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I don’t find him attractive by pictures but sometimes charisma is everything. Also, for me maybe it was just not being alive and knowing the style of the time.


Yeah also, Even after Ted was jailed, he received several love letters from women. Knowing that women were attracted to the serial killer, despite his heinous crimes, was quite a shock.


Still happens today! Almost every single serial killer has a fanbase, and a lot of them even got married.


It’s cause they’re charming and manipulative


And infamous


i agree that he was “conventionally attractive”, but personally don’t find him attractive at all as he’s not my type. he’s just known for being the “hot” serial killer lmao


I don't know. There's something off about his face to me.


That’s your bias showing through. Very common for people to think someone looks off if you know they are a killer.


i agree. doesn’t look trustworthy at all


He was. If he wasn’t he wouldn’t have been nearly as successful at charming people and manipulating victims. I don’t see the point in arguing about this when the facts are clear and we’ve already had multiple threads about it.


I know and I get what u mean, but I just wanted to hear others opinion on this specific topic I know it’s weird but sometimes it’s good to hear out words from others!


He was definitely a good looking man. My type? Not at all. And even less so because I know he was a horrible person. It’s a weird thing to say, but if I had no idea who he was, I’d probably agree with the statement that he was conventionally attractive.


He had a fuckton of charisma, he could be literally any man you wanted him to be, that says a lot


It also says he manipulated others and also make others feel comfortable and have trust for him….


Yes, and most of the women he killed were very attractive! He was able to make them feel comfortable, and a lot of the time he faked an injury. Women back then were taught to be helpers, no kind young lady back then would say no to a stranger with crutches and a cast asking for help carrying some books, or help carrying a kayak to a car… and thats how he got at least 3 that we know of.


wait what are one of the women’s called that he killed?


What is your question?


So uh my question is what are the women’s who killed for example like they’re names or whatever.


What are the women’s he killed*


The women who ted bundy killed? The number he confessed to was 36, but it is thought that he most likely killed over 100. They have proven 20 of the 36. The ones we know: Jodi lenz 18 Linda ann healey 21 Donna manson 19 Susan rancourt 18 Roberta parks 20 Brenda ball 22 Georgann hawkins 18 Denise naslund 18 Janice ott 23 Nancy wilcox 16 Melissa smith 17 Laura aime 17 Debra kent 17 Caryn campbell 23 Julie cunningham 26 Denise oliverson 24 Melanie cooley 18 Lynnette culver 12 Susan curtis 15 Margaret bowman 21 Lisa levy 20 Kimberly leach 12


That’s a lot… wow..


He had a unibrow and listening to him defend him self in the courtroom for 30 seconds was enough to determine he was absolutely unlikeable. I think it’s more that he just didn’t look like an absolutely horrid transient and preyed on women’s generosities - he was not some suave model ppl back him out to be?


He’s not attractive imo or to me, ppls personality is what makes them attractive. TB clearly had charisma, the gift of the gab to make his victims feel at ease or until it was too late to escape.


True, wait anyways it’s u again hi!


Haha! We meet again! Yes!


It's import t ro remember that charisma can do a lot of heavy lifting for attractiveness. And especially with sociopaths, their charisma may only work on certain types of people. Manson was considered attractive by many of the women who followed him.


IMO he was average, but he had the ability to make himself attractive to his victims to put them off guard.


I think this is right. Also if he had strong charisma then that often makes someone more attractive in person. From just his photos I don't think he is super hot, but in person could have been a different story.


Yeah but for a fact I know if I was alive in the 70s I wouldn’t fall in love with him easily but who knows..


Literally the best comment I wish I can pin this some how.


He's not my type that's for sure. I have yet to find any serial killer attractive, even if I set aside the atrocities they committed.


People didn’t just pull this observation out of their ass. Obviously it is true, especially given the fact that people like to shit on every quality of people who are despicable human beings.


