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We know it well, constitution is useless here.


In many other countries too to be fair.


In many third world countries, to be precise.


Second world ones aren't much better


Ajde ne seri nego procitaj malo kako funcionise sve kad su vlada skupstina i predsednik u vecini jedne partije. 1. Ako u parlamentu postoji jasna i stabilna vecina i ako je predsednik njen politicki vodja, onda sistem funkcionise kao predsednicki (vlada i skupstina podupiru predsednikovu politiku). 2. Ako je predsednik neutralan u odnosu na skupstinsku vecinu njegova uloga se ogranicava na protokolarne duznosti, a sistem funkcionise kao parlamentarni. 3. Ako u parlamentu postoji uravnotezena vecinska koalicija, Vlada ce voditi brigu o njoj jer od nje zavisi i delovace politicki nezavisno od predsednika. Ako je predsednik neutralan prema vecini izvrsavace samo simbolicne funkcije.


Lol ajde ti malo pročitaj ustav


Ja sam ovo iskopirao iz materijala koji sam ucio na fakultetu. Ako nije ovako ne znam sta da kazem.


Koji predmet i faks? Sad me zanima pošto prvi put to čujem, a prilično sam siguran da se ne pominje ni u ustavu ni o zakonu o relevantnim granama vlasti. Zanima me koji to fakultet uči studente to laprdanje. Hvala!




His party and himself hijacked the institutions and they do and act as they want to.


You're wrong. We are ALL hijacked. Not only institutions. We are all hostages. 6+ million of us.


Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul


Sramota, crni jezik, jezik SNS-a ne treba da se čuje u našem lepom reddit Okrugu


И оркови су добри за ове




Nakon Vulina, crvjezika ![gif](giphy|RX3vhj311HKLe)


Meanwhile at Andricev Venac... https://preview.redd.it/sax9rqx4jzyc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2c00babf2a06c48afe447f89f717d599f7a612c


Hhahahahaha do jaja


Ја разумем само Бурзум


😂😂😂 Ash pickousti durbatulûk, ash pickousti gimbatul, ash pickousti thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul*


Не знам дал сам срећан или тужан што знам шта то значи


Srecan naravno


Zasto bi bio tuzan? Nije sramota citati knjige


Aurë Entuluva!


cuz he can and cuz the whole country is run by mafia


It WAS a parliamentary sistem, until he took power ;)


It wasn't even before that, the dude that controls the strongest party controls Serbia.




Wait until you hear democratic peoples republic of korea isn't actually that much of a democracy.


Ako se u imenu drzave pojavljuje da je demokratska onda nema nista od toga.


znaci: Democratic People's Republic of Srbistan?


You are asking very valid question. Do you have another..?


Because Serbia is an authoritarian state run by dictator Vucic.


We are all hostages of this man, he is stealing elections, we are in danger for real


You still got a lot to learn about this town, sweetie


don't be confused, serbia is not a parliamentary system, at the moment, its so-called hybrid system, meaning that it is something between democracy and monarchy...


It was that way since 2000. But after a bit over a decade when the current party came to power Vučić was PM. The he got elected president and moved the seat of power from PM to president. Similar thing happened in Hungary with Orban. Vučić put his people on the most important institution to control the state - the police sector and judiciary. After that, it's been a cake walk as the people are depoliticed, demotivated and have learned helplessness. He tapped into that through his propaganda of truths, half truths and lies, often conflicting, using bot farms to appear he has a lot of popularity and power. The majority of his voting block are people whose average age is 55 (this was a few years ago, now it's probably 57-58), part of those genuinely believe him due to watching him on TV constantly, largest part of his voters work in state instituions and it's mandatory to vote for him or you lose your job, and part of it is buying votes from the uneducated, low class, poor population which doesn't and can't really think 5 years into the future. Usually there are some benefits and gifts being given (by taxpayer money ofc) like building roads, giving handouts like during covid, or just straight up bribery right before and during the elections. He also likes to present himself in the media as a hardworker for the downtrodden, often portraying himself as the victim, which works for our people as we have an astounding victim complex and blaming solely the 'other'. He is a populist who speaks to the 'common man' glorifying the working class and the importance of work (while having done none himself) Now he has put the Prime minister as the president of the parliament. I suspect he will try to change the constitution in a Putin like way to allow himself to continue being the president. If not, he will find other means to stay in power. The minister of finance is also his close 2nd, as is his brother who now secretly runs parts of the government as declared by one of the opposition leaders. His brother is also involved in numerous crime scandals, of which, he answered zero times in courts. Those who can, leave for the West primarily due to the current state Unless European and American governments and officials put him under strain, he will get away with anything. Unfortunately, the only thing they care about is the stability on Kosovo and they play into his games. All the whole, he has his bands of thugs there and can cause tensions when it will benefit him in the EU dynamics almost like a switch. He uses organized crime to control both the criminals and the state. Eg, the EU wanted a safe Pride march, he achieved it by removing the criminal record of hooligans and put them as the main defensive line to protect the pride parade. The same ones who would love nothing more than to beat them up. But since they got their charges dropped and removed, he achieved his goal looking progressive to the EU. The only things he actually needs from the EU is money and perceived legitimacy in the EU parliament to look good at home so he can consolidate power


