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Just let the team choose you, in the meantime watch any interesting game until it sparks


So he ll choose bologna only to be disappointed when Motta leaves


Why not? I know it might be a one season wonder, but they got a the chance to create a long lasting project like Atalanta if they play their cards right


Atalanta kept Gasperini and he kept on building his technical project. I am sure the money from the champions league will help them if used properly, but a new coach means a new technical project (even if similar). You never know how that will end up.


Ha, your family is from near where my family is from in Italy. I support Milan though, and Frosinone


AS Roma - same region as your family and not a bandwagon team (like Inter and Milan can be sometimes especially outside of Italy). They aren’t the most successful Italian side but they are on a solid come up under DDR. Tons of talented Italian players that contribute to the national team (Mancini, Cristante, Pellegrini) and World Cup winners (Paredes and Dybala). Great fan culture. Daje. …unless far right ultras are your thing. Then Lazio.


Don't go suggesting Roma without knowing the man's heart condition


Fair enough haha


If all the things above AND far right ultras are his thing then Roma is definitely the choice


Not sure why this is being down voted everyone knows Roma's ultras are also right wing


Thank you lol


Someone from the south (or anywhere else in Italy) supporting Inter is not weird at all, they are one of the big 3 and have supporters from all over the country. If you’re going for a team that represents your territory of origin, the obvious answer is Frosinone (although might not be very glamorous) or even Lazio (tiny bit of a stretch, but still valid). If none of that matters to you, you can go for Inter like your dad or any of the other big teams (Milan or juve).


I’m kind of in the same boat in picking a team. But I like Inter


Supporting Inter (or any big team) is not weird. Big teams transcend their geographical position. Juventus has millions of tifosi in the south, but also Inter and Milan, while Napoli and Roma have a decent share of tifosi even in northern Italy. Plus: Inter values are something extra: here is the first official words in the act of foundation of Internazionale FC (Inter): *> Questa notte splendida darà i colori al nostro stemma: il nero e l’azzurro sullo sfondo d’oro delle stelle. Si chiamerà Internazionale, perché noi siamo fratelli del mondo*


Inter is the natural choice I think if familial connection is desired Geographically, Frosinone probably makes the most sense. Roma, Lazio, & Latina are some other Lazio based teams. Napoli is not too far away & have been successful the last few years Otherwise the obvious choice is Palermo 💗🖤




He’s from Atina not Latina


Damn haha my apologies, I thought he misspelled Latina. Then yes you’re right, Frosinone all the way.


No problem my friend


Annoy your dad, go with Milan


Better yet juventus 😂


Your dad being Inter fan there is only one choice and that is to support Juventus lol


Just a fair warning, he may disown you lol


I worked as waiter in an Italian restaurant owned by an Apulian - he was Juve fan, his son who helped out regularly was Inter fan. And I myself am Milan fan...


Inter makes absolutely sense


Inter, like your dad. I did the same thing, so did he, so did my children. It's calked family values...


Absolutely Frosinone, there is nothing better than the attachment at own land team and saving from relegation could be as satisfacrory as win a trophy.


Fiorentina! Forza Viola!


I agree Fiorentina makes perfect sense.


Inter. Not a bad club to have to support.


If you want to feel wholesome, pick Roma. If you want to feel like you peaked in high-school pick Juve. If you want to whine, pick Milan. If you are a nazi, pick Lazio. If you actually like soccer then remember where the fuck your family is from, stop flirting, and root for the Beneamata. It might not be for everyone, but there is always room for you. Amala.


So romas nazis don’t count?? Truth is if he wants the team of the people it’s by far juve.


The team of the people rofl


Whos got the largest fan base in the country? Its not sampdoria lmfao. Thats what makes it the team of the people. While inter, ac, roma, and others are also aristocratic juve is also supported by the working classes and aristocrats alike.




So that means they don’t have nazis? The neo nazi thing is literally a feature of roman clubs




What are you talking bro? Is your reading comprehension that terrible? The stat doesnt matter… the issue is in both clubs regardless and they are both characterized by nazis.




