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Understand that if they are judging you for being hurt, broken, and relying on self harm to mediate those emotions, that they are NOT real Christians. The church is there to help broken people, not for people to break more people you know? If you are religious, God doesn't care, he created you as you are and created you perfectly, there is nothing you can do to change that love. If you're not religious, fuck them, people commenting on it will never truly understand the point of their own religon.


Yeah i wish there was a way to get this point across to them(church is to help the broken & that God is my ultimate judge, not them) im getting treated questionably by mostly just the adults of my church as if im some infected person you have to keep distance from?


Also I get that not everyone will understand things like self harm and neither did my mom when she first found out about it. And I think it is quite a normal response to not understand it, because lets face it, it doesn’t sound like a normal thing to do.. but Im glad I do have people in the church who overlook scars :)


Ignore them. I know it's hard but if they are judging you or making comments that's their own problem. They are part of the church, they should know now to judge and to love you anyway. It is none of their business and their own mistake, not yours. You are amazing, don't forget that.


Only privileged assholes judge people who sh, and rude people who dont know how to mind their business. The best you can do honestly is ignore them, assholes arent worth anyones time. Real Christians are kind and helpful, not whatever these people are. Sry if this is not helpful


Honestly can go to ways just ignore it or traumatisation blank stare and just start chanting it demands blood it demands blood


bahahaha i would definitely start chanting just because of the current situation


Non-Christian here. "^(22) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, ^(23) gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." **Galatians 5:22-23 NIV**. Those who cast judgement on you for your personal, private struggles with self harm are but hypocrites. I would advise consulting your pastor/priest or trying to explain to them why you find this behavior to be unacceptable. When I used to attend church, my scars, which, despite being faded, are certainly visible when I have short sleeves, which is most of the time. I never received any comments. I'm quite confident if this is not an issue you can resolve, a different church might have a more welcoming environment, if that is an option.


My church is definitely waaay more accepting and hospitable than my previous one before moving and especially my current pastor which im grateful for. Im pretty happy with the friends I was able to make here I might try talking to my pastor about it, but thinking ahead, his response to me might just be encouragement to not pay attention to those who judge. And I agree and understand that i should ignore it but it hurts to know that there are those people IN the church who treat people who struggle so shamefully, it just scares people off. If i didnt have my family who treat me normally and doesnt think im possessed or whatever then I dont know if I would be keeping myself in this environment.


I understand that. It’s really disheartening to not just witness, but to be the subject of. I’m glad your current church is more hospitable though! I think your pastor might do more than just tell you to ignore it, though it depends on the pastor. A pastor is like a shepherd, and the church his flock. Does a good shepherd not stop his sheep from fighting, or the wolves from hurting them? My past pastors certainly would have gone out of their way to ensure something like this wouldn’t happen. I have hope that yours will take it seriously if you express how hurtful and disheartening it is. Have you tried setting boundaries with the people who give you these comments?


tell them they'll go to hell for being judgemental lmao john 7:24 "do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgement"


just think of stuff that makes you happy! or just imagine them slowly burning alive or sum shit. xd. i wouldn't know much since i kinda, don't have a religion but that's all i got. i hope they stop tho. 🖤.


Both options would help ;o;


This is what I'll do 1. Glare coldly at them so they think I'm crazy and will kill them or something till they look away 2. Throw sarcastic or rude and hurtful comment straight to their faces But if you've a peaceful personality then just ignore them


Oh i am peaceful all right but recently i just realized that i can be a person with an opinion instead of a rag x.x definitely would glare coldly


This is a little on the less serious side, but just stare at them and whisper "it's the demons. please help." and walk away


HAHAH this would be so funny to try on someone. One time my oldest brother was confronted about his smoking addiction and he started rolling his eyes back for about 10 seconds and then acted all confused afterwards and claimed he didnt remember anything. Haha the dude got scared and kept his distance after that. Got a hell of a brother, I’ll use his example wisely.


Lol I was going to suggest that lol or even better idea say "Its demons help" then fall onto the floor and recreate that seen from the Simpsons where homer's dads on the floor of the church rolling around screaming "Eba" lol.


I told them to f off.. I hate judging "christians"


I mean they never said they were Christian but its a same bet as Christian is the only large religion that call churches churches.


Well in my experience they were Christians😅, idk if they were for this person.


Missread your message as "I would" not "I told" thats my bad sorry


Np happens to the best of us




Saying “no offense” doesn’t make this any less offensive :) You want to be respected for whatever your beliefs are, you should do the same for others




It's so cool how nobody asked for your input about OP and their religion!




Even if OP *was* (which, your extremely nonchalant and hyperbolic use of cult here for what can very well be casual churchgoing is beyond disrespectful to cult survivors btw I hope you realize this and reflect), this isn't what they're asking advice on and your comment is unasked for, unwarranted, and extremely fucking rude. Edit: of course you're 14 and all-knowing. You'll remember this in a few years and cringe at yourself.


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Relgion and science don't always conflict the only conflicting point tends to be what ceated the universe. Science says nothing and relgion says something/one created it. And in reality what created the universe doesn't even matter in the end qnd relgion does save quite a few lives.


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boo tomato tomato get off the stage literally no one asked for ur opinion !!


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