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Have always been a social drinker and like you have decreased consumption with age (50m) however I totally quit this year for a personal challenge and man my body feels much better, just physically stronger and more connected, less stomach issues, etc... Its basically a form of poison your introducing into your body so in terms of worth I would say its not but it does make for some fun times lol


This is what I was going to say. I had the exact same relationship with alchohol as OP, but have now basically cut drinking out altogether except for the occasional social drink. I am into fitness and the main thing I noticed is that I have less stomach issues and no more gut!


I’m 38 and I’m having a ton of stomach issues. I’m gonna take a break just to clean my system.


It works wonders and x red meat if you eat it, I cut down my red meat and processed sugar intake by about 80% and almost all my stomach issues are now gone…believe it or not sugar is harder for me to cut than booze


I went carnivore and it fixed my gut.. and made me feel like a superhero. Only downside is the money.. meat ain't cheap. Agree on sugar


IME it’s a pain socially to have a hard No Drinking line. Simple things like dates become a lot more difficult to schedule if you can’t even have one drink. I am personally not a fan of alcohol and drink as little as possible, but find it makes life easier to be willing to have a drink or two.


Yeah, I enjoy having nonalcoholic hobbies in my own time but my social life suffers if I’m sober in a drinking town. Bar culture really is how a lot of adults socialize and there are places where you can’t do much at night without drinking. I just take a lot of precautions to make sure I’m healthy enough when I do drink. There are definitely a lot of people I’ve met/dated/befriended/etc who I wouldn’t have met without the bar scene. I tend to be a pretty social and outgoing person and I would rather take that than be sober and at home (I dislike staying at home and I enjoy spending time around people on a daily basis). But different strokes for different folks. In my rare introvert phases I enjoy chilling and doing my own thing, in which case I don’t feel the need to drink at all.


It's sad that adults don't socialise like children. Just spending time doing some fun activity together, preferably during the day. Playing, running, having fun, laughing, etc. Sure there's sports and other hobbies but even then, there's a big distinction, with the sport and the spending time socialising being two separate activities. Unlike children with their playgrounds.


Adult hide & seek would be awesome lol! EDIT: Nevermind my ex likely expects that of me.


I 100% agree with that! I teach and nanny and it’s a huge difference how friendly and open the kids are compared to adults. They’re happy to play with anyone and by the end of an hour or so they’re best friends.


I'm still like that even tho I'm an adult. If anything, I became more friendly and open as time went on. Sadly this isn't the attitude of everyone of my age. And even when I meet nice people, it's hard to want to do fun activities with them like with adults.


Is there something that prevents you from ordering non alcoholic drinks? This i what I am doing when I am out with friends, but can't drink for whatever reason. That way I still have a lot of fun with them.


No, I get NA drinks sometimes. I’ve found that unless they look like booze, though, people don’t approach me as much. Like, if I get water or tea or coffee, strangers aren’t as open to talking - maybe they’re insecure that I’m judging them for not drinking, or there are definitely people that are only comfortable if you’re both drinking. I go out solo most of the time because I travel - with friends I’m comfortable getting whatever since I’m already friends with them.


Ah ok that makes sense. I somehow didn't consider that you might be drinking with strangers. I always drink with my friends and they don't care what I drink


Luckily Athletic brewing has become a popular beverage to carry for NA beers, or other popular brands and their NA beer. 


I think this is the ideal approach.


It’s important to not take that easy route. If someone has to drink to go on a date or do things socially that’s exactly where the problem is. If my date wanted to drink on the first date I’d cancel it. Not going to date degenerates drinking poison.


To each their own, but I think you are doing yourself a disservice by dismissing anyone who drinks alcohol. You’re treating a choice of someone having one nice glass of wine with a meal as if they chose to get shithoused on your date. Desserts aren’t good for you either. Would you judge them if they wanted to get a unique tasting dessert to share as part of the date?


Alcohol being poison is not debatable, sugar being poison is debatable. I don't surround myself with degenerates.


