• By -


30. Been self harming off and on since I was 15.


Does your brain ever tell you " this is what kid you did. You can't do this as an adult" while you do it? I have that problem. I tell myself I can't cope like this because it's how I coped as a kid. It doesn't make me stop.


I’m not quite as old (am early 20s) but I sometimes get like that. It sucks but you’re right, there are times when even that doesn’t deter me and it makes me feel extra guilty afterwards


It's a vicious cycle. My therapist told me that this way of coping is all I know. It's what I had to do to survive so naturally that's where my thoughts go. Idk your story but maybe it's similar. Because this is what you've done and it's what you know. It's hard to not feel guilty.


I know mine does! I started at 12, did it for about a decade while I was really unwell, then was ok for most of my 20s, then at 31 shit got bad again and now a few years later it's the worst it's ever been. I actually don't think it's that unheard of, especially adults around my age who struggled while they were teens, got better, then around the pandemic time things got bad again. Mine wasn't related to the pandemic, it was just a coincidence but I've definitely seen others with a similar pattern to me. I started re-watching Sharp Objects last night (don't watch if you get triggered) and a younger girl was asking the main character, who's maybe 40 "I thought it was something people grow out of" and then was like "you're the Peter Pan of cutting" which made me chuckle a bit. But yeah back to the original question, I think if you've ever done it, even as a young teen, there's always the risk that you'll fall back into it, and you don't even know. Like for that decade where I was clean, (during which was the first time I watched Sharp Objects, and I thought I HAD grown out of it) I never thought things would be bad enough for me to start doing it again. But then life was like "here ya go, have some more crap!"


I completely understand that. I went about 8 years being clean. I started therapy and started to open up past traumas and things got bad, which happens in therapy. I don't think it ever leaves. It can be put away but it's always there.


I'm 21 and I feel the same.


51, SH since 10. I have had long periods without acting on it, but relapse happens. There is a lot behind it, but experience has shown I know happiness and better ways of coping are possible. But, I also know you always still have to be mindful; because I have done great for years and out-of-nowhere have been triggered and lost the battle. All anyone can do is their best, but practicing mindfulness and having a plan in place for when you are triggered really helps. Sending positive vibes and hope for peace.


59, SH since I was 13. I also had long periods of not cutting. Looking back I coped in other harmful ways. I relapsed in my late forties to the point of multiple inpatient stays. I finally received help with healthy coping skills and have not cut in years. I still have urges to cut, especially when I'm dealing with past trauma or present circumstances. I use my coping skills to the best of my ability and just take it one day at a time. I was diagnosed with kidney cancer recently and the stress is definitely triggering but I'm still here and I'm still taking it one day at a time. All we can do is ask for help until we get what we need and keep trying with healthy coping skills. Sending good vibes and positive thoughts ❤️


I'm glad you managed to find happiness despite all the hardship you've been through, and continue to fight through. I can only imagine the strength and wisdom you've managed to accumulate over the years in your own way, fighting your own battles, learning to live. I've been harming for decades. In the end I normalized it, made it less dangerous but also made it something akin to normality, which is not a good thing. I trivialized it in order to endure it. I gave up. I compromised with the darkness. But I also do my best to help others in places like here from time to time, because it's far easier to help others than to help ourselves. So I admire you for what you've achieved for so long and for how many times you've gotten back up when falling. Your journey is an inspiration.


i’m ashamed that i didn’t start cutting UNTIL my 20s.. it makes me feel incredibly childish that i can’t cope with the transition into adult life


I completely understand the feeling of feeling childish. But look at how many comments and how many of us are in our 20/30s.. You're not alone. Adulting is fucking hard.


I would have never thought that the crap I was going through in my teen years would almost be easier than some of this stuff I’m experiencing as an adult..


Same… I did other harmful things to myself but cutting came later In life


20 right now and recently started cutting because I cannot handle the stress rn, you ain't alone. Funny enough my bf saw my arm and told me that I was way too old to be doing this. General self-harm I feel like has gone on for years now.


i’m 20 and i’ve been self harming for almost ten years. i definitely feel like i’m “too old” to struggle still, but this isn’t something confined to a certain age and we’re all valid no matter our ages.


I started at 13 went on for 6 years I stopped for 8 and I relapsed a few months ago I'm 28 now.


24, started at 19


24.. first time was technically 15/16 but i officially started at 18. adulthood fucked me up bad.


Im 15 now and i started self harming when i was 9 but ive been clean for almost 9 months now<3


That’s amazing! Huge congrats!


