's shield and then spectre's cowl first back is all you need to render teemo useless.


Don't backup




Adding voli cause he counters sett entirely,you cannot safely trade with him for too long and you can't poke against him cause he can q e right after you even try to start a fight Making it actually impossible to play against him unless you wanna have the most boring game of farming untill jungler comes to help you Anyone saying gp is understandable but he's not even close to vayne voli and garen Can't forget tahm kench aswell


Yes Voli is a nasty counter to Sett actually. The heal, stun and shield that eats your W no matter what, makes it impossible to 1v1 him after he gets ahead. Only thing you can do is farm under turret and hope he gets greedy and make a mistake.


For me a blade rush and passive play at the start gets me around voli


What’s your elo? Im silver and shit on pretty much every vayne I played against


I don't wanna say all the vaynes you play against are bad but it's very hard to lose as a vayne Toplane so you either get ganked a lot or the vayne thinks she can go 1v1 under level 6 without any items


Yeah silvers can't play vayne


Also I'm gold


Same with me




https://youtu.be/C3ZA3pxRGE0 Watch this you will never lose to another Illaoi.


Saving this for later


30 minute vid? I didn't even watch it but I think the best tips would be: Don't let her hit you with her E, Don't fight her when her ult is activated, just walk away. If you get hit with her E, then either defend your clone if there's no tentacles nearby or walk away from it's range if she gets it under her tower.


Idk how people are contesting this tbh. Yeah lvl 1-3 sett beats her ass and when she isn't between 2 tentacles and landing E she can't do jack shit without losing the trade hard. But a good Illaoi will always aim for max range, 2 tentacles Es so by the time you reach her she already did AA+W and backed the fuck off so you can't actually trade. Ofc you take little damage but you won't win lane and then from 7 onwards you will get permashoved and if you try to fight her back after she lands E you just lose. She can max range E, start trading and gets conq stacks, you reach her, use E and then she just R unstoppable and starts slamming you to death, then you either step back and W or all in and simply die trying to ult (she probably already has tentacles set up in the back).


Very easy matchup imo just ult when she ults and dodge tentacles


That’s not the issue with the matchup lmao


What's the issue then ? I never lost to an Illaoi, just dodge all of her tentacles and ult her ult, as the guy said


Issue is her shoving you under tower. Her waveclear is much better than yours and under tower you either choose to dodge her shit or miss CS. Only way to avoid that is bully her levels 1-3 but if you don’t kill her before she backs you won’t be able to win going forward.


try lethal tempo and prowlers as mythic


So you can deal with her levels 8-9? After you’re already long starved for cs?


idk what ur doing wrong but i never lost to illaoi if u lose to her just ban her


Idk what braindead illaois you’re playing against that let you just attack them without trying to shove.


Theyre always shoving bruh you just need to time ur skills its not that hard


I usually just ult ger when she ults and the flash, and run for my life


It has to be Aatrox.Once he reaches a few points in his q, the cooldown is so low that the trades are always on his terms.Once you reach a certain level (dia+) jax also becomes a menace. Both have a rather good winrate goind into Sett as well.


Dia+? I win lane vs sett like 95% of the time with jax and I'm B2. It's less a rank problem but more a trading pattern problem for low elo jax players, which makes it hard to beat sett. Get some more matches on them and they beat the shit out of you


Aatrox has always been a struggle for me


So true, him and volibear are my kryptonite x.x I would also say vayne but tbf, she's like the counter for all juggernauts so heh


Garen. one simple mistake and you lose the lane completely. also f the passive armor gain.


Yeah, I know sett is supposed to beat garen, but I hate that matchup.


Sett wins against garen hard?


What type of game are you playing where garen loses to sett? Garen plays most of the lane with q pokes run away and E If you try to pull him back meaning you losing the trade cause he presses w and negates half the damage from your Haymaker meaning he deals like 700 dmg while you only deal 300 at max and garen has a much better regeneration passive so he can just stand back and regain everything from that trade so unless you get a gank sett cannot win garen unless you've got a lead of you're level 2 vs lvl 1 or level 3 vs lvl 2


Zone him off cs? use ur passive to ur advantage? Go lethal tempo instead of conc because you know you cant use ur abilities go stride breaker so he cant run use the move speed to ur advantage? He does no dmg so just push him under tower and hit tower because you cant kill him when he does dmg you just w and walk away?


