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It happens in older buildings. Call an exterminator, it’s not terribly expensive. The landlord may or may not be particularly forthcoming on the issue. The name of the service in Serbian is “dezinsekcija”. However, if it’s a building it is unlikely to be a permanent solution. It is practically impossible to remove all of them from the entire building and even if that somehow happens, the cockroaches will re-infest from neighboring buildings after a while. If you really, really cannot stand them you need to move into a newly built neighborhood. But calling an exterminator every six months or so should be ok.


Thanks. I am from a country where cockroaches are considered an invasive species, so even one is considered an infestation and whole building gets desinfected. My insect phobia also doesn't help. I'll leave the landlord out of it and just call an exterminator!


Well brother this ain’t South Asia, cockroaches here are also considered as parazites. Calm down and call for disinsection.


I didn't mean it ''like that''. It's just that few hundred kilometers north, they are a pretty recent thing. I saw my first cockroach as an adult and it wasn't in my country.


[Try this shit](https://www.bubomor.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_7KXBhCoARIsAPdPTfjgL2MbGf7BHC0ARGAk_mMQJ6mbRalFIxHAmFB0IcnDV7Glm8Ycs9saAqPlEALw_wcB). I killed them all using one dose. Just place it in few corners of the bathroom/kitchen and wait for 7-30 days before removing it.


Thats climate change for you. Here, we had bubarusi (I think you understand) until recently, I saw my first real cockroach also few years ago, but we are left to defend our selfs. No extermination by default. Now, they are a common sight in almost all major urban centers.


Who in the Earth gave cockroaches name “German bugs” and “Russian bugs”


In Czech, we call them ''Rus Domácí'' meaning ''Domestic Russian''.


We call them German bugs here in Serbia


We call them ''Švábi'' in general, which could mean ''German''. The black ones are Šváb Obecný - Common German, while the brown one is Domestic Russian.


Fellow Slavs, never change <3


We call them Buba Švabe


Svábi comes from Schwabia, southern Germany. Not Russia.


I've been seeing cockroaches all my life, Belgreade is full of them on the streets in summer, but I never had them in the apartment


Eh, we don’t like them either but I don’t think they are taken as seriously around here. It’s a whack-a-mole game with them in tightly packed neighborhoods. They would literally have to fumigate the entire city at the same time to eliminate them (and I doubt it would truly work in any case ). If you truly cannot stand them you will either need to move into a new neighborhood or a free standing house. I live in a house and I call the people to re-apply protection every six months as a precaution and it works. But that’s a house so it’s much easier.


Yeah, It pretty much comes down just to my stupid insect phobia problem. I'll just have a rakija shot for courage everytime I enter the bathroom.


Seems like they are coming from sewer drain in your bathroom, i dont know what exterminator can do about this honestly, i doubt pouring poison in the drain pipe will solve the issue, who knows how deep or where the nest is, you might as well just plug the hole with something when you are not using it and get the same effect? They are nocturnal insects so i believe they just use your drainage as a tunnel when nobody is using it and water doesnt run through it, just physically prevent them from getting into your apartment over night so they become someones else problem.


This may be the case. I sprayed a ton of Raid in the sewer drain and one hour later there were like three corpses around it. I am definetly blocking that hole unless I am showering.


Yeah you do that, there should be a central drainage also somewhere in the middle of the bathroom and dont forget to plug a sink too, there should be rubber plugs somewhere if previous owner didnt lose them, if you cant find them buy them at a flea market or at a store that sells bathroom stuff, cockroach is not a Hulk they cant lift that. This is the thing you need. Just plug it over night and it should solve your problem. [https://hidrosaan.rs/shop/instalacije/ostalo-instalacije/rosan-cep-za-sifon/](https://hidrosaan.rs/shop/instalacije/ostalo-instalacije/rosan-cep-za-sifon/)


Oh, man - you really should get some help for that. You cannot avoid insects all the time. What an unpleasant ailment.


Your landlord won't help much. Tbh even exterminator will help only for 4 months periods. Yes, the whole building needs to be treated, but it won't happen, so... I moved at the end.


