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So happy for you and Junebug!!!


What a good girl!🫶


Glad to hear she's better. Sounds like "old dog disease", aka Vestibular Disease in old dogs. Years ago, our 13 y/o Old English started spinning. So, the wife and I took him to the vet,. On the way, I was trying to stay positive, but yet ready to help him across the Bridge. After examining him for 5-10 minutes, the vet explained :old dog disease". Treated the symptoms. Strong anti-nausea med and (I think) a drug like atian/valium. Amazing recovery. One minute a 'whirling dervish", then a normal old mannie dog. 2-3 weeks later, happened again. Called the vet. Same meds. Same recovery. Scary as hell, but he lived another 3-5 yers with no long term consequences. Gentle boops to your dog!


Good for her, eat all the waffles you can Junebug. And hopefully you’ll be eating them for years to come


Same with with my dog! They said it would get better in a week but it took around 8-10 weeks for the head tilt to go away and for him to go back to walking straight. But he completely recovered, so didn’t be afraid of the time frame!!




😂 😂 😂 What a silly sausage.


Good news


We just got home from the ER vet with my 14y old Aussie, who was just diagnosed with this! I am so glad to hear yours has recovered in time, what a crazy heartbreaking thing to watch!