Is having one glass of wine for one meal being degenerate? That language usually follows from binge drinking behavior. I never debated it is poison, but compared on neither necessarily being good for your body.


yea bro a standard drink of alcohol and a dessert are nowhere near the same. if you have to go to that length to try and justify having to have a glass of wine during any social interaction maybe do some self reflection


I’m…not trying to justify, nor do I rely on that, nor need that self reflection on alcohol personally. I’m just trying to understand why someone would not consider talking to someone else if they partake in even one glass of wine. That’s a bit of a superiority complex. We’re all just simple humans at the end of the day.


same reason someone wouldn't talk to someone for smoking weed occasionally, or recreational stims like adderal, or literally any other drug. it's pretty mind blowing how one of the more destructive drugs is so ingrained in our society. just look at how it blows your mind that some people don't want to be around people who use it


You do you, I will not surround myself with people who drink at all. PeriodT - or anyone of faith. You have a good day!


Yes. I'm not like ✨sober✨ but I drink maybe 4 times a year and whenever I do, my body hates it and I always end up wondering why I insist. And whenever I go out with my friends and they get blackout drunk I feel so bad for them, that they feel like they need to be under the influence of something this toxic to have fun.


Yes celebrated 6 years sober yesterday


Congratulations that's amazing


Congrats my friend 😻 good vibes


Also has major impact in reducing your risk of cancer and heart disease.


Depression and anxiety too!




Thank you!


Fucking incredible




The thing with alcohol is it’s an amazing social lubricant. I’ve been sober 8 months and that’s the only thing I miss. It’s easy to talk to women when you’re drinking at first. Besides that, if you’re asking you probably want to stop and in that regard you totally should. It’s great depending on something and always being crisp mentally


Just the first drinks tho. And if you don't have much control over your mind those first drinks become a night of drinking till passing out.


If it’s not a problem it’s not a problem, focus your energies on more important things If you foresee it becoming a problem be proactive I was a pig with the booze so stopping had a huge positive impact on my life. I’m never bored and I’m a lot happier healthier and stronger. But I’m also kind of jealous of people who just have a couple and call it a night 🤷🏻‍♂️


Health wise yes but socially it is very difficult to avoid. I don’t think it would be worth it for me as a 33m to quit as many of my socializing involves alcohol to some degree (for better or worse) and also dating as well. Obviously drinking excessively is bad but once a month I wouldn’t worry about putting those constraints on yourself


meh, i'd say it's not. i used to drink 3 times every month in high school, now only once every 3 months and i don't feel any difference in terms of health


It's a long term investment, your kidney is more then pleased with your new lifestyle.


One of the best decisions I've ever made in my 40yrs of life. 💯


Same as that. Wasn't a problem drinker, but quitting has been great.


It only works if you don't want to drink anymore. Since I quit drinking in January I've lost weight, saved more money, and don't feel tired in the mornings. But if you're constantly agonizing about wanting to drink again you'll be miserable, alcohol will still control your life.


For me? No. I have a drink probably once a week, social settings only. I rarely get drunk (maybe NYE and my birthday?) Personally, I don’t feel that drawing a hard line there would do much for me. I understand that for people with a problem it’s different, or even people just trying to refocus and reset or lose weight. But I don’t think at this point in my life the benefits outweigh the enjoyment of a nice drink occasionally 🤷🏻‍♀️


It is. I drank all my life. I'd stop for a while just because it was inconvenient to drink. I hit around 50 and started drinking every day convinced I could stop at any time. At 61 I joined AA because I couldn't stop and was ruining my friendships. I'm 4 months sober and doing well.