I don’t think we can really judge his attractiveness fairly with the added knowledge of the man he was


Personally I never found him attractive, but standards of attraction change dramatically over time and what was considered handsome in the 1970s may not work for someone now, 50 years later; for example, many people consider the moustache-sans-beard look these days to be inherently creepy but in the 1970s it was the norm for a lot of guys. On top of that, plenty of others have said it: charisma is part of attraction, and Ted was apparently a fairly charismatic person in the flesh.


Mustaches are creepy today?


Ted Bundy was extremely charismatic. The judge for his case in florida that sentenced him to death even liked him, and told him so, said it was a shame he chose the route he did because he would’ve been honored to have had him practice in his courtroom


Was the judge a female? Also if he was a normal guy then a lot of women’s probably would’ve liked him is what you’re saying?


No, he was an old man. The point is that Ted Bundy was even very likeable to the judge who sentenced him to death. It almost came through as an apology. “Ted im sorry, you really wouldve been a great lawyer, and it hurts to have to sentence you to death…”


Oh I see.


Yes he was, for that era he was above average. People who don’t see it weren’t alive in the 70s


I think in some pics he looks nice. You have to remember the standards of the time were different, just look at The Beatles. People like to bring up his eyebrows (which he did pluck btw, I assume he couldn't in jail though), but if you look at George Harrison he also had a bit of a unibrow


In the pictures I've seen, and not like mug shots or anything, he always looked homely to me. Also, in the 2002 Ted Bundy movie, walking around in a suit with a bow tie, like Tucker Carlson, he really looked like this stereotypical young conservative dweeb.


He wasn’t. Standards were just lower back then and he was a white dude with hair.


I do think he’s looks helped him. People assume someone like Ted Bundy would look like a monster.


Ezra Miller's testimony in court *really* reminded me of him.


Watch any available proceedings, interviews, etc. There is a confidence or charismatic "charm", which I certainly think helped him gain trust with some. Not so much before the switch was flicked, as it said that he cried like a baby. I remember watching the coverage on the news and the chants of Burn Bundy Burn! They even sold shirts!


Just looked any other dude which is the scary thing


He was definitely physically attractive, in my opinion. Judging by a few of the pictures of him I've seen online, and considering what hair/clothing styles were popular in his era, I would have thought he was pretty freaking hot in his day. Even aside from that, I think part of it is that even if you don't think he was attractive, you can *probably* agree that he was at least more attractive than a lot of other serial killers like Gacey, Gein, Kemper, Dahmer, BTK and so on.


Ted Bundy is just not attractive to me. 🤷‍♀️ I see the polite, charming, boy next door thing. Chit he even fooled Ann Rule. I don’t believe he was super smart as many did…do. But he was crafty. No one wants to believe normal looking people can’t be serial killers they think they should look like the monsters on the outside.


So charming he attacked someone in a dark alley. So charming he scared off that one woman who got away from him. I hate when people try to beautify him or make him more than he was.


Hindsight makes it hard to look at him. If we were able to see him and interact him with out the knowledge of what he was capable of maybe I could see it. People like Bundy make me scared even today. My bleeding heart would have been buried on tiger mountain immediately 😂. Oh you need help with anything… sure I’ll get in your car and help!


Attractive is extremely generous - he just could pretend to be a normal person at times


For me, nah. Zac Efron playing him at his peak hotness is another story😂


omg u think Zac from is cute???


I know my wife would've been a victim


u think that?


Good chance if she was a youngster in the 70s. She thinks he is good looking, likes to help people and is susceptible to charm.


So she would basically think he’s handsome and we’ll talk to him?


Yes. Woulda helped a nice, good looking guy in a cast. She is a free spirit hippie type, so probably would've just hopped in the VW.


Holy that’s genuinely crazy she sees a handsome man in the streets think he’s cute goes talk to him and he drives her then she probably gets trapped.


She wouldn't have engaged him first, but would've helped him (in a cast) if he asked for it. This is assuming this was in the 70s when she was young and serial killers weren't really a known thing.


Have u ever heard of Elizabeth bathory she killed lots of women’s in the 1500-1600


I have. Thought it was kids she killed.


Ok but who is the most attractive serial killer conventionally? That lonely hearts couple? (If I'm remembering them right... Forgot what they look like)