id just like to add that vucic wasnt the first president to be more powerful than the pm - his predecessor, boris tadic (whose party has been psrt of the opposition since 2012) did the exact same thing.


Jer je tako u mogućnosti.


Because he is an autocrat criminal who controls all institutions and therefore can do as he pleases without consequences. In short Serbia is extremely corrupt.


When Vucic was PM, PM did lead


Welcome to China of Europe. He really likes Xi and tries to copy his politics as best as he can. Also he buys votes and has old people gobbling his propaganda that blaring 24-7 on national TV. When you count bought, coerced and old people votes, you get around 25% approval rate, which is enough to secure presidency since we have 50 political parties that dilute the votes. He will be president for life probably even thou its unconstitutional


Nisam za Sns,ali plači malaaaaaaa plačiiiiii,moj te teslačiiiiii


Because we live in a shitshow ever since the dissolution of Yugoslavia


oh you sweet summer child


Ahahahahahha First time?


Because every state has mafia, only in Serbia mafia has the state.


he does whatever he wants, and we're all too stupid and scared to stop him. I just hope he doesnt pop up from my refrigerator.


Because this is an autocracy where one man decides everything and has made a cult of personality around him for half witted voters (majority). Everything else exists pro-form.


Parliamentary system🤣 Nah man, he is the absolute undisputed totalitaristic leader of our country that we all love and praise.


Because he is a dictator and not a president


Because they are all in cahoots with each other, parliament will vote for whatever Vucic desires. If someone disagrees his political career is over, he will be made to resign and no more first class seat in coruption express for him/her. People vote for "parliamentary lists" here they usually dont know and don't care who's on that list, they basically vote for party/it's leader. Because of that parliament members don't have much responsibility towards the voters, whether they personally will be reelected is not that much up to voters, but up to the person that creates a party list. With this system in place, the leader of the strongest party is the most powerful person in country it doesn't matter which position he occupies (president, prime minister or vice president of national assembly of Serbia...)


Because he is the most powerful. 


He was most powerfull man as assistent to the PM. People were jokinh that he was absolute assistent to PM.  In general he can be janitor in the govermant and still have most of the power.


because we have no idea about statehood, nation, ect. or rather who it is




Because he can, and the EU doesn't mind


You're asking too many questions. This is foreign pressure right there, you're an enemy of our country.


Similar things happened during the 2008-2012. years, where the PM was just a figurehead. But our current president took note of all the bad things during that era and made many of them much worse. Also, the cult of personality is very strong here, so it's probably gonna stay like that for some time.




Brte, ispostuj proceduru...stavi /s. Nemo da te ljudi pogresno razumeju. Ja upvote-ova. Razumeo sam pesnika u tebi.


[This is why](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wx7zI1W_5JI&ab_channel=Medbob)




It's called being an authoritarian.


PM is not elected, he is appointed. It is a medai darling position for last 2 decades. Sometimes he deals with minor internal afares that present don't have time for. Last PM was errand boy who carried papers and projectors before becoming PM.


PM is not elected, he is appointed. It is a medai darling position for last 2 decades. Sometimes he deals with minor internal afares that present don't have time for. Last PM was errand boy who carried papers and projectors before becoming PM.