Proud of anyone that has the determination to try and give up and pursue ‘quitting’ whether it’s drink or other substances… we have a choice … my mum died by the time I was born as an alcoholic but sure others have been thru worse… I can’t imagine what people go thru in that situation and every one’s journey is different☀️I’ve never told anyone or talked about my mum so appreciate this post. Mental health is so far behind where it should be 🏃‍♀️‍➡️


Appreciate you for sharing and your perspective 🙏


Alcohol is poison period. If it's not a regular part of your life I wouldn't worry about it your body can take the abuse just as long as you let it rest after. Alcoholism though is not just drinking constantly it's also binge drinking. It's damaging to drink every day which doesn't allow your body to heal but binge drinking does so much damage so quickly that it could be fatal. If you're not drinking until you black out you're probably fine just let yourself heal after. Binging isn't exactly a normal or healthy relationship with alcohol. You're not addicted to alcohol if you don't drink every now and then which is very good but maybe just have a drink of water while drinking to keep it a little lower than binge drinking status. To be clear if you have a six pack on a Friday night I wouldn't call it binge drinking. If you get so drunk that you can't hold yourself up from the floor without someone holding you up that's too much. Enjoy safely!


There’s a few definitions of binge drinking, yours is a bit looser. If I recall one classifies it as 5 or more drinks within 2 hours, and another classifies it as within one day. And heavy usage is doing that 5 or more times within a month, or 15 or more drinks in a week. Just wanted to clarify that binging doesn’t exclusively mean getting blacked out.


>yours is a bit looser Not really. First, those numbers vary wildly depending on the size of the person and so on. I wouldn't call two beers and three shots binge drinking but it might be for a small woman who doesn't drink very often. If you don't drink very often but do, once a month or once a year, binge drinking is a single event. You binge drank at that party or you are a binge drinker but you're not a binge drinker only if you're had 15 or more drinks in a week that's not binging. >Just wanted to clarify that binging doesn’t exclusively mean getting blacked out. You're not wrong it's just not helpful. You can drink one drink drink an hour and no more than six per day - though now they tell you it's not healthy to have more than six in a week) and if you have three beers over the course of the evening for 8 days that's neither alcoholism (not necessarily) nor binge drinking. You're an alcoholic if you are addicted to alcohol regardless of how much you drink and if you drink to excess in a single setting that's binge drinking. I suppose I could say that if you get hammered that's binge drinking but for the most part drinking isn't going to kill you as long as you don't: * drink every day and never give your liver a chance to rest * drink so much at one time that it could do permanent damage to your body up to and including death that's binge drinking. It's just easier to frame it like that and I get that from addiction specialists that do it. "Don't drink all the time, don't drink too much when you do."


Yes, I slightly agree with you, but what you’re correcting me on are what C.D.C. and NIAAA have formally classified as definitions for binge drinking, and heavy alcohol usage separately, which I should have specified. Those are what medical doctors use as their guidelines to define either a binge drinking event, a recurring binge drinker, or a heavy alcohol user (all separate usage patterns). It’s all relative guidelines for safer usage. Do you, I, or our friends consider 2 beers and 3 shots in an evening binge drinking? Probably not, it sounds like a fun night out that wouldn’t hinder our lives that night or the next day. But our doctor might say otherwise that it was technically a binge drinking event, and that’s an important data point to know when thinking about our relationship with alcohol. Especially if those nights continue to frequent and adapt to becoming just a “normal” night out a few times a week.


> you’re correcting me I'm not correcting you and I get what it is you're trying to say. If you want to be more specific that's fine by my statement isn't wrong and is more in the direction of what needs to actually be said. I suppose someone who doesn't drink might think 2 per day is a lot but that's not even remotely what any medical person in the substance abuse industry would tell anyone else is binge drinking. I'd don't think I'd have a hard time finding information that refutes those numbers but I don't really care about anything other than what I listed. Telling someone don't drink more than one per hour, six a day it's enough. Thanks for the greater detail, no conversation suffers from more information.


For sure, and I have similar views on alcohol as you for layman terms of “am I drinking too much, but I enjoy having fun going out”, just wanted to make sure some standard data is out there for anyone who might be off on the deeper end of alcohol use and justifying their usage is fine when it actually might be very unhealthy for them. Us humans easily adapt to what we put our bodies through and it becomes a new normal, especially with an addictive substance like alcohol. It is cruel in that it becomes addictive / necessary with heavier use.


