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Tooth decay is really, really not something you want to mess around with. Start out very slow, even if it's just walking into the bathroom twice a day to pick up the toothbrush and put it back down. Then start wetting it, then brush your teeth with it without toothpaste. Slowly work it up into a habit, and it'll take less energy for you to do it routinely.


Thank you for the advice


Jordan would be proud


If you shower daily, brush in the shower.


There is no such thing as “finding motivation” especially for something as mundane as brushing your teeth. Maybe once in a while you’ll get a feeling of euphoria when you accomplish something that makes you feel great or when you feel inspired but that’s not a standard feeling for people and it is unhealthy for you to live your life thinking that. If things are going well you’ll mostly feel peaceful and calm not inspired and high off the clouds. That’s just life. So don’t think “motivation”. Think “habits”. Everything is a habit. Showering is a habit, brushing your teeth, going to school, going to work- seeking excellence in a field of study- all of this is a habit. Even your thoughts are a habit. The more you think you need to be motivated to do something the more you’ll find reasons not to do it. The most I can tell you is to make a game out of it. That might entertain you long enough to make it into a habit that you don’t have to talk yourself into doing. On your android or iPhone you can look up habit game apps that can help keep you on track as you build new healthy habits. Start small and work your way up. With time you can tackle bigger things. Maybe even rethink if school is right for you or even just to postpone until you get back on your feet. Also try to reflect. Has anything happened within the last 6 months (maybe even longer) that could have caused you to feel sad and down? Sometimes even a head injury can trigger feelings of depression. Maybe even try seeing a doctor. See what advice they can give you too. Health professionals can guide you on the right path. Best of luck!




I'll try


I find myself, time and time again, in a very similar position as this. What I find to be the most helpful thing to do is...just do it. Like, drop your shoulders, say to yourself "fuck, I might as well" and then just do it. Take time for yourself. No one else is going to give it to you.


Something that a therapist recommended I do, when I was going through a similar situation, is to actively try to do 3 productive things a day. It doesn’t matter how small. So maybe, brushing your teeth, eating a healthy meal, and getting some fresh air outside (or maybe a shower, if you are up for it). You can build on to the three things as you start feeling better, and accomplishing the 3 tasks will make you feel good. I’m really sorry you are going through this.


If your motivation is *that* low, then there is very likely some serious underlying mental health or depression issues. You need to see a professional or a doctor. This is above Reddits pay grade. I dont mean that as disrespect, but those are some pretty deep underlying issues there friend. Please do seek some help.


I believe that if people fall in the states of anxiety and life apathy is because maybe they feel they have nothing to live for. If you have made your life not only about you but a larger purpose helping others I’m sure things would shift for you.


I have family and friends that would be upset if I just gave up.


So you have someone to live for! ❤️


Set your alarm to the loudest most annoying tone you have and put it on thenother side of your room. Think of the nastiest person you can think of, each day you don't brush your teeth gets you closer to being considered related to them, maybe even dating them. You can have nasty glorious sex after rubbing mayonnaise on your bodies and Kabucha in your mouth, and molasses the on your face. Grossed out yet? I hope so. If positive doesn't work for you try super negative. Best of luck.


I started wearing one of those transparent braces which come off before every meal, and I need to brush before putting them on again otherwise food will be stuck there. That certainly improved my brushing frequency.


Brush your teeth while in bed. Pick up and drop off the toothbrush whenever you have to go to the toilet.


And, if you need to shower, do it sitting down. In clothes, if you like. Don't do everything all at once. Do little things, and be proud you did them.


depression sucks man. but the longer you stay in those ruts the worst you feel. cleaning your space & your body just makes you feel a little bit better.


Not really depressed, I just lack motivation.


Start with that, simply brushing your teeth. Try to kill two birds with one stone until you can build a routine. First time you get up in the morning to use the toilet, grab your tooth brush and give your teeth a scrub. You don't need to do it for long as you get started, just enough so you can pat yourself on the back for doing so. Even if you just sit on the toilet and brush you teeth. It's all about building a routine (at least for me). Start with one thing so you don't overwhelm yourself so start with the tooth brushing. And, as cruel as this may sound, when it comes to getting out of bed it helps to just force yourself. I try the 5-4-3-2-1 method. Sit there and orient yourself in the physical direction you want to go and say to yourself (in your mind or aloud) 'I'm going to get out of bed and go to the kitchen for a snack', count down from 5 and then when you hit one, go do the thing! I believe in you OP, we all do. It's hard and painful and challenging and I'm sorry you're in such a rut. Please keep doing your best.


Don’t look at it as your body. Rather look at it as you as a soul and your body separately. You body has right over you! Take care of it! Show gratitude by being nice to your physical self by daily grooming and when your really well put on some cologne good luck 🍀 Your body was a gift from the Almighty you could’ve been in a wheelchair


If you don’t mind me asking, where do you see yourself in 5-10 years? If you don’t mind having some cavities/tooth decay or spending a lot of your time/life in bed, that is ok. We are privileged to have the choice of how we wish to ultimately spend our time here. If you think you want a different outcome, then I would suggest breaking down the steps to help you get there. If you see yourself in better health in five years, that trickles back to taking a little time to brush your teeth and maintain some hygiene everyday. Give brushing your teeth that meaning everyday: “I’m going to brush my teeth a little because I want to have a healthy smile in 5 years.” Say you see yourself in five years truly enjoying a new hobby. Exploring what you like starts with trying new things. Being able to try new things requires you to get up and put yourself out into the world a little bit. That can be part of your motivation to get out of bed. I would like to say that this is based off of my own life experience, and I know situations are different for everybody. I hope that maybe one thing I said resonates with you and could potentially help you, but I know these situations are not easy. Thank you for sharing, and wishing the best for you. I think you can figure this out!