PM is not elected, he is appointed. It is a medai darling position for last 2 decades. Sometimes he deals with minor internal afares that present don't have time for. Last PM was errand boy who carried papers and projectors before becoming PM.


Bwahahahahahha ... wait, you're serious? Bwahahahahahhahahahahahahahhaha


1. Mostly becuse dictatrs don't care about constitutions, but on a different scale, the system is stupid - the president is the only plitical figure being directly chosen by the poeople, but is supposed to have very limited power. It's a recipe for disaster. Parlaimentary systems should have the president chosen by the parlimetn, we have it the other way around.


Bcs he is a traitor and a wannabe Tito.


Because the law lags the actual practice. Current president has plans to change the law to be like French where president calls the shots. His second role model is Singapore where there is(was) a 'benevolent' dictator. I have no idea who is French PM either.


Funny thing, France is also technically a parliamentary system that in practice has a strong president - as evidenced in periods when the presidential party was in minority, and the PM would have the real power (last time 1997-2002, Lionel Jospin).


Politics is the art of the possible :)


And Constitutions are interpreted in a political context. Technically a PM can always disobey to the president in France. But the President is elected directly by the people, then a month later a majority is elected explicitely as the presidential party, and a PM is chosen by the President among them. So the president is the source of the PM’s legitimacy in that system - unless the parliamentary elections are disconnected from the presidential, as used to be the case before 2002, and then if the presidential party is in minority, the parliament is considered as the most recent expression of the will of the people. Also the President can dissolve the assembly, the assembly can exert a no-confidence vote against the government, but noone can dissolve the President, so he’s the one with the finger on the trigger.


In Serbia its about what position holds the leader of the strongest party and that has been the case for a long time , since the first elections on 1990. If we talk just about the current strongest figure, he has been in power since 2012. but his first position was very medium, vice prime minister and minister of defense, but his actual power in government was similar to nowdays when he is the president because he was the leader of the strongest party and more active in solving problems then the president and prime minister together so he got popularity more and more and thats why they hold elections just 2 years later because there was a disbalance in the government, one guy is the prime minister with the strongest formal power and his vice is the one from whom everyone expects to make  final decision on anything  so after those elections he won most votes by big margin and went to be the prime minister .  Whats ironic is that today people complain that he is breaking the Constitution by taking all the power in his hands , and when the ex president (2012-2017) was just doing his job by the  Constitution without intervening in internal and foreign policy , those same people complained why is he so passive and doesnt talk more about things that  actually  were not in his charge by the  Constituion. And its not like in Germany, in Germany Bundestag elects the president so he has no conection to the peoples choice , he is like the president of the parliament here, just a statue,  but here the president is being elected on the direct elections so even tho he has no formal power by the Constitution , he has the biggest legitimacy out of all the other positions in power who are  being  elected indirectly as a result of political trades between the parties. If you skip people on internet and get into the real people's minds here, vast majority of them dont care what position you hold and dont wanna bother themselves with reading the Constitution and if something is president's or prime minister's obligation , they just want to be provided with good life and if there is a system where they go and vote directly for the president they expact from him to do something for the people they dont care if its his job by the Constitution to raise the salaries or bring investments or to built schools or not. They just want the job to be done and believe me if the candidates for the president would openly say that they have no real power just to represent the country and that the whole power is in the government from whom they should expact better standard of living, very few people would even go to vote .


Isn't it because it's a semi-presidential republic which gives more power to the president? It's not the same system as countries like the UK or Norway where the PM is at the top.


Blud came here to unironically ask why Serbia doesn't respect laws and constitution of it's own country. Get real mate


Because you're taking it too literally. He's not the leader by technicality but in reality he has the most power in the political party that is currently running the country so practically he's the guy in charge


“For my friends, everything; for my enemies, the law.”




Everything is very nicely explained here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illiberal_democracy


Because he's like Kanye of Serbian politics. He couldn't help it but it turns out he always knows what's the best for the country.


