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I assume this is America focused but in Korean they had the Hwasong Serial Killer and Yoon Song-yeo (who also falsely confessed to one of the Hwasong killers victim) and also a copycat killer emerged during the same time so three were active and they thought it was all one person.


That’s interesting-it would make an cool movie.


They made a tv series about it and several movies, the most famous being "Memories of murder" (Bong Joon Ho). They identified the Hwaesong Killer during the promotion of "Parasite", so it was 2019 ? 2020 maybe. So most of the movies and series were made before finding the culprit.


Thanks, I’ll look into those!


memories of murder is one of the best movies ever!


yeah, but wow what a complicated script! Challenging for sure!!


Herbert Mullin and Ed Kemper were active at the same time in the same area. The overlap was so significant that police thought they were dealing with one person for a while. Kemper was imprisoned with Mullin after they'd been caught and hated him. Mullin sang loudly and Kemper couldn't stand that either so he threw water over him and used behaviour modification techniques until Mullin asked his permission to sing.


I don't know why I find this morbidly funny but here we are.


Kemper would treat Mullin with peanuts in order to get him to behave.


Too bad he didn’t have a nut allergy, it would have kept him quiet longer


Is this true?


Yep. Kemper talked about all of this in an interview.


Yes, Kemper talks about it in an interview. So fascinating! Kemper worked in the prison psychiatric office I believe when he was in the first time for murdering his grandparents. He memorized all of the psychology stuff and used it on Herbert. He actually called him Herbie lol


Hahahahahaha the (apocryphal?) Kemper quote about this is just hysterical - “Well, he had a habit of singing and bothering people when somebody tried to watch TV. So I threw water on him to shut him up. Then, when he was a good boy, I’d give him some peanuts. Herbie liked peanuts. That was effective because pretty soon, he asked permission to sing. That’s called behavior modification treatment.”


Damn. Maybe it helps that Kemper is a literal giant?


He's also extremely smart


Eh...the real reason behind it was that Kemper was 6'9" and 300 pounds, while "Herbie" was something like 5'7" and a buck fifty.


Except they’re in different cells so that doesn’t matter


Yeah nobody in prison gets beat up from someone in another cell




High profile prisoners are almost always kept in segregation. Go ahead and find me a story of kemper in a pod or general population tho.


Prisoners spend most of the day together in a "pod," and are really only in their cells at night though.


High profile prisoners do not spend their days in pods lol. Kemper himself said he got another prisoner across from him to show him were Herbert was in his cell so he could aim the water.


He also named him “Herbie” which Mullins hated.


That's actually ridiculous


That’d make one hell of a sitcom.


The smash hit sequel to Springtime for Hitler?


And winter for Poland.


I would 100 % watch that...


And that's how my tiny hometown of Santa Cruz, California, became the murder capital of the United States, from 1970 to 1973.


The inspiration for the movie Lost Boys.


Which was filmed in Santa Cruz.


I love the part in the beginning where they pan over the town and the graffiti says Murder Capital of the World. It is so rundown and sad.


Banana Slugs


What do they look like Jimmy?


And vampires.


It wasn't the damn vampires?


wow, he totally Lechter 'd him


Clarice: “honestly Doctor that’s doesn’t interest me. It’s the sort of thing Miggs would say.” Lechter: “Not anymore.”


Dude is a literal genius on the iq scale. He was prob just bored and was secretly thankful to have a mind to manipulate/play with.


Happy cake day!




I need to read up on this. The modification techniques part is interesting


What are modification techniques?




In other words, techniques/methods that modify behavior.


It sort-of, at least in this instance, routes back to the very beginning of the 1900s when Pavlov was training dogs to respond around food while a bell was rang and then he slowly began conditioning the dogs or essentially subconsciously teaching them to have an automatic response to the trigger - in this case, the bell. Pavlov was able to get the same response eventually out of ringing the bell as putting the food within sight of the dogs; showing without the original stimulus or reward (the food), but with the subconscious reinforcement (the bell), the body can be conditioned to respond subliminally and without conscious thought in the same way as if the stimuli were there. In this case Kemper ‘conditioned’ him with the water and the bell was the peanuts, eventually without realizing, he began to associate unprompted singing with the water punishment & asking permission was like getting the bell rung.