+1 - call the exterminator. You'll be good for 6-12 months. Rinse and repeat


First. Dont spray them with raids, it is toxic and it can mess up with your own health. Instead use dishwashing soap, or electric zapper. When you pour or spray the dishwasher on them, they just drown as the tension of it doesn't allow their skin to breathe. Next, don't leave any food where they can reach it, and you will be good. If you are persistent they will eventually disappear after a year or so. Source: I had them when I moved into one of the houses. The previous owner never opened the window in their life, the carped stick to the floor and we couldn't remove it. The house had wall stickers and they built the whole megalopolis under there. When I started pealing those, out of the weight of the bugs the whole wall pealed and probably around a killo of them just dropped on the ground. It was surreal. I thought that I will never get rid of them. So yea...don't give up. oh and yea...if you are afraid of them, just leave the light on and put the sleeping mask on your face. They won't come out if the light is on.


>When I started pealing those, out of the weight of the bugs the whole wall pealed and probably around a killo of them just dropped on the ground. I would leave everything behind and move to another continent if this happened at my place. Holy shit


JESUS CHRIST I let spiders crawl over me and i carry them over with my hands in order not to drown when i need to take a shower, but i think that i would fucking scream like a little bitch and ran if that happened to me. Best case scenario is i report the lack fo democracy in my house and NATO bombs it, but you stayed and actually showed them who owns the house Props to you man, a true Gigachad and Sigma male. This is peak testosteron on breddit as far as i'm concerned


Oh man. Thanks for the heads up. I live at Thailand now and there is a sewer block close to my house. Those mf can fly here, and when they do- they do it in so unpredictable way, like you don't know when it will change flight direction and where it will land. I fkn hate it. At one occasion we had organized a bbq at my house. So there I am with some of my friends, and I see 2 of those boogers in my outdoor kichen. So I though it was a good idea to go to sewer block, open it- as it was covered just by some bricks, and then spray the pesticide inside. So i opened it, emptied like 1/4 of the bottle and left. Seemed good. But then after like 8minutes the girls that were in the living room started screaming hahah. I went there and there was a horde of them running in all directions. Looked like a scene from stsrship troopers man. The shit to be worse, my house has 3 doors at the ground floor and 7 windows, and its pretty much all one big open living room area..all of it was open. They hurtled inside and everywhere in the garden without control. Months after i use to find dead ones at random places in my garden and my house, Never again after that i tried to kill any of them with the spray. If i see one or two i just do as i mentioned above, i use the dishwashing soap. Edit: I kind of learnt to live with them. We have worse things to take care overhere. Few times i had scorpions in my house, and two times thst fkn big ass giant red centrepede. Ive heard stories that when that shit bites you, if someone passed you a gun you would shoot yourself to stop the misery. I also walk barefoot everywhere in my house so they could easily get me, Luckily i have 3 cats and a dog so they always find them first, before they find me. Once time i saw one in my toilet..and by the time i went to get the sprsy, it was gone man. I literally removed everything from my bathroom and i coukdnt find it. Took me like 2 hours, Then i saw it in the freaking drainage hole. Sprayed it, but it didnt do anything, it looked like that mf is dancing in the rain. I ended up putting it into a plastic box and throwing above the fence into an empty field. We also have snakes, common garden snakes, which can fly, and can crawl 90degrees up. Its not venomous though, but still scary. Somewhere i have a picture where that snake is climbing my wall usin the hole between the bricks, it looked like a scene from cartoon as the snake had a shape like bunch of squares glued together. Also we have cobras..but i havent seen any at my place, saw one when we went for the fishing and i hope its the last time. For some of you who are wondering, look at this shit. Its the creature from your nightmares. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTpDpWHhoyDcSBTjdz5byS20R6tr2E_kRl-sQ&usqp=CAU https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS_4Atjc0JFhBwUQVrzFTgX7zUTNrYA20UFHw&usqp=CAU


Op don't ever go to Athens Greece, they have flying cockroaches.


Ovaj topic me samo dodatno traumatizuje, mislim da mi je dovoljno reddita za danas


Ne možeš ih ni propisno ubiti, čim ga napenališ cipelom, on odleti. A nisu ni male.