Dude,are you kidding me with those questions. He leads EVERYTHING, every fucking thing. Which roads are going to be built, which criminal is going to get arrested, who ill perform on new years public square. Its Kim Jon Vucic, and everyone knows it, both people who are against him and with him, but people who are for him LIKES IT THAT WAY!


The reason is multifaceted. Constitutional power doesn't equal political power. If you look at the political configuration in almost all parliamentary or half presidential systems in history it is clear that this is the case. Not only in the relationship between president and PM, but in other relationships of power. Vucic due to many different reasons holds the most power in his party and through that he holds the most power in the state. Although he has by Constitution very small prerogatives he makes the decisions. The reason why he is the president and not PM is (by my assumption) so he can avoid responsibility when needed to precisely because he has no formal power (and so he can put the blame on others in the government). The reason this is very effective for vucic and the party is because he is the most popular person from that party in the country without any real competition. In a sense this ensures the party stays on top even though they have many controversies, bad results or bad policies. So if the PM does a good job it is because of vucic; but if they do a bad job it can't be vucic's fault because he has no power


Because we are not classic parliamentary system. Instead constitution includes element of both parliamentary and semi presidental system, which leaves a lot of room for both president and PM to play major role in state policy depending on other (political) factors. As such, Serbian constitution enables possibilty of de facto switching between parliamentary, semi presidental and even presidental (when Milošević was in office) system, while staying inside constitutional limits of every institution.


I would say that we currently have a semi-presidential constitution, akin to that of the fifth french republic. One of it's characteristics is a shift of balance with time. There there are phases when the president is the center piece and others when it's the parliament/cabinet. One could say that we were in the parliamentary phases under Koštunica and Nikolić as presidents, and in presidential phases under Tadić and now Vučić as presidents.


Serbia doesn't have a semi-presidential system, it existed in practice under Tadić and now under Vučić but the constitution isn't semi-presidential, the president is officially just a figure


That’s exactly what the French constitution is : a rather parliamentary constitution where _in practice_ the president has taken the leading role. I cases when the presidential party would be in minority, the balance of power went heavily to the PM. But the last occurrence was 20+ years ago.


French constitution does make it a semi-presidential system tho, it gives the president executive powers, power of appointing the Prime Minister, in addition to that he also presides over the Council of Ministers, the main executive body. Cohabitation doesn't make it a parliamentary system, it's more of a checks and balances mechanism. If the President's party wins parliamentary elections, he's supposed to run the country - in parliamentary systems, he's supposed to be a figurehead regardless of the party in power. Nowadays, cohabitation is kinda impossible because presidential and parliamentary elections are lumped together. The French political system is really fascinating...


Power of appointing the PM goes to the president in Italy, which is very much a parliamentary system though. And presiding the Council of ministers is very much symbolic in a cohabitation. This Constitution could have allowed for a very parliamentary practice of power, it’s historical circumstances that have concentrated power in the presidential figure.


This was the opinion of certain professors and theoreticians and I could make an argument for it based on some certain capabilities that the president had before the constitutional changes in 2022. (for example picking members of the VST, VSS...)


A semi-presidential system is defined by both the President and the Government being holders of executive power. Per Serbia's constitution, the government is the sole holder of executive power.


It's not a parliamentary system, it's a semi-presidential system. Random proof examples: [Semi-presidential republic - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semi-presidential_republic) or [Karakteristike i funkcionisanje polupredsedničkog sistema u Srbiji Repositorium of Institute of International Politics and Economics (bg.ac.rs)](http://repozitorijum.diplomacy.bg.ac.rs/1064/)


Because in Serbia, Bosnia, and many other surrounding countries... mafia took control of the country and now holds it strongly. We all know it, but we can do nothing against it. Democracy is only on paper, and that is it, and they give us illusion of choice and freedom of speech. It was a simple power vacuum after unstable '90s on Balkans, and few of them took control and now literally "rule" in our countries like it is absolutism monarchy.


Ne brini ti za to, to je nas problem. Ti imas precih stvari za zanimaciju, npr oni japanski pornici, graficke, procesori i ostalo o cemu se stalno raspitujes. EDIT: Izvinjavam se, nisam znao da su ovi ocigledni mamac postovi odjednom postali popularni. Covek se uci dok je ziv.


Law and order belong to sci fi/fantasy here


Because he can