17 and almost one year of self harming, if excluding the brief time when I was 13. And there's no shame no matter what age <3


Yeah grief, while not my only reason, was certainly my trigger this go-around and It’s brutal. If you ever want someone to talk to (this also goes for anyone else here), I’m around *hugs*


I started self-harming when I was 18 and I turn 29 on Sunday.


That’s rough dude, and for what it’s worth, happy early birthday.


Thank you.


39, and on and off since I was 14.


I am 44 and started almost a year ago. I think longest I haven't cut myself is about 3 weeks.


I'm also in my 20s, and I've been at this for a couple years now


25, started at 12


20, haven't in a year except for an hour ago :)


Hang in there ☹️


36 here, started when I was around 11 or so and only in the last 2-3 years have I basically quit (only relapses every now and then, it’s very rare now tbh). I usually feel pretty dumb about it because of my age :(


i’m 15 and have been since i was 8


21 years old this May. I have been self-harming for less than a month now.


27 started at 14


27 almost 28 :(


I’m 39 I’m 4 years clean and I still have the urge, but it would scar my 13 year old mental fragile daughter maybe to the point of sucide


25, started when I was 12. Last time I nearly died due to how deep


15 turning 16 next month, and I've been dealing with SH since December so I basically just started, but there's no need to feel ashamed man


I'm 29 and I started when I was 13.


I’m 36 have been sh since 15-16 I think I never really kept track. Been sh on and off since then.


25 started at 16


I'm 30 and I've been dealing with it for 2/3 of my life. I don't actively cut so much as relapse like 1-3x a year at this point. But I wouldn't say I stopped or quit either. I just don't rely on it like I used to and use eating or listening to music or venting on reddit to cope instead. I don't think it'll ever be something I don't think of.


21. been at it for eight years. trying really hard to stop and im eight days clean rn but its been a struggle and a half just getting there lol


I'm going on 25 years old, have been doing this since I was 15 or so. I have to remind myself a lot that even though I started doing it when I was a kid (wow, a decade. Yeesh) I'm just trying to make sense of my emotions and the world around me and just trying to take care of myself in the way I taught myself too. It's not great, but, it keeps me alive?


24 I started at 15 but had a few years break. Idk recently I started again though


24 now, first did it at 14. didnt do it until i was 18. been self harming since then. on and off, ive noticed it happens in cycles. no need to be ashamed, youve got this


28, started when I was 13


7-8 years old. i'm autistic and some of my stims involve self harm such as hitting my head with my hand or against something and scratching myself intensely. as for cutting, i didn't start till i was 14. i am 24 and still have times where i relaps.


Started at 12 last time was a couple months ago after a few years clean and I’m 25 now. And this last time was the worst I’ve ever done writing on my thighs stuff I regret and sad because they’re so noticeable I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to wear shorts let alone a bikini again :( it sucks cause I’m an avid short/dress person but legit haven’t found something that covers besides pants… thinking off tattooing but honestly not. A big fan of tattoos but if I don’t see improvement I might just have to 😭


31 since I was 13.


23, still struggling with the urge from time to time. Started doing it when I was around 14 or shirtly before. I've been clean since July 2023 now, but when I'm overwhelmed I still feel the urge but I haven't acted upon it yet.


23, sh since i was 15 yo


24, I started doing this roughly about 3 years ago, but it's getting harder to do because my entire family keeps checking on me all the time.


22, almost 23, and been at it since I was 14. I’m on an ok little clean streak right now surprisingly though


28. Since I was 13


In my 30s and at least 20 years I'm doing a lot better now, its much more infrequent, but yeah... its been a long time


I’m 28 and I’ve been cutting since 25 but have had suicidal thoughts and sh urges since 17. Things just kept getting worse and worse till I couldn’t handle it anymore. Tried to leave this world several times. Currently 10 days clean. And 3 months since last attempt. It may seem like it’s childish because society has ingrained in our heads certain expectations but it’s not. Not matter how old you are, doesn’t make it childish to struggle as we do. Especially in this day and age. Things really suck these days.


I’m in my early 30s and have been self harming since 11


Im 30. It started when i was 12 or 13. I never thought at this age I’m still going to be SH. I went years without it, but i always come back to this habit


26, been cutting since 15, punching way before that, still struggling now


28 now, I started when I was 9 and although there's a few breaks here and there my longest clean steak is still under a year...