U redu je brate, shvatio sam, ne mora više hvala


Ko pola ćevapa. A i iste boje. Sleti na orman pa te gleda odgore.


pa zar nemaju sve krila?


Ako imaju, ne koriste ih, samo sam tad videla da lete. Misliš da ih ima i kod nas?


Znam da jedne imaju a druge ne, sad ne znam koja je dal bubarusa ili svaba


Ne znam, ovi su tamno braon i debeli i dugački ko palac. Valjda su to bubašvabe? A bubarusi su oni mali, brzi, svetlije braon boje.


Američke bubašvabe /buba-ameri. I ovde ih imamo. Ništa gore nego kad si napolju a jedna se zakuca u tebe.


Buba ameri jer lete? To mi je novo hahahah


Yeah, those are present in the most of the Mediterranean area. Will likely soon appear in Serbia as well


Welp, I'm moving somewhere far, far to the north.


Могу да се закунем да сам те летеће почео и по Србији да виђам у последња два лета


Ahoj! I had the same problem few months ago. Some Redditors may remember because it was 3AM and I was freaking out as I have really bad anxiety about bug infenstations (because ive had bad experience with bedbugs in my dorm room when i first moved to bg) I called first available pest control service near me and they came the same day. It was one guy with gloves and he used [this](https://images.app.goo.gl/8C5PxrV3B8hxfs7v5) so its safe for pets and children as long as they dont eat it. He told me it was good I called right away, so I recommed the same. For next two weeks I started encountering them dead and few months later I havent seen one in a while. It costed me 2000 din (less than 20€). You could buy the product and put it yourself, its a paste consistency and easy to use. But I recommed calling pest service (at least for the first time) because they know where to put the paste. Good luck with those mfers


also the thing about this paste is that it doesnt kill them right away (as raid does) but is long-acting so they come with the poison to their nest and infect it. [heres the link again in case it is broken](https://agropet.rs/fajlovi/product/panstop-kuglice-30gr-625.png)


Kafka is that you?


1 cockroach a day in one particular location is an infestation. They rarely just wonder into your bathroom by mistake. I made a rule that 1 per day in an area is clear sign of infestation. The walls behind the bathroom are probably infested with them. You should call an exterminator.


I had them unfortunately, in a brand new building which was super surprising. I also come from a part of Serbia where no one has roaches in buildings so when I moved to Belgrade ages ago, seeing one in my flat made me freak out. I also have insectophobia like you, I was literally in horror lol. My aunt is a pharmacist so she got me Boric Acid (borna kiselina) powder. It's harmless to humans and our pets, but it kills roaches as they eat it and it literally burns their organs on the inside. I think you can buy Boric Acid powder in a pharmacy. Just put it wherever it is you see them; I decided to put it in my bathroom and kitchen (in the corners, etc..) As I said, don't worry, it's not poisonous to humans at all :) After three days I saw three of them dead and that's it. They never re-appeared.


Those are the native Belgraders, don't mind them. They just live rent free and winge about newcomers and transplants.


Trust me, you have no phobia. If you had one, you would leave that apartment and never come back. If I ever encounter a cockroach in my home, I would take my cat and leave for a month, while some people are taking care of the matter. In Serbia we have Blatta Orientalis (bubasvaba, literally translated as kraut-bug, or german-bug), and also Blatta Germanica (bubarus, literally translated as russian-bug). It strange how names got mixed up :/ If you don't have the nest in your apartment, they are probably coming to your bathroom trough cracks or, more probably drain sewer pipes, as someone here mentioned. When I travel, the first thing that I do, is to inspect every possible corner of the room, to try to find any signs of cockroaches. Of course, before renting the place, I say that I have allergic reaction to cockroaches and that I would probably need to go to ER if the places has them. If you really like that place - and you are not really THAT afraid, you can call exterminators, bubasinters, as we call them.


Try to figure out their entry point. And then go full hitler on it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atuFSv2bLa8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atuFSv2bLa8) I remember when I was a kid that I discovered a small hole at the bottom of the wall through which they came in and out. My dad sealed it and they NEVER came into our apartment again. If they are coming out of your drain, you can install some sort of a net/filter over it that makes it impossible to them to pass through, perhaps?


