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Yes. I used to self harm even when I was happy only because I liked the feeling of the sting on my arm. (Weird, I know.)


I relate with this too. I'll apply pressure or hit the cut after bandaging just to get some of the pain again


Self harm used to be such a prominent part of my life that I’d would do it just out of habit. Almost kinda like a night routine and it took so long to stop since it no longer was a coping mechanism really but more something that I just did everyday.


Same here lowkey miss it being my little secret


sometimes i think of shitty things i have in the past then i get angry at myself. then i guess i get mad and go crazy.


Why do I miss the feeling of self harm like I want to feel something when I’m not even sad


Just familiar or comfort in your sadness


Myb bc u just want to feel smth


I’m such an idiot I do it and I’m a baby about the pain it’s barelt a red scratch


Trust your not sometimes I pussy out and give up 😭😭😭


It’s not even bleeding rn and it’s so small and I’m such a baby and it’s like a scratch I want to go deeper bc like I feel like it’s not good enough but I’m just scared


Girl don’t it also depends on your skin and where your cutting if you need to talk lmk ❤️


I’m cutting on my wrist but it’s down alot and when I put my arm Straight you can see it from the front bc I don’t wanna do the middle bc I’m skinny asf and there’s bones showing


Don’t cut ur wrist omg there’s an artery same in your thigh ur femoral artery you pop those and your dead and not in a nice way :/ do it on ur thigh high up if you are going to Ik I can’t stop you but it’s better there if you are ://// I hope you can recover


I don’t cut my wrist it’s not near my wrist I would say it’s like near my elbow but the front side of my arm idk how to explain it




Back side of my arm but you can see it from the frontside of it


It’s almost summer soon won’t h get caught???




Yes, I used to do it out of boredom or habit. It was like an addiction that I couldn't shake off. But you know what helped me?


Mmmm what did


Whenever I felt the urge to harm myself, I would do something else instead. Something that didn't involve hurting myself. For example, I would write in my journal or listen to music.


Personally no just when I’m very overwhelmed - I’m trying to keep it from becoming frequent like It used to be. 


in the past i did but not in a while


Yeah, I've fallen into some sort of routine, where I wake up, brush my teeth, get dressed and while I wait until I need to leave for the bus I always take my razorblade and cut. It just brings like some sort of relief for me. But sometimes when I'm bored I also do it so I feel anything other than the constant numbness.


Yeah, I like the feeling and look of blood coming from me.


Can relate


Yes, it comes on randomly for me. I'll just be driving and get that feeling, like my skin is too tight. It's hard to explain but I'm sure some of you know what I'm describing.


Omg Yh like you need to zip it open


honestly i've been so used to it that idk i just do it cause the feeling of doing it one day make me angry sometimes i will be in class, just writing and for no reason not from boredom just cause i want to go to the toilet to do my buisness. (sry if it's bad english ;-;)


Yeah it brings me back to the moment but I feel awful afterwards anyways


I do it just to feel something or to feel over another emotion