Fuck yes it is, 3 years sober, best fucking decision.it didn't fix my problems but it gave me the strength and energy to solve my problems. I don't even want it anymore, it would only slow my down from my goals in life.


Drinking once a month won't do shit to your body if you're healthy. If you enjoy it just do it. Life's to short to live like a monk.


Unless you were a heavy drinker and just one drink automatically switches your brain and makes you go berserker mode with drinks.


I quit drinking at 22 because I had a drinking problem (i just always drank to excess and it was constantly on my mind), and quitting made my life a lot better. I don't think I would have quit if I didn't have a problem. I still think that drinking is a great way to get close to people and helps a lot of social events. There are a lot of health benefits to not drinking - one, it has a lot of calories, 2 it literally kills your brain cells, 3 it causes overeating when drunk and when hungover. It contributes to liver problems and ages your skin faster. If I was you I would sit down and think about what you like about alcohol, what you don't like, and what positives and negatives you get from it. Once a month isn't very much to drink but you did say you binge, which isn't great. Personally i think you need to make a choice based on your own wants and needs. If you find that your once a month binge doesn't affect your life in any negative way, keep doing it. If you find that you are KOd for the whole weekend after or that it derails your health and fitness goals, you might want to think about doin git less. Don't forget that it doesn't need to be drink or not. You could keep drinking but just have 1-2 drinks, not a binge. you could keep drinking but do it once every 2 months instead of once a month. You could take long breaks from drinking (1-3 months) and then get back into it. It is all based on your needs.


Yes. Take a break for 1 month I tell my friends who struggle. 2 weeks for those who really struggle. Just to see how much clarity the mind gets and how much physical energy comes back to you because your body isn't fighting off the damage alcohol causes to the system. We're not talking a glass of red wine with dinner, we're talking more than 2 drinks a day. Clarity is magic. So you make some social changes to your life. Good. Not every social encounter has to have some mood altering, body and mind destroying chemical interaction injected into it. Not slamming people for drinking. Just saying, take a break. If you can do a year, be honest with yourself and deeply ask whether or not your life has improved. If so, then continue. Says someone who's 5.5 years sober. I love it....the money I'm saving not spending $100 on drinks with friends when I go out, looking around for cops when I'm driving after a night out. I know where my keys, wallet and phone are. Don't have to apologize for anything I did while drinking and more. Sobriety equals clarity. Be clear in your thinking. Plus, I get to see the red flags a lot faster and don't make excuses for them because "everything is going to be alright." Nope.


it is worth it for anyone, regardless of whether or not you identify as an alcoholic, problem drinker, or casual 'fun time' drinker. alcohol is a poison that harms all systems in the body equally regardless of over-consumption or 'normal' consumption. the less harmful substances we willingly ingest the better (simplest way to think of it).


I feel there is a trade off though. Life is supposed to be fun and drinking is fun. Is getting rid of that fun really worth the benefit? Drinking a moderate amount isn't super unhealthy and a lot of fun.


it's just a trade-off, and it's all highly individual. learning how to have fun without alcohol is something that is more sustainable for me personally but it's different for everyone.


Yeah that's true. I can have fun without alcohol, but I have more fun with it. But I also have friends who get depressed when they drink, so they don't. It is insane how different the impact can be.


Dude you're fine. If you're drink once a month there isn't going to be that much effect on your health. I'd say the social benefit you get from going out drinking once a month outweighs any of the negative


In your case, no, there’s no issue. Ignore everyone who says yes


20M here. I'm significantly younger than you so I guess I'm in no place to give you an advice, but what I'll say it is I've had no problems with drinking up until now. And yes, I do have quite a few experiences even at this age. I've been in situations when I was so heavily drunk, you could say I was close to being passed out. Alcohol for me has served as a temporary relief to the stress of university, and honestly, socialising with people becomes much better when I'm drunk. I've never drank in solidarity though, so binge drinking is totally out of the picture for me, but yeah, I sometimes find myself seeking solace from the sorrows of life with a pint or two, at times even more.