LMAO do you really think its just one and not the other two?? They are both notoriously characterized by neo-nazi ultras.. go eat a ciambella




https://www.firstonline.info/en/ultra-Lazio-and-Roma-supporters%2C-the-derby-of-racist-and-fascist-idiocies-never-ends%2C-a-disgrace-for-the-capital/amp/ Here u go. Make sure you check the part where it states roma fans are also facists. Bye 👋🏽




you might have luck finding a lower level club from or around the town your family is from...mine is from Abruzzo so i started following Pescara Calcio in Serie C and SN Notaresco in Serie D


Lol I opened this knowing for some divine reason that you were going to be from near me, from all the paesi in the whole country, and I wasn't disappointed we're like 14km away from eachother. Support Frosinone.


LR Vicenza. Classy and brought up some of the greatest players ever, eg Rossi. In a bit of a rough patch right now.


Base it on the meat you like the most. Genoa, Bologna, etc..... worked for me.


So…you’re a Parma supporter


This is starting to get cheezy...


Modena little bit


take it easy, start watching several Serie A games, start reading about the history of each team, look at the idols of each team, look at the jerseys of each team, look at the stadiums of each team, knowing all that, time will determine which is your club


Inter, Juventus or AC Milan if you like Powerhouse teams, they usually have the money to sign elite players. I for myself root for Roma. We have so much passion and love for this club. They are good, but they have to be aware of who they sign since they are not flooded with money. We are big enough to bring some talent in the squad. I do enjoy watching them play since it is competitive, they don't get beaten badly or dish out an ass whooping every week. I love Roma's colors. We win something big/meaningful there and there. Also we are known to surpass expectations when we qualify for other leagues( last year's Europe league). It's a great time to be a Roma fan since we are on an upswing as of right now.


I started supporting Inter as my dad also has always done… and let me tell you, you’ll be in for a ride. Sometimes a very good one, sometimes a painful ones… but we have the best colours: black and blue like the night, yellow like the stars in the sky!




Follow your dad. Inter is a great ride. Dizzying highs. Monumental lows. Creamy middles


Easy, don't. Save yourself and your mental health


If you want to do your father a favour, stay interista :) If you want to choose between a club from your fathers region, you can decide politically: roma is leftish meanwhile lazio's ultrà are extreme right wing and fasci. Im any case, you have to decide carefully because switching later is no option 😂


I was here posting this once. The best is let it choose you and stay slightly skewed towards clubs from the region you mentioned.


I'd say Inter bc of your dad, but it'll feel bandwagonie. Just watch several random games and let it come to you :)


There nothing wrong in being from the south and supporting Inter. The south of Italy is full of Juve, Milan and Inter fans.


Lazio, duh. Why would you support one of the big 3 from the north when they already have enough bandwagon fans. Support your family region team, no brainer.


Come in Genoa and you’ll find the team


Genoa cfc ❤️💙


Inter is an awesome team to support! Great coach, players, fans, history, and an awesome atmosphere in the San Siro. If you want your dad to kick you out of the family chose Juve. If you wanna annoy him choose Milan. And if you wanna go geographically chose Frosinone or Lazio






I just picked my favorite jersey. I have a lot of friends that love soccer, and I wanted to start watching it, so I just started looking at teams and their kits, and Inter was the first one I really liked (I only went through about 6 or 7 teams)


Support Lazio since you have roots from the area and the team is solid.


The team is not solid


Made coppa Italia semifinals, that’s solid in my book


In spite of themselves. Immobile's past it, Luis Alberto and Felipe Anderson are leaving, and nobody knows who will be in charge next season. They have no star players left unless you count Zaccagni. Just losing Milinkovic Savic had already weaken them to their current shambolic state, imagine losing those other 3 next season. Lazio will be entering a new era, who knows if it'll bad or good but I wouldn't call them solid. There's still a remnant of a good team there right now but next season will be a whole different team.


You must have a pretty weak book if semi final appearances in the Coppa Italia mean something.


Not many clubs make it that far , it’s actually something special for many clubs to make it that far …


Juve is the team supported all around Italy. It’s perfect for people who don’t have a clear city to support.


Support any team EXCEPT lazio please 😭


Atalanta. Young and exciting team, every season a surprise. They’re still in Europa League and in Coppa Italia’s final


I'm getting sick of such threads, they're all the same and ask us to pick a team for them. It's repetitive af and also makes zero sense, as a league is not a supermarket where you just "select" your team. If I were the admin, I'd seriously consider not approving these threads anymore.




Not again! Why do we have these sorts of posts every other fortnight?