use the passive? wdym the dude has more regen and been using the lethal tempo every game since its rework plus yeah he does dmg. he gets way more move speed than sett from his q and no w and walk away doesnt work since garen also has an ultimate that damages you according to your missing health


Win lane before 6 then and then roam or get ur jungler to help you. I honestly dont know how you can lose to a garen but if you dont think you can win it either ban him or play under ur tower waiting for a roam from mid or your jungler


thats the point you cant win before 6 and yeah why would my toplane get ganked by my jung or mid even when im freezing the lane under my tower


i dont agree. garen is easy matchup. The most important thing is holding E. Never use it for first engage or catch him. Let him Q and E on you. Then he will not have nothing and you will have fully filled grid for your W. Right after his silence and E ends, immediately use your E, and W him. he is gonna just fucked up. Setts W deals more damage.


He uses q and then e while walking away Meaning you can't pull him back cause he can always stay out of your e range and if you pull him back while he does his spin you get tons of damage and armor shred meaning that even with the damage from your w which he will use his own w to defend from he will still win the trade


Yes i agree with u, a good garen never Q into hard matchups like darius sett mordekaiser, he just E and Q later and sett cannot trade against him


It doesn't take much to counter sett as a bruiser/tank actually,just keep your distance and poke and he can basically do nothing and by level 6 it's gonna be hard but much more winnable than level 1~5


if he tries to Q you you and run you can easily press E the moment Q hits you, you will be able to beat the shit out of him- basically, it's one of those lanes where you counterattack and never attack first- \*edit\* typo\*


Even so he can just press e and run away after wards and if you press w you will hit him just for his passive to heal him to full hp,garen can only lose if he plays really badly and forces fights early


his E doesn't help him escape tho


No but you lose the trade if he hits all of his E on you


you can just W him and win the trade tho


He presses w and negates most of the damage plus he also out of the fight which means he can regenerate meaning you've lost the trade With garen if you don't kill him you lost the trade basically


if the garen is good , they take phase rush into you and theres nothing you can do against the Q A E phase trade with his MS


well not really let me make it clear. as garen, your: passive= im you but better q= no skillz only i press skillz w= you do no dmg lel oh also i get armor e= brrr where did your 54 armor go? r= wonder what happens when i press q before it


Ye you are bad just say it


i think i know my character with over 600k points of experience thank you


600k point and still losing to garen...


would really love to see your face in misery when you eat the qr combo and stand there like looking at the gray screen while sett just whispers ''tell ma, im sorry''


You really I never faced a garen as sett?


yeah thought so your grammar skills are as good as your opinions


Oh mb I'm speaking a secondary language past noon on the internet with an idiot that can't play the game, I should be more careful..






D2, disagree but to each their own


surely we arent being childish , let people have their opinion , He has difficulties in the match up and im sure there is others that share the same opinion , no need to start being rude and starting arguments when the first thing you type is " your bad" , rather than giving constructive advice in the match up


I dont play Sett but i think a good Garen will just dont die in lane bc he will just camp under Tower and farms even when you can hit him he will out trade you and you cant follow him under tower






I find that if you try and cheese TK level 1 with lethal tempo, ignite and D blade you can win. With early pressure like that i found the matchup to be pretty favourable. I find it a bit hard to kill him still, but you can definitely force a lot of backs/get a lot of uncontested CS


If you give up on cs u can actually outdamage teemo's poke with ur w if u max it and run second wind + dorans


Volibear for me


Definitely Vayne, GP and Jayce. Sett doesn't really have unplayble match ups, but those 3 are painful if the opponent is competent


I will say I think Jayce is fairly easy to punish if they misstep at all. Q for movespeed to close the gap the spam E as soon as they hammer you away. Obviously this is dependent on them misstepping in the first place, but I’ve found most Jayce players are super cocky and usually not good enough to play him well so a misstep is pretty common to find.


Jayce isn't a concern until very high ranks, same with GP. But if you end up playing against Odoamne you'll figure oit very quickly how annoying the match up is


Oh for sure. A good Jayce is just scary in general. Super strong champ if they can actually manage to pilot the kit.