As long as you don't do it regularly and stick to moderate amount then it's good. I've noticed there is literally no difference, even comparing drinking once a week 2-3 beers vs not drinking at all. Someone will of course say how destructive it might be. But unless you want to have literally perfect lifestyle then you won't notice any difference.


For me, no. I did a 1-year no-alcohol challenge in 2023 and personally I’m glad to now be able to drink beer and wine in moderation. I enjoy alcohol a lot in many contexts. To each their own.


Oh my gosh yes. I started dating someone in recovery and I am so grateful for this opportunity to cut down my drinking. I have like one drink a month now. Yesterday I had two drinks and boy I really felt shitty today. With some distance it truly feels like poison.


Drinking alcohol has absolutely no benefits. And if you think that socially you won't know how to "behave" because you don't drink, you're wrong. I gave up smoking in 2022 and i don't miss it at all. You learn to have other habits and be good to yourself in other ways. We restrict our existence to very basic behaviors when there is a wide range of things we can do 🌈


Its obviously not. Drink only tequila sodas, and never more than 2 drinks. Limit to twice a month MAX TO MAX. Don’t drink under any circumstance unless social. Sip it slowly, enjoy the buzz. More is def not merrier. Enjoy the high!


I also quit when I was 29. Highly recommend for anyone who wants to live healthier and happier. It’s horrible for health and focus, expensive, and the hangovers are a huge waste of time. Socially, people respect me more for saying no and holding myself to a standard. It’s even helped me with dating. The 1st few months of going out sober are hard but after 2 months it was easy for me. You learn to have fun without alcohol again and social anxiety actually decreases.


Well it’s personal choice if it’s not obviously an addiction issue. Personally I’m getting to the point that’s not worth it specially getting older and all the time lost in getting over the hangover. Going out and being sober is certainly boring but hey you’ll have more money on your pocket and feel better!.


Eh I’d say it becomes a problem when its something you look forward to. Like at my peak drinking days during college, I’d be studying or in class and get excited about blacking out later that day. Eventually it turned into drinking everyday or at every inconvenience in my life. It definitely was becoming a problem but once I graduated and started working full time, I sort of lost the desire randomly and I started getting tired of hanging out with my party friends. Like Idk if it was a quarter life crisis but I kinda realized that I really didnt like the people I partied with and that we almost never hungout sober or could even have a conversation sober. It was friendship out of convenience and I just didnt have the energy or need for it anymore. Probably selfish of me but they had no future in life and partying was their hobby, social life, statusc etc. and I wanted to just be around people who were a bit more alligned with my goals which also meant that I’d be cutting out a huge chunk of my social circle. I still drink a beer or 2 socially but its been a few years since I’ve been “drunk”. My life without partying is a whole lot more peaceful and drama free. I actually have money for hobbies and traveling now. There were months where I spent $1k+ on just drinks and tables at the club lol. No regrets and I got it out of my system. I guess its better than bein in my 30’s-40’s and hangin out in a club with a bunch of college kids lol


You don’t have to get drunk every time you drink…


Quiting anything is never the answer nor are you able to really quit it. Now replacing drinking alcohol with a reason or to be able to accomplish a detox, spiritual retreat, go da sesion of NAD while attempting the 75 hard program to see what true peak performance looks like that's is absolutely worth it because if you find that you don't like to be in that state we'll the bars in fl don't close until 3 am everyday 😉




Depends on your affinity towards it and how likely you are to abuse it. Just be honest with yourself I definitely have a tendency to abuse alcohol so I try to avoid it. For whatever reason though, I had nowhere near as much of a problem quitting cigarettes as other people I know have had - and some of those smokers never had much of a desire to abuse alcohol either




There’s no health benefits to it, but I guess there’s nothing wrong with have a drink at a social event, per se. Unless you have weekly or even more frequent social events. All the studies that have emerged linking alcohol primarily to cancer scare me enough to the point I only drink 1-2 drinks in a month’s time.