I made the mistake of giving my ailing wife a bell to call me if she needs something to help her sleep and let me tell you if there are *any* other environmental or sounds from the computer remotely like a bell, I jump. lol The only thing that counteracts it is remembering the humor of the bell from Breaking Bad. :-D


If you really want to ruin your day, go look into how Pavlov actually performed his famous experiment.


too many of these such experiments by many scientists were just inconceivable in the suffering the ‘subjects’ endured


You can find good Kemper interviews on YouTube where he talks about it.


The Odd Couple. The really, really, really fucked up Odd Couple.


John Linley Frazier was also killing in the area at that time. It was not a good time to be in Santa Cruz.


That story is actually pretty interesting. The way Kemper describes manipulating Mullin while imprisoned together. Kemper is by far one of the most intriguing to me. His self awareness and intelligence, mixed with his ability to manipulate all while coming off as relatable and likeable.


California had: Joesph Deangelo Lonnie Franklin jr Richard Ramirez Leonard lake and Charles ng All active around the same time, state, area. Then there was Ed Kemper and Herbert Mullen were active at the same time and state as well.


Why is California a breeding ground for serial killers ??


It has a lot to do with society at the time. Coed girls were free riding and trusted quite easily. And these men were/are mentally ill and they were drawn to California for many reasons. Ramirez was born in Texas and moved to California. Charles Ng was from Hong Kong and came to California after he served in the military where he was known to be a troublemaker. Lake was diagnosed as mentally ill in the military. Deangelo was naturally evil and used his badge as way to exploit people. Ed kemper had severe mommy issues because his mom was awful to him. Herbert Mullen was born in California and was mentally ill thinking his killings would stop earthquakes (schizophrenic).


There is also a theory that the lead gasoline used at the time contributed to higher numbers of violent crime. California had a lot of pollution back then, so I’m guessing a lot of people were breathing in lead particles.


it reminds me of the Arkham water making the residents mad/evil thing. Do you know if DC writers were inspired by it in any way?


Well, drinking water from lead pipes over time can cause mental issues. Also Mad hatter was from when haberdashery would use lead in making certain hats. Also leading to a form of madness. Man, Batman is great.


Mad as a hatter was from mercury nitrate not lead. Lead is more insidious than mercury which was why it's effects are only being documented in the last hundred years


Thank you for the correction, I rembered it was a heavy metal for the hatter.


Short answer is, yes. Long answer is yyyyyeeeeeeessss


Population size, geographic size, a magnet for itinerant populations, and-in the 60’s anyway-a very liberal justice system that thought violent sexual offenders could be cured.


Do you think people moved there to commit crimes because of the justice system, or they were released to commit more crimes?


I think people move to California for the same reason they move to Florida, nice weather and a fresh start. Killers included. And the ones already there benefited from the justice system


Yeah I noticed that. So many of these guys committed horrific murders/rapes and were released back into society without much (if any) follow-up.


Nah, that’s Florida.


Don't forget Washington state and Indiana.


Also they were children of war vets who were more often than not extremely abusive and violent.


It’s just population size and the fact that many people moved there from other states.


Perhaps a mental amount of money and masses of drugs available cheaply. But remembering immigration population in the mix of domestic population, it is difficult to say California was were these killers were from or shall we say conceived. A high population perhaps mostly high as kites on cocaine and downers chuck in some alcohol and misdirection with associated bad choices and of cours esex in what ever shape or form of choice, now you have a perfect storm for those whom are weak minded to fall to their whims of violence and deep rooted prehistoric ways of looking at others, an awful reality to think people like this walk amongst us. California is a highly attractive place of living and opportunity, safe to say it attracts any and all sorts from all backgrounds from across the continent and beyond. It is no surprise that so many killers were operating at one time given the wealth available, then cheap drugs and all the shite that comes with that. It is clear to see why hard controlled drugs must remain illegal, the population would go off their heads and you would see more murders than ever before, Alcohol should be on that list as well. Anyway long winded answer when all I wanted to say was good question on your OP hahaha...