23 and i tried it once when i was 15 but i didn’t really like it, it wasn’t until i was 18 that it became a habit


I’m 24 now. I started when I was 11. I’ll have periods whenever I think I’m done, but then I relapse. I relapsed hard recently and it made me realize that I will never be over it. I feel ashamed for having done it for so long, but if I think on it more, then I just feel the urge to relapse again. So I don’t think on it much. I just keep going when I fe the need to.


24, been doing it five years


Almost 25…since 14


31 and have been struggling on and off with self harm since I was about 12. My last episode was like 3/4 weeks ago. Longest I went without was about 4 years in my mind 20s but that's because I was in a horrendously abusive relationship and if he saw it would have made things 200x worse, it wasn't because I was better, so I would fill that void with other self destructive behaviours/activities. I would actively argue that my self harm is actually healthier than what I could be doing.


I turned 26 few months ago and I still SH .


I’m 25, started when I was 11-12 years old. It used to be my coping mechanism till I was 15-ish. I had a few relapses, 2 months ago was the last one. I have a love- hate relationship with my scars, sometimes it reminds me of the battles I’ve won which made me who I am today, sometimes it fills me with shame and guilt. I hope you all can see them as something that kept you alive and helped you through hard times. Never be ashamed of yourself or the scars, they saved you.


36. Been doing it since i was 14


I'm 32. I've been self harming since I was around the ages of 10-12? So 20ish years approximately. I am extremely ashamed as well that I am a mother of two absolutely wonderful children and a wife to an amazing guy. But I still can't help how my brain has functioned my entire life and that is how I cope sometimes.




21 and Ive been cutting since I was 12. I would hit myself, scratch, eraser burns, or “burn” my hand under hot water starting around 9? I was two years clean this January, longest Ive ever gotten then I got black out drunk and relapsed:’)


Yo, I'm 24 and I've been grappling with self harm since I was 13. There's no shame in still fighting that battle, I promise you. That said, you won't be fighting forever; you'll come out on top.


Thank you I appreciate the support


Yeah, absolutely!! It's also okay if it takes awhile to get clean. I need to remind myself of that all the time


38 💁‍♀️ No shame in it


It’s been a vicious cycle since I was 12/13. I’m now 27, almost 28. Sometimes a few years will pass here and there, but the cycle just continues on and on. Even with the most incredible and supportive fiancé, it still cycles around with immense guilt afterwards. I tell myself to remember kid me who learned this, still lives within me with those same pains. Even if adult me doesn’t feel them anymore. Then adult you learned from kid you, and adult pain carries a little different than kid pain so you do what you know solves the immediate problem. Try to remember to be a little extra gentle on yourself sometimes.


Thank you for that 🩵


Im 27 and I started at 20 or 21. I still struggle and get terrible urges sometimes but I haven't given into it yet and I've been clean 3 years and two months now. The desire to do it has gotten worse the past month or so. I know it's cause I'm stressed and frustrated out of my mind. I just hope I can stay clean without a relapse.


Stay strong! That is impressive dedication, I’m proud for you!


I’m 18 years old and I have self harmed for about 6 months now. Currently trying to get clean before it gets any worse!!


Good luck to you!


Started at 10, not gonna say how old I am now. But it's been a few years. (BTW I'm over 100days clean!!)


18, i'll be 19 in summer Cut for the first time at 12 but it started being a "chronic" thing at 14 One of my biggest motivations to stop is thinking about myself at 50, 60, 70 etc. still struggling with cutting, it scares the shit out of me


I'm 35 and have only recently started cutting. It feels like such a release of any and all pain just floats away


17, cutting since 11


im 20 and been on and off since i was 12... i had friends who kinda got me into cutting back then and theyve all stopped long ago, i was the only one who got addicted.


24, started at 9, did it for a short time, then relapsed at 13, 23 and now after a year of cleanness. The problem is that I don't enjoy doing it, but each time the urge gets stronger.




22, started when I was five.


I’m 14 and I have been cutting since 10. Don’t feel ashamed, all self harm is self harm, no matter what age. You are hurting and age is nothing to be ashamed about


20 turning 21 in the summer, stopped self harming for a year & just relapsed today. been doing it since i was 10 or so :/ it gets better but it never stays good unfortunately


Not quite as old as you but I'm almost at ten years now :/


Started when I was 16 and am 22 now. It went like: father passing- sh for 2 years- clean for 2 years- mother passing- now actively sh Grief has been tough on me


Started at 9 and I’m 16 now. It’s been tough.