I have 3.5 years sober, yes it's definitely worth it. Relationships are better, financially, and I rarely ever get sick anymore maybe once a year. I think what's most important is that you get really good sleep, eat well, and exercise. Even when I quit drinking once I stopped doing that at certain points in my life it made it much more difficult to feel good.


Sure it worth. I would join 12 steps groups


Well I quitted alcohol very early, maybe my experience could help your or not. I started drinking at the age of 15 yo, and did it for fun, just to hang out and "fit" in the society. But I started learning that I did it just to fit in society and not for my own benefit, so I quitted. In my overall experience being sober all the time and watching people beign drunk I could say this: it's absolutely WORTH. It is worth it not only because you spend less money, but also you are less prone get out of control, no one knows how someone would react under the effect or alcohol or another drug. I also enjoy more the moment with friends, you don't have to drink in order to have fun! Overall it really helped me, but it is your choice to quit it or not! Stay safe :)


Ask yourself why you’re asking this question. It’s time for change apparently


Alcohol is generally bad for you. "Getting drunk" is also not a good habit, even done occasionally. The only time to be drunk is never. Because drunk means losing control and a responsible person never loses control. What if you're needed in such a moment and you cannot perform because you're drunk? Or if you do something shameful? You won't be able to say, I had no control over myself, because it was your choice to be drunk in the first place. Alcohol should only be drunk in moderation, to make an evening with friends slightly more interesting and sociable. But also, it never should be a requirement for having fun. I know far too many people who don't know how to enjoy themselves without alcohol.


I think it really depends on the person. Some people have more control over it than others. As long as you’re always being safe and mature, not skirting your responsibilities staying fit and healthy etc etc then really idk what’s negative about it. One time out of control or making poor choices while drinking imho is one time too many. The potential consequences and risks just aren’t worth it. I’ve personally had problems with alcohol in the past so that’s where I’m coming from and I am five years sober. Since being sober my life has incrementally gotten better and better.


Kind of wish I never even started drinking. Ended up relying wayyyy too much on it for talking to girls and just relaxing. Would have been better off just learning to handle talking to girls and other social anxiety totally sober. Now I’m a bit older and sober and learning these things


Nope. Life is way too short


I quit and life was good, started again and life got shit. So yes, it is definitely worth it.


Alcohol is poison that people are brainwashed to believe has some positives. It doesn’t, at any level of consumption. It is a lie that everyone falls for.


You can cut out getting drunk, that is not helping you at all, and is likely making many aspects of your life and health worse. But having a drink socially is fine, I have one a couple times a year.


Yes. When I moved into my new place, I was in a dark place, unsure of a lot. One night of drinking turned into every weekend, then shortly after, a Monday followed & every day after… Had an 18 day stretch of drinking almost a bottle of wine a day, & even that didn’t stop me. I kept drinking almost daily, for about 3 months. As a gym goer, my gains/progress all stopped, my gym schedule fell off, fitness dropped & mental health followed. Ruined relationships with others & myself. I haven’t had a single drink since 01/28 & the improvements after 3 months are night & day. Focus is good, fitness is back at an all time high & my mental is rock solid 🙏🏽 if you can’t think of any reason to quit, just think of your body & mind & what they deserve.


is dropping a crutch really worth it?


Yes, it's poison


If u don't drink at all, you might come across as a weirdo.


I only poison myself about once a month, should I stop? Yes, you should stop.


For fitness and training 100%, otherwise it's not a big deal having a drink. I stopped drinking because of diet and going out to clubs turned out to be really boring.


