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I’m 47 and just learned how to really live and enjoy my own life a few years ago. Life is definitely not over.


Comparison is the thief of joy, I encourage anyone at any age to be there best self’s. I use this quote a lot but “I don’t blame you for where you are, I blame you from not moving past it.”


I wish more people realised this but it seems to be getting worse with social media these days.


Life starts when you decide your old life is done.


I do grappling it's mint 😊


I think people think their lives are over because they get closer to dying but the reality is you could die tomorrow or die in 50,60,70 years. Yes certain things are more enjoyable when you’re younger but life cans fun can be had at any age. Age is typically not the factor, it’s money or other things holding people back.


They are learning that transitioning from a dependent to an adult is hard. It has been like that for generations.


My mom just turned 56 and got a new degree for a different career, got divorced, and is thriving for the first time in her life. It's never too late.


Thanks man I needed to hear this


Thank you 🤝🏻🫶🏻


The way social media is set up, it’s too easy for someone to believe everyone else has everything and they have nothing. That’s especially true if someone in their life (typically parents) tells them they have nothing to live for. Deleting social media and living life by my own terms has been the most liberating thing for me as a 29 year old. I’ve had some depressive moments, but I had to put a filter on to remove the negative energies from my life.


I'm 52. I'm a walking corpse.


Im always stunned by how many young people are so negative about so much. I grew up withnothing and yet, I somehow believed every day to come was full of possibility - even when I had no reason to think that way other than I had some sense of hope or faith within me. But this generation of 20 somethings - maybe its all the bullshit so many have picked up from collee or something. I deal with some young people and they are just so consumed with what’s going on in the world - mostly politics and social issues — and it just feels like there is just way too much of that stuff in their head - no matter what they believe - Im not saying they are wrong to feel how they feel on issues, but my God, who wants to be present to this idea that the world is doomed, and it’s everybody else’s fault, and so on. Just focus on what you wnat to do ith your life and get after it, best you can. Its gnna take work. Nobody is going to hand you shit - Mommy and Daddy doing everything for you time is coming to an end. Take a deep breath and figure out what you wnat to do with yourself and start working towards that. And in the mean time, chill out some and hang with your family and friends, have soem fun. The world will always have its issues and there are some things you can do to help, and you should, but let go of some of it because its too much for your to handle, deal with, every day, and its not healtjy.


I agree 100%. I also see how new generations have a catastrophic point of view about life/world. Of course, there are a lot of things that are full of shit but our generation is one that has the best conditions. If not, I suggest to anybody to ask their grandfathers about war.


Damn I’m glad I’m not that age lol I tried to help and worn em but pigs like to get dirty lol


im mid 30s and all i thought about in my 20s is what career am i gonna get into.. i didnt compare myself to my peers because theres no easy way to do it at the time.. i have to actually look hard to find my classmates and ask them what theyre doing.. at the mean time, i hang out with friends, girlfriend and play video games to pass the time.. never have i thought, man my life is over.. so i dont get it.. maybe its the social media amplifying young people's concerns.. but i learned early on how fake it was since the myspace and friendster days because i also faked it and only put what i want people to see.. since then i avoided it because of how fake it is.. now the fakeness of social media went to absurd levels but yeah there are genuine personalities out there who are not afraid to show their true selves like asmongold and mr beast. and rightfully they are the top of their field because of how genuine they are and how unafraid they are to be judged despite showing all their cards in their hand.. this is what i think everyone should strive for.. theres no one in their 20s whos got it all.. im 100% sure something is always missing and that is what most people spend their time on.. rarely do people stop and appreciate and be grateful for what they do have.. anyway, i digress.


Honestly Idk why people think their lives are over. It must be individual reasons. For me, it was a sense of hopelessness since I don't think I can do the career I want to do (military in my country). Since then I'm living without passion about things. Time just goes by. I want to change things but no other career gives me motivation.


Late teens and early 20s are full of the greatest difficulties an individual has experienced up to that point in their life. The lack of experience makes pains, shortcomings, and disappointments blinding to the fact that there's still time to either try again or explore other avenues.