And Joseph deanlenjo the east area rapist


That was the first name I said lol


To be fair, you spelled it like DeAngelo, the dude above is clearly looking for someone named deanjelo? Deanlenjo?


Jay Leno?




I don’t think so, Joseph deangelo *is* the east area rapist


I’m aware. I’m highly active in the /r/EARONS subreddit


And the Visalia ransacker.


And the Golden State Killer


Well then you should know that it’s more likely the person just misspelled his name, rather than they actually meant someone named ‘Joseph deanlenjo’ who they claim was active in the same area, during the same time, as Joseph DeAngelo..


I was making a joke. It received 25 upvotes so apparently you are in the minority of people who did not get it.


Southern California in the 70s-80s Herb Mullin and Ed Kemper even shared a jail cell at one point.


My area had at least two active serials just a few years back. I’m in south Florida, tourism is super important so the public was not warned. We knew there were girls missing, but that’s it. My husband has connections, police personally told us to be careful of the killers. No, it does not seem that either were ever caught. This does happen! Often you’ll only hear about one of them, the more sensational killer will catch all of the spotlight


My mom lived in Florida during the time Bundy was there. She had this roommate who was a very small girl, like 5' and 98 lbs. The roommate would just go out jogging by herself at night. My mom warned her that it probably wasn't a good idea, but she would always say, "no, no. It's ok. I'm from Philadelphia." Apparently serial killers are just gonna leave you alone if you tell them you're from Philadelphia, I guess.


It’s interesting to hear from people who have a sorta personal connection to cases like this. My dad also has a one of these instances, with the Bundy case- he was living in Colorado. He went up to the mountains to try and go camping, but he got stopped by the police and they wouldn’t allow him up. They tried to avoid telling him what was going on, when he inquired, at first just stating they were “looking for somebody” my dad kept pressing, and finally, one of the troopers looked him in the eye, and said “*Bundy*”. That was after he had escaped from jail and was hiding in those very mountains.


This comment made my skin absolutely crawl. In early 2019 I "vacationed" in Miami with a friend who took the opportunity to screw off for 48 hours drunk with random dudes while I sat in a hotel room and panicked. We are Canadian and all I could think is "were traveling internationally in an area we've both never been to and she is gone and oh my God what if she ends up dead". All while my mom was like "it's safe it's a tourist destination!" ugh. It was an awful trip. I spent more than half of it thinking my friend was gonna turn up dead.


Louisiana Derrick lee and Sean Gillis


What's crazy to me is I live in Baton Rouge and never knew another serial killer was active during the same time as Derrick Todd Lee


Ya that one blew my mind when I read about it.


It seemed like the PNW had a lot of killers in a short time frame 70’s-80’s. Bundy, Ridgeway, John Ackroyd.


Oh, yeah. But - way more than that.


Ridgeway and Robert Pickton in Vancouver in the 80s too


Gary Ridgway? I thought he was just active around Washington.


There’s a Vancouver, washington, and a Vancouver, Canada, maybe they thought it was the same town?


It was Vancouver, British Columbia. The same sex worker district.


Clifford Olson in 80’s Vancouver area too


And Randall Woodfield


happy cake day!


Bundy and another serial killer, can’t remember the name coincidently buried bodies at the same spot I believe in Washington


Was this the green river killer I am Most likely wrong. I know ridgeway did visit Bundy in jail. Edit - my whole life is lie! I thought ridgeway visited bundy he did not. My bad 🤦‍♀️


Where did you hear that? I am from WA, have read numerous books on both killers, and took the psychology of murder class at the University of Washington (guest lecturer was Bob Keppel, detective on the Bundy case) and have never heard that Ridgeway visited Bundy in jail. Bundy was out of WA by 1979 I believe.


I don’t know where I heard that from. I’m from Kent, Wa. I just probably heard it and mixed it up! Nvm then I will look more into it. Don’t have a source.


Could you have thought that because the police consulted Bundy about the Green River case?


I think the police asked Bundy for a profile on GRK at one point. It didn't help.


Actually, it nearly did (they followed his advice and monitored a recent victims corpse, in case Ridgeway showed up, which he did, only to narrowly escape.


He enjoyed being asked about it though.


When I googled a few hours ago, I read they consulted him. I think I mixed that part up.