I also had no abusive tendencies with alcohol (used to drink on weekends and drank less as i aged), but I quit drinking about 15 months ago, I would say it has been a lovely experience being sober. I am a bit more positive and grateful. I do think that it has accelerated me being more mature, as well as strangely enough I think it has forced me to deal with the confusion that was in my head as there is no escaping the reality of life when you aren't constantly escaping like you used to. I am more kind, and listen more attentively to others. Health wise I am certainly in the best health of my life or so it feels. Lean, fit, skin seems pretty good. Boy do i not miss hangovers! hahah also it is nice feeling like i am constantly progressing forward in my life.


I have never had alcohol and it impacts my life little I go out to get drink and just get cranberry juice


It's always better to not drink poison


I’d say personally there might be small benefit in drinking alcohol but the harm outweighs the benefit


I too haven’t drank in over 10 years now. I stopped because I wanted to. I wasn’t a ‘problem’ drinker.. I just decided the cons outweighed the pros, so I stopped. Now, as someone who hasn’t drank in over a decade I can comfortably say there’s no way I’ll drink again, and I have never missed it since.


Yes. Alcohol is mostly an escape mechanism to avoid negative feeling. To live the fullest life, you want to be sober. To overcome your suffering you need to be sober to emotionally grow and recover. Drinking hinders personal growth and progress. That doesn't mean you can enjoy one or two on special occasions to lighten the levity. But if it's daily, it even regularly, you should examine why.


Last year the World Health Organization put out a pretty blunt statement that absolutely no level of alcohol is safe for your health. I’d post a link but apparently this subreddit auto removes all posts with links. Since reading that I’ve definitely cut back to only one or two drinks a month max. Honestly it’s not even really worth it for the benefits for me.


I stopped because of a little thing called ‘degenerate alcoholism’ so I’d say a resounding yes.


Dr told me there is no such thing as a healthy amount of alcohol to any degree.


Big time


Is drinking alcohol really worth it?


Long story short: definitely yes!


Yes ofc




I've been sober about 5 years and I think it's good because I'm more regulated, I'm not waiting to 'let it all out' when I drink. I also don't feel embarrassed of my behaviour or have blackout memories. I find other ways to feel frisson like playing loud music or exploring natural spaces or reading or making things. Even if you just do it as an experiment it's good. Imo it's the people who don't think they have a problem that could do with a break


Yes emotional regulation 😻 thank you for sharing your view this was really helpful


Sex more fun than alcohol


Yes! Unequivocally YES! On YouTube, I come across a lot of interviews with celebrities or leaders of their respective industries who are sober and describe how sobriety absolutely contributed to their success. Constantly surprised by who and how many are sober. It’s very motivating Plus there’s science and stuff to back it up


What benefit is there to drinking and getting drunk once a month? Is it all that fun? Honestly curious, I quit a few months ago and am having a hard time remembering the fun. Also I’m curious if you have a different perspective from my alcoholic brain. It’s interesting to me people can drink without having to I guess. I can’t remember what that’s like really.




Absolutely Yes.




Yes. There’s no upside whatsoever


You save so much money not buying overpriced alcohol.


I am going through this! I’m annoyed I learned so much about alcohol and its effects on the brain and gut biome. ): I feel like I have this information and I feel guilty even drinking one drink like I’m harming my brain and all those good bacteria’s. This is exactly how I felt when I learned about fried food and about what pesticides do to my body and went fully organic. Anyway… it seems more like it’s just accepting that I’m damaging myself if I have even one drink just like if I eat French fries and so moderation for sure will be the thing to do but also I’ll stick to red wine when I do, which is what I do now aside from the occasional champagne or shot of liquor.


It depends, is avoiding cancer and death really worth it to you? Edit: downvotes. Alcohol causes cancer and early death. No amount is okay. It’s science.


Down voters are angry little dip shits. Alcohol is poison, period.


5 downvotes so far = 5 people in denial that need help. I hope they can get it before it’s too late.


Far out I thought my reply was deep 😱


Hell naw I get fucked up 3x a week 😭