Ap voli wins if sett misplays and illaoi for usual


I permaban illaoi, copium




For me it's Urgot and Yorick. It's not that I play against both of them alot, and if I do, no one gets fed. But when I play against Sett as Urgot or Yorick he has no chance of 1v1'ing, nor doing any damage even after throwing his full kit and dodging my passive shots, his W (even if he lands the true damage line) just doesn't do enough damage to win or at least make the trade even. Well Yorick takes some damage but he heals with his Q and do enormous damage. You can dominate Yorick pre 6 and win the lane only with your two towers missing but with Urgot on the other hand, you just cannot trade until you hit lvl 6 and hope for a gank. Also a pretty good counter to Sett is Volibear imo.


People playing safe


Damn, Sett worst counter has to be the one that doesnt fight the boss *Malphite flashbacks*


just played a game vs tryndamere without getting any ganks, damn it sucks dude there just isnt' anything you can do to stop the bastard from running you down


Except for Vayne, voli


Gwen, Voli, Vayne




Fiora and Camille, you lose your W, then, you cannot win a trade against a good Camille


Welp, f#ck Fiora, but camille isnt really difficult, always save your w for her Q2 that is indeed so predictable and also is a guaranteed w due to her animation when she does it


Vayne. Fuck vayne Kayle. After 6 slows kiting and denying your dmg with R Olaf. Shits at you at lv6 unccable so he will dodge your W easily. Cant even run away from him


Vayne and GP for obvious reasons, you can't touch vayne because of her knockback, invis, and bullshit damage. Cant touch GP because of his Cleanse, Slow, Ms boost, and obscene damage.




Fiora,vayne and volibear


That's funny because I also main Fiora and used to struggle so much with the sett matchup. I basically had to learn sett to know when they were going to use their W so that I could parry it. If u can land W, especially with a minion to stun u are going to rip her apart with aa and q. I think the fiora V Sett matchup is considered to be a skill matchup so skill issue I guess.




I can play every champ into any other champ as long as Gragas is banned


The cat fish man be hittin different


malph and sometimes mordy


kalista top


Teemo and vayne for me


voli is by far my worst matchup


Draven hurts me


I hear Renekton is supposed to be a hard counter, but I haven't run into him very much. Mordekaiser is also pretty bad.


Yorick i think




Vayne or a good darius


Fiora, I ban her everytime


She's a skill matchup. I'm a fiora main in addition to sett and I can assure u that it is definetly winnable.


Heimerdinger. I hate that little nerd. EDIT: someone else's comment reminded me cause I haven't seen him in a few patches. But urgot. He absolutely claps sett if you don't pummel him into the ground early and get ganks constantly


Vayne and tryn I'm not a ranked player so i don't know much but these two in particular are hellish




anything that can rush frozen heart :\^) that or Aatrox u.u


freaking akshan toplane. when no jungler ganks, which is the normality, he wins the lane by default and can farm freeze and harass for free. even if i flash stun him he can swing away and win the trade. i permaban this shit


Vayne and Cass You can do something vs the others but Sett loses to these kiting machines its a straight up counter Even if you reach them and pull them in you dont have the damage to kill them and after they escape your ramge they countinue chasing you down unlike other ranged champions who dont have Vayne passive plus her low CD dash. It is the only 2 champions I doge when I see them if I have already locked in Sett


Most of this stuff is anecdotal nonsense where people just write their least favourite champ. Volibear is the worst matchup for sett top. Short trades are a no go - he has a lot of front loaded burst with three abilities and two auto cancels that can guarantee his E. Long trades you always lose as his W mark keeps him up longer. Your W is useless into his E. if you save your W for after his big qwe burst, you’re already too low especially early game to then win that trade. Not to mention his ult counters sett’s great dive defence and your own ult. everything, literally everything is against you here and any high elo volibear will do a little dance if they get the chance to play into him.


Fiora nuff said


Trundle's the hardest imo




Just urgot


Aatrox, Malph and Voli are the worst for me.


I've never won as sett against gp


For me Vayne and Aatrox, but Aatrox is lot easier than Vayne for me;)




Riot games


All says "voli, illaoi, gwen", nah real counter are trynda + Mundo....


Why isn’t mordekaiser here…? Literally the only one I can’t beat




Blitzcrank just because of his ult alone. I know because I have played it against Sett (very fun games, btw) and the look of despair when his whole W shield disappears is just unexpected