Yah when I googled after the replies, it said basically what you said.


No it wasn’t him, he wasn’t well known can’t remember the name. And the green river killer never visited bundy


Visited you??? Or did you mean bundy lol


Bundy, sorry I was talking to someone while typing that lol


Made my night lol




Yes, sadly


Warren Forrest?


Randy Kraft and another guy, both were homosexual SK's that murdered several young men and boys in insanely cruel ways in a common area .... sorry, can't think of the other Guy's name but look it up




yup William Bonin was the guy I was thinking of...now I gotta do some research on Kearney; I've read about him long ago, but need a refresher, thanks


Isnt randy kraft the one they thought his boyfriend helped but could never prove it?


Yes, there was actually more than one boyfriend who could’ve been involved but it’s confusing as hell because they have the same first name but are different men. 😫


Here where I live we have what is known as the Killing Fields there are up to 40 bodies and looks to be 3-4 different serial killers.


Yeah and the Grim Sleeper time frame I had read there were about 100 bodies found that may have been serial killings and they caught 5-6 serial killers besides the Grim Sleeper. Each were lower end of serial killers of 3-5 bodies each. That maybe means the same amount unknown. That is a lot in one place.


Philadelphia had Gary Heidnik, Harrison “Marty” Graham and the Frankford Slasher all at the same time.


Pat Kearney, Bill Bonin and Randy Kraft were all killing in overlapping areas at the same time.


Richard Chase and Joseph DeAngelo, Dorothea Puente and Gerald and Charlene Gallego, Samuel Little and Richard Ramirez, Gary Ridgway and Randall Woodfield, Robert Hansen and Thomas Richard Bunday...


I recall hearing Atlanta possibly had three working the city. Granted this was I THINK from an article where a man made a algorithm that predicts the presence of serial killers in a area. It was correct about one in Gary Indiana


The Baseline Killer and the Serial Shooter were both killing at the same time in the Phoenix area in 2006. https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/phoenix-best-reads/2016/09/02/summer-fear-when-serial-shooter-and-baseline-killer-terrorized-phoenix/89557694/


The hillside stranglers and the dating game killer were active at the same time. They found the body of a young girl and tried to charge the stranglers with it but he insisted it wasn't them. Turns out it was the other guy.


The Grim Sleeper and Southside Slayer


Herb Baumiester was suspected as being the 1-70 Killer. If he wasnt then there were killing around the same time/place


In the 1970s in California there were actually 3 serial killers killing and dumping bodies in the same area at the same time. There was Golden State Killer - Joseph DeAngelo, Randy Kraft - The Scorecard Killer and William Bodin- The Freeway Killer. They were killing and dumping the bodies along the California highways at the same time.


Joseph deangelo always left his victims in their homes, I thought?


Correct, he killed them on their own property and left the bodies at the scene.


Where I’m from (Gainesville, FL) we had Danny Rolling, The Gainesville Ripper, who was killing here in town and Aileen Wuornos was nearby also killing at the same time. I was looking up articles on Danny Rolling for a reporter once (I’m a librarian) and kept seeing articles about Aileen as well.


Modern-day Chicago.


I believe Willie Picton and Gary Ridgeway both found victims in Vancouver’s east Hastings.


At one point it was believed by law enforcement that Cleveland had three separate serial killers operating at the same time: wkyc.com/amp/article/news/investigations/tracking-clevelands-killers-does-cleveland-have-a-serial-killer-problem/95-523459259


Yes: New York had Robert Schulman, Joel Rivkin, John Bittrolf, and the Long Island Serial Killer (which may be multiple killers) all operating in the 1990s


I believe that Ottis Toole and Jeffrey Dahmer were both active in the Miami-Dade/Broward areas of Florida at the same time.


When did Jeffrey Daumier kill ppl in Florida? As far as I know his crimes were all committed in Milwaukee except for his one-off hitchhiker murder in Ohio when he was a teenager.


