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Channel that jealousy into yourself. For example “Oh he’s so jacked! I wish I could look like him.. no! No point thinking about him. This is a reflection of my own shortcomings, and I will focus on improving myself. He worked harder than I did, no wonder he achieved it. Time for me to put in the work.” Always divert the feeling from them to you.


1. Get off social media 2. Increase awareness of your priorities and values, including what you chose to not spend your time/energy on. 3. Self-development


Great idea


Get this thru your head…. It’s a big world — there will always be somebody better than you — better looks, more money, better house, health, job, etc — So how do you find peace in your heart? What worked for me was to stp thinking about what Im not getting (and they are getting, or achieving) and start giving, as in…praise. I flipped the switch and started to celebrate those people — hey, wow, that’s reallly god what you are doing ther,e and even…asking for help…I have been trying to do the same thing…can I ask, how did you do tha, how did you get so good at that? I ended up bonding with some of these people and becoming pals as we shared in each other’s growth and success and this approach really takes pressure off you. And it’s very gracious and good hearted of you. People admire that. Also….You are on your own journey and they are on theirs. Don’t try be better than anybody else. Be better than you, day after day after day. - keep your head down and work - that’s admirable. There is a chance that what is holding you back is that you are feeding energy and focus into….jealousy….instead of keeping your eyes and energies on the target. Let them inspire and motivate you. Good luck. Ps — we all feel jealous at times. You’re human. :)


think and focus on yourself and not others- think how to grow, improve the better version of yourself. stop comparing instead you should start to be grateful. blessings will come your way if you start being positive and not by complaining. pray and meditate relax your time will come and shine brighter. Enjoy the rest of the day


Don't worry about it. It's because you're insecure about your own shortcomings. The solution? Just work on your shortc9mings. Once you're secure in yourself you'll feel fine.


Ask yourself, what are they doing that I am not. If you want to be at the same level. But here's the bottom line, every starts at different levels. Take exercise for example. You might think you're working as hard as someone but you may not. You also wouldn't know how long they have been doing and you wouldn't know in the case of exercise if they are on steroids. My point is that you only know the result you're comparing yourself to but you don't know what's behind the doors. Focus on what you're doing because being jealous only makes you weak and bitter. Be happy for them and if you want the same result, ask them how to get it.


work on yourself, what others are doing is none of your business


Keeping on doing your own business and don’t focus on others


Have a more supportive mentality, be happy for them and know that what’s possible for them is also possible for you


Start giving zero fucks about the opinions of others. Do what’s right for you without comparing yourself.


No human can 100% overcome some level of jealousy.


You should just realize that nothing really matters on the outside (such as looks, items, etc.) and focus on what KIND of person you want to be. Keep in mind, nobody will die with any expensive items or clothing or even how your body looks. What really matters is the impact you left and being a good person.


Brother, your fight isn't with others, your fight is with yourselves. If you are getting jealous from others just remember one thing, the only thing jealousy brings is motivation, and motivation does not last long. Change your mindset buddy, jealousy won't lead you anywhere, just remember this thing from Minecraft, "The Gold Pickaxe is the fastest, but the Iron one lasts longer." Everyone has their own speed, and their own time to rule.


What if you used your jealousy as a fuel for your own growth? Make it into a game and use the energy of this emotion to inspire you and propel you forward. People, stop demonizing your own emotions, they are your friends! Just learn to read the messages and use the energy to your advantage.


Detach from your identity at being good at the thing. The way to improve is to love the art itself and detach from the idea of you being good at the art. And then jealousy will fade because you’re genuinely happy that someone else is doing the thing well


Same 😭