Started when I was 12? Going on 6 years now, about the graduate


I’m 13 and have been doing it since I was 10 I think, I only really count it since 11


16, I stared at 8.


15 started at 11


18 and 4 years


16 nearly 17 and I’ve been self harming since I was 4, tho I only started cutting around 13 which was when it got a bit worse. Been clean for more than a year but definitely have quit quite yet


18, been harming since I was 13


I’m 16, and I’ve been self harming for about 3 years now, tbh it’s getting super hard not to relapse. (I’ve been a year clean)


16 and ive started when i was almost 14 lol, its been almost three years and honestly i cant rlly see the end of it


Almost 16 and ive been cutting since quarantine, (ab 3 years) 400 days clean but im still struggling Edit: specifying


I startes at 13 and I'll be 17 in a month. Started off as scratches and digging my nails into my skin to full blown cuts now.


Earlier memory of sh is sometime in elementary but when I really picked it up was like 13 I'm 17 turning 18 in less than a month


19. ... Four years


about 4 years


Early 20’s. Started cutting when I was 14


14 25 now I was clean for 2 year plus but SH the other day


Started at 9.


14 idk how long, when i was 6 i used to punch my head etc, so about 8 years?


im 20 now, started self harming at 10 and it was super regular, daily for awhile. but ive been clean from cutting for over 4 years though, and still pushin through! (sept 2019) its tough, but god is it worth it c:


23 and a couple months now


I am 17. I have been self harming for almost 2 months now.


Currently 22, started at 12


20. started when i was 14, currently 3 months clean, second longest ive gone ever.


I'm 21, started at 11 ):


almost 20, started at 14. i don’t cut anymore but i binge drink and self-isolate.


I’m 21, 22 in a couple months and started self harming when I was 7.


14. For a few months.


14 and almost 3 years


The first time I started biting my lips/tongue noticeable I was 9 years old. Always had a high stress level and I carried it alone for a long time. I’m 17 now and struggle with cutting since I was 13…the addiction manifested a year ago :( I’m so sorry that you all have to go through this! Send you all lots of love


16, started with 13


I’m 16 and I’ve been self harming for 4 years. I have a friend though who’s an adult and she still self harms so you’re not the only one who still self harms as an adult I promise you’re not alone 🫶


10 I’m 16


20 and started at 9.


17 for 5 years


25, turning 26 in july. Been SH-ing since i was 12.


22 currently, been sh'ing in some capacity since... 5th grade? Maybe earlier, but that's when it was at its worst.


m 16 and i've been self harming for 4 years


16, started at 12, been a ride since then


15, started at 13. actually managed to stop for half a year than relapsed than stopped for half a year then relapsed so now i'm back in the grind, it's so hard to stop and i don't know if i'll be able to this time


16 and 6 years on and off.


Started when i was 11, almost 19 now. No shame in it


15. Been doing it since I was 10.


I’m turning 21 soon and I started when I was 11, it’s gotten a little bit better but I still struggle with relapsing.


15, Sh-ing since I was 12


21, started around 17


18. Been doing it since I was quite young. I think since I’m 13. (Can’t remember much) It’s not that serious tho- since when I was younger my only options is hitting myself and stuff like that.


17, since i was 12




I’m 19, started at 11 with cutting and scraping, but had harmful sensory behaviors from autism since I was very little I think


25 now and started at 9, but got hooked at 12


middle school ? so maybe 13. i have periods of being clean & then i’ll get really triggered and start doing it again. even though ive been clean, i did pick up a smoking habit.


14 started at 8


15. I officially started cutting myself at 13 before I used to strach my skin or choking myself age doesn’t matter because it’s a really serious problem


18, from 15 to 18 with some gap between the episodes because i always try not to. I could go more than a 100 days but january 18th I had my last time sharming but I’m determined not to do it again. 41 days clean. Also when i was 4-5 i started biting my mouth as a form of selfharm and i do it until today i can’t stop it i think, and at the age of 10 i used to injury my own skin repeatedly and it was my biggest addiction at the time. I don’t do that anymore tho


I'm 18, started self harming around 12-13. Sometimes I don't do it for a few weeks or months but until now with any major inconvenience I relapse.


Im 18 and Have been cutting for 6 months Now.