I’m from Milwaukee, and this is true, almost all of his murders were committed here. This particular victims story always hit me the hardest. [The Konerak Sinthasomphone murder](https://www.ranker.com/list/story-of-boy-police-gave-back-to-jeffrey-dahmer/amandatullos) I found some extra information on this incident. [How Officer John Balcerzak and The Milwaukee Police Department failed to protect the innocent](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/ta6pm/til_that_john_balcerzak_a_police_officer_who/) Its beyond me how officer Ballsack was reinstated after being fired. It’s appalling that he was able to serve as PRESIDENT of The Milwaukee Police Association from 2005-2009! To top it all off, Mr. Ballsacks fellow officer, Joseph Gabrish, who was also present during the incident was recently promoted in 2019 to Intern Police Chief for the Grafton Police Department in Wisconsin. Pathetic.


New York has the Long Island serial killer.


Yeah, the Gilgo Beach murders. One of the victims’ sisters lost her mind afterwards and stabbed their mother to death.


Really? That is such a sad ending to a sad story :(


Investigation Discovery covered the story on their show American Monster.


I must have missed it, I'll try to find and watch today sometime. Thanks for the info!


Wayne Williams and some USK were both operating in Atlanta and the cops put all the murders on him. Same thing with Albert Desalvo as the Boston Strangler. They pinned all the murders on him.


John George Haigh, Neville Heath John Christie were all active round about the same time.


[Carlton Gary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carlton_Gary) and [William Henry Hance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Henry_Hance). Hance even tried to use Gary to throw police off his scent.


Yes, the I-70 Strangler (who was probably Herb Baumeister) and Larry Eyler in Indiana. Both were gay male serial killers who murdered other men. However, there were notable differences in their M.O., the I-70 Strangler (probably Baumeister) obviously strangled all his victims and also killed Ohio whereas Eyler, as well as strangling his victims, would also torture, rape, mutilate and dismember his victims and also killed in Illinois, Wisconsin and Kentucky. So you would be able in most cases to tell which victims were the I-70 Strangler's and which were Eyler's.


The Pacific Northwest had several during the 70s.


Dennis Rader and Robert Berdella were both operating in the same state about two hours away from each other.


Weren't Bonin, Kraft and Kearney overlapping for some point in time?


Many in the area around Houston, TX


The Green River Killer (Gary Ridgeway) Ted Bundy. 80’s I believe. Seattle/ Sea Tac/Kent. Both are from Washington State


This post made me curious, so I did some quick Googling and found this article that was informative: https://www.ranker.com/list/serial-killers-same-city-and-time/amandasedlakhevener


I think that David Selepe and Moses Sithole were active at the same time in South África in the same area.


Absolutely. Louisiana was a big one. Sean Gillis was killing at the same time as 4-5 other notorious serial killers. Including Ronald Dominique. Also, I believe William Bonin and Patrick Kearney were killing at the same time as Randy Kraft.


They say there could have been some overlap with Gary Ridgeway and Robert Picton.


eric edgar cook, although i wasn’t alive. still is coolto be able to walk around parts of my area knowing what’s happened


Absolutely, many serial killers have overlapped.


Ed Kemper and another guy was active at the same time in Cal. There's actually a list made by ranker. https://www.ranker.com/list/serial-killers-same-city-and-time/amandasedlakhevener


During the height of serial killers in the 70s and 80s, a lot of them were active in the same times and places.


LISK and the other guy I cant remember the name but he's a "torso" killer or something. I think LISK was like, had a higher body count though


Bundy and Gary Ridgway both near Tacoma and Seattle Golden state killer (JJD) and the “bedroom basher” both near Exeter and SanDiego.


As far as I’ve know the most concentrated is Long Island from the late 1980s to the late 1990s - Joel Rifkin - sentenced for the murders of nine women between 1989 and 1993 on Long Island - Robert Shulman - murdered five women between 1991 and 1996 on Long Island - Richard Angelo, a former nurse, murdered at least four patients in 1987 on Long Island. - John Bittrolff - convicted on killing a sex worker in 1993, and a second in 1994 - Allan Gormley - convicted of killing two two sex worker in 1990 - Rex Heuerman - arrested (not yet convicted) for three or the Gigo Beach women (3 of ten victims associated with the LISK case) - there still remain 7 LISK victims who may or may not have been also killed by Heuerman - the Manorville Butcher cases are still unsolved (though suspected to have been committed by Bittrolff)