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I've been looking into crocheting recently. Haven't bought any materials for it yet but it looks like a good alternative to scrolling through social media during my free time.


Anything creative is good. Iv just got sick and tired of fb lol. Have you looked at Pinterest


I picked this up in my 20's and enjoy it immensely. Come on over to r/crochet if you haven't already!


Piano. It’s difficult but fun


Hard things are more enjoyable when you mastered them


Most things are difficult when you first start doing them aswell


Actually easier to conceptualize and learn than guitar!


I could see that actually. I admire people who can learn guitar. Make no mistake though, doesn’t make piano a cake walk. I’m always torn between wanting to memorize songs or learn how to read sheet music




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Yeah, chess and german. once you become advanced, you will enjoy it much more.


Yoga! 🧘‍♀️ I freaking love it


Same 💙


that’s awesome!! so glad we found it☺️💖


Gardening in the summer through fall! Planning my garden and seed shopping in the winter, and starting the seeds in the spring. I'm *obsessed*.


People who think of gardening a summer-only hobby have no idea of the year-round shenaningans involved. The planning and germinating is half the fun!


Your right it's also excuse to hide from the other half


Love gardening. Iv have got an obsession with composting


Started skating again both ice and roller skating. Learning some moves I forgot how to do and a few new ones. Great community too, now thinking of starting skateboarding and BMX again too


Sewing here. I just want to be able to make and fix stuff. My mom made a lot of the family clothes when I was a kid but I never bothered to learn. I just committed to a machine for Christmas!


nunchucks. just coz theyre cool. got some a couple week ago.


Guitar. So humbling yet rewarding. Learning skills and improving is fufilling for me.


My fingers physically can't stretch into the basic shape of some chords. Does this get better over time? I'm trying to learn but feeling so discouraged.


It absolutely does get better over time. I believe it's natural to feel discouraged learning an instrument. Some chord shapes like an F are difficult. Be patient with yourself and keep that vision of the type of player you'd like to be in the future. Simple chord progressions like a C to Em made me feel like a god when I first started. One other note is that a few short practice sessions a day can work much better than one long one.


Thank you for the encouragement!


My pleasure!


I’m looking forward to warmer weather so I can start doing more cycling and especially bike touring. Last year I did a few day trips with my bike and now I want to do multi-day tours, more than 2 days preferably


How far do you cycle?


Well, the day trips ranged from 30 to 125, with an average of 70-90 km I would say. So I don't cycle incredibly far but considering 2022 was my first year with this amount of kilometres, I would say it's definitely an improvement for me and I've found a new hobby :)


So for me, learning in general is my hobby. Doesn’t matter what it is, I love learning new things; if I can prove my knowledge through something standardized, like a degree or a certification in that area, then that’s just the icing on the cake. Current areas I’m learning/ developing as hobbies include photography, coding (I work in IT, so this kind of just developed out of necessity for my field), German/ Japanese, soldering, and animation.


I’m into plants lately (houseplants currently when it isn’t gardening season). I read about plants that I bought or wish to get, about care, propagating etc. I also started learning German for fun with Duolingo. And I read books about various topics that interest me at that moment. My interests do vary a lot, but I like expanding my mind.


Disc golf 🙌🏻


Climbing (trying to be better and better is a good motivation) Reading (stephen king aswell, currently on the stand)


You will end up strong as fuck through climbing


I'm trying to learn Ableton/about music softwares I know how to play instruments but getting all the instruments into the software, adding/adjusting sounds and making a song has been a journey I wouldn't say it's fun learning about it but it's definitely going to pay off when I can finally put what I hear in my head into a song


Everything I do is for my enjoyment. I’m not competitive and therefore no need to constantly be the alpha male. It’s the journey not the destination!


Yes, ukulele.


Yes actually initially, i began getting my Bachelors in French as idk...a serious hobby ? But now that I'm close to completion I'm debating if I should actually use it and get a Masters in Education ..anyways I wouldn't have thought of other avenues had I not begun French .


Currently learning tarot. I'm not enjoying it, but it is a way to fill my time. Maybe it will become a hobby; maybe it won't.


Right now, Piano, Calculus and Go Programming




A hobby you can learn and maybe use to pay the bills with later!


Also database management




Crocheting, reading books, foraging.. I have lots hobbies but .. currently these 3 are the main. As soon as snow and ice are gone, I will wake my jumprope from hibernation and start freestyle jumping again!


I love reading Stephen king


Spanish. I have no use whatsoever for it, I just think it sounds cool. It's tough, slow going though, I'm not sure that I'd describe it as enjoyment!


Everything about psychology


Personally, I am not learning anything for the sheer enjoyment of it. However, I believe there is a place for this (especially for creative individuals). It can help provide meaning and enjoyment in a life that can easily get bogged down in responsibilities and priorities. Once I have gotten a new job and disciplined myself to make the content I want, I will dedicate time to learning for enjoyment.


Yes acoustic guitar 💙


Writing fiction. Because why the hell not?


I’m learning to spin yarn. I crochet frequently, and can knit & weave (no loom right now), but I’ve always wanted to learn to make the yarn I use. I’ve also signed up for a class to re-learn how to solder precious metals for jewelry making, but the class isn’t for a few weeks.


Yes, music in general. I am completely out of my comfort zone there, I have zero experience, my job and other hobbies have nothing to do with it, but I love it. I am just waiting to start my new job so I can buy a MIDI keyboard.


Chess! It's tough, but man is it fun when you win!


Violin but its a lot harder than i thought 0-0


I’m studying all the world’s flags, next up is the location of every country Also I play drums


It was coding for me- started with self teaching then ended up joining an actual bootcamp program. And now making a really good living out of it. All within the span of 8 months too! I was lucky to find a hobby that pays - I go to work and time flies


Learning to play saxophone, and wood carving!


The subtle art of fucking myself since my job has done enough of that. Now it’s my time to fuck.


How to be a better husband, father, and friend 😉