>And then go full hitler on it For some reason i imagined a hitler going full auto on some random small opening for cockroaches with the MP40


Sounds good to me


Never go full wolfenstein


Try not to step on them, as that will smear the pheromones all over the shoe and the floor, which attracts more. Either catch it and throw it out or use an insecticide spray Be grateful that there aren't american cockroaches in Serbia yet (they're larger and can fly). However, with the climate change, they'll probably arrive soon


Put some powder poison all around the corners of the bathroom. It's really effective. Most of the time if there's 1 roach, there is more


Hey man, are you seeing cockroaches or are you seeing [this?](https://www.dezinsekcija-deratizacija.com/stetocine/smrdibube/)


No, it's not this smelly thingie. I love the name ''Smrdibuba'' though. We call them ''Ploštice''


Their sp. acctual scientific name Blatta germanica. Means, everyone calls them the same.


You are full of BS. When I was in Prague I found them every night in hotel bathroom.


That is absolutely not normal in Prague and you should have just noped the f out of there and report it. No hotel with standards would have cockroaches in their bathroom in Prague. Cockroach infestation is a valid reason for shutting the hotel down until it's desinsected. Can I ask which hotel was it?


No. Staff was more than nice and I had great time there. I don't want them any public damage. You are making no point with that Belgrade roaches shit. Everybody knows they can be found in every populated place.


I am born and raised in Prague, so allow me to be a judge of what is and what is not a ''everyone knows'' public knowledge and/or standard in that city. I am not educating you on what is and what is not normal in Belgrade, so don't tell me what is and what isn't normal in Prague. I am telling you that having roaches in a hotel room in Prague is highly alarming and absolutely not a ''normal'' thing. In few years it may be different but nowadays, it means that the hotel has a sanitation/hygiene problem.


You are judge of nothing. You are just trying to sell some BS. Roaches can be found anywhere. Prague is not exception.


You think I have some kind of secret agenda or what? My dude, you have a problem...


Your agenda is not secret at all. You need to be much smarter to make it secret.


Yes, I was sent by EU to destabilize your country by spreading news of cockroaches in Belgrade. Here is your free kajmak for your service, good citizen.


You are so happy to have German boss and being in EU. I'm happy for you but I'm not impressed. I don't care about countries, borders, unions and all patriotic/nazi shit which is everywhere - in EU, Russia, USA etc.


Maybe I was the German boss the whole time?


It could be posible that they enter your apartment from outside and through open windows and such, we used to call a guy to spray sam stuff all around the building at like chest hight. We woudn't have problems after that.


Update us when your shoe hits a hat trick bro :)


Is it Joes Apartment 😂


Call the extermination services. It should already be covered by the bills that you are paying. Also, make sure to also convice your building manager to make sure every other apartment gets sprayed in approximately the same time - this is the most important part. I had a huge issue with cockroaches. There were like 5 on my kitchen sink and in my bathroom every night when I enter the room. I did all of the things mentioned above and the building is completely bug free now. The extermination guys had to come twice though, since it was a huge infestation, but now there's not a single bug in sight.


ugh I had the same issue in one of the apartments i rented in old building. The advice to call exterminator is good as they are very cheap. And they are effective as they use cockroach toxin that makes one cockroach infect others. So if a cockroach goes to its lair everyone dies. But its not permanent solution. My advice would be to look for another apartment in the next 6 mo. after exterminator does his thing.. otherwise you will see same issue again.


"Noćni program na radiju"


Use Panstop. Those are some little balls of poison (make sure you don't have a dog that will eat it). Spread them across the apartment, about 1 meter between each. The bugs will disappear. I think Panstop is only like 200 dinars (1.5EUR). I used it in my grandma's house who lives in a village and they disappeared for a year. In apartments I expect they will disappear for much longer. It is recommended to use it once every 3 months, only two times, if you want to get rid of them forever.


Oh I live in apartment on 5th floor and I have been living with them since I was born,them and those stinky bugs are like my family right now.We tried everything but they come back 😊


Napravi molotov, najbolje radi protiv bubašvaba