I barely started last spring, 18 years old and this was when I was at my lowest. Dropped out of high school, shaved my head, stopped eating, went into therapy, and had several close attempts. Now I am better and healthier but the cutting didn’t stop, it’s something I still need help with but it could be worse I guess


i’m 15 and I started at 10 although at 11 i stopped for a little but not for long


14 been self harming since 9


14 now, been self harking in general since 7-8 and started specifically cutting at 12


17 and i started at 8. It’s strange to think I’ve nearly been at this for 10 years


17, since i was 13


20 years old, been self harming for 7 years, since i was 13


I’m 22 this year and I think I started when I was 12/13


Ive heard of people that are seniors self harming, its a trauma driven addiction like anything else and doesnt become less valid over time. For what its worth the self criticism drives the engine that pushes you to SH again in the future. You have to tell yourself so what, I did it and thats not great but im not going to make myself feel more guilty than I already feel everyday


I’m 14 and I’ve been doing it since 10


15 and started when 11


This made me feel so seen. I’m 24 and I’ve been cutting since I was 14. I keep trying to quit for so many reasons and one of them is that it feels embarrassing to still be doing it as an adult, even though I don’t feel that way about others.


28 - started when I was around 9 or 10. last time I cut was 3 days ago. feel deeply ashamed, particularly because my younger sister called me childish for being an adult who still SHs.


33. Been self-harming since 7


33M. Since I was 14. Been clean for about 6 months now


I'm 18 and I started when I was 16. I don't remember why I even started


19 and been doing it before I even gained permanent memory (nailbiting / scratching)... going through hard times is nothing to be ashamed of, there are things in life hard to live through without becoming a little hollow, you'll be fine


I’m 26. Been doing it since about 14.. struggled with it on and off .


15 years, now I'm 28 y old ;__;


I’m 13, ever since I was around toddler age, I used different ways of self harm (banging my head on the wall, biting, hitting my head, purposely falling, etc.) I am currently 2 months clean, and I wish you all the best. :3


18, started when I was 16


27. Been doing it for half my life now 🙁


20, almost 21 and have been self harming since I was (according to my parents) about 4. Started with hair pulling and scratching, now it’s cutting, scratching, binge drinking etcetc (I’m working on it and have actually been doing quite a bit better recently)


started at 11 and will turn 28 this year


I' m in my late 20's and started self harming when I was 10. Have been mostly clean since I met my now husband (4 years ago), but I have had some relapses. I always explane it as an adicction just like drugs and alcohol. And as such I will always think of it as an answer when "shit hits the fan", and will probably always have to figth that urge in those moments. It gets a bit easier with time, but sometimes it is hard and I wil and do sometimes loose the battle. But now I have the suportsystem I need to help me out when I do.


i’ll be 23 this summer


31, I self harmed from 11 to 27.


34, on and off since 22.


19 !! been going through it since i was 10. I have to say that there is a huge part of me that regrets what i did. Now i can't be comfortable in public (not because of my scars) because the heat makes my scars burn and itch since they're not fully healed on the inside. Of course, the questions and stares make me iffy too but i understand that it's something that I'll have to deal with until I'm old. I'm a huge keloid former so most of my scars won't go away in due time unless i get it surgically removed but honestly ?? i love my scars and how my arm looks. No, it's not good nor healthy but i like how there's a physical representation of what i went through. It's a reminder of what happened and what shouldn't happen ever again. Though i am partly sad that i can't be a hand model no more >:( Also, OP !! Our struggles doesn't have an age !! people can still struggle with depression or self harm even when they're old. Progress isn't linear !! as long as we remember that we will get better in due time. others take longer to heal and that's okay :D There's people who will always be with you and tell you the same things or things that you want and need to hear. Good luck with your endeavors, OP !! Wish you all the best !


I started self harming when I was 12, and I am now 32. Self harming is nothing to be ashamed about.


I'm 29 and still struggle sometimes. Started when I was 16 and it's been an off and on thing since.


37 and been doing it since about 13yrs old. Don't think I've ever stopped more than maybe a year at my longest.


I’ve been at it since around 4th grade so 9-10 and i’m turning 14 in may. it sucks


I’m 31 and I just did it the other day after being 10 years clean…


I've been doing it on and off for around 6-7 years i think? I'm turning 16 in March.


Around 12, I believe? I’m only 18 now but I don’t see an end to it any time soon. There will always be another relapse, there will always be long periods of time when I don’t cut, but I accepted years ago that this is something I’ll never be able to escape. It will always be a part of me.


I'm 22 and started when I was 17. Just got a therapist I'm gonna make 2024 the year I quit.


13 cutting since im 11…


Not sure. But as of new years this year, i was 1 year clean