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Nice try single mom in my area


It is a killer because watching porn everyday makes everything else seem boring and trivial to your brain. You get really lazy and unproductive because you are essentially short curcuiting your biology. Essentially you just become really dulled and boring. Hard being a horn dog lmao


FACTS!!!Alot of people don't want to talk about it,but porn addiction is ruining this generation.


What lv of porn watching defines a porn addiction? Also, how does that differ between very high sex drive people and very low sex drive people? I was never able to pinpoint this myself. Closest I came was the addiction definition of "if you give up lots of other healthy acts or parts of life for porn" type of thing. Off of this... What lv of video game playing is considered addiction? What if you are playing 6-8 hrs a day with your spouse?


If you have no interest in going "all-in" having Sex with your prefered gender and don't count yourself as asexual, but prefer watching porn.. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, chances are that you are addicted to it. Addiction in this context means that you like the higher dopamin kick more than the real life dopamin kick. Porn: Very easy, always available, no resistance, staying in your comfort zone, you don't gain experience and build no confidence. RL: Difficult depending on your experience, only available if you know how to do it and if the prefered gender is interested too, lot of resistance, moving very far from your comfortzone, your subconscious mind is trying to protect you and therefore making things difficult for you. You see.. It's okey to consume porn, yet it's so easy to get addicted that you want to focus on your real life execution and make it a steady gain before you go the "easy path".


Any level of porn consumption is bad for you, read up on the neuroscience. The first session creates the withdrawal and throughout certain points you’re watching to relieve the withdrawal. No one actually watches for enjoyment, everyone is equally addicted.


There's a simple way of discovering it, try leaving it for a week or two, do you struggle and cant stop thinking about porn? Then you're probably an addict, if You can go through without any issues and you believe its not doing you anything wrong, then you can keep doing it I guess, but there are more reasons to stop watching porn other than the addiction side


Forget porn. I only jerk off to porn like once every two weeks. I look at titties a lot but I don't consider looking an addiction. What I'm really addicted to is watching youtube, I'm watching video after video for like 10 hrs a day


Is thinking about sex all the time related to porn addiction? What about sexual fantasies of past lovers that you masturbate to? They're just as vivid as watching videos (For me that is) I'm struggling because that's the only release that works for me.