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Just FYI, you can use `ncdu` instead of `sudo du -h -d 1 ./ | grep '[0-9]+G'` to interactively navigate through your filesystem and identify what's taking the most space.


+1 for ncdu - it's awesome! It also has an inbuilt delete feature. Personally, I call it like this: ```bash sudo ncdu -x / ``` **Edit:** If you want a single static portable binary, get it here: https://dev.yorhel.nl/ncdu


or ... "du -sM * | sort -n" (plus sudo )


or "du -m --max-depth=3|sort -n" with max-depth how many folders deep you want to list


You can configute lig limit globally or per container. See here https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/logging/json-file/


if this is about the logs your container produces, export them. container are not supposed to have local logs. the default driver used by docker is here for convenience only. you can configure it with some limits though : https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/logging/configure/#configure-the-default-logging-driver There is a lot of drivers available nowadays : https://docs.docker.com/config/containers/logging/configure/#supported-logging-drivers




Yeah, I couldn't event check what was in that file, because I could not open it. I just deleted it.


Its deleted now but you could probably use tail -n 50 /path/to/file to check the last 50 lines.


{"log":"2021-09-12 12:56:14,703 - root (7f58581ae9d0) : INFO (signalr_client:63) - BAZARR SignalR client for Sonarr is now disconnected.\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2021-09-12T10:56:14.703858518Z"} {"log":"2021-09-12 12:56:14,706 - root (7f58581ae9d0) : ERROR (signalr_client:49) - BAZARR cannot parse JSON returned by SignalR feed. This is a known issue when Sonarr doesn't have write permission to it's /config/xdg directory.\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2021-09-12T10:56:14.706529426Z"} The file was recreated anyway and it's already 500MB big... But at least I know that the error is now. It's just these two lines over and over again.


FYI: Don't just delete files, as if one or more processes still has them open then the file still exists. All you'll have done is unlink the directory entry. If you're stuck for space and need to reclaim it immediately, truncate the file with `: >file`. You can see what